Star Army

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RP The Origins of Ayla Knight and her Relationships


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RP Date
35日 9月 YE 20 to current time
RP Location
Osman, then Sirris Vi
As the Freespacer ship got hit by Aether Weapons, the Cyborg pilot inside shook as she tried with futility to fight back against those who would do her harm, Her shields were going down, taken hits by Aether weapons and impacts from debris from ship and rock. Finally, shrapnel penetrated her ship, fires formed, the lights dimmed and turned red, shrapnel entered, and got her, hard forcing her to release her control as she fell back on the seat. The ship spiraled and then drifted away, ignored by Yamatai due to the other ships and the anomaly shielding her from being detected.

Finally, there was peace, but the young girl groaned in pain and anguish as she tried with a blurry vision to remove the damaged shrapnel from her body. Power began turning off, everything but the lift support leaving her drifting off into space, away from the battle, away from her people, and closer unexpectedly to safety. To people that could help her, and possibly to someone she could flirt with.

As time passed by, the ship drifted and pushed around by Space’s radiation, and space born creatures.

Dormant for years, the ship was carried far, as empires changed and new wars raged. The universe seemed to pass the spacer girl by, eventually collecting with other debris. One that seemed to be the sector's waist bin of ancient wrecks and remains.

The search for particular detritus brought a few ships and crews out there in curiosity of what could be used. Pods were dispersed, umbilicals extending as they would supply power and air for the hours of work ahead. However, one bay held not a salvage pod,.......but a mech.

Screens turned on, one by one to show dark hangar interior, a final check given. A silent rumble followed as the old hangar doors swung open from top and bottom like ramps. Zeke eased the controls forward on the borrowed Kirin, a loan from sergeant Tazar.

Thrust carried it into space, the tether pulling taunt before releasing, he was then cruising through the debris for anything that looked useful.

Around him, his fellow salvagers worked, pulling part debris to look at what they could use. A debris got loose and flew, hitting another debris, causing a vibration, that shook the severely damaged space girl. She felt the vibrations, causing mechanical optics to glow faintly as she tried to look over, hoping that the vibrations she was feeling, while strapped to the seat weren’t all in her head.

She could barely see out, but she saw something, ships that didn’t look Yamataian fly by the crevice that she saw. These might not be Yamataians, but she didn’t know if they were pirates, but she chose not to care. She was weak.

Weak, but her self-preservation was strong. She lifted her hand causing further sparks. She was certain now the shadow she was seeing with her low power optics couldn’t be her imagination. She kept jamming a button a certain way, repeatedly, Morse code. "Over here", the message repeated. "please help me over here”

Zeke's helmeted head turned, panning across his screens, looking at all the broken pieces before him until the system of an unknown signal lit up on his center screen. A quick search gave him the general direction, the freespacer seeing the mech's singular red optic turning their general direction. A moment later the rest of the body followed, the machine was now fully cruising towards the general location of the ship.

The emotion, the feeling that the Freespacer began feeling was Hope, true unadulterated hope. Someone heard her message, and they were coming closer towards her. She saw the red optic, and she knew they weren’t Yamataian, but at that moment she didn’t care. “Yes, keep coming closer” the Morse code transmitted.

She wished she can show off some light, something more to catch attention, but the Morse code would have to suffice. Soon he would be close enough that he could see the hole and the Freespacer inside the damaged ship. Her hands lifted, one showing the peace sign while the other waved. Sparks also visible, the crushed and damaged torso, and the somewhat dim optics of her eyes.

The machine passed closer and closer until the signs point to the closest craft. That red optic scanned over the vessel, pausing at the hole in the hull where the bridge would be. The pilot blinking his eyes in disbelief, a woman!......somehow alive despite being exposed to the vacuum of space.

Zooming in answered why as it became clear they were a spacer, very little organic left in them to worry about. But that was beside the point as Zeke deployed his feather drones, launching grappling tethers to the hulk before collectively tugging away.

"Hey Jay? We got a live one here.", The pilot spoke as he reported in.

".....what? A Hades leftover?"

"No, ship and individual are Freespacer. Ship is derelict and not functional, passenger is alive, but not sure just how......okay they are. I'm tugging them back for extraction, prep the hold for me.......medical team too." He answered as he followed the wreck back, the craft being pulled into an empty cargo bay.

"This isn't really procedure, but whatever, your ass if your damsel is a Hades trap."

Her body jolted as the hulk was tugged at before things broke apart, and the wreck of a Freespacer ship came to lose, soon to be tugged towards a cargo hold. Her hands were lowered mostly to conserve whatever energy she had left. They knew she was there, but as she was pulled along, the ships didn’t look Pirate related at all. Some were advanced, others looked familiar and not at all used by Pirates.

Her body jolted again as the wreck was set down, and teams began working at a fast pace, trying to undo the ship to get her clear. There was a collective curse when they saw just how damaged she was, Aether damage all over her, and the ship which the Engineers will note was old.

The Freespacer was unplugged from her ship, to be plugged to a new full-power source, keeping her alive longer.

“Ok people, move your asses we have a limited window to keep our new friend alive, and repaired if possible and I don’t want to waste it,” Said a gruff-looking Male with Bear ears. The Medical team practically flying as they ran out with their patient heading towards the Medical bay.

As the mech landed, it knelt to the deck before opening the hatch, Zeke in his Origin power armor dropping to the deck with a thud. He watched as they carried what was sadly left of her by, the blonde mercenary feeling bad for just how bad she was right now.

Not sure what else to do, he followed after, stopping in the medical bay as they figured how to even tell the woman's vitals. He waited inside out of the way as they brainstormed quickly, eventually figuring out they just didn't have the equipment to save her body. Finally it was decided if they couldn't save her body, they would save her mind.

Given she was a freespacer, her mind more like that of an AI then a organic person anymore, they downloaded it into an AI core usually kept on hand for an EVE from one of the drones. Once her life was no longer in danger, the doctors looked at each other awkwardly, unsure where to put her until they got back. That was when Zeke spoke up finally, "Well I found her, I can hold onto her until we get back. I'm sure you all have more pressing duties, and I'm just the independent here after all. Let me watch over sleeping beauty here, I'll keep an eye on her...promise."

The Bear Anthro looked over at Zeke and his suggestion. And nodded,” Yeah, I agree, we need someone to watch over her and I think you're more than an independent, so I think we can trust you, we’ll get her a new proper body when we get back, we just don’t have the tech here,” He said, his voice less gruff as it had before.

A static sound came up as she activated the default voice ”” The Sleeping Beauty is fine with that” She said, though the voice didn’t show whether or not she was amused. She was alive, she knew this, alive, and in some kind of drone core, it looked like. She watched as the decision made, her old body was moved onto a different gurney to be put away. They would need the DNA later to create her new body or some of what they can use anyway.

Zeke carried the core in his hands, carefully to his chest plate almost like a infant child would be carried. It might have seemed odd if he thought about it, but he was trying to be gentle and careful with his charge. "Well good to hear, you're lucky to still be alive missy. Umm...I think you're a girl right? I know I called you sleeping beauty, but you were kinda ragged to tell for sure. You have a name?", Zeke said as he carried the spacer mind out, planning to head to his bunk and chill. After all, this had been his third salvage run today, surely it would already net him a nice pile of script with what he had already gathered.

The default gave a robotic sound of the hahahaha before she spoke ”yeah, I am a girl, I understand though, my armor can sometimes hide that bit. But underneath that, I am pure 100 percent woman. “She said as she was carried away. “Antibody 77-6454-333, though I think I might go by a new name soon enough, I mean new body new name. What about you, what’s your name, and I probably should be asking, where are we exactly, and... How long ago was the war with Yamatai?’ she asked him, though she didn’t feel it, the last bit gave her some worry.

The man paused as he made it into the bunk, "Well you're about a decade after that one.....I....wouldn't say it was a battle though. That would be too prettied for what it was."

Zeke took a seat on his bed still in armor, knowing he hadn't given his name yet, but figured he's give a face before he did. Beside, he wanted to give her a moment to let that sink in as he removed his helmet, then released the locks on his torso armor. Thinking about it for a moment, he turned the core around to where her optics faced away for a few. Anti would hear only the sound of him standing and clammering out of the suit, before something opened and the sound of fabric could be heard move.

With a few clunks, the sight of the suir being stowed in a crate on the edge of her vision range could be seen, before he could be heard and felt plopping back down on the bunk. She was turned back around to see the lean, yet toned man in cargo pants and a tank top, his blonde hair and blue eyes now seen along with his face. "Name's Zeke by the way, Zeke Rykiel, so what do you plan to do once you have a body again?"

Ayla remained silent for what seemed like hours as she processed the information she was just given. 10 years, she was alone adrift for 10 years! She heard sounds that were foreign to her but she had enough on her mind, plus the question would be answered when she was turned back around and she saw the new state of dress.

He was probably changing his clothes, and he turned her away for privacy reasons. “Nice to meet you, Zeke Rykiel, and thank you for getting me out of there,” she said and soon realized she hadn’t thanked him yet. “I don’t know, I’ve had my turn at war, and I’m not sure I want to go back to being a soldier, maybe something more along the lines of protecting and serving the people, maybe law enforcement. “ She said before she asked the question that was on her mind.

“Zeke, how many Freespacers survived? how many are there left of my people?’ she asked him.

"Not enough to ever be counted as a nation again, and barely enough as a people. There are still thousands of you out there, scattered among the worlds, or living in small nomadic groups. Actually, there's even a few where we're headed, and we've used your technology before. You guys are hanging in there.", Zeke answered, as he awkwardly sat there, wondering what the hell was he going to do with her. They couldn't just sit here on his bunk all night cycle, and it might be weird if he just held onto the core while laying down. He didn't just want to put her on a shelf, or in a container so rudely either though.

Ayla was pleased to hear there were thousands of her people out there; hopefully, they can grow from those thousands. The few where they were headed could be friends of hers too, so that was good. She was surprised to hear they worked with Freespacer tech before, but then it was 10 years so things could have happened, so she tried not to let it bother her.

She was about to ask something when the door pinged. That surprised her, but she didn’t move since she was only a core. Once opened it would be a medic that they’d recognized from the Medical area. “Hey, sorry to disturb you, I have some bad news, but some good news too.” He’d say and in response, Ayla sighed “what’s the bad news?” she asked unable to stop herself. He was surprised by the core’s location ”oh, well, the human DNA in your body was unfortunately not enough there are some holes likely in place, but there are things we can do to patch those holes, and still get you a body, but It’s going to be different. “he turned to Zeke “may I?’ he asked

"Not my ship bud, I just sleep in this bunk, no need to ask for my permission.", was Zeke's answer as he casually lifted his legs up and over to lay on the bed behind Ayla. Now the medic had more room in the cramped space to walk in and present what he had to the essentially freespacer in a can sitting next to him. "Doc, if I'm honest, you make different sound like you're about to turn our lass here into a unicorn or sumthen."

The Freespacer in a can watched as the doctor entered the room, and watched as two legs flew up missing her as they did so. Zeke’s words got a hehe from her. “Yeah not sure I like the idea of having a horn on my forehead.” The doctor chuckled before he set up; soon there was a volumetric display. “I mean with additions to the body new changes could happen, not so much a Unicorn, though little girls would love that. To patch those holes we add new DNA, mostly compatible one, such as Anthro, or Nepleslian. We can create any kind of body. And using this display, we can decide on what to add, and by doing so, we will get your future body. “ He told them both though it was more to Ayla.

He turned to Zeke" Sir, according to our records, your Nepleslian right? Would you be interested in perhaps donating some blood for our use?" He asked.

The man had his hands laced behind his head as he was laid back, eyes closed almost like he hadn't been paying attention before, one opening to show a glowing blue iris. He extended one arm out off the bed for the doctor, "Yeah, human, but Nep born. Guess I got lucky and missed the lottery on mutations. Got a medical kit with syringe in the backpack behind you if you need it doc."

The volumetric showed a woman, with most of the body flickering. The head appeared stable, and it had hair, but the rest of her looked like nothing was set. “I can choose what I want the body to look?’ She asked as she took note of the face, her face without the metal plates. The Doctor nodded, so they spent an hour with the volumetric until finally, a Faun, stood there in the volumetric girl’s place, with long elf looking ears. “That one,” she said finally satisfied. The Doctor smiled and nodded “I’ll go have them make it, thank you for your time, both of you” he said and after a final goodbye, he left.

It hadn't bothered Zeke as blood had been drawn, he'd had it done enough for medical check ups, and medbay visits in his time in the marines. There were far worse things to enter your body then a syringe, making the collection a trivial matter. He still rubbed his arm a little, always hating that feeling of even just a bit of blood missing in the system regardless. "So, soon you'll have new duds, maybe a new home if you want it, and work. For a survivor, you sure won the lottery with rescuers."

Ayla saw his eyes on the corner of the core’s optics, they were glowing, she was certain that normal eyes didn’t glow like that, Mechanical eyes did, but it didn’t look like he had that either. Just how advanced were these people?! The doctor took Zeke’s blood using the syringe and after carefully containing the blood, he was gone, as was the display. Her mind processed what she had seen, not the body of course, but his glowing eyes. “Yes, I sure did won the lottery, and I was incredibly lucky you got to me,” she said before “Zeke, I have to say something. I saw your eyes glowing, they don’t look mechanical to me, just how advanced are your-our people that you can have organic eyes that glow?!’ she asked

The voice though mechanical didn’t show the amazement she was feeling in her voice. The glowing eyes were probably the most important thing, and while she was concerned about having a home, she knew that it will be with the new group she found herself with. She owed Zeke so much, he was a good man.

Both eyes were open now as they both looked to the core, a hand reaching over to turn it around and face him. The spiky blonde sat up before picking the core up and holding it in his lap, then leaning closer and pulling his eyelids back. "Advancements in nano-technology, and bio-tech integration into the body. It's called a G1-NI, or Geist mark 1, neural interface. It allows us to control technology wirelessly, even take mental possession of craft and calculate data faster with no physical medium. Implant is implanted into the central nervous system at the base of the neck, right into the spinal cord, and the nanoes have restructured all the pathways from it to my eyes and brain."

With him this close, Ayla's borrowed optics could zoom in on the veins of his eye, and the iris itself. Small paths and blips of almost unseen light could be seen traveling through the veins, and pulsing across the nerves of the Iris's radius around the pupil. Letting go to let his lids go back to their rested position, he sat the core next to him again. "Pretty crazy stuff, something we did to be a bit more even with races like the yams, and spacers like yourself. You guys were one of the inspirations to say the least. Still learning with it though, and similar technologies, even advanced AI."

Ayla watched as her vision changed, the pillows and blanket were gone replaced by his lap and body. She watched as he leaned close and pulled back his eyelids. She made the optics zoom closer and she got a better view as she saw this and heard him talk about it. It amazed her to hear about what they were able to do, and also about how her people were the inspiration too. This Geist of theirs seemed even more amazing in what it was capable of doing too,

“Is it a Mindware?” she asked him wanting to know more about the Geist, and how he was describing its location seemed like a mindware to her, like she had once used. She might be interested in seeing it in action. “How are AI treated for your people?’ she asked him, having remembered AI like Androids and Gynoids are treated as citizens to the Freespacers.

"Yes and no. My mind is not digital, but in a way, it is slightly by how the implant interfaces with the brain and rewiring it essentially does. I can process information faster, but still within the limits of my fully used brain capacity.", the nep man answered as he ran a hand through his spiky blonde hair, not really doing anything to his doo honestly. Taking his laid back position again, he casually continued to answer her questions, "If it's sentient, then it has full and equal rights like any other citizen of our very infantile nation."

She was very surprised to hear more about the Geist they were using, it was amazing how technology had advanced in the 10 years she’d been gone. She’d love to see what else they could do as time passed. “I’d love to see how you can control technology sometime when I am in my new form.” She said She was pleased to hear about how they treated AI ”so just like us then” she commented.

He had a cocky grin now, "Well I'm no drone commander, or anything as large scale as that, most of my skill is with piloting mechs as you probably guessed. But I can do some cool stuff with them I guess. I'll give you ride sometime once you have your body."

“Ha.ha.ha” was her response before “yes, I do remember seeing that Mech, though with the limited power, I didn’t have as much to see, I could see the red of your Mech though. “ she said and soon time flew by for the Freespacer in a can and the Merc. They’d gotten contacted that the body was ready so she was taken to where she can be transferred to her new form. The first thing she needed to learn was how to breathe since she was holding her breath, but she got the hang of that.

The next thing was getting up and walking, but seeing the gown they had the form wearing, was soon removed since she didn’t want anything to distract her as she got up, her hoofs clacking on the floor as her body arose from the bed. Her arms spread out as she balanced herself, before she took a step forward, and fell against Zeke since he was there. She grabbed hold of him and used him to steady herself. He certainly had muscles she noticed but she was paying more attention to steadying herself. “ok.. “ she said as she held onto him and smiled.

The mercenary was a bit red faced as he averted his eyes from her bare body, really hoping Sydney never walked in. "Are you s-sure you had to take the gown off? Not saying you aren't attractive, but a little, ya know.......inappropriate maybe?" That being said, he still on tight to her so she wouldn't fall, holding her arms as she held his. He was cute when he was shy.

Ayla looked up at him and realized he’s blushing ”sorry, I thought the gown will distract me as I try to walk “ With his support she began walking, they mostly moved to the bed to grab the gown to cover up, but they moved to one side of the room, and back, soon she was doing it without support walking. “Alright, I have mastered walking in my new form,” she said feeling proud of herself, and then looked over. “You’re cute by the way when you were blushing,” she told him.

"Void you make me a mess Ayla, it sucks I'm taken, otherwise I'd flirt back. In all honest, it's an internal struggle not to. And by the by, you're cute when you giggle, so now we're even on cute compliments.", he said with a nervous chuckle at being called cute. Though he was a lot more relaxed now that she was decent, though that single moment of a peak, was still guiltily engraved in his mind.

Ayla just grinned at him as he complimented her, though it sucked he was taken, but she admired how decent he was. She laughed when he said they were even on the cute compliments as she sat back down, making sure things aren’t showing as a sign of respect. He was a good man and a funny one. “By the way, I’ve decided on a new name.” She told him ‘Ayla Knight” She made sure her gown was closed as she bowed.

He bowed back out of courtesy, giving a chuckle, "Damsel no more I see, adopting the ways of the knight in name and practice. It suits you, you've come along way, and you are a knight against the harm that would befall your people,....our people. I swear, moving on from cute, straight on to bombshell in personality and quirks. I'd dare say they almost made you perfectly."

Ayla laughed as he bowed and smiled as he spoke. He was right; she was a Damsel no longer. “Yeah, our people let me stay; they gave me a new body, and a new life. Void yes, I will do my part to defend us, even if it’s going to be in law enforcement. “ She said then grinned as she was told she was made perfectly “maybe they did” she said as a sign of agreement. “I like what was created, I was used to having antennae, so these long ears would just be like that only thicker. Truth be told, Fauns were my favorite creature when I could get time to read something fantasy related. “

"Ahh, so a girl into fairy-tales, something a bit of a lost archetype these days. Most I've ever known are more into fashion, glory, power, honor, or some other more modern idea. Then again, Elves are real, and we have an ex-demon queen running around. Almost makes you wonder if at one point in time, they were more then just stories.", he answered already well accustomed with the features of her body, after all, that's what he had been studying with his eyes closed in detail when the doctor had helped her design it that day.

With a sudden urge Zeke pulled the woman into a hug, being one of the only other people he'd consider a close friend.

Ayla smiled when he commented on her interest, and about how it was a bit of a lost archetype these days. She learned about those he’d known and what they were interested in but it was what he said next shocked her to her core. “wo wo wo! Demons?! Actual, real-life Demons?! And there is actually a queen?! She was shocked and awed, but she was surprised by the hug. She missed hugging someone, and she hadn’t had a chance to since the battle those 10 years ago. “What’s this ‘ex Demon queen’ like?” She asked her as she hugged him, before stepping back.

"Ummm......probably not how you'd expect, she's kinda like a......innuendous southern country mom......yeah no expectation were heavily subverted. She's seeing my brother's sister I think.", Zeke answered, glad that she hadn't thought the hug weird, or inappropriate. Orias really was an enigma though, the woman fit the bill on arrival, but something happened when she met the princess. It was a strange metamorphosis, but then again, who could say they had a real life demon queen as their shrink?

Ayla still found it hard to imagine that Demons are real, and also, one’s dating a member of his family. She wondered if maybe; she died and got reincarnated or something, she’s not in her universe. “This is amazing,” she said to him, smiling and shaking her head. “I don’t know whether I have died and been transported to a whole new universe or what” she chuckled.

"Oh no, don't worry, you're still among the living haha! She got dragged here from her's actually. Even Jack was hard pressed to believe that one, but his sister's happy, so he rolls with it. Though Mark seems to know more about her then anyone, and she always gives him this sad look, like someone regretful for something they've done." He chuckled at her awe, giving a shoulder pat before looking over that gown. "Maybe we should find someone to help you pick out clothes, not knocking the gown look, but probably should get you something more then that thin thing."

Ayla laughed “Well I am glad I am among the living!” she said and soon she discovered the name of his brother. And he mentioned a Mark who she didn’t know, as well as mentioned some things he’d noticed like the demon giving Mark a sad look. She got a shoulder pat as a result of her awe at what she discovered.

She looked at the gown and nodded ”Yeah, it’s not very fashionable, but there are too many openings, and I am a little concerned about walking in this on a windy day. Based on your reaction, not sure everyone will like it too much.
The next year seemed to fly by, the time seemed filled with peace, and even happy memories. But even peace doesn't last forever, for every order, there is chaos. And the Reapers brought more then just chaos with them on that rainy night.....

Zeke had his Geist forcefully torn from his neck on that rainy night, left in puddles that his blood tinted red. Once he was found and brought in, for weeks he was in critical, bed ridden and half aware of the world. When he was finally able to hear again, and speak, he received a new nightmare.....the death of Sydney. The weeks further after, left him with a desire to cry if his eyes had actually been operable.

Once the doctors had judged and accurately gauged the extent of damage done to his central nervous system, a new Geist was implanted with additional nano supplements. After over a month, he was able to even be mutely aware of sound, sight, and smell. His hearing was back, and he could kinda walk with assitance, and it was when he was finally able to receive visitors again.

Ayla honestly thought she would be happy here, sure her life had violence, it would be impossible if it hadn’t been hunting bad guys and bringing them to justice brought the violence but at least she wasn’t killing them a hundred percent of the time. Things were great other than that, unfortunately, the Reapers brought war back, and she was forced to fight and kill. She’d been doing some late night shopping when they attacked her.

Once that battle was done, and over with she heard Zeke had gotten injured and guilt filled her. She remembered how he’d been kind to her, helped her out, and looked after her time in the hospital, now it would be her turn. She visited him of course to keep an eye on him and help make sure he was comfortable, though she wasn’t supposed to, and when he was able to have visitors she officially came to see him having received progress reports on his status.

“Hey Flyboy,” She said as she walked in to see him and moved to where he was carrying a teddy bear for him.

He was quiet, events and injuries having had time to really sink in, his once blue eyes still a dull grey. Some blue tint had come back to them, but only just slightly, sweeping in her general direction. They shifted, obviously not able to find the exact source, but he could hear exceptionally at least and he recognized that voice well. A hand searched for the buttons on his bed until he felt out the up button, the bed tilting him up more in a rested sitting position.

"Hey sleeping beauty, come to see little ole me?", he said almost sheepishly in a quiet tone. "I swear, I was pretty handsome before I chose the wrong dance." The humor was kinda there, but it almost seemed hollow, a sad mask kept up for appearances.

Her eyes caught sight of his own, noting the dull grey though some blue had come back. She hoped more of the blue would return that will make them normal. There was a frown there at the sight of her failure in not being able to get to him in time and him getting hurt.

“Of course I would,” She told him as she watched him be moved in the bed’s sitting position. “It didn’t help that your dance partners were a drunken group” She replied noting the attempt at humor. “do you feel any pain?’ she asked him as she sat there, wondering if he’d mind her joining him in the bed. She had heard about Sydney, and she wondered if he would be uncomfortable with her cuddling him.

"I can't feel a whole lot right now other then touch and temperature. They probably got something in my IV drip, though I can't see much but blurrs right now. Given that, I could leave today they said if I had someone to accompany me." His head followed her voice, eyes still searching, hating he couldn't see her at the moment because he really wanted to. He waved his hands slightly, as if beckoning her closer, hoping coming to maybe have her closer to more easily feel her presence.

Ayla listened as he talked about what he was going through, and how familiar it was. She smiled when she was told he could leave if he had someone to accompany him. She moved forward, gently taking his hand into her own and bringing herself closer. “Well, it’s a good thing you have someone to accompany you then,” She said as she placed his hand against her cheek. “I don’t mind taking you out of here,” She said as she got comfortable before her eyes moved to the Annoyatron 5000 though she couldn’t tell whether it would be finished with its work.

The bag was almost empty, the lable however, not seeming to have a refill date on it. Assuming he was cleared to leave, meds would only continue during his stay if he was not checked out. If anything, he was ready to leave when she was ready,....well other then him changing out of the patient gown he wore. In a way it was a odd reversal of the first time she woke up in this hospital.

"Good, because nice beds and cafeteria food are a weird mix, and neither much my style. I......just want to go home, or if I could see and walk, my mech cockpit. But I'm gonna be stuck to the apartment for a few more weeks. Ayla, would you mind coming home with me, and making sure my useless ass doesn't break a hip?", Zeke said as he found comfort in her hand, a thumb gently stroking across her smooth cheek.

Ayla looked back down to Zeke after she had her look at the Universe's most annoying machine ever. Having noted the no refill info meant the doctors were willing to let him leave. She probably should get someone to remove it though rather than she does it herself. She had memories of the bed and the cafeteria food. “I know the feeling, I swear the eggs I had one time was weird, seemed different to the ones you made me that one time.” She said as she listened to what he wanted to do, also that he’d be stuck in his apartment a few more weeks. “Sure I don’t mind, better your apartment though, not sure if you’d be comfortable in the dorm I’m in. It tends to be loud outside, and you need peace.”

She held his hand close to her cheek for a few more minutes. “I’m going to go get a Nurse to remove that, and to discharge you from this place, I’ll be right back,” She said as she kissed the hand as she gently placed it back and she walked out. A few minutes later, she returned followed soon by a Nurse who checked his vitals, before they removed the IV from his hand.

Ayla held the cotton to the injection site as the Nurse got the Band-Aid on it. Once that was done, she moved to grab his clothes and brought it close to him. “I got your clothes here, need some help with that?’ she asked remembering how he reacted to seeing her naked.

Even he couldn't help give a feint smile at that one, "I can slip on the underwear, no need to send the nurse into shock.......though I guess they've already seen plenty of me. But yes to the rest." With a searching hand, he felt out the briefs in question before reaching under the covers with them to slip them on. A drawer was heard opened to his opposite side, most likely the nurse before feeling a tap on the shoulder. Offering an open hand he felt something metallic and familiar dropped in his hand, "Thank you, I was just about to ask about those."

With that, Zeke put on his old dog tags, the familiar clink of the durandium a small comfort. Giving some effort, the man slid off the gown to uncover his bare and scared torso, the back of his neck the newest large edition, as he let his legs hang over the side of the bed. "I'm uh ready......and Ayla? You said you live in a bunk, like to stay with me?"

Ayla grinned a little at his comment, and she allowed him to take his briefs and waited for him to put them on under the blanket. The Nurse brought him his dog tags, and he was soon standing in front of her topless. Her eyes trailed over his muscles and the scars he had on. She helped him with the shirt and as she moved behind him to make sure that the shirt was down completely she saw the claw marks. She knew from seeing the Freespacer database, previously and the NDC one, exactly what made those marks.

She gently gave him a massage, since he’d been on the bed for a while before moving. “I want to ask, on your back here, there’s a Claw mark. You got attacked by a drop bear?" she asked him. The pants came next, and she remembered how it felt to wear normal clothes after the hospital gown, and she could honestly say she preferred normal clothes to that.

She was momentarily distracted, but she realized he was talking to her. “Sure, I did promise to keep an eye on you, make sure you stay safe while you recover. Returning the favor honestly, but I am glad to” she told him as she checked to make sure everything was on securely before she sat him down to help him with his shoes. He was helped up again after that. “Ok, you're discharged from the hospital, so we can go, but we’ll take things slow, there’s no need to rush ok?’ she asked him as she gently linked her arms with him, which had the effect of bringing his arm close to her breasts.

"Um yeah, it's a long story. I'll uh tell you later once we're out of the hospital maybe.", Zeke said somehow realizing how much he missed the feel of clothes, though greatly appreciated the massage. Once he was up, he leaned on her a bit, his legs needing to be moved slow to remain stable, but he was moving at least. With a steady walk, they left the room, holding onto her arm the whole way, and trying to ignore what the soft pressure on his hand might be.

"By the way Ayla? When I said stay with me, I...was actually hoping something a little more permanent? I've lived in a bunk of sorts, me and Jack both, and I want you to have comfortable life. And not something so lacking in privacy, comfort, or space like that. I know it's kinda weird of a request, and I hope you'll forgive me if it is, but I hope you will consider living with me please?"

Ayla nodded “ok,” she said as she found himself leaning on her as they walked out the doors steadily. Her ears picked up on the familiar sounds of the Annoyatron 5000 really unhappy either need of refill or something but those sounds weren’t as important as Zeke was at the moment and soon they were out of the ward, and new sounds came into their ears, sounds from the fountains at the bottom floor, echoing up to the floor they were on.

She moved him into the elevator section and she pressed the button. She looked at him when they began speaking, a smile formed on her lips. “Sure,” she said to him “I’d love to stay with you,” she said to him “permanently,” She said as she soon helped him inside the elevator. The doors soon closed and the only sound was her soft breaths. “We’re going down now, I got you,” she said as she held him securely. She knew how it felt to go down an elevator and with him barely able to see might be dizzying.”

Zeke gave a small chuckle, "Don't worry, piloting in zero gee is a good prep for this, it isn't bothering me too bad. Kinda almost like a space walk without a sense of direction. And I'm happy to hear, thank you. You know, I guess if we're going to be living together, and you're going to be taking care of me." Well he seemed to pause slightly, trying to figure how to phrase what he particularly wanted to say.

"I guess it would be a good time to learn me if you wanted. I'm with very few. But you've been by my side for a year now since that day we met, I think you've more then earned that right.....just fair warning, not all of it is, a happy story." he figured with Sydney gone, maybe it was time he appreciated those close to him a bit more, after all, you never knew when you might lose them.

Ayla grinned at him as he spoke ”yeah this is like that isn’t it, spacewalks are amazing, just you free-floating in space, not a care in the world. Maybe after you’re all healed up, we could go on one, charter a ship to take us up there, and go for our spacewalk, and just hover. “She said thinking how much fun that would be. She turned her attention back to him as he spoke, about her living there and taking care of him.

She soon learned that he was ready to tell her things about himself. She knew from the scars that he’d had to have some not so happy stories. “I gathered that much from the scars I’d seen. I’m curious about them, but if they are stories you’re uncomfortable telling me, no matter if I have earned the right, I’m fine with you not telling me.” She said as they traveled downwards. “I’m curious about the drop bear scars the most honestly.”

He shook his head for a moment, the act dizzying a bit, even though he wouldn't admit that. "No, I've been bottled up for a long time, not many I've ever trusted that much to let know. Jack and Sydney, had been the only two to know my past before, I can't remember if I've told my friend Rihanna before even honestly. But I want to now, I don't want to lose someone else close, and had never made an effort to hope they would accept me."

As the elevator dinged, it was a short walk outside, and he now kinda hoped they had a ride home. If he was going to tell her this, he still would rather prefer to do so in privacy.

Ayla glanced over to him, as he admitted to bottling up and how there weren’t many that he trusted to let know, and that Jack and Sydney were the only two to know his past. As he spoke she discovered that he was unsure of Rihanna knew, but she felt special that he trusted her enough to tell her. Once the elevator opened she led the way out to her car, helping him get into it first, and placing her hand on his head as a cop had, but mostly it was to keep his head from getting banged and made sure he was secure.

She hurried to the driver’s seat and activated the car, deactivating the radio so that they could have silence. She set the GPS next, and they were off.

After they were in the car and going, Zeke began to talk again, starting with the first question of suspectedly many she probably had. "To go into your first question, when I started dating Sydney, she wanted to take me to visit her grandmother on Osman. She was from a line of warriors that served the old regime from before the OSO moved in. But her grandmother demanded I prove my honor and devotion to her granddaughter, by completing in a gladiatorial battle in her arena.", he said beginning and giving the general details of the memory. "It was only after I got into the arena that I found out I was fighting Sydney in armor, and her two pet drop bears. I just had my power armor, and guns, even had to switch to non-lethal rounds once I found out who it was that had entered as my opponent. I was chased around the arena, dodging them and spraying shock rounds until it was only her I faced, bloodied and wounded. I had a good deep slash to the back and back of the right leg through my power armor. But I won when I finally broke the shaft of her spear and she submitted."

Zeke scratched his chin, raising an eyebrow as he felt stubble for once, and realized he had grown a short layer of facial hair while out. With that pause though, he continued, "Her grandmother was satisfied and accepted me as her granddaughter's partner. I know it doesn't sound chivalrous, or even like something a normal person would have willingly gone through, but I've never walked when the going got tough."

Had this been a year ago, she’d have been shocked and surprised that he was willing to actually fight drop bears, and not only that but there was someone who’d tried to control them. But as it was, she lost her surprise and shock as she listened politely to his story, and about his Sydney who it appeared was a warrior. She couldn’t help but wonder if Sydney had hoofs like she and Rihanna had, but she didn’t ask as she listened and randomly turning the controls when the turn came.

It was an amazing story, and she soon learned where the claw mark came from. She thought of her response to it. “Sydney sounds like an amazing person,” she told him after a while “I mean using drop bears? I hear those are vicious.” she told him and remembered hearing Sydney died, she couldn’t help but think of how hard it must be for Zeke, and how hard it was for the reapers to kill her too.

"She was......but I guess I should be used to losing loved ones at this point. Why I grew up an orphanage kid, same one as Jack, the only friend I had for all those years. Both with no family, nothing to our names, and both looked down on as nothing but wastes of space. We lived as street hoodlums, being the neighborhood's thugs when the gangs encroached in, at least we were respected that way. The we saw the military recruitment signs, thought that was the ticket to better lives.", Zeke began to say, seeming to trail off on that line of memory, a few tears leaving dull eyes. A hand run through his hair as he tried to think of just at what point was his life not a wreck.

Finiding the thread of memory, he continued, "We spent five years in hell, fighting in the mud for a military that in the end was uncaring and corrupt. We took lives we later regretted taking once we learned why they had make us take them. After five years, we were even more broken. Jack left to be a merc in the Uso, I just drifted, looking for places no one knew my name, my face, past."

Ayla listened as he spoke of his past, and it brought the memory that she was an orphan too, technically. She knew how it felt to lose someone important, and it was why she’d been upset when she learned he got hurt. He and Jack both had a hard time, and she felt bad that she couldn’t have done anything to help them. She wished time travel was possible, sadly it wasn’t. She gently lifted her right hand from the wheel and gently placed it over his hand, hoping it comforted him.

“Losing loved one's the hardest thing anyone has to go through, and I wouldn’t want that for anyone,” she said before she remembered hearing about the USO, and how bad it was, so she knew that if someone good as Jack can come from that and be strong, there was hope. She was happy that she had Zeke here to talk to, ‘So that’s why he created Section 6 to do something different, better than what you two went through?’ She asked him.

“You know… Yamatai tried to kill me, and they failed, so you know you’re not going to lose me, ever,” She told him.

"What if you were the one forced to do it though Ayla? What if......w-what if y-you had to pull the trigger?", It was a hard truth to tell, but one he held in most of his life, the one he had nightmares about. It haunted him everywhere, left him hiding the pain behind a smile and cocky humor, and yet he fully knew he had done it.....even there was no other choice at the time. "Th-there was a reason they hated me in the orphanage."

Ayla blinked in surprise to hear why he was in the orphanage, to know that he killed his parents didn’t make her hate him. She used the time to wait for the change in light to hug him. “That definitely seems like it would be a hard thing to do” she said to him as she hugged. “I'd like a clarification though, about why they hated you in the orphanage, what happened?" She asked him finding herself curious, afterall she might have been wrong.

"I had an older brother, one night when I was 8, I woke to the sound of bangs. Too young to know gunshots yet, so scared, I went downstairs to find my parents. Instead I found my older brother with a gun, mom and dad dead.", He turned his head away in shame. "He offered me a choice, pull the trigger on him, or die too."

Ayla was shocked to hear about what his brother had done, and about how his brother had given Zeke a choice, pull the trigger or die. Since he was here now, that kind of told her what he did. “Void” she swore as she held him. “Your brother must have been crazy then, to make an 8-year-old to make that choice,” she said turning her head when she’d heard honking by the other vehicles the light had changed color, but she was paying more attention to him during that. “You’re here, but what happened next?’ she asked him, as she got the car moving.

"Family was dead, no where else to go but the orphanage, no relative wanting a murderer in the home. The same as the other kids called me, Jack was the only one who never did, and actually chose to be my friend. We were brothers from that day forward.", He said simply, feeling her forgiving hug, and wanting to just fall into it. The fact she didn't hate him was a small relief, but it didn't patch the grief he had felt from being scarred with that deed most of his life.

Ayla continued to listen as he continued to speak as she drove him to his place. From what she had been hearing, it seemed like Jack was the only decent one there, even as a kid. “Now Jack’s the better brother; he’s a decent and honorable man, another reason why I admire him.” She told him. You’re not a murderer, Zeke” she told him. “You were a kid, afraid for your life; of course you’d want to live.” She told him, hoping she’d said the right thing and that it helped.

He was very quiet after as they pulled into the underground lot and took the elevator to his floor. Once they were inside, Zeke pulled Ayla close, embracing her in his arms with his chin resting on her shoulder. "Thank you." Was all he whispered as he simply stood there and held on to her dearly.

Ayla helped him inside, and she planned on placing him on his couch when she was pulled into a hug. She hugged him back, bringing her face close to his chest. It appeared she did indeed say the right things. She hugged for a moment longer before helping him out of his jacket and then leading him to his couch where he was carefully sat down. She put the jackets where they belonged and got a glass of water for him which she brought back. “I got some water for you, are you thirsty?’ She asked him as she was bringing the glass back.

"I am, though I've had a bag of water poked into my arm for weeks now. I miss having anything with flavor to it. I should have some cans of drink in the fridge, probably gonna need to order food tonight, no telling what is even still good in that fridge.", Zeke answered taking the glass, seeming to have lost some of his melancholy feelings. He still wanted to hold Ayla more, she was warm, and the only other presence he was able to feel.

Ayla nodded her head ”Yeah I know the feeling of that” she said remembering her time in the hospital. Even though she’d had saline water being pumped into her system, she’d needed to drink too. She watched him take the glass and waited for him to drink, to see if he needed help. Though she too wasn’t sure what was good in his fridge, she didn’t want to risk it considering he’d been in the hospital she wanted him to eat something fresh. “Yeah, sounds good I know some great food we could eat, and since I’ll be staying here… I’ll cook, but that will be tomorrow, and while you’re resting, I’ll take a look at your fridge, and see what’s still good no way I’m taking a risk while you're recovering.”

Zeke was quick to down the glass, setting the glass on his couch's side table with somewhat ease. At least here, he remembered where everything was. Though a sudden thought crossed his mind.

"I uh, only have one bed. I can sleep on the couch, and you can have the bed.", He said thinking to that particular problem, "But....I don't suppose you would mind sh-sharing a bed."

Ayla smiled when she saw him drink and place the glass down. She made a mental note to deal with that later. She sat on the couch when he spoke again, which caused her to blink. The couch wasn’t too bad, but she wasn’t sure about making him sleep on the couch in his own home. “We both will be in the bed together, I don’t mind sharing, plus this way I can keep an eye on you, though I’ll have to get used to wearing clothes to bed, I don’t want you uncomfortable.” She told him as she grasped his hand gently before moving to take a look at the food in his fridge.

"The thing is, usually lovers share a bed. I like you, and you know that, I meant it that day I said it when you were the one coming out of the hospital. Y-you don't have to start dressing in bed just because of me.", Zeke said giving her hand a reassuring squeeze before raising it to kiss her hand and place it against his cheek.

Ayla smiled when he mentioned the word lover, and she heard him tell her he liked her, which she indeed knew. She allowed him to not only squeeze her hand but also to raise it so he can kiss it and place it against his cheek. “I feel the same way, honey,” she said as she moved to kiss him on his mouth gently. She sat back before getting up from the couch. ”Alright, sit back and relax, I’ll go phone them to get some food delivered to us, and I’ll go deal with what has gone bad, alright? Unless you prefer I stay and kiss you some more that would be fine with me too.

Zeke gave a small chuckle, "Well we live together now, so there will always be plenty of time for that, I am starving though and lovin' ain't easy on an empty stomach. The fridge can wait til tomorrow though, it's not like it's going anywhere, so that isn't a rush. It's already a lot of work I'm putting you through just watching over me, relax and let's take it slow, we have all the time in the world."

Ayla smiled when he chuckled it gave her pleasure that he was at least laughing and seeming to be feeling better, and more importantly back to his old self. “Alright, then food first, I don’t want my Flyboy to love on an empty stomach. “ She said as she moved towards the phone and dialed a restaurant that did delivery and ordered what she knew was the best and delicious food. She was soon given a time that it will arrive, which meant there would be time to sit with Zeke and wait. But first, she went over to grab the glass and refilled it for him. “They said they will be here, in 15 minutes,” she told him as she brought the glass of water back.

"Sounds good, what we having?", he asked before taking the glass and beginning to drink from it, but not actually downing the glass full this time. This one he would take long drinks still, but sat the glass down when not. When he felt the sink of the cushion next to him, he scooted closer, hip to hip with her. It was odd to think he would have ever been able to get together with Ayla, granted she wasn't the only one, and thinking about it now. He actually wondered how well she got along with Rihanna since that day they went to get clothes for the faun girl.

Ayla watched as he drank some water, but didn’t finish it, and she also noted as he moved closer to her and gently she placed a comforting arm over his shoulder. “Yama Loki, primarily rice with some delicious meat and vegetables in a round box. The taste is divine, and it’s perfect for getting out of the Hospital. I loved that they changed it to a round box instead of the square I could never get all the food decently. Plus the added benefit that someone you know and love has a discount. I did a personal favor for the owner and rescued his daughter from some punks. “She told him as she gently rested her head against him.

"Really living up to your namesake sleeping beauty, saving damsels, and now me. You've become a very strong woman, and I admire that, especially with how fast you bounce back.", Zeke said as he put an arm around her waist, his lips placing a kiss on her head on his shoulder, his thumb idly stroking her side softly.

Ayla giggled at his words, having found them both sweet and nice as she rested her head. “Yes indeed, Flyboy” She replied as her smile remained as he kissed her head as she couldn’t help the luck she’d gotten from surviving the purge and being rescued by Zeke, to having a new job, that paid, and she didn’t have to go out off-world in a ship to kill another. Here though she had another thing, a man who loved her. She smiled contently as she felt the thumb stroking her side. “I’ll always be there, at your side when you need me, you need only call.”

"Well I want you more then just beside me, I want to share myself with you, as a lover should. I want you in my arms, in the safe haven that is your love, because I want us to be home for each other." It was very rare that the man ever got so dramatic with his wording, but he wanted her to know just how much he needed her, and how much she meant to him. "One day when the time is right, I will make one more addition to that body, a ring on your finger to show that I am your's always.", he added, resting his head atop her's now gently.

Ayla smiled as she listened to him be all dramatic and found it endearing to hear him talk like that to her. The Faun lifted her head taking his face into her hands as she kissed him on his lips. The action did have another benefit to the young girl, which was to see how his eyes looked. “I’d love to be in your arms too, I feel safe in them the warm is also amazing but knowing I am there, and that everything is alright is a feeling I cherish.” She said only to smile when he mentioned his plans for something one day when he felt the time was right.

She sat back, and soon his head was atop of her head as she snuggled him.

It wouldn't be long before the food arrived, the pair soon enjoying their meal on the couch together. Zeke was a bit more vigorous in his consumption, the food better then the hospital food he had been fed for weeks, enjoying something full of flavor finally. "Oh my void, I haven't eaten anything this good in months. Now if only I had a can of Plasma Jet to go with it.", he said inbetween bites of food.

Ayla saw him eat and boy was she pleased with his appetite. Hospital food wasn’t as delicious so she was pleased to see him eating something with a better taste. She chuckled” I thought you’d say that,” she said as she carefully lifted a can of Plasma Jet. “Want to drink this little thing in a glass?” she asked with a smile as she felt pleased that she thought of ordering Plasma Jet.

"You seem to be able to read my mind, spooky, but makes me wonder whay else you thought to order in prep. But that's fine, I prefer it out of the can haha.", came his reply, almost practically feeling the glow off the transparent can. Thankfully the glow was rather bright and ease to see, even with his near blindness, a surprisingly useful feature. Fingers felt out the bottom of the can, before taking ahold of it, a practiced hand reaching to the top and flipping the tab. He gave a sigh after tasting the strong blue raspberry flavor, and the alcoholic tingle, the liquid even visibly glowing as it went down his throat a bit.

Ayla grinned at him watching as he took the can of Plasma jet, noting its brightness. And realizing even with how his eyes were he could see it. “Maybe our minds are linked or something” she joked though they both had Geists she was certain that they weren’t connected. She just smiled “just food and that for now,” she said to him “And when your eyes are recovered, there is an idea I’d like us to try out,” she told him as a grin graced her lips once more. She watched as his throat glowed as the liquid went down. “Since I will be staying here permanently, it will be perfect, because there’s this other thing I want to try out, and I see you have the technology to do It,” she told him as she sat, her eyes on him as she watched him drink and she ate too.

Zeke paused in his drinking for a moment, "Oh? And what that would be? Only technology I think you could mean is my implant."

Ayla nodded ”Yeah, I was thinking we could use that, theoretically we could connect our nervous systems, you’d feel what I feel and vice versa. She drank juice to wash the food down “they talked about it online, and a lot of people say it’s great. Me and User: Metalinitiate really want to know more, but they are always asking questions."

"What exactly would we be trying while doing this? Usually sharing sensations is something done around something sensual, or....even sexual.", Zeke said, having a feeling this was going a certain direction in topic and suggested activities. Was she saying she wanted to have neurally linked sex?

Ayla smiled as Zeke asked his question, and he began to figure it out. Zeke was a smart man; she knew he’d figure it out. “Yes,” she said a simple answer as she gently placed her hand on his shoulder. “I admit, I have never had sex before, and I wanted you to be my first, and admittedly I wanted to do everything I could to make it fantastic."

A deep blush rosied the man's cheeks at how openly she admitted that she wanted to sleep with him. Zeke had never had a woman who so forwardly wanted to have sex with him, it was rather off guard putting. "Well um I'm flattered you're desiring to sleep with me. Not really had a woman forward with that as a want with me. It's very flattering, and albeit, I've already lost my virginity, I will make sure that taking your's is done right. I'm also ready when you are when you wish to do so."

Ayla grinned as she saw him blushing and she learned that he had already lost his virginity, which she found understandable, he had much more of a life than she had before they met but she loved him. She kissed him on the lips gently “We’ll wait until you’re fully recovered, I don’t want to accidentally break something and have the medics talk” she chuckled. “So let’s have you recover first, then we will have fun.” she told him.

"Damnit, why couldn't I have one of those magic shots that heal all like they usually give. Of course nerve damage would have to make it a forced slow recovery. Guess it's something to look forward to, though I hope we can at least be comfortable in bed together until then, afterall it's important that it feels like home under the covers.", Zeke said joking yet disappointed, before turning it around into a sly seductive comment. He stole a kiss back, before leaning on her until he felt her breasts against his chest as he held her close.

Ayla laughed “Magic shots' huh” She said with a chuckle “That would be amazing though if we had that. “ She said as she smiled at him and nodded in agreement to what he was saying. “True that” she said as she gently leaned against him now that their food was eaten. “You’ll be getting used to sleeping with a naked woman, I’ll be getting used to sleeping in a bigger bed, and with a handsome hunk of a man.” She nodded “I think we can do it, honestly I feel safe with you, I mean sure I can kick ass, but I feel safe with you.”

"Well I guess I can get used to sleeping naked too, certainly should cut down on laundry expenses. I guess also, when we're home alone, there is no need to wait for bed time to undress either. Whatever makes you the most comfortable.", he answered, stripping his shirt off after a moment, revealing that roughened torso again. Despite the scars, he was lean yet toned, his body fit from rigouros work he was used to doing. His tags clinked as the article of clothing was pulled off, pulling the metal tags before falling back against his chest again, the shirt soon set aside. "I'm glad you do, and you feel like home, and family when I'm with you."

Ayla grinned as he mentioned having to get used to sleeping naked and that it would certainly cut down on laundry which caused her to laugh. “Yes! It definitely should” She said as she watched him take his shirt off, her eyes noting his tags movement as she too took her shirt off. She saw what his torso looked like, noting the effects of the life he’d led up to know, her hand moved over to gently touch his chest and gently move it as she traced over the muscles, the scars. She soon yawned a little and she leaned gently to him. “I am tired, how about you?’ She asked. Eventually, they went to bed, and for the next few weeks was spent with Ayla taking care of him checking his eyes until finally his eyes appeared to be back to their normal blue and he seemed like he could see clearly enough that he didn’t need her to help him as much.
The Next morning she woke up, and instead of going to the bathroom for a shower, she went to the kitchen where she began cleaning the fridge, opening containers and smelling the contents which were sticky and bad, so she used a spoon to clean it into the garbage bags, and the containers went into the dishwasher to be cleaned. The racks were full of dirty containers which were soon pushed inwards into the dishwasher, and she set the machine to do its work as she closed the bags up, and then moved to clean the dishes that couldn’t fit inside the dishwasher.

She thought since she was going to have to wash anyways why not do it naked.

It was true he had been improving, able to move on his own, and see with less difficulty. Vision still was limited to up to a certain distance, but his HUD was active again, and the new implant was more or less fully running now. Waking up, he was enjoying the sight he cuaght through the open bedroom door, his girlfriend standing buck naked in the kitchen.

Most men would have found the combo a perfect imagine, but he was not so crass, just finding her body alone to be the perfect image. His manhood was definitely unafraid to show how much he felt on that as it tented the blanket over his lower half. In many ways, this felt almost like a honeymoon, a feeling he never imagined would feel....this normal.

Getting up, Zeke entered the main part of the apartment, in all his bare glory with just the usual tags and his smile on. Walking up, he placed his hands on her soft furred hips, his own to the back of her's and her rear, his happy soldier pressed against the valley of her cheeks. "You know, you really know how to make it feel like waking up to heaven seeing you like this every morning. How about we go to the hangar today, and I give you that flight I promised?"

Ayla heard movement behind her, and a smile played on her lips as the familiar hands moved to her soft furred hips. She felt her lover close and she looked up at him with her grin. Her hands hovering over the water some soap on them. “Morning Flyboy,” she said as she shook her hands before washing the soap off then drying them. “hmm, your hands are on my hips, so the thing I am feeling is your happy soldier isn’t it?’ she asked him before he reminded her of a promise, which made her turn around to face him. “Oh yes, I want that.” She said with a smile. “that will take some time, “ She indicating the dishwasher “so after I put those up to dry” she indicating the dishes still in the sink “we can go, alright?’ she asked “of course we’ll need to remember to get dressed first” She chuckled.

"Doesn't mean I won't enjoy waiting til the last minute to do so, you truly are sleeping beauty, but your body is a dream come true when you're awake.", he said as he gave those hips another squeeze after she turned around, before reaching back to give those cheeks a squeeze. Feeling his manhood against her warm abdomen was nice as he held her close in a kiss. "I am going to give you a view of this world you've never seen before."

Ayla smiled as she moved closer to him, her arms moving around as she hugged him and her head was placed against his chest. “You have a way with words, Flyboy. Do you know that?’ she asked him before breaking apart to quickly put the wet dishes on the rack to dry before she turned back and kissed him on the cheek a second time. “come Flyboy, we must get dressed” She told him as she takes his arm and leads him to their room all the while making a show of swaying her hips and making her butt jiggle as she moved. “Of course I wouldn’t mind if I stay naked the whole day, just for you but people will talk sadly.” She said as she let go and moved to her side of the drawers to grab her undies which she put on.

"Oh don't worry, I'll either help you get naked again as soon as we're home, or in the cockpit. Some days I wonder if I should have been a bard playing the strings, instead of target practice with a rifle.", he chuckled as he watched for just a minute more. Damn he really was lucky, had he really survived? Focusing on getting ready, he slipped on his usual briefs, jeans, a white t-shirt, and a dark green zip-up hoodie on, before slipping on some work boots.

Dressed and ready, Zeke stepped over, taking a moment to help her slip on a few things for the fun of being able to do so. It also reminded him that she had gone to see Rihanna at one point to help her with clothes, making him wonder how it had gone. She was the other person he had known for a long time now, and was close to. It was strange to think of her so suddenly, but not in any less of a way then Ayla, even wondering if in fact. If the two would also make good lovers for each other, a thought for some reason that almost felt like a contingency if fate caught up to him.

It was a pessimistic thought he shook aside as his hands rested on his now clothed lover, pulling her into a deep kiss before they prepared to leave. They had a busy day ahead, and one he would definitely make a lasting memory.

Ayla grinned as she heard him ask her not to worry, that either he’ll help her get naked when they are home again, or in the cockpit. She had to admit, the idea of being naked in the cockpit thrilled her, simply because it was a place where one didn’t expect to be naked. She smiled as he continued to talk and chuckled. “Heh, I haven’t heard you sing or play something before, I mean I am not counting the shower but yeah,” she said kissing him before she got dressed.

He was kind enough to help with her bra, and she’d leaned against him as she put her clothes on, a skirt, with a cute top which accentuated her appearance, making her look cuter for her boyfriend. “Like my green undies?’ she asked him, “Rihanna said that green was a good look for me,” she told him as she grabbed a jacket, and zipped that up. “Let’s see. Shirt, check undies check, skirt check, oh and I need...” She grabbed her shades and puts them on.

“There we go, all set and ready to get to your Mech, and get naked inside your cockpit. “ She said grinning before an idea struck her ” Heya. Would you mind if while we are on our way, I press a firing button, unless it’s not a military Mech that’s ok” She said as she waited for him.

"I'm curious now on just what all you two talked about, especially since she had you underwear modeling by the sounds of it. Sounds like a bit more fun then just clothes shopping?", he said slyly with a smirk and a bit of redness at the idea of her naked in his cockpit, and hopefully in his lap. He wrapped an arm around her waist, hand slightly squeezing her side close as they walked out of the apartment and down to the car.

"Oh, also to answer your question, yeah Onyx has plenty of weapons like most of my mechs. Being a mercenary, it would be weird to not have them armed heh. But I'll save pulling any triggers until we're at the distant mountain range alright. NDC has regs against un-provoked heavy weapons fire near the city. Rather not explain a violation to Jack, or why I'm getting into trouble." Zeke gave a small chuckle as he thought about the loadout he had on his unit. A very decent and well rounded one, definitely enought firepower to cause havoc on a long sortie. His mind did come back to that previous thought before, the one about Ayla with Rihanna, and it made him wonder.

Ayla leaned to him as they walked out, loving the attention he was giving her. “We talked about you, and how you saved me, I learned she was born in Yamatai, but she wasn’t involved with you know what, because she’d gotten captured by pirates who let her live because she was an engineer. I told her I didn’t feel anger towards her because she was born in Yamatai, she wasn’t involved so there was no reason to. She mentioned I probably should wear a bra since it offers support, which girls love. “She told him.

“She really knows what would look great on me, oh, and if we have to attend a party I have a great dress thanks to her.” She said before the topic of his Onyx and the weapons, she nodded in understanding. She assumed it would have weapons since he was a Mercenary. Though she realized the reason why she had thought it didn’t because of those regs against unprovoked heavy weapons fire near the city. “Yeah, I’d rather not make him mad, plus my boss would be there too so that would be bad hehe,” she said as they walked.

"She's probably the only other woman I've been close to for a long time, worked with her for a couple years now. Helping her when I wasn't away on contracts, and her helping with maintenance when I was in." Zeke said whistfully, thinking back to how the two seemed almost like business partners. "If things had gone differently, I might have ended up with her. She's been there for me as well when I needed someone, and it's nice to know she was there for you to help you get accustomed to clothing. Really need to find some way to thank her some time for that. You two sound like you guys hit it off quite well, so nice to know you have someone if anything ever happened to me."

Ayla looked up at him as they walked “so you love her then?’ she asked him as they walked, no look of offense on her face. She honestly thought Rihanna was beautiful; they had hoofs on their feet and Rihanna was nice to her. She was pleased that Rihanna was willing to help him, and wondered did Rihanna feel the same way about Zeke as she had. “I thanked her after the shopping, but I am kinda worried that I didn’t do enough because she was so kind to Me,” she said then frowned at his latest comment.

His life was a warrior’s life, so there always was possible for him to die, though she didn’t like thinking about it.

He thought how to answer that, but he opted with just being honest, "If I'm honest, yeah I do. She means a lot to me, just like you do. You two are kinda, the family of my own I never had, outside Jack being the closest thing to a brother." Zeke looked to her as they began to drive towards the hangar, trying to gauge her response and expression. "I hope you aren't upset with me for liking another woman as well as you? You're both good women, and I wouldn't be where I am without either of you. I also know me dying isn't a pleasant idea, but if I could choose to, I would rather be it then either of you. I've already lost enough people, and I know someday my number will be drawn."

Ayla was surprised to hear he loved Rihanna equally to the amount he loved Ayla. She thought about it as they drove to the hangar where he had his Mech. His reasoning was sound of course he’d fall enough with someone who was kind as they both have. “You kidding? Rihanna’s sweet and kind, willing to help others if they need it. If I have to share you with another woman I am glad it’s her” she told him. “Though you are right you dying isn’t a pleasant idea or even a good thought.” she told him. “but trust me, if it happens, you won’t be alone, we’ll be sending them after you, I’ll help with the intel, and your friends will help with the killing I’d say, void I might go out of retirement and do it myself.” She told him and waited to see his expression.

"I'm not sure if she would be open to the idea though, or if she shares the same feelings. As much as I'd love that outcome, she'd have to want it too. To want us you know? At least then you'd have each other still.", Zeke said with concern from his own worries, and the idea of his death sparking a revenge quest. Taking her hand again, "I want you two to live happy quiet lives, not hunt for justice. Jack would already bring down the legion anyways probably. I just want you to be happy, even

Ayla nodded her head he was right of course, Rihanna might not be open to it, plus Rihanna while her friend might not love her in that way either. She allowed him to take her hand and smiled when he told her that he prefers the two of them live happy quiet lives, and not to hunt for justice. That Jack would bring the legions, anyways. She didn’t know Jack that well but based on what she did know, he was right, Jack would. She moved in to hug him. “ok, happy quiet lives it is then,” she said with a soft kiss to his cheek.