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RP The Measure of Valor: Yingzi's Height Dilemma


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RP Date
YE 45.4
RP Location
YSS Mazu
YSS Mazu
Yingzi's Cabin

YE 45.4.1

In the dimly lit cabin aboard the YSS Mazu, Radcliff Yingzi sat ensconced in a cocoon of data screens, each flickering with the latest academic papers on pathology. Her eyes darted across the text, absorbing complex theories and recent discoveries, a sanctuary of knowledge that momentarily eclipsed the looming uncertainty of her military future. The room was a study in contrasts: the sterile, metallic walls of the ship juxtaposed against the rich complexity of biological systems she was reading about.

Her digital mind implant allowed her to sift through the dense material at an accelerated pace, but even the allure of scientific inquiry couldn't entirely dispel the knot of apprehension tightening in her chest. In a few moments, she would be on a volumetric call with Nito Heisho Yoshinaga Narumi, a conversation that could very well decide the trajectory of her career in the Star Army of Yamatai. The issue was not her competence or her dedication, but a single centimeter of height that she lacked—a centimeter that stood between her and the fulfillment of her duties as she saw them.

As she waited, her gaze shifted from the academic text to the Star Army insignia displayed on another screen. It was a symbol that meant different things to different people: honor, duty, a chance for redemption, or a path to personal glory. For Yingzi, it was a complex tapestry of identity and aspiration, a commitment to prove that Nepleslian Reds like her were more than just the sum of their genetic code. Devoting all of her time to expanding her knowledge to prove that kept her anxiety down to a minimum.

The soft chime of an incoming call broke all of that. It was time to face the music, to articulate not just her worth, but the worth of every individual who found themselves on the margins of regulation. With a steadying breath, she minimized the academic papers and activated the volumetric communication system. The cabin's atmosphere seemed to thicken, charged with the weight of decisions yet to be made. Or perhaps it was the multitude of volumetric screens Yingzi had closed down in order to focus her entire attention on the volumetric projection of Nito Heisho Yoshinaga Harumi looking Yingzi square in the eye with a smile. Narumi bowed her head towards Yingzi before she begun speaking.

"Shoi Radcliff Yingzi, this is Nito Heisho Yoshinaga Narumi from SA Personnel Command. I've received your SA FORM 201 regarding your wish to resign due to not meeting the minimum height requirements. I apologize in the delay in getting back to you to confirm receipt of your request for resignation. Before we process your resignation request, I wish to discuss a number of options available to you that allow you to continue your valuable service to the Yamatai Star Empire.

"First, there's the possibility of transferring you to a different branch or department of the Empire such as the Department of Health and Medicine where the height requirements do not exist. This would allow you to continue serving, but in a different capacity. Second, we could explore roles within the Star Army that align with your skills and abilities but have exemptions for the height requirement. Last, there's the option of applying for an exception based waiver on your performance or unique circumstances. You've served for over a year and even qualify for promotion, which speaks volumes about your dedication. What do you think of these options?"

Yingzi shifted a bit in the location she was sitting at. She was clearly in distress as she thought the Star Army had forgotten about the fact that she was a centimeter under the minimum height requirements. When she got the message to requesting a scheduled conference call to discuss how to proceed forward the anxiety of what is right had returned. She should have known the at Star Army never forgets.

She had signed up to serve within the Star Army of Yamatai for a number of reasons. First of them was that she wanted a change to get her hands dirty and actually apply her skills instead of laboring in some faux medical on Fujiko, with her luck. The other was she wanted to join in the effort to show the world not all Nepleslian Reds (largely clones) were agents of chaos that only knew how to fight for losing causes.

But at the same time she was a Nepleslian Red, even if she was a new generation of clones. The sense of individualism was muted within her compared to past generations, but it still remained. Coming in and now being told that she needed to be taller despite only being that height due to genetics stung to her. There was no way she was going to resleeve into a Neko or Minkan body. While she respected the species, she believed she was Nepleslian at her core and remain as such.

"I was unaware of any possible exemptions within the Star Army in regard to the Mistress Taisho's Memorandum #2 of YE 45. That certainly changes the math a bit. I have started to feel like I belong over at the YSS Mazu. Thus I am not sure I willing to request a transfer to DHM or another job within the Star Army of Yamatai." Yingzi said, shifting in her seat again seeming to come to a realization to her choice in the matter.

"I wish to request a waiver to the minimum height requirements, Nito Heisho. If that fails, then I option to change my occupation to something else suitable to my skills as a pathologist." Yingzi continued.

"Understood, Shoi . If you feel strongly that your current placement on the YSS Mazu is where you can make the most impact, then pursuing a waiver for the height requirement seems to be the most fitting course of action. The first step will be to contact your first line supervisor to initiate the process. It then has to be signed by your fleet's commanding officer who will have the finished waiver with a statement on why you are deserving of the waiver. Depending on when we receive it, the waiver's decision should be made by the end of this month." Narumi said, explaining what Yingzi needed to do. Just then, a notification indicator popped up on Yingzi's digital mind UI showing that she had received a file.

"I have forwarded the form to your service inbox. Fill out the indicated fields intended for yourself to fill out and the reasoning for the waiver. Once this is all cleared, I will work on removing the administration flag on your profile preventing approval of promotions and other adverse effects. Are there any questions Shoi?" Narumi said as she prepared to end the conference call. Yingzi simply shook her head no. If she did require more information, she had the know-how on how to find it.

"With that, I am going to end this call. Again, Star Army Personnel thanks you for your dedication and hard work Shoi. Have a good week!" Narumi said. With another bow of her head, the Neko's image disappeared in front of Yingzi. She recalled the volumetric screens before and continued her studies once more, though a bit slower this time as a portion of her mind was not segmented away to prepare her paperwork to be sent to Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi.

There was hope for Yingzi after all.
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