Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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The Showing for Adventure! Open!


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RP Date
YE 44
RP Location
Yamatai Starport
Set after Operation Fireplace, and Uncharted Adventure,

The Three Nekos, Kiyo, Luna, and Makoto had stepped off the shuttle and onto Yamatai’s Starport with thoughts of accomplishment on their minds. They’d participated in a Operation Firewatch in which they, the Star Army, the NDC, and an independent ship have aided newcomers to the universe the Norians and helped them. They’d succeeded in the mission, and they were proud of themselves.
The fact these Norians were from another universe has brought their thoughts of their own, and the realization that they still hadn't quite explored their galaxy yet. A thought that caused some difficulty in their minds, though none of them know that they shared the same thought.

It's interesting they came from another universe... said Makoto as she looked at the two blue-skinned girls. I’ve always been curious about how that is accomplished. Kiyo said, then glanced at her daughter. You’re a technician do you know? she asked. I don’t know, maybe some advanced technology might do it, but then... I’m no Itatski Sachiko, I can understand the basic tech but that might be a bit too advanced for me. Luna replied Luna-chan, don’t sell yourself short, you might not be a Savant but you're still skilled with technology, I mean my ship likely wouldn’t have made it from Vice, to the Operation to here without it. Makoto said, causing Luna to blush.

Still.. before we even think of going to another universe... Shouldn’t we explore ours first? I mean there's a whole galaxy left to explore Luna said as she looked at both her mother, and Makoto She has a point, I mean I want to explore.. but I also want to stay in the Kikyo Sector, and potentially reunite with your aunt Yayoi, and yet I want to leave it Kiyo said with a frown as she didn’t know how she might achieve both of her desires.

It seemed Makoto had no clue as she hadn't spoken. I might have an idea of how we can do both, stay here in the Kikyo Sector yet also leave it! ST! We back up our ST and have ships leaving the Kikyo Sector to use their hemosynth tanks to recreate us. Our clones will realize they are clones and know that they were to help the ship they were recreated on! Luna said with a grin to the surprised looks on both Makoto’s and Kiyo’s faces.

that.. Actually might work! but would they just let that happen?” Kiyo asked her daughter as she felt uncertain that the Captains of the ships going out will just let three Nekos be formed she knew that they’d needed permission.
I doubt it, not unless we get permission, and even then they’d need assurance that we are capable, they are unlikely to allow slackers and louts to join their crew, unless those are infants but those are on colony ships I’d imagine. Makoto observed.
Then I have an idea! Ok! We’re still temporarily activated soldiers of the Star Army right? so how about we use the VR chambers and set up something in which I can record you two doing combat-related activities, scenes where you both will have to fight bad guys, they will see your capable soldiers. I know mommy, you don’t like showing off, but we could use this to show proof of your capabilities, of course, they will likely have records of you but this is currently though. Luna said as she explained her idea.

Might work... What do you think, Makoto? Kiyo asked the ninja. Makoto nodded her head in agreement after a while. Makoko wanted to stay in the sector, and make her way back to her loves, Elenor and Lucas, the idea Luna proposed would allow her her chance to explore, and her chance to remain in the Kikyo Sector, with them.
Makoto also noticed that Luna’s excited outbursts had attracted attention.
A tall individual sitting at a bench, not to distant from the tiny pride of Nekos, could not help but not listen to the three openly discuss their plans to create alters. And he didn't need to use his SAINT born skills of surveillance to do it either. He just towered over everyone even when sitting and could hear them clearly.

The Shosa, not wearing his duty uniform but instead normal Nepleslian-inspired business casual clothing, made an audible "Heh". Smiling and shaking his head, he goes back to reading a datajockey he purchased long ago. The datajockey is painted in SAoY Nataria Green with accents of Yamataian Blue and a sakura flower placed center on the back.
The Ninja noticed the tall man, having used her own Ranger training. She noted his attention and the audible heh he uttered as well. While mother and daughter spoke to each other, the ninja suddenly disappeared vanished in plain sight. Makoto used this to get closer to him, and took notice of his actions and the datajockey seemed to be reading. She noticed he seemed to be a businessman based on his attire, from Nepleslia. Being that they were on the capital world of the Yamatai Star Empire, she did not think she needed to worry about threats, but it didn’t stop her from keeping her attention on the alert. Fascinating book you’re reading. her voice suddenly spoke beside him as she reappeared.
Unfortunately for her, the stealth was negated by all the nanite cameras he had embedded into his clothing that he kept linked to his digital mind implant. While he paid attention to some, he relied on a non-volitional AI to alert him of unusual activity, even Neko volumetric camouflage isn't perfect. He switched to infrared mode for most.

It wasn't neko skin vision, but it was as remotely close as he was going to get outside of power armor. But the man did not want her to feel disappointed in her rather good attempt at stealth. So much so that if he was still SAINT, he might recruit her on the spot.

Using his SAINT patented "everyman" persona, he feigned shock when she spoke. "Wah!" he said as he fumbled around with his datajockey, almost dropping it. When he regained his "composure", he looked over towards the Neko. "If you must know, its a book on psychology. Or more specifically, how to heal a fractured mind."
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Makoto didn’t smile at his reaction, at least outwardly she didn’t, but inwardly she was amused. She would be surprised if her special stealth body was detected, though her Katana used something different and thus would make it possible. Makoto observed the book and her ears picked up on his words. Having been told that it was a psychology book, and specifically it told how to heal a fractured mind. That immediately caused her to glance back to the mother and daughter. She thought of their mental well being from their adventure, going from trapped on an ice world, to being chased by bad guys on Vice and immediately joining Operation Firewatch.

They were strong; she knew this, but as they had been members of her crew, she was worried about them. “I see.. my apologies for distracting you.. but I wondered.. what does psychology say about two people crash landing on an ice world, before escaping and crash landing on a hostile planet full of bad guys that want to do unspeakable things, before entering the Operation Firewatch mission?” Makoto asked.

By this time Kiyo noticed Makoto appeared not to be beside them. This caused her to turn and look around before spotting the Ninja talking to a man. She smiled before she was about to turn, but had noticed just who the man she was talking to was. Harris Sempai! she said and turned to make her approach. Luna followed behind. I thought that was you! . Kiyo said with a smile.
"It is quite alright miss. With all those digital minds able to instantly download information and store it to memory, reading is quite old fashion. But I like doing it the old way so it gives these implants time to actually work properly." The man says, tapping his head as if to hint at something.

He followed her glance to the pair. He didn't notice it immediately, but he knew one of the two. Was not expecting to run into any old crewmates, but at least it was a pleasant one he never got too much of a chance to talk to when he was still a heisho. Life has a way to give you opportunities to correct those mistakes.

"It doesn't really say anything specifically on those situations. But from my experience, it really depends on a person's past experiences and their natural reserve of willpower. If they have high willpower and experiences to draw from, there isn't much that can put them down quickly without very long and drawn out sessions to break that will." he continues, gradually dropping the persona and showing his real self.

"Going from crap and then to hell might help one get a greater appreciation of doing humanitarian work like we did." he said, about to get give an officer's speech to the young Neko. But before he could start, Kiyo finally recognized him.

"Kiyomori-san? It has been awhile!" Harris said as he stands up to shake hands. "As you can see, I have grown quite a bit since we last met." he said before raising an eyebrow towards Luna. The resemblance was close but he didn't want to assume anything.
Makoto learned about the man she would later learn was Harris Sempai, about how he liked reading the old fashioned way. It was interesting to the Ninja, but she wasn’t sure she liked it, but to each their own she supposed. She listened as he spoke of what he learned from the book and from his own knowledge. She knew that Kiyo and Luna were brave, courageous women. Makoto nodded her head as she had to admit, the humanitarian work they’d done was amazing to her too.

Makoto blinked when Kiyo spoke to him. Indeed, you have grown a bit, and in rank since the last heard though I don’t know what you are doing now. Kiyo said, shaking his hand with a smile on her face. Kiyo then placed her arm over her daughter’s shoulder and gently moved her forward. “this is my daughter, Luna, she’s also Wulf’s daughter, not sure if you remember, but Wulfwas another member of the Kaiyo 2 though it might have been after you left for officer exchange with the NDC. Kiyo said.

I take it you two know each other then? you served on the same ship previously? Makoto asked, and Kiyo nodded. yes Kiyo confirmed.

Sempai, do you happen to know where a VR chamber is, one, where we might be able to record activities? Kiyo asked thinking he’d know better.
"Working for the Rikugun Chief of Staff. When the Giretsu were disbanded as an occupation, other opportunities opened up." Mikael answered the unasked question. He then did a slight bow of his head towards Luna before looking back towards Kiyo. "I remember, last I heard he was over at the YSS Twilight. And a heisho now, much like yourself."

He then paused for a moment to think before continuing.

"Your records already speak for yourself. Even the yokai (referencing ghost of yamatai) over here." Mikael said before his eyes shifted over towards Makoto. He then looked back to the mother and daughter pairing. "You have two options, I know of a Virtual Collective Experience operation over at Donghua Towers in the downtown district. A popular place for Nepleslians and others that just want to be left alone, so the staff there are quite experienced at giving people what they want to experience and even record.

The other option is a Volumetric Tank that the Rikugun Chief of Staff's headquarter uses for assessing new training programs at the military district. I got back from Fujiko on leave, so I can take you to either if you wish."
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Kiyo learned what Mikael has been doing “impressive that your Rikugun Chief of Staff, I’m proud of you, though, according to my elder sisters, Giretsu at least the school is back, and my older sister Yayoi was there. “ She told him before nodding “I heard he was doing things with our old captain, ” she said, though saddened that she hadn’t contacted her and invited her for the taskforce. Luna giggled when Makoto was called a yokai. It was funny because she called her that too after they’d been rescued. Makoto didn’t react to the potential callsign, however, instead she like Kiyo listened as he gave them two ideas for Luna’s VR show of idea. I think the Rikugun Chief of Staff Headquarters might work. Luna said after calming down from her giggles.
Mikael swiftly waved his hands in a denial fashion. "For the Rikugun Chief of Staff. I am not aiming for a flag officer position someday. Would take me further away from helping mentor those under me." he continued, trying to diffuse the embarrassment of being mistaken for someone important.

He took the moments of regaining his composure to send a personal request for the VR Tank.

I have an old friend that wishes to make use of the office's VR training room to conduct self-assessment drills based on a number of combat scenarios. The schedule claims it is currently free for the next week, but I wanted to run it by you first in case you wanted to use it as your personal dojo for all to use again."

He didn't have to wait long. He just simply received a chibi of an Elysian giving a thumbs up before the textbox said the following:

"Be sure to supervise and log it in. Consider your leave ended and remaining days refunded. Mizumitsu-heisho would also like a word with you later as well."

There was a microexpression of a frown from Mikael. "Bah, more paperwork..." he muttered silently before smiling and looking at Kiyo. "We are all set, allow me to change and I can get it all setup for you. Due to it being my office's assigned property, I have been assigned as the observer for this. I'll be sure to stay out of your way though."
Kiyo smiled at his response, though in her mind she knew he’d make for a great Chief of Staff, as he was a good man. She also thought he’d make a great mentor too, so she waited patiently for him to send the message, having recognized the signs on his face and the microsexpression, clearly something had occured he was displeased with, turns out he was supposed to observe. Kiyo, Luna and Makoto bowed in respect and gratitude for his willingness to help them. Thank you, we appreciate this, Sempai!” They said in unison and they prepared to go to their next destination with was the Chief of Staff VR tank. They also waited patiently for him to change and get it all set up fr them.
Mikael nodded his head and grabbed his bag. Rolling towards the nearest restroom, he was no stranger to changing in public restrooms. Thankfully the Yamatai has the absolutely cleanest restrooms in the sector. There was even a paper plaque with the picture of the old employee and her Emma assistant smiling gleefully that they were recognized as this tri-month's best team.

A few minutes later, Mikael emerged from the rest room in his white paneled Type 42 uniform. Because he was coming from a ceremony at Rikugun Base Fujiko, he had not removed the ribbons rack from the uniform yet. "Alright, let's get going. I will coordinate with the Emma's working there so it is all set up by the time we get there."
The here Nekos noticed he was heading to the restroom, and doubting that the entrance to their destination was in there, and due to the fact women shouldn’t be in the male restroom, especially one of whom was without clothes so they waited outside. They spotted him emerging later now dressed in his uniform. “sounds good!” Kiyo said as the three followed him to their next destination.
Robotaxi Flight

Hailing a somewhat luxurious flying robotaxi to take them directly to Rikugun Headquarters, Mikael relaxes his massive frame the best he can. The price he keeps paying for "power" similar to one of his ancestors. He looked over at the trio for a moment and remained quiet unless one of them had something to say.
Robotaxi Flight
During the flight, Kiyo and Makoto had removed their sheathed swords from their belts to hold it in front of them, between their legs so that they could sit comfortably. This position also allowed their swords from poking their seats. The trip spoke of their plans further, but when the radio spoke of a colonial Initiative, Luna spoke we could send our ST and stuff to them! Luna said and the trio continued to listen before they continued to converse between them.

After a lull in conversation Luna noticed him looking at them, so she spoke to him. So… I’ve been thinking it's likely during simulations they’d be fighting pirates, which could be any random species, as for me, not sure what I should be doing, since I am only a technician. I’ll probably watch with you, unless there's something like a bomb that needs dealing with or something.