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The Sourcian Race


Inactive Member
Retired Member

  • In essence, the Sourcian are a race of shape-shifters with a complex culture and social hierarchy comparable to many other races, despite the fact they hold a shared consciousness.


  • The Sourcian began life as a single complex entity known as the "Chorus Maesus" (Terminal Core). Within the Chorus Maesus, billions upon billions of Sourcian acted as a single life-form (Maesus Nodes), thinking, acting and moving as one though at this time, the Sourcian had no distinct physical body save for a gelatinous mass and a membrane, similar to a cell.

    [1.5 Billion BE]
    An event known as "the great incident" severed the thoughts of each component of the Chorus Maesus and billions of Maesus Node were lost and the population underwent a dramatic change in culture as their minds were rendered independent in comparison to what they had been. A vast emotional need filled the Sourcian and a painful void filled their souls, a time which went onto become known as "the agreement" whereby the Maesus recognized reality instead of the dreamworld of the Chorus Maesus.

    From orange semi-porous mass, the Sourcian form gradually became more complex as they learned to copy advanced life-forms and develop sensory organs they never would have beyond the Chorus Maesus: Evolution was taking place for the first time in billions of years though with a twist: the evolution was a social construct as they could already change form and grew skilled. This gave rise to brilliant forms and birth to beautiful complex thought though not entirely independent though the Maesus mass which replaced the Chorus Maesus (the cores) would live under the ocean as a massive living mind [750 Million BE].

    Anesus I [650 Million BY]

    It was agreed that some of the Maesus would go onto explore their world independently and think independently, acting and performing actions for the collective.
    The first attempt of this was the Aevalli Sourcian though the attempt failed as these minds were not utterly independent and they were rendered the Salaxi-Aevalli (Un-Free thinkers).

    Anesus II [650 Million BY]

    In lack of a Chorus Maesus, nor the components to build one, several Maesus core had been brought into the world: each consisting of billions of Maesus Nodes (single Sourcian), comparable to the nations of any given planet.

    It was universally agreed that the Salaxi-Aevalli were a failure of idiosyncratic thought and a second attempt was made: a true Aevalli Sourcian.

    Awakening [35 Thousand BY]

    The true Aevalli-Sourcian would go onto both awe and terrify the Maesus-Sourcian who had created them and gradually, the line between Salaxi-Aevalli and Maesus Sourcian blurred.

    The three now co-exist though each Maesus-core ironically acts as an independent clan. Each Clan had a Maesus Core, Salaxi Aevalli and often a number of true Aevalli.

    Idiosyncrasity [10 Thousand BY]

    Many True-Sourcians went on to copy the forms, life-styles and take note of the mindsets of the outsiders. Vast floating cities inhabited by all manner of Sourcian were founded and even members of other races [even those long extinct] were formed: the vast cities of Taisus. Taisus cities consisted of strange metalloids woven then hardened into crystal-like forms, roaring up into the heavens to form vast towers both and above the platforms which they made, each connected by pipeways of heated air, water and physical piping for travel and transfer.

    Intruder [8000 BY]

    With the first great war the Sourcian were attacked by an unknown outsider which created distrust among the clans and convents and the need for an offensive capability was needed to compete with the enemy.

    The Mara ("white finger") and the Shiviaria (A massive living orbital weapons platform) alongside the feared Aexalli. The Aexalli were super-soldiers, designed to perform the actions of thousands of Salaxi and sweep the enemy though many never saw battle. With this, the Sourcian made the strategic choice to occupy the worlds of their assilants with the power of the Aexalli acting as their eyes and their hands in these other worlds, carefully managing their culture and social structure (effectively playing "doll" with planets of their enemy they deemed themselves too kind to destroy). Many of the Sourcian occupied worlds appear lifeless upon basic scan technology and many probes never return.

    Seven [2000 BY]

    There were a further seven great wars in defense of outsiders who kidnapped their kind for experimentation or assaulted their kind. The Aexalli adapted to each method of war and moved with the Shiviaria as their homes, defending the Sourcian and some went onto evolve into the Maevalli and Maexallis during an event in the final war known as "the battle of salvation" whereby the Maestro was put to death. In a turn of events however, the Maestro took the leaders of his enemy with him in death and victory was declared dispite the fact he had killed himself in the process.

    The end [1000 BY]

    The Maexalli and Maevalli cleaned up the remaining enemy and peace was declared once more though because Sourcian energies and reserves were so tightly knit into war, they could not escape an event known as "the second great incident" which swept through populations of Sourcian and left them in ruin, save for those specifically preserved and launched into the heavens.

    Ironically, their vast Taisus still stand as if a day had not ever passed, even now.

    It is also known that in the vast tunnels where the Sourcian' Maesus Cores once filled, Sarians now roam as spoken in the sacred texts: Siren like beings with humanoid bodies which breathe water though are little more intelligent than a dolphin with similar social patterns.

    Ironically, the Sarians' were spoken of as sirens and would link the Sourcian to "The promised land" which the Maestro would lead.

Types of Sourcian:

Each name has been "designated" for the sake of conveniance as Sourcian do not converse via phonics, thus names for their units would be inpronouncable.
Names to specific units in the field or particular tiers are often assigned by those who discover them, rather than themselves and bay be assigned either by other players on discovery or during the submission process.

Chain/Clan - One or more Maesus Core with Salaxi Aevallis beneath them, acting independently.


  • Node
    Effectively, a Sourcian nucleus: a brain.
    A chain of Maesus Nodes acting together in massive numbers.


  • Orthadox
    A single Maesus Node given independent operation, though still liked to any given Maesus Core. An Orthadox Salaxi has no specific role and is expected to choose their own.

    A "dumb" Salaxi relegated to simple tasks, akin to a slave or animal. Some are binded formed as ships, buildings or complex structures. Others will mine or act as a soldier for their Maesus Core.

    An intelligent Salaxi with a single task, comparable to a computer or intelligent system. Often, an Advanto and a Basis will work in perfect harmony and complement one another (example: one forming the hull and engines of a ship, the other forming the mind and computer of the ship, both behaving as a single life-form).

    True Aevallis
    A truly sentient and intelligent Aevallis.

    One step above a true Aevallis and an Aexalli, a Maestro is a single Sourcian to each clan who interfaces with a Maesus Core delivering instructions and command. A Maestro can be thought both as an emperor, an avatar and a link to the outside world for the Maesus population.

    A name given to a Sourcian which has hardened into a living wall or structure. Though not sentient, a Structol may react to stimulus.

War-type Sourcian

  • To play a war-type Sourcian, one must contact the creator for permission and gain approval from the usual approval crew, OsakanOne and FM.

    A super-soldier designed to act in place of thousands of waring Salaxi by using guerilla, psychological warfare, immense physical prowess, intelligence, vast resourcefulness and adaptability. Each clan's Aexalli differ vastly. Some are true soldiers and others evolve into other forms known as the Mae.

    The term given to an Aexalli with an advanced physical body, a Maexalli is easily comparable to a power-armor or better with a physical body able to match their prowess.
    Some choose to grow bone-like armor while others fashion their own from metallic materials or have their equipment constructed by elder Aexalli and Maesus.
    A Maexalli is never recorded as killed but instead "lost" or "missing in action" as it is unheard of for a Maexalli to ever die: merely recuperate.

    A blend between a Maexalli and Salaxi, a Maevallis has the physical strength and capabilities but lacks the intelligence and independence to act without a commander confidently.

    Vast living vessels composed of two enormous massive armored Maesus nodes stretched thin into a membrane with an Advento acting as the ship's mind, all functioning as a single conciousness. Klosallis are either hollow with passages and decks or utterly full with only a small living space. Larger Klosallis are often wrapped in a Structol for additional protection during construction as a form of shell and some choose to keep this shell for defensive purposes.
    Different classes of Klosallis are known as "tiers".

    Similar to Kloallis, Amelliaus consist of two armored Maesus nodes and an Advento though are drastically smaller ranging from 2 to 32 meters in length. Amelliaus are exceptionally adaptable and maneuverable, a swarm of smaller fighter like units often accompanying a Klosallis type carrier.
    Some Amelliasu are wrapped in a very carefully adapted flexible structol which act as an external hull, allowing them to take greater punishment and when the Structol is destroyed, it is ejected.
    Like Klosallis, Amelliaus are known by different tiers which specialize in different tasks.


Because Sourcians are shape-shifters, they are able to take a vast number of different forms. However, distinct features are always apparent whether revealed or hidden:

  • One or more Maesus node within every independent Sourcian, acting as a sort of "lobe" of their brain.

    The existance of a quantity of external matter, the "body" of a Sourcian. In it's natural state, a orange semi-porpourous fluid, this skin can harden and act in a vast array of different ways. It consists of plasma, muscle tissues, a vast colony of protozoa-like cells and raw genetic material.

    Four main "eyes" of varying size. It is not uncommon for two to be hidden beneath the skin or be placed at a location away from the head. One pair focus upon movement, the others upon shape and form. A young Sourcian is only able to see motion and is effectively blind.

    Eight "sub" eyes of a smaller size. Little larger than a small ballbearing or marble, each pair specialize in specific tasks: for example telling color apart or focusing at specific ranges though if they all focus on the same task, they can be dotted about the head. Sometimes, pairs go on to become other organs within the body to communicate with the Maesus nodes and another body.

    Six "feelers" which appear like smooth tree branches with a leathery feel, each sensitive enough to detect bio-electrisity and with training, electro-magnetic fields and changes in air pressure, moisture, wind direction and temperature. These feelers are immensely sensitive to touch and very rarely extend from the skin around strangers. They can be considered erogenous zones.

Common traits:

  • "Hands":
    Hands with three fingers and a mirrored thumb. Sometimes, an extra pair of thumbs and fingers link from the wrist making six fingers and four thumbs in total. The grip of a Sourcian is strong enough to break the neck of a humanoid with relative ease in larger forms and more graceful but less strong in smaller ones.

    Faces come in a vast variety, some connected to the body, others split off into several forms though they tightly follow the proportions of phi, hinting that Sourcians may be psychologically comparable to their visitors as they try to appear attractive to them.

    Aexalli specifically have a multi-hinged jaw with a boney outer-casing and four eyes visible. Two are usually hidden beneath hair or retract into the skin.

    Using flexible cartilage as bone, most Sourcian are able to bend their knees and legs both forwards and rearwards and may have upward of two to six legs.

    Almost stark white, blue or of an orange hue, Sourcian colors define their clan and social standing when independent from the Maesus cores.

    Often, special markings will be outlined around specific areas of the body to indicate personal choices or beliefs. For example, a lighter colour about the inner thighs and about areas where "feelers" rest beneath the skin indicates sensuality where as black pigmentation around the back of the neck or in stripes over the body indicate physical prowess and are worn proudly by Aexalli.

    After meeting primitive humanoids, the creation of hair has become a popular demonstration of one's shape-changing ability. Those who are to meet with outsiders beyond war must be able to replicate or emulate hair.

Color & Rank

  • White with gold trim often demonstrates free thinkers and peaceful thoughts, akin to monks or those who fashion technology. Attire is often quite elaborate and formal though capable of being sensual and functional.

    This coloration is also a statement that one wearing it is not a combatant.

    Darker purples and dark blues contrasting to one another hint at the military Aexalli though colours can often be lighter and vastly different but an insignia of a circle half dark blue and half purple will be present upon all uniforms. Each color will differ slightly with each major clan.

    Jet black with silver or gray trim is often worn by the Maexalli in order to signify their prowess and capacity.

Noticable abilities:
Sourcian abilities are extremely broad depending on which type and their role within Sourcian society. It is very rare for any Sourcian to have all special abilities though those marked with an asterisk (*) are extremely common.

  • *Life-Span
    All Sourcian have a life-span of up to 20 years before psychological stability starts to become a problem (because minds function at higher rates, "old age" psychologically is met at a far faster rate). This means once every 20 years, a Sourcian requires a "psychological reset" (which can take place with the exchange of maesus nodes) unless they have had very careful training. Physically, a Sourcian Maesus can last up to 600 years.
    Some are able to forgoe this process and age naturally though they require a host from another race to regenerate.

    *Solid metabolism:
    Being highly adaptable, the Sourcian are able to eat a wide range of different materials so long as they hold a calorific value worth the effort of digestion or shifting in size and shape. There are stories of Sourcian swallowing other beings whole to satisfy their appetites. Because they are shape-shifters, they are unable to become fat. The majority of food stuffs never complete a full trip around the digestive system and leave no trace.

    *"Paranoid" immune system & adaption
    Because of their ancient linage, the immune system of a Sourcian is extremely powerful and capable of dealing with a wide range of viruses, bacteria and parasites which would have crippled the Sourcian millions of years ago to the point of even identifying body matter by particular chemical signatures and authoring an antibody to specifically kill a type of cell (cancerous matter for example). This also means Sourcians are highly sought after healers though in some cases, the immune system can also damage their bodies during the healing process, irreversibly destroying feelers and their sexual capacity.

    *Enhanced senses:
    Sourcian eyesight (because of the number of eyes and advanced image processing in the maesus nodes/brains) tends to be superior to that of humanoids and unlike them. Depending on the location of their other eyes, Sourcian can see directly behind, above, below or in any direction the eyes are placed in and can feel the difference between colors as they hit the skin, giving the Sourcian an extreme awareness of objects around them.

    Depending on the particular type of Sourcian, ears can either be set into the skin, in specific locations or both. Those upon the skin hear in direction and volume with a weak comprehension of pitch whereas those in specific locations tend to be extremely sensitive. If trained properly, a Sourcian can pick out hundreds of independent sounds and focus on up to 30 allowing them to hear into a crowd and pick out specific voices and find a specific person within the crowd, rather than hearing noise. Because of this, the Sourcian definition of perfect pitch tends to be extremely specific.

    "Bursts" of extreme physical strength and/or speed:
    Though normally quick and agile, Sourcians are able to exhibit a burst of action and often plan with these in mind, chaining maneuvers and bursts together in combat, making up for an unusual fighting-style of slow maneuvers and off-balance breaking out into devastating moves.
    Though usually inaccurate with sweeping movements to make up for this, a combat trained Sourcian can hit a target in specific locations and plan to lay a critical blow upon a target's weaker areas. Chaining these bursts of strength together will leave a Sourcian drained and an easy target if they do not take cover.

    **Metamorphosis & transformation:
    A Sourcian is able to take on a wide range of physical states and mimic an extremely wide repertoire of different cell types. Muscle memory is an extremely important part of the transformation stage and as such, if a form has been taken many times, it can be assumed quickly. If a form is simple, it can be assumed quickly. Taking the role of a Maevallis or Maexallis can take anywhere from 3 to 16 hours for a combat trained Sourcian. In rare cases, the transformation can take under 30 minutes.

    Interchangeable memory:
    Because of the Maesus Nodes, "minds" can be exchanged from Sourcian to Sourcian, easily making a non-combat body a combat body very quickly. The persona of a Sourcian is affected by this, with personal knowledge following a lead node and skills following less dominant nodes. Nodes are few and far between unless one is in the proximity of other Sourcian or one keeps a number of Nodes with them.
    Unfortunately, Nodes require a very specific environment over the long-term so they must be cared for when not within a Sourcian.

    Integrated technologies: (normally only military Sourcian)
    The majority of technology used by Sourcians is integrated directly into them as a form of accelerated evolution by using the integration to overcome shortcomings, making a biomechanoid life-form subject to the strengths and weaknesses of both types of life-form.
    For example, many energy weapons tend to be set into the fingers, fore-arms or even the heads of Sourcian and engines and the like worn internally within the legs or hips. It is common for a combat Sourcian to exchange a great mass of their digestive tract to make room for a ZPE drain/storage device or other energy management systems, giving the technology they use a great source of power. It is also becoming common place for Maevallis to harbor high powered engines and gravitonic manipulators along with shield generators. Removal of such systems by 3rd parties is extremely difficult without the compliance of the Sourcian or excessive force (industrial cutting devices, for example). Culturally, some choose to remain pure and untouched by technology.

    Non-destructive occupation of other beings (Artificial SSA).
    Though Sourcian often blend with other-life forms for a wide range of purposes in a destructive manner (allowing the life-form only to coexist with the Sourcian or die, though granting it special properties of a Sourcian) there is also a short-term nondestructive form of combination whereby a Sourcian (for the most part) liquifies and covers an individual, often moving to fill orifices and such, to coat the individual both inside and out. Non-destructive nerve contacts are made and the individual is left in control with the Sourcian able to communicate with them. This is a very recent discovery and has had great success with cultural exchanges. Interestingly in the case of red blooded/haemoglobin animals and beings, the blood turns to a blue color as blood is exchanged with the Sourcian then another compound liquid is fed back into the blood-stream with a 150% effectiveness. In this state, an individual can circumnavigate within a vacuum and can (in rare cases) become a pseudo Maevallis (in this state, nicknamed a "Maverick Armor").
    This can be used for example, to keep a dying individual alive long past their natural life-time or cure a terminally ill individual. The melding process takes 32 hours to complete and a further 72 hours to safely remove without hurting the individual, restoring them to their original anatomical form. In some cases, the Sourcian is sentient though more often than not, trained or programmed to perform this task.


  • Sourcians are able to normally reproduce via the exchange of genetic material or via asexual reproduction. However, when genetic reproduction isn't feisable, the importation of existing minds to birth them within new bodies (whether of their own race or of others) is preferred.

    In the case of an outside race, minds are transfered through a sacred ceremony known as "the conversion".

    Sourcian are normally able to reproduce via the production of new Modus and material. However, the importation of existing minds from other races is preferred to the creation of blank or copied minds through a ceremony known as "the conversion".

    The conversion is considered deeply sacred and is very rarely spoken of among outsiders unless there is emotional intimacy and trust between the Sourcian in question and the outsider. The ceremony involves the casting away of the original body and conversion of the mind and in many cases, then a return to the body to occupy it as a hybrid Sourcian.

    Younglings are often blind and feel only by changes in air-pressure and sound and static changes in the air, a talent many lose as they grow older. Often, they inherit similar psychological traits from their parents though those who are not parented do not progress in intelligence beyond that of large animals and may never learn to communicate (known as Yakuppka or "the forgotten").

    Parent and child are very intimate on a one to one basis as both a teacher, a parent and in many cases, a lover. During this time, they will teach their offspring of the world around them, how to adapt and how to love both physically and emotionally.

    A youngling is approximately 1/3rd the size of an adult Sourcian though an adult can easily masquerade as a youngling by compacting themselves and becoming denser although their original weight does not change.

    Aexalli have an infamously long youngling stage and live substantially longer than their Maesus brethren.


Culture can be broken down into religion like sects which are contained within the many clans. There are two distinct types of clan:

  • Orthadox: Those who insist on the need for a Chorus Maesus and a Maestro who is faithful to the homeworlds.

    Un-orthadox: Any given Sourcian(s) who insist against the need for the Chorus Maesus of old who place more emphasis on either the Maestro akin to a king or their own individuality as a republic. Unorthodox Sourcian often wish to leave the home-base worlds and are known to take exodus. Many are often exiled from their home-worlds.


  • Sourcians demonstrate themselves to be extremely adaptable and a very accepting culture, believing that nothing is ever fixed unless it works flawlessly.
    Manual labor is performed by non-sentient Salexi drones and Maesus drones.
    Aevalli and Aexalli live very comfortable lives for the most part and laziness is believed to both lead to a weakness of the mind and also be a form of reward given to those in power who "cannot" become weak of mind.

    Culture tends to ride with those who have specific talents or interests in areas. Within four Sourcian socially, one can cross the entire spectrum of Sourcian mentality.
    Civilians are laid back whereas military individuals are extremely prompt with a healthy paranoia though it goes undemonstrated for the most part.

    Sourcian hold a strong fondness for well prepared meals and many educated Sourcian refuse to let low quality food pass their lips unless the circumstances are dire. If such food is unlikely to be produced to meet their particular tastes, they will take it upon themselves to prepare their meals and are hesitant to share food with outsiders unless they are guests (in which case only the finest will be given to them in an attempt to impress). Food consists mainly of either specially prepared raw meats soaked in sweet alcohol with sauces and well cooked meats (alcohol left to rise and evaporate, meat considered ready when it finally has done so). Vegetables and fruits are often eaten as a snack food or among a number of "courses" wrapped about meat or marrow with the spiced blood of an animal as garnish.

    This extends into their culture whereby a common sign of allegiance or trust is to surrender a sizable chunk of one's own bio-matter and have it prepared as part of a meal. If the meal is deemed tasteful or even delicious, the allegiance is accepted though this is fast becoming an antiquated act as outsiders tend to insist against the idea of giving a piece of themselves to another race, unable to recover it and instead opt to try a foreign dish, believing that accepting the culture of another into one's body is a deep sign of trust, for one is what one eats.

    In return, a Sourcian allows a large chunk of their own biomatter to be consumed by the neighboring race. In most cases, the "dumb cells" go on to copy what was removed, leaving a part of the Sourcian they have "binded" with with the individual at all times. Often, this can provide resourceful and sometimes life-saving as the replaced organ will not fail so long as the mind of the individual has a will to live.

    It should also be noted Sourcians are very easily intoxicated by alcohols, feeling the burn of the taste more strongly since it is used to prepare food and not to be directly consumed in most cases. Recreational substances are also commonplace and used during times of intimacy, socially (in place of alcohol) and mind altering chemicals are common among craftsmen, artists and musicians.

    Many types of physical intimacy are common among Sourcian and some forms of pleasure considered a form of greeting. It is not unusual for an outsider to be left confused by the friendliness of a Sourcian once they have become comfortable with outsiders or a new environment.

    There are a wide range of Sourcian arts, ranging from physical combat and dance (often blended together without physical confrontation), a wide range of painting and sculpting arts (even so far as a tutor sculpting the face and even body of his apprentice with his or her own hands), very precise music with complex mathematical patterns, acting and the craft of devices and technology.

    Overall, the Sourcian are very reserved around outsiders, speaking only when spoken to and unlikely to ask for something unless they deem it necessary or desire something strongly. However, once aquatinted properly, they can become very friendly though still quiet and somewhat reserved in most cases. However, some individuals, particularly un-orthadox Sourcians are often extremely friendly to the point of being over-friendly.

    Learning by teaching, information is traditionally recorded into the Chorus Maesus or written if necessary though the writing and especially the music of outsiders has caught their attention. As such, music is often a very effective ice-breaker when communicating with a Sourcian.

    Spiritual beliefs are left to all but the concept of a universal energy and a balance. Though there are myths, there is no belief in a single or any all powerful god and instead, deities whom are translated as the factors involved with calculating the flow of Zero Point Energy simply known as "the great energy". They also have a firm belief that there should be no excess and waste of material, disgusted by true excess, trusting strength in small numbers over lesser strength in larger numbers as demonstrated with the Aexalli.

    Being unaware of their past before "the great incident" of many millennia ago, they elect an individual to attempt to unearth their past known as the Maestro. The Maestro is known as such because they "resonate with the wishes of the people" and have full access to the Chorus Maesus as a subsidiary of their own mind.
    It is rare for a Maestro to ever produce a conclusion at their end of their reign and they often return to being a part of the Chorus Maesus with a superior understanding of the universe and the world around them, making a great contribution back to the Chorus Maesus and accepting their demise as individuals once more, leaving behind an Aevalli or an Aexalli in their wake as off-spring.

Explination: Any major events or additions or ammendments made (such as a new class or historical event or anything of toning something down without breaking continuity) will be added here.

Resubmission: Mon Jan 22 2007, 08:14 pm

  • Hey everyone. Though the Sourcian have already been approved, there are a lot of subtle changes I've really wanted to make so I can link this in with my Lazara plotline. A bit of "stealing" technologically, as it were, from ruins. I've requested the original approval version be scrapped so this version can take it's place. It's almost identical in every respect save for some changes in history, rank order and anatomy.

    By lowering their number, things can be done with them which would be taboo otherwise with a bigger race. If you want to "borrow" some technology or encounter something of theirs, let me know. It'll make some great oppertunities in the JP for the unknown.

    I've got the intention of waking up an old Aexelli which some of you might enjoy should you meet her. Sana's been housing her marbles for a while.

    Now that I think about it, some clans might still be alive, space faring. Who knows. Some of you might meet them if you venture far enough.

Ammendments: Wed Jan 24 2007, 07:42 pm

  • Minor changes have been made to the list of types of Sourcian and some clarification has been made to conform to Wes' requirements. Also, minor formatting changes have been made.

    New types:

    A Sourcian body used to create complex bio-mechanoid structures.

    Simpler explination for Shiviaria, since it was too specific. Klosallis are large Sourcian ships and are a class of ship, not a specific ship.
    Usually quite slow and heavily armed.

    An addition to remove any confusion in class, an Amelliaus ranges from fighter to gunship scale and is usually exceptionally maneuverable. The namesake is a tribute to a biomechanoid fighter from a past RP.

Approved!: Wed Jan 24 2007, 07:47 pm

  • Sourcian race has been approved!

Wiki added!: Wed Jan 24 2007, 09:25 pm
Would I be mistaken in believing this race is on the same power scale as the nekovalkyrja species? If not more? (that's my impression)

Is it meant to be playable and available from the CCG, or more meant to showcase certain NPCs?
Only the Maexalli, Kotori. They're capable of havoc but only because they were "designed" to be deployed few and far between, followed by Maevallis which are little more than creatures constructed for a specific war role (say a fighter drone or a reconnance drone or a soldier drone).

The intention is to bring some NPCs to the table to give players a flavor of what they're capable of but if there's interest, they will probably be made playable though there'll probably be some strict rules in place to prohibit power-play and abuse.

I also wanted to bring to light the hybrid function of the race. An unintelligent Salaxi is capable of bonding with a member from another race provided it's a mutual agreement (or the Salaxi is particularly desperate).

While the number of Sourcians is significantly lower than the Neko, a hybrid of the two would be quite interesting should it take place.
Okay, so there are variants enough to the race to have some be there in the background and some others actually made to be playable. Makes sense; I mean, there are many neko types... but only the NH-29 is currently a playable type, with the NH-27 being the rare exception and a handful of other neko types end up being powerful weapons or miniature assistants.

...so which version would you consider being the most common, playable type?
It would most likely be the Aevalli and possibly the Aexalli.

The balance would be that Aevalli are better enriched as people whereas dispite being stronger, Aexalli are socially awkward unless they've had lots of observation (thus usually a lack of formal military training).
As essentially one half of the creative team for this plot, I recommend approval for this so that we can get on with some of the plans we have for this.

I'm really excited about what we're planning for this and some of it will reach into just about every corner of the SARP...nothing world-shattering, but rather simply expansive.

I should also get to that Sarian writeup, and perhaps introduce the Ornith sometime this millenium, but that will come later.
Except for this:
, I approve the submission. Any vessel needs to have its own stat sheet to be approved.
Alright. A Shiviaria is a term used for any large ship, really. I'll make that edit.
I took care of it.
Cheers, Wes.

I'm going to pester FM into writing up the Sarian and then I'm going to drop in and ammend the final draft.

I created both the Sourcian and the Sarian but Ian had a big hand in getting them off the ground and fleshing them out.

I'm not sure I'd be able to get any ideas like this off the ground without him.
I'm flattered, really. :3

Seriously, though, the writeup will come soon enough. I have a few other things I need to be working on, too, you know.
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