Star Army

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RP: 188604 The Lizards do Doomfort

  • Thread starter Thread starter Edto Xar'Sivaree
  • Start date Start date

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Fort Gleipnir, Tarmac.

Zahen stepped onto the the landing strip, her talons clicking against the tarmac under her feet. She had felt a little weird being on a Military Base that wasn't run by the VDTF. The lack of the faceless appearance of suited Vekimen wearig combat suits with SSA's just made her a little uneasy. Sure, they were soldiers none the less, but did they even realize she was a ranking officer? Rather high ranking?

She started to walk directly to the side, obviously followed by two soliers making sure she didn't snoop about. Despite her coming with Arccos's word behid her, she still needed a escort.

Zahen didn't get far before a tall Nepleslian called out to her. She couldn't hear what he said but he began walking towards her. As he got closer he called again. "You would be Zahen yes?!?" The man called again.

Zahen looked at the person with the cybernetics. They knew her obviously, and he was vaugly recognizable to her, but she wasn't very good with faces. "Yes, I am Khysze Zahen Lak'Sivaro. May I ask who it is I am being greeted by?" She asked.

Cyrus walked up. "Cyrus Marshal Founder and CEO of Ragnarock. Sky Marshal I guess would be my equivalent rank." He said stoping infront of Zahen. "I hear you wanted to speak with me?"

Zahe looked around. "That would depend on what rank you are, and the kind of military you were part of" She explained. "Quite the fort you have, but if we could go somewhere quiet before continuing, my skeleton is about to vibrate out of my body" She explained, poiting to the obvious lack of ears.

Cyrus motioned to follow him. As he began to walk, four personal bodyguards followed behind him, plus the two that followed Zahen. Cyrus led the group through the base and to the main command bunker. Once there they took an elevator up to Cyrus's private office. He ushered her inside, two of his guards following him in, two staying outside. "Please sit." He said motioning to a chair infront of his desk.

Zahen felt much better now that they weren't on an air field. Following along she made sure to examine the base as inconsicuously as possible. She was a little surprised at how large the vets to the pace were. She could almost fit /two/ Vekimen in them!

Still, she entere the office, and looked at the chair that she was offered. She blinked, sighing. Grabbing the chair, she flipped it, straddling so that her tail was free to move about. A rather casual pose for such a conversation, but she couln't help her biology. "Now then... I am here to see you, Cyrus, regardig some... Issues you are having with something my kind would call food... hanging out in the mountain... Yes?" She asked.

Cyrus sat and looked to Zahen. "Ah you must be talking about the fort raid." He said steepling his fingers. If he was boothered by Zahen's statment, he didn't show it. "What is it you wish to discuss about the raid?" He asked

"The fact that my Vekimen could be a highly valuable asset. We are what I am starting to view as naturally made bioweapons. We can see in the dark, as well as infrared. We have a natural neurotoxin venom that will allow us to incapacitate, and an oral bacteria that would be able to liquify a large roast in a few minutes" She explained, playing with one of her claws.

"Oh, we can also dig, fit into places we really don't look like we should aaannnndd we are effective shock troops. Shock and Awe, Fear of Gods, all that sort of stuff. Fielding us could actually make the rebels think twice before causing problems. Only thing stopping me from sending five or six hundred Vekimen to kill their bellies is that there are people in there you want... Alive" She explained coolly.

Cyrus simply listened as Zahen spoke. "I see" He said finally. "Yes we need the hostages and the leader alive." He said looking at the Vekimen. "I would be happy to have your troops lend a hand, but can they follow the rules of engagment? If not, I will not feild them." He stated flatly

"Depends on the rules of engagement. If you want and area cleared, that's easy. More delicate work? Well I have soldiers who are trained. I can garuntee you, I could have a team of five or ten Vekimen in that base and out with the hostages in a few hours. Maybe the base command, /if/ you can get me more of this Hemosynth Nanobot tech that me and my brother have been using, I can get the leader as well. The Venom and the Bacteria are seperate, and I believe two full grown Vekimen dosing up the leader will put him into a temporary coma. Which... I can wake him up from?" She offered, holding up a hand as if it was a questioning suggestion. A coy look really.

Cyrus thought for a moment. "The rules of engagment are to neutralize all defenders, leave all non combatants alive, capture the leader at all costs. Those are the only rules." He said. "However I would prefer we run our operation in tandom. You inflitrate the underground, while we continue with the original plans."

Zahen thought about it. "How many soldiers are you expecting? How well trained are they, and what kind of tech do they have?" She asked, reaching over to grab a peice of paper and a pen. "Analogue... Interesting" She said, placing it own. "Care to give me an idea of what we would be dealing with?" She asked.

"Close to 500 defenders, all armed with improvised shotguns and cannons. They are well entrentched and are waiting for this attack. Their tech level is low, but they are tenacious fighters." He explained.

Zahen started scribbling down what was being said. She started doing some odd form of math that was ifficult to decipher, before dropping the pen. "Moral is important. What are your plans?"

"Jump from high altitude with Power armor and hit the landing zone quickly. We will then begin ferrying the rest of our soldiers through the captured LZ. From their we push into the fort from the surface." He said giving the simplified version. "I can send you a full combat report later." He added

Zahen thought about that whole idea, picking the pen back up and tapping it on the table. "Why ferry them in from the surface? You have seen how well the Vekimen dig. The fort wouldn't have anything to read vibrations or sounds under the ground. What about a tunnel under the fort for the troops to filter in from inside, and outside?" She asked, pushing the other side of the paper. "Draw the arial of the fortress please" She asked.

Cyrus nodded. "I can do better than that." He grabbed a small cube shaped device and placed it on his desk. When he activated it a 3d bleprint of the base appeared. "We hav designed this though Sonar, radar, IR, the works." He said pointing out all the features of the fort.

Zahe looked at the blue print, then at a tunnel that led underneat the structure. "Uhm... What is that tunnel? Is it guarded?" She asked, tilting her head. "Because if it isn't... I don't see why I can't send m Vekimen through that" She said, looking back over at Cyrus.

"The network of tunnels are sure to be crawling with men, supplies, and noncombatants." He said calmy as he spun the blueprint so she could see the cave network better.

"You make this sound like a Vekimen cannot hide in the dark. We live and breath the dark Cyrus. If I am not clearing out the base entirely, I will not be sending in untrained troops. These will be professionals" She explained. "However... You will have to account for some... Collateral. We can't exactly have someone giving the team away" She explained.

Cyrus shook his head annoyed. "I am only answering your question. We need to save the captured POWs, slaves, and catch Lewis. I know there will be casulaties, but we have to come up with the best plan that minimzes casualities." He stated calmly.

Zahen nodded. "Best laid plans often end in disaster. What casualties are we talking here? Civilians are going to likely die, it happens in any fight. Whether it be by their fire or ours. Non-Combatants, at least by Vekimen Doctrine, are expendable unless held against their will. Then, we try to avoid killing them at all costs. Given they would likely help more than hinder, we can usually avoid that. It's those who are loyal to your enemies I worry about. Identifying non-combatants is all fine and well, but what f those you identify as such pick up a gun? Join the fight against you?" She asked, leaning back to think.

"Maybe your kind just cares about life too much. While I would rather stay alive, and those I am fond of stay alive, I also don't mind much if I, or anyone else really were to die. Too many vekimen have died in the last millenia, in too many stupid ways for us to form any real connection with the living. Cultural differeces and such. Just know, that stealth is what my kind will do, and if you want a stealth team inside to cause eve more problems and even extract the targets you wat while you and your PA's go rod of god on the rebels, you will have to understand we are inherently different" She warned. "We are built to kill after all, unlike your kind"

Cyrus leaned back and looked thoughtful. "I understand this." He began. "However this is as much PR as it is eliminating a target. If we go in and just wipe every living soul out, all we do is get the locals upset, and we are back to square one. All I am saying as that your strike team would have to be careful. If we lose a noncombatant or slave or the VIP then our public relations take a hit and we might have a new uprising." He said. "I know that there will be casulaties. However we still have to plan to save as most lives a possible." He reiterated.

"Then I do not see the problem. Vekimen go in, kill who needs to die, and leave the rest alone, extract the VIP's while you and yours deal with the main forces, and once we get out, you do what you want. No scales off my snout. As long as we are on the same page, the Vekimen are securing the targets" She said, her tone more questioning than anything. The Vekimen doing this would be a big help to her. Show the VDTF could do more than just swarm a target and kill everything. "I have loadouts and everything prepared actually. Worked on it while I was travelling here, using only equipment my Vekimen brought. IF you would like to give us any... Advantages, I might see to having a research team look it over and turn it for Vekimen use"

Cyrus finally sighed then nodded. "Alright. Have your research team work with my analysts. They can get the fine details hammered out." He said looking to Zahen.

"Good. We will still be using the tunnels. Why dig a whole new set when we can just use the ones already there?"

"Because we are seeling the exit's to there tunnels to cut off any avenues of escape. I would suggest diging a new tunnel that connects to one of theirs." He replied.

"That would be an idea, or we could just seal the tunnels. We can set charges to just collapse the entire main passage. At that point, we just kill anyone who get in our way who isn't begging for their lives and unarmed" She stated. "You would never have to worry about what is happening under your feet, becase we would be dealing with it"

Cyrus nodded. "That is the gist of it..." He said standing. "It has been a pleasure Zahen. I can have the gunships take you back." He offered.

Zahen tilted her head. "So soon? For the first time we've met, I thought there would be a touch more commodity. Or is my... Lack of attire putting you off?" She asked, looking down at herself. She was teasing, but he didn't need to know that.

Cyrus shook his head with a small smile. "No, nothing of the sort. Just a lot of planning and the like." He replied.

Zahen shrugged. "Well, then I guess I will leave you to that planning. When should I have my people ready? Also, a transport would be nice. I would rather not have them walking to the mountain" She added.

"Of course, transport will be waiting, and I will have a final attack date for you soon." As he said this, the USO resident Spy Master stormed in. "Raphael can I help you?" Cyrus asked the tall Elysian.

"We have a problem. I'll explain on the way." He said looking to the Merc leader.

Cyrus jumped up and moved to follow. "Zahen, the men will take you to the shuttle. We will be in touch." He said racing after the tall Elysian.