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The Population of Yamatai?


Inactive Member
Just curious, what would be the rough estimate for the number of people living in Yamatai as permanent citizens?
I'm not sure, but it's probably somewhere upwards of 10 trillion.
Or, an Empire of planets, space stations, huge starships, and a circumstellar ring 1115 times the surface area of the Earth.
Serious Edit:

  • Y = 10^18 (One Trillion)
    X = 10^9 (One Billion)

    Æ (Available Earth-Likes, Quanta)
    Y (Trillion/Base Pop)

  • Statement: ∀ :: Y ¬ == Æ »10(X)
    • For all of Trillion, there must be one earth-like atmosphere to each collection of 10 billion people.

    R: 1x10^18 / 10x10^9 = 100
    The math

    Conclusion: .'. ∀ :: Y ¬ == Æ 100
    • Therefor for entirety of population requires One Hundred earth-like planets

So much for catching you out...
Well we know that the surface of Hoshi no Iori is 1115 times that of Earth's. In addition Yamatai level technology means that populations can be sustained far more easily and densely. Now only 2-3% of the earth's surface is actually covered with cities - if we actually assumed that HnI is like a giant city then ...

223,000 Billion? In HnI? Something like that? My maths might be off.
And the worlds don't need to be Earth likes, just able to sustain life or not hostile enough to beable to sustain colony buildings ala space RTSes.

So while the number is sizely and probably a little farfetched, it isn't that unrealistic...

... Though food is a bigger issue, here... And economy. But oh well.
I imagine food is synthetically made at this level of technology.

And a large part of the economy is the exporting of Yuri to Nepleslia :mrgreen:

*Waits to be chased out of the thread by an angry mob.*
On further consideration, I'm going to change the number to 2 trillion rather than 10. Thanks for the reality check on the numbers, guys.
Wes said:
On further consideration, I'm going to change the number to 2 trillion rather than 10. Thanks for the reality check on the numbers, guys.
Still quite a big number, but it may be managable. If it helps quell the nay-sayers I'd put in a bit more about how Yamatai handles such a large population.
On further consideration, I'm going to change the number to 2 trillion rather than 10. Thanks for the reality check on the numbers, guys.
S'cool, Wes.

Maybe it's worth splitting Yamatai into different financial or cultural sectors who specialize in different things and have ever so slightly different cultural attitudes, not unlike Kansai/Osaka, Kyoto, Sakhai, Chiba or Sendai.

A nation has areas that stand out: Culture, beliefs, even accents and favorite foods. Variety is the spice of life, afterall.

For example, Osaka is known for it's octopus dumplings, all things crab and anything with squid in it normally comes from Osaka.

Maybe quadrants -- all for different things, re-enforcing the whole system like one massive city.

A loose guide:
  • Primary (Mining/resource collection/waste disposal, farming)
  • Secondary (Manufacture, assembly, modification)
  • Tiedary (Public/Private sector Services, design, research, science)