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Senate: Misc The Resignation of Imperial Premier Katsuko


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
RP Date
YE 44.7
RP Location
Senate, Yamatai

The prerecorded message would be displayed to all Senators present and telepresent.​

First and foremost, honorable Senators, I regret not being with you in person. Just like you, I have callings that require me to be elsewhere. I wanted to tell you that it has been a short and perhaps not pleasurable term, perhaps an indicator that I should not have accepted the appointment, to begin with. I am resigning as Imperial Premier, and I will address the Empress privately with my words at a later and more appropriate time.

I ran as Premier in hopes of being here to help orchestrate legislation that would bring healing to the Empire in the aftermath of War. Unfortunately, due to some agendas within this body that did not happen. Instead, I find myself having to re-evaluate and select my position within this Sector's politics to be one that is suiting of me and is worth the power of my voice.

Senator Iemochi, I did not respond to you in the media, but I will respond to you here in my final words. You pointed out immigrants and different species like it was something I'd connect with. It was like you are farming for me to say the wrong thing but you can point out the differences between the people of Yamatai all you like. They are different, but they are Yamataian. Pointing out divisions insights violence, and causes unnecessary evil, and it disrespects the fact that every corner of this Empire is filled with the people who have given it their oath and their hearts. Opinions may differ, but they will not be silenced. As Premier I can't provide the voice of opposition to calls to undermine our Imperial way of life, which is why I've decided to step back to a place where you and the rest of the Empire can better hear me. You spoke of my people, the Motoyoshi, and the citizens of the MCS being of the former failed nation of the United Outer Colonies without any education at all to the social struggles, and fractured identity which has been so carefully placed back in unity beneath the throne. It was not the Senate that relieved the staleness in the air. It was the people who planted the sunflowers, and the people who poured their sweat and blood into the work to rebuild as part of Yamatai. You might remember a time when the Star Army had to take steps in that region, but please remember the Star Army has also protected them and helped rebuild their homes. The Star Army has stood as a solid opposition to Tange terrorism on Jiyuu, a remnant of that failed nation you glorified in your press release. A remnant is responsible for the death of millions in that region that still lurks in the dark and has teeth.

You should have let this old Imperial woman be herself at that podium rather than slandering her in the media. For as Premier my tongue was bound by sticks, and now free of that title I promise this will not be the last you hear my voice. You will hear the voice of who I am with the thunder behind it, everyone will.

To all of the Senate, this will not be our last meeting I am sure. Soon you will hear of our requests to enshrine and protect Imperial Rule within the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector.


Heika Jōkōgō Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
(Her Majesty, Empress Emerita, Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko)

Imperial Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, Yamatai Star Empire.
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Anslen considered Katsuko's words, while he might not have always agreed with her, he respected her as a former empress and political opponent. "I want to thank Empress-Emeritus Katsuko for her loyal service to Yamatai in all of the many roles she has preformed over the years. Her goals have always been admirable even if I have disagreed with some of her proposals. I hope that she will be able to find her voice in whatever she chooses to do next and that it is listened to as one who has given much of their life in the service of our Empire. I am certain that she will continue to strive to make the Empire strong and unified. After having worked with her these past months, there is no doubt in my mind as to the integrity of her personal character, loyalty, wisdom, and charisma."
Sachiko had run for Premier against Katsuko. In some lights during Senate meetings, Sachiko had imagined Katsuko snapped out of existence and gone, allowing Sachiko to take what she would have won if not for The Empress stepping in. When Iemochi had said earlier, "...imperially appointed Premier Katsuko..." he had opened an old wound dealt by his enemy. Now Sachiko watched her former opponent Katsuko -someone Sachiko had stopped imagining gone and had started respecting- abdicating Sachiko's throne...

It hurt her to see all she had worked for and lost years ago given up today. Sachiko wondered if Katsuko would pivot, possibly start to heal the wounds of the UOC and help Yamatai. The thought of that stabbed at Saciko's heart more. The multi-colored eyes of the Elf swirled behind tears like a confectionary's pastel nightmare.

The bittersweet feeling was one she couldn't show in public, so she dabbed at her eye with the thinnest handkerchief, softly woven of tightly bound white webs like that of spider's silk. It touched her eyes and the tears were gone, but the sad face she wore looked on at the empty chair, then to the volumetric console at her chair. Her slender fingers began dabbing at the console, precisely forming a communique to Motoyoshi et al.

May the stars guide you. If they don't, only white and green below know.
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