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RP: YSS Destiny The Mayors Arrival

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Inactive Member
"Captain, I thought you might want to know that the ship carrying the mayor is going to arrive in around 10 minutes. I was wondering if you wanted to greet him." The AI's message was displayed in Arild's consciousness, since he was still in deep bio-neural interface, watching over the ship.

The mayor. he would be in charge of all the civilians and the colonists, one of the most important people on the ship, and so it would make sense to greet him. Arild disconnected himself from the computer, feeling a strange sensation as the cables disconnected from his neck and spine. Standing up and stretching he headed to the transportation capsule. It was still a strange feeling that his joints no longer complained when he moved, one of the main advantages of his new body. He did miss his old body though, its old aches, how he knew it so well, and all he had done with it. He sighed.

Entering the capsule, he did not even need to say the destination, the AI having it worked out anyway, and within a matter of seconds, the doors opened in front of an empty bay.

"I cleared the bay for the importance of the visitor." The AI said, appearing as a well dressed young man behind the captains left shoulder, "He will be arriving in a matter of minutes."

Arild nodded "So how are things AI?" He asked, wishing to pass the time agreeably.

"Fine. Had some problem with one of the colonist's mess', an extreme version of a food fight, but some high powered hoses that Ephesus had installed saw that it didn't get out of hand. Two of them are in need of medical attention though. Other than that nothing really interesting, Ephesus keeps on deliberately hinting at this big thing that he's developing, but I'm doing my best to ignore him." The AI said absent mindedly, staring at the open bay doors, the shield being the only thing stopping them being sucked into vacuum.

"Good. Tell me if the Elysian scum is giving you any trouble and I'll have him court-martialled." Arild sounded quite happy at this notion.

"No sir, I don't think that will be necessary." The AI didn't want to point out that Ephesus couldn't be court-martialled due to him not being a part of the SA, but since he could still remove his position, it didn't really make much difference. "He's a very talented scientist, and it would be unfortunate for us to loose his expertise."

"Talented scientist or not, he's still Elysian, and still scum." Arild said stubbornly. He'd lived most of his life under the hatred of Elysians, and very little that the AI could say would change his mind.

"Yes sir," The AI saw the captains opinion, and couldn't be bothered to change it, "They mayors craft is here."

In front of them a shuttle came into view, swooping gracefully into the bay, the shields parting for it. It settled down on the floor, and the hatch slid open slowly. There was silence for a moment. Then a huge man came out from the shuttle. Standing seven feet tall, and built in such a way to make him look huge and well built. He had a shock of black hair, chaotic looking, and on his face was a content smile.

"Hello!" The man cried, in a huge and enthusiastic voice, "I am the mayor, Harold Das, and you must be the Captain, Arild Bard if remember correctly." the Mayor strode forward his hand outstretched.

Arild took his hand to shake it, and winced as the mayor returned the hand shake, he did not appear muscular, but his handshake revealed a casual strength that far surpassed Arilds. "Very nice to meet you mayor; you are correct, I am the captain, and this is the AI." He gestured at the figure standing next to him.

"Hello your grace, I've read your file, very impressive." The AI said smoothly.

"Thank you, I'm very proud of it." The mayor laughed loudly.

"Did you find your trip satisfactory?â€
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