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The Seelie


Inactive Member
The Sellie are an ancient race of hunters with powerfull bodies and minds.


The Seelie are a physically intimidating race, slightly taller humans, standing at 6'5" on average, and being somewhat sturdier looking. They are bestial looking, with a slightly protruding jaw and mouth, in a slightly snout like look. Their ears are peaked, coming to a point, helping their impressive hearing, their features rugged, strong jaws with thick, slightly slanted eyebrows. Their mouths are slightly wider than a humans, and their teeth are carnivore based, with fangs that are 1/2 inched long when retracted, but can be extended to 1 inch. Their eyes are slitted, are much more advanced than human eyes, capable of seeing into the ultraviolet spectrum, and even infrared (although this makes their eyes apear red). They can also see great detail, almost twenty times greater than that of a human. Their sense of hearing is a good ten times more sensitive than humans, helped by their peaked ears. There sense of smell is truly remarkable, being fifty times greater than humans and able to sense only trace amounts of a substance in the air, or on an object. Their skin colour is a dark tan, and their hair, which is almost always shoulder length, can be of almost any colour, but tends to be brown or golden blond.

Their muscles, are not only generally larger than humans, but also many times denser than humans, resulting with their formidable strength. Their entire bodies are in fact much denser than humans, giving them great resilience, and their bones are not only many times denser than bone, and have a high carbon content, giving them extreme strength. Their muscles are especially large and concentrated in the legs, which allow for great speed, pouncing and jumps. A typical Seelie might be able to do a standing jump of a two story building. Despite this density, and weight that goes with it, the Seelie are very graceful, walking with the natural air of a predator or a large cat, spreading their weight carefully, and capable of complex gymnastics. Their nervous system is very sensitive, and rigged for extremely fast responses and movement. Often they move without thought, reflex arcs controlling their movement.

Their hands differ between the sexes. The men have three retractable claws on the back of their hands, that come out through the back of their hands between the knuckles. These claws grow with age, but reach a final length of four inches. The females have retractable claws in their fingers, extending to one inch. These claws are extremely sharp and hard, with the same density as their bone. Their feet are complicated. Although they usually walk in the same fashion as humans, to run they can change their feet position, to put their weight on the tips of their feet very effectively, increasing their speed considerably.

Internally their physiology is very different of a human. They have two hearts, larger lungs (allowing for a greater oxygen supply), a significantly more complicated nervous system. Their metabolism is very efficient, meaning that they only have to have a large meal every two months, a lingering effect of their predator nature, and they only have to drink every week. They also heal somewhat faster than human, around five times as fast, and their bodies dispose of lactic acid very efficiently, making stitches extremely hard to get. Their metabolism also fights of almost all disease, pathogens and poisons, only the most powerful of such will effect a Seelie.

Sexually, the Seelie are mature at 14 for a woman, and 16 for a man. An interesting quirk of the Seelie is that the women only produce an ova when they consciously signal it, meaning that their is no risk of being accidentally pregnant. But as a side effect only one ova is ever released, meaning that only single births ever occur. Their have been only a half a dozen double births in the whole history of the Seelie, each one memorable. They have a gestation period of four months, and suckle the child for a year. Seelie actually mature faster a human to begin with, reaching full physical maturity at 16. However after this age they age very slowly, the average life expectancy is 600 years.

The Seelie are also psionic naturally, all of them are telepathic and telekinetic. However most of them are untrained, capable of communicating, and lifting small objects. Females are naturally more powerful telepaths, while males are naturally greater telekinetics, although the all have both abilities. Some are trained with the use of their power to a greater degree, ether self trained or educated by an elder psionicist. There are some occurrences of the other psionic disciplines, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis etc., but they are extremely uncommon, and have only occurred in isolated incidents.


The Seelie are hunters to heart, they see the world as a food chain, and they are on the top. Anyone weaker of them is prey. This does not meant they will attack them, but is important in understanding their psychology. They are very polite, and quite caring, but take insult very badly. Physical maiming is usually the result of insulting one of the Seelie. They do not really believe in 'flowering talk', and say what they feel. Not to be rude, but as part of their nature. Their morals are highly complicated, for example, while on a hunt things that would not be excusable in normal life are acceptable. Killing, stealing and are all acceptable on a hunt, but completely reprehensible in day to day life.


The Seelie live in small towns dotted around the planet. Running each village is a council of elders, elected by the people, headed by the elder representative. In the central city of the Seelie Bahr'ahd, there is central counsel, with each elder representative taking up a seat, this is headed by the high elder, who is elected every five years by the counsel. Almost all matters are decided by local counsels, the central counsel are only called together in times of crisis.

Monogamy is most common, polygamy is overwhelmingly frowned upon, and often seen as a crime. Divorce is almost unheard of, and requires the decision of a central counsel. Due to this marriage is entered into cautiously, and those who have pre-marital relationships are not frowned upon, although a child born out of web-lock results in the scorn of the parents. Same sex marriages are not allowed, although same sex relationships are allowed, but male/male are frowned upon, while female/female is largely ignored.

The language of the Selee is very complicated and subtle, despite their rugged exterior. It is extremely graceful, flowing, and has many tiny subtleties. As a result of this it is almost impossible to speak Selee if you where not born to the Selee, especially since it incorporates growls and small howls.

The legends of the Seelie are extremely sophisticated, given their ancient culture, but chief among them is that of the ónoni, or twins. The Seelie believe that twins are two halves of the same being, one good, one evil. Whenever they have emerged in the Selei's history, they have brought destruction, and are blessed with powers beyond that of a normal Selee. There has been a ónoni born to this generation, and the elders are unsure of how to precede, and have allowed both to live due to their respect for life.

Education is important to the Seelie, and all children have education up to at least the age of 16. Past this it is up to the Selee themselves.

Upon reaching the age of 20, one of the Seelie must either join the army until the age of 50 (they can continue passed this point if they wish), or go on to further education, but they must make up their military service afterwards. Since all Seelie are very patriotic this service in the army is not resented, but seen as something of an honour.

The Seelie have great respect for their elders, but more so for their ancestors, those that lived before them and died. Their religion is based this, and a circle of five gods, whose names are kept secret by the high priests. There is much complex scripture, and all of the Selee know at least some. There is also a great emphasis on the spirits of nature, and their presence in the world.


The Seelie have a low level of technology, despite their races ancient past. This is partially due to the fact that they have little inclinations to develop technology, seeing it as a cowardly way of making your life easier. As such they have kept at a around medieval stage of technology, and have been at such a stage for the last few thousand millennia. Although they do make very good quality items, their craftsmanship of metal and weapons is very complex, yielding great quality. However, past this there is little technology.


The Seelie have been present on their planet since time immemorial, their civilisation has lasted for longer than their records do. This is partially because of the violent clan wars that raged the planet hundreds of millennia ago. However it has been many thousand years since the last clan war, and the Seelie have settled down in peace, although their military is still kept well oiled.The Seelie have never made contact with any other intelligent race but their own.

(It would be very nice if people could reply to this. So that I know what people's thought's are.)
General Data
System: Unknown (To the east of Yamatai space)
Planet: Ahmar
Type: Terrestrial
Stellar Radius: 1.20 AU from star
Surface Gravity: 1.5 G
Length of Day: 36 hours
Length of Year: 532 days

Background and History

Ahmar is a well vegetated planted. The planet is very flat with forest covering 40% of the land. Although that planet is warm, the planet is not humid. The forests are the breeding grounds for many of the species living on the planet. This is the main area where the Seelie live, they are well adapted for living in the forests. Some plant's which are used by the creature can have healing powers they produce a thick oil which can be put on to a wound, this oil covers the cut and make the platelets clot around the wound, then the fibrins form the scab. When the oil is used the scab forms in a day and goes within two to three days. However they are not easily found and never grow in the same place twice. There is also one particular plant, which has poison within its leaves, this poison is red when it comes out of the planet, it is a thick liquid and when touched kills the cells that it hits, then once in your body it spreads through the whole body killing everything it touches. This is used to kill and will kill an animal within minutes.

There is only one ocean called the Nehn Sea and this takes up 5% of the planet. There are certain creatures that can be found in the Nehn Sea, one particular creature is called the Aerlind, it is are rather huge creature with a long tale, it has a mouth that is half the size of it's body, and can swallow a entire cruise vessels. There are also various other creatures however they are not a massive part of the ocean. Another 10% of the land is taken up by small lakes and rivers, this is where the creatures of Ahmar get their water from. The lakes and rivers are respected and loved by the Seelie along with the other creature.

There are small sections where there are mountains and located in the south is the biggest mountain, which stands to 40,722 ft. The inhabitants of this mountain are the Uvanimo. The Uvamino's are the greatest threat to the Seelie. In form they are huge cat like creatures, nine foot tall at the shoulder, and twenty seven feet long, not including the tail. The tail is long, supple, and capped by a vicious spike, which can be whipped around with enormous force. The Uvamino have thick fur, which works as insulation, and protection, as well as being able to distribute heat very efficiently. As well as this fur they have a bone plates over parts of their body, made with very dense carbon content. The bones of the Uvamino are of the same concentration, and are extremely strong, combined with the great density of the bones, flesh and muscle, makes the Uvamino very hard to damage. The Seelie can rarely do anything to hurt the Uvamino. They have long, curved teeth, including two huge fangs, strongly secured in the skull, which, combined with the massively powerful jaws, can puncture through anything the Seelie have, including there steel armour. Their claws are very sharp, and the paws, even with the claws retracted, can hit with crushing strength, enough to horribly hurt one of the Seelie, and throw them far.

Ahmar had four moons Cúran, Elfaron, Isilme and Ithildin. These names came from the first four Elders. They are worshiped by all of the creature of Ahmar although they do not all believe in the same faith.

There are many different types of creature living on Ahmar, the main ones are:

The Rauta are insect like creatures, they are small and fast with sharp back legs, their legs are big however compared to the rest of their body. They are herbivores and try and stay as in groups of about 50. If attacked they all turn on the creature no matter how big it is.

The Valacirya are also herbivores who are extremely big, they are reptile creatures. They stay in small groups of about 5 and have naturally powerful telekinetic abilities. They are not commonly know to partake in violence although when seriously threatened, they're most common move it's to pick their opponent up and throw them for miles.

The Telumendil are tentacle beasts, they have powerful tentacles, which can grow to over 5 metres long, and they have fluid body. They are found on their own as they have area of territory, they are carnivores who eat anything, their only problem is that they do not have brains, so they usually end up trying to eat a creature which can kill them easily.

The Carcane are bladed creatures, they stand like a man, however they have six arms, with long head with sharp teeth. They are found in pairs, with a partner. They are carnivores. They are pleasant creatures however if there is any attempt to hurt or kill their young they will kill and eat the animal. They are very protective. They are loyal creatures who when made friends with will help you at all costs. These creatures are friends of the Seelie.

Ahmar is an ancient planet; it has been alive for many millennia. Ahmar has been through many incident in its history. The earliest dating back to the formation of the animals was when and asteroid crashed in to the centre of the planet. As a result the planet began to form. There have been clan wars through out the life of the planet. Much of the past has been lost in the wars. The main culprits of these clan wars have been the Seelie and the Uvanimo's. They have been fighting for reasons unknown to each other since they where created. These wars have only recently stop due to the final battle between the Seelie and the Uvanimo's where the Seelie narrowly won and the Uvanimo's where defeated. As a result of this the Uvanimo's have lost huge numbers of their species and are isolated in the huge mountain.
The Telumendil are tentacle beast that can absorbs people

The Seelie are approved for in-game use. Do you plan to create a CCG module for them?
Thank you very much.

Regarding the CCG module, yes I will get to that straight away but may a short while to research and create it to the best of my ability.

Yes the Telumendil, that wasn't ment to be in there.
I really like the Seelie and am planning to make one my character. But what worries me is that according to the history, they have never made contact with another race. I'd really like my occupation to be with the Star Army so is there any way I could do this?
At this time, nope.
Aw, that's too bad. I guess I'll have to do something like that once I'm a little more comfortable here. Back to the drawing boards.
No you can. We would just have to Rp in the general borard. The Destiny is on it's way though. So join me, and we can JP together if you so desire.
I posted my Seelie character yesterday and I was told that the Seelie have never made contact with other races AND dont have developed tech. Now that Ive realized this I will have to reconfigure my character. My questions are, which occupations are available to my character? And who will I roleplay with? (other than Sypher's character) And when will I have access to RP with everyone else on this site?
Sypher, I'll let you answer this one.
No problem, good idea. I do have an idea about how to create a contact between the Seelie and everyone else, but I'll keep it to myself until I learn more about the races/cultures/politics/etc. of the game before I unload my brain into this thread.
So this is late. Well, what are your ideas. The Destiny on it's way now. So don't panic as you will be able to Rp on the Destiny soon. They are on their way now. You can keep your character the same just change it so that he is not in the Star Army military YET.
Ive been working on my character and tailoring his skills to a typical Seelie hunter. Nothing special. Im almost done.

If the Destiny is coming, it doesnt matter what my idea was. :D

I think it would be neat if the Star Army could utilize the Seelie hunter's capability into a new occupation. Could be something new.
No I meant occupation. Maybe after he enlists as infantry the Star Army could use his skills as a hunter to be an assassin/thing.... I was just brainstorming.