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The Shatera


Inactive Member
The Shatera Chain is developed to be an unconventional weapon used by the Elysian infantry – not for wide use but rather as a weapon used by more eccentric fighters who have earned the right to be ... eccentric.

The Shatera takes the form of a six to ten foot long chain (it varies between the preference of the user) with a large curved serrate hook (with an iridium centre) at one end, and with spikes coming out from the chain itself. For maximum utility there are several areas not covered with spikes - a foot and a half at the opposite end, and several place calculated to be the most useful. It requires training to only use the right hand-holds. The chain is thus designed to be used as a range bludgeoning weapon (using the hooks weight), a tearing weapon (dragging the chain across an opponent's body), a disarming weapon (wrapping the chain around an opponents weapon and wrenching it of their grasp) or a restraining weapon (wrapping the chain around someone in order to keep them still).

The Shatera itself is composed of small interlocking links which create a fluidic effect. It is only as thick as a finger, but is composed of borazon, an allotrope of boron nitride - which means that it is extremely resistant to force – requiring several hundred tonnes worth of force to break. This does not mean that the chain is inflexible, but it means that the individual links (and thus the chain as a whole) is really quite hard to break. The spikes are made of the same substance and sharpened to a monomolecular level.

The hook is actually attached to a ring at the end of the chain and can be replaced with other heads – which includes an Iridium centred borazon ball which can be swung with enormous bludgeoning force. It can also be replaced with a spike – allowing the chain to be used far more like a whip or a rope-dart, or a serrated spike which once pulled backwards resists by thrusting out bards – resulting in grievous tearing of flesh.

A trained user of the Shatera can use it to parry melee blows, disarm opponents and use it in an ornate style to intimidate opponents. They take advantage of its flexible, unorthodox movements and its relatively high range.
*picks one up and swings it around clumsily*
Swing swing swing swing... twirlytworlytwirlytwerly... *TWHACK* Ouch, consider me eunuch... *collapses*

I like the idea, The Yamis and Neps will never think about or use weapons like this, so it's good that there are weapons like this.
It would be reeeaaal odd to see it in modern warefare so I belive it is just a cultural weapon. Every race could use some extra culture .
Not approved; I don't think it makes sense.

If the chain is kinetically resistant, it'd be hard to swing. If there's spikes on the chain, the user is going to hurt himself or not be able to fully use the chain - since people are going to hold any chain by both ends before swinging it.
... One point I don't understand. Kinetic resistant to me means that the links are hard to break. Which they are.

Chain links are hard to break, and yet you can still swing them. I don't see how it's particularly relelvant.

If there's spikes on the chain, the user is going to hurt himself or not be able to fully use the chain - since people are going to hold any chain by both ends before swinging it.

I don't see why not - most chain weapons actually rely on having a handle of some sort, not actually holding the chain. Consider a whip - does one hold the rope apart from at one end? With one and half feet worth of holding area I consider it long enough to use effectively - as long as you're trained in its use.

However you have a point.

I've edited the text to make the first point clearer, and changed the spikes somewhat.

Warning: this item should not be used as a sexual toy.
Thanks for the warning there, Wes. You've saved many a character from their own sexual peril.
To expand upon Wes's point:

Warning: usage of the Shatera Chain may cause severe injuries and death.

Do not use the Shatera Chain if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregant.

Do not use the Shatera Chain if you're under the age of 16.

Do not use the Shatera Chain in S&M sessions.

Do not use the Shatera Chain as an auto-erotic device.

If you're using other weapons, consult with your quartermaster before beginning usage of the Shatera Chain.

The manufacturer is not liable for any injuries or deaths that occurred due to the improper or proper usage of the Shatera Chain.
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