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The Revolution Anthem

Yep. I decided to actually do some counter propaganda. ^_^

Raise your fists against the tide,
See the scarlet banners glide
Fight until your body falls,
Until the Earth consumes us all!

Bear the pennant in the wind
Our infant might we shant rescind
Against all odds we carry on
'Til bones are bare and flesh is gone!

Empires beat the drums of war
Now and a thousand times before
Fight for every child's hope
To live free of the shepherd's rope!

Our symbol plain, our purpose true,
To bring freedom and life anew
We shall march on until we die
Against the Empire of Yamatai.

The pain of thousands fuels our heart
So that agony may forever part
We shall not fall, shall not retreat -
The Empire will know defeat.

Steady now, we've come too long,
We cannot abandon our surging throng.
Let us ever stand for human life,
A barrier against their strife.
Come weary flesh and eyes grown cold,
This hymn shall be our keep and hold.

^_^ I'll post music for it when I finish with Jeskola.
Remind me to write a better pro-Yamatai one.

It's great, but I'm on the other side!
I, however, tend to side with the underdog.
Screw the empire!

I confess being largely inspired by Lenin's work in writing this anthem. ^_^ Write summut pro-Yamatai. Propaganda warfare, man!
All Empires were once underdogs.
...who took an advantage they gained in the wrong way and fucked people up. Next case, please.

Japan was an underdog to China, that didnt give us the right to conquer them in the 30s.

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