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RP: New Dusk Conclave The New Recruit

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 2 days after S6 departure.
RP Location
S6S-Anvil: Temp Command Office
Talih stood infront of the large door that'd lead to Mark Oaklen's office. Her tail swaying behind her and her ears at attention as she waited. She was nervous after all, both still due to the entire situation that had the ship's crew occupied. And due to the fact she was still on a ship.

Holding her hand on the pistol Seraphina gave her, it was of litte comfort. She wasn't a fan of weaponry, not a fan of guns. But it was a gift nonetheless. One she would cherish, one that'd keep her safe, no doubt. But it couldn't compare to her touch. But alas, this was something she had to do alone.

To call it an office was putting it generously, as it really wasn't much of one. Just left over compartment space from the conversion of labs to more quarters. It was filled with spare equipment from every department. Stacks of weapons, unused terminals, parts for whatever, lab equipment, and even the large equipment crates that acted as the two Commanders' "desks" as they were.

Mark was currently inside working on reports, and going over data, finalizing plans as their destination drew closer. The raven haired man paused, deep blue eyes blinking before turning to the door at the sound of a knock.

"Come in.", Mark offered as he set aside the pad he had, as well as putting the terminal in sleep mode that he had been synced to for his work.

Talih slowly pushed open the door as she heard the muffled invitation. Closing it behind her. Several things Mark would note was that she was barefoot. Her eyes were dulled slightly, faint and clouded, as if she was sick. The markings on her arms were a deep navy, as opposed to the radiant blue. "Mister Oaklen, I hope I'm not intruding?" Talih spoke with a soft breath. Waiting for the man to invite her in further.

Her appearance concerned him, as she did not look well, "No not at all. Here have a seat, you aren't looking too well."

"Thank you," she answered, moving inwards and taking a seat. "I-... It's the ship," she admitted with a soft breath. "Not just-... This ship, any ship. There's no," she gestured one hand hesitantly. "No solid ground... Just metal," she answered with a soft breath. "But that's not why I'm here. I... Want to join the military."

Mark's brow furrowed, "Hopefully we can land and get under your feet soon. Just one more day, so hang in there. As for enlistment. Are you sure that is what you want? This choice seems rather sudden. What's the reason?"

"I was there, during the attack," she held her own arm, squeezing it softly. "I could've helped, I could've protected people. But I was scared, I fled." She exhaled a soft breath. "Even if it was just one life, it was worth saving. I don't want to be scared. I want to protect my home." The Daur took a deep breath to steady herself. "I know... Koroleva's on board somewhere, I know Neon is, we talked." She scraped her throat. "I'm... Like them. We were created in the same project. I have such powers too. I want to use them to protect."

"And that's good. Use what they gave you for good reasons, not their demented ones. I want to see you be strong and brave. I also know you have the perfect motivator.", Mark replied giving a sympathetic smile as he leaned back in the chair.

"I never forget a custom piece I've worked on. After all, I gave that pistol to Sera and taught her how to use it. She wanted it for the same reason you want to enlist."

He paused a moment before continuing, "It might surprise you, but I am also a product of Psychopomp. Well more in the sense then you might think. I was made in a tank, and was meant to be a tool of war. A mass produceable soldier. But I took my freedom and changed what I was, using the skills they gave me to do all this....I guess what I'm saying is I understand, I've been in that boat, and a couple of others that you'd never think."

A soft breath came from Talih as she listened. Nodding, but not saying a word as Mark confided in her. A sympathetic smile on her face. "I'm not who I was there. I'd much rather forget," she offered with the same smile. "I'm sure you know what Koroleva's ability entails and just how strong she actually is. You also should have my files." She took a deep breath. "Thank you, mister Oaklen. For listening. And for trusting me. I won't disappoint."

"I'm confident you won't......and Yeah being hit point blank with lightning wasn't fun. Then again not every guy can say he met his girlfriend getting thunder struck by her.", He said with a chuckle after giving her the confident statement.

"You start tomorrow, and the quarter master will be waiting to get you fitted for your gear."

"Gi-Girlfriend?" Talih asked with a frown, before letting out a soft cough. Shaking her head. "She may've calmed down a bit, then." She added with a shrug, before nodding. "Understood, mister Pine. Thank you and have a wonderful day." She concluded with a nod. Taking several steps backwards, before leaving.
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