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The Relay Moon


Inactive Member
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=fr ... relay_moon

The Relay Moon; to be placed in the same system as Neue Jaspis.

I have Matt's okay for this. Had an old concept floating around, and thought it would make a good fringe world to signal the Abwehrans' apporach to Freespacer pseudo-lands (nomadic means they don't actually colonize most of the places they visit).

Plot-wise the idea is to remove the tedium that is usually colonizing a world x4, and throw a wrench into the plan. A system infested by rogue drones, with a moon inhabited by a well dug-in and passive-aggressive AI. Sort of contesting over the system. Wee!
This is fantastic. Great material for the Abwehran's plotship. Or anyone's actually...

*Scribbles down some notes.*
While I find this quite interesting, I hesitate to approve this without knowing the long-term goals of the society, and other details.

If you do not wish to reveal details here, please contact myself and/or the Admins. I wish to know the specifics of the planned first contact (if they exist) and the possible consequences, as well as the true agenda of this outpost.

If there are no goals or agenda, I find it hard to accept a race with absolutely no goals save for existing. We have enough abandoned races which receive no attention who fill that end.
Species? Erm, please re-read the submission carefully. It's a SI construct running rampant in a system. At least that's what it should say. Does the introduction need to be re-written? The concept is just a decaying SI construct that decided to hole up in a system by itself, with just just a dash of paranoia, schizophrenia, and neurosis sprinkled in. Just a wrench in the Abwehran plan for expanding into unknown systems.

Anyways, do I still need to PM a plotline before this thing can be approved? Even if you consider this a "species", I thought that nations weren't required to pre-plan and pre-submit plotlines before they could be approved. Of course, my only species submission was over a year ago, so things might have changed since then.
If I called this a species, I'm sorry. I do see that I called it a race.

Due to the potential power of the construct involved and its theoretical resources, however, I recommend contacting an Admin, voicing the contact scenario, and what will result from it, long and short term.

It's one thing for two existing races to make contact, but this is a fringe society you are applying for, who is currently an unknown in intent and function, even in this submission.

The alternative to elaborating more on the SI's goals in this submission is to speak to an admin in confidence and get them to voice support.

After all, for all I know, you could have the SI decide to kill everything within 10 LY after first contact, though for pre-first contact, this submission would be 100% accurate.
I honestly don't see a problem with this, Toshiro. From my understand of what I've read, this is all about a rogue SI from the Freespacers whom recluses himself in a random system and has just let drones loose rather than control them.

To be perfectly honest, the damn thing is locked up in the system for a variety of reasons.

  • A) This SI doesn't seem to have any hyperspace capable vessels, meaning everything is STL.

    B) Is quite content with just staying where it is.

    C) The Rogue Junkers are not under his control and are pretty much feral. The only thing keeping the Junkers from attacking it is the firepower it holds.

    D) Even if the SI holds hostility towards anything around the system, Abwehran military strength (though small in numbers) can easily contain it.

So over all, I find no problem with Relay Moon OOCly or ICly. It is not an entire new race, species, or nation. It is just a rogue element branching off from the Freespacers.
From all this research and development that The Relay Moon is doing, there's also a pretty good possibility that the Abwehrans will grow exponentially if they were able to obtain some of the data. I'm not sure if this is an intention or not, though...it depends on whether or not AbwehranCMDR wants his nation to grow that fast, I suppose.

Other than that, the plot sounds pretty interesting. :)
RE: Toshiro

I knew the whole "rogue AI = KILL ALL HUMANS/galactic conquest" association would be brought up by someone. I'm just glad you didn't mention evil robot army and/or fleet. >.>

I specifically mentioned the lack of serious industrialization on the Relay Moon to avoid this cliche association. Keep in mind stuctures are confined to a single moon thereby meaning even if it were heavily industrialized it likely wouldn't surpass a conventional, well-populated world in terms of productivity, let alone an entire system of planets, or let alone interstellar nations. The volume of a single moon and even that has sparse industrialization...industrial output can only be so much.

If that isn't enough the lack of trade further cripples the economic strength; I specifically mentioned computing parts and laboratory equipment as the primary import for this very reason (raw materials as staple imports could be mistakenly seen as a potential to build aforementioned evil robot army/fleet in secret). On top of that I added the note that many of its research projects are in fact failures, so as to prevent the impression it generates high revenue. While the Free State pays for data, a research organization with a relatively high failure rate can't generate all that much income.

Additonally there is also the fact that such a massive industrial undertaking as even a basic military on something as small as a moon would generate relatively large amounts of smoke, fumes, industrial waste, scrap metal, large thermal energy signatures, and so on. That's not including the massive manufacturing equipment imports needed to do the above in a short period of time. Given the curiosity and/or speculation regarding the Relay Moon, hiding such a large-scale industrial effort from the occasional snoop would be nigh impossible.

Oh, and I did mention the decaying quality of the facilities, and the poor lack of planning by Invalid, if that helps any.

Finally, I'd like to point out the purposely-engineered quality of the local defenses. i.e., double-edged drones that attack anyone including their creator, or railroad guns that show woeful foresight for battlefield conditions. Both to show reflect the lack of military experience in what few assets it has, and thereby poor combat ergonomics/engineering.

Also, will it help if I promise not to raise an unprovoked robot army/fleet in the foreseeable future? Unless something unexpected happens, at least. The reason I don't like to pre-plan plots is because I can't predict (and dislike metagaming to forcefully control the outcome of) IC events. Theoretically, any nation could super-militarize after their creation, unless you're going to do something as place OOC restrictions on what they are/aren't allowed to do IC. Theoretically, any nation could have a xenophobic leader rise to power and begin a xenocidal rampage.

RE: Moony

I'd point out that the Abwehran already have access to CSEIA, a professional and experienced research corporation. And the fact that, as mentioned in the article, the lack of economic strength and relatively high failure rate of experiments (possibly due to the fringe nature of the topics it chooses) means it shouldn't hypothetically be able to push the tech level much higher than CSEIA, if it can even match them.
One of the reasons I want a plan before I approve--

The Freespacers/NAM alliance has made a great deal of technology which I have seen multiple staff mention as excessive for one meeting--something that can't be changed now, but something I wish to prevent from happening again.

It's one thing to join together in RP and make tech, wholly another to crank out such submissions excessively. If tech WERE scheduled to come from this, I'd want the rate of submissions slowed to a reasonable level--we have a flood of submissions using Freespacer technology, and a good deal of them are unbalanced for assorted (but maybe not related) reasons.

As such, I feel that I and/or the admins should not only review the Moon's current state, but what they will become as a result of this submission.

First off, I find it annoying that people haven't figured me out by now.

But that's not a part of this discussion, so I'll leave it at that.

Anyway, The Abwehrans and the Nepleslians are two separate entities. For one, Nepleslia (from what it looks) likes to take the original tech and put it in their designs.

I personally on the other hand, wouldn't do so nor would I do it as quickly. Have I put any CSEIA technology into my designs other than a working hyperspace fold drive and Durandium, no. Have I used any 'setting breaking' technologies in any of my designs, no. In fact, most of my recent technologies (Artificial Photosynthetic Life Support, Escort/Strike Craft Armor, Abwehran Hard Bubble Shields) have been developed by the Abwehrans themselves.

Now looking at my past record, would you honestly believe I will pull the same stunt Nepleslia is doing now with my Abwehrans?
Might be off-topic, but I have to address this point. What do you mean by flood? Unless I'm forgetting anything in the last 1-2 months nearly all the tech submissions were mixing only minor levels of tech.

  • C1 (Only used a 'Spacer manufacturing module and repair drones, but other than that is completely Nepleslian-made. Given Nepleslia already has NDI insta-fabrication pad tech, one could actually consider this a downgrade.)
  • Corsair (Only used 'Spacer repair drones, but other than that is completely Nepleslian-made.)
  • Militant Automaton (Only used plasma/amat ammo, other than that was completely 'Spacer-made. Said tech, unless I'm mistaken, is a relatively common class of technology?)
  • VOID (Only used a single ECM module, but that was removed.)

Unless I've missed a point the only major hybrid was the Divine Comedy, but even that is designed for open-bid exporting for numerous non-military factions rather than exclusive tech. If this is a significant issue, then please bring it up in the specific item submission threads and/or in private, or if not that make it clear in the Tech Submission Rules that you don't want IC factions sharing certain technologies if it means them benefiting significantly from it.

P.S.: See the point I mentioned to Moony.

P.P.S.: How will this SI construct effect anything, by the way? Even if it wasn't there, the Abwehrans would still already have CSEIA, and would still make first contact with the entire Free State. Both of which has a higher research capability than a single moon. I only intended this as to make an interesting storyline, but if it's really such a big OOC threat I can just not do the plot/event/thing...
I said flood because of the ones I've personally reviewed since I have taken over, most have had some level of Freespacer tech, and I think you're neglecting to mention some which were not approved.

Some good points are raised though, especially that this hasn't happened with the CSEIA. As long as no one decides to go crazy-go-nuts with technology hybrids, or you don't do something like use the SI's research to vaporize a society, I APPROVE.