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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill The Spirit of the YSS Yui

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The Spirit of the YSS Yui


(Continued from viewtopic.php?f=18&t=101&&start=60)

Toshiro looked back at Remi, smiling.

"We've docked at Midori no Umi, our storage site...if you look out port, you can see Yamatai, you know...I bet it's been a while for you since you've seen it."


Remi did just that. She looked out onto her native world, a little longing in her eyes.

"I haven't seen Yamatai since before heading out to Lor..."


The YSS Yui was going about its routine patrol around Midori no Umi when they noticed the odd green Vampire class docked and in the process of unloading. The Yui docked nearby and a armed security team (consisting of 3 neko and 2 power armors) cautiously walked over to the ship from inside the station.

The security captain knocked on the hatch. The team murmured quietly to themselves about the rumors surrounding the Yggdrasill as they waited for a response.


Toshiro's armrest console kicked on, indicating personnel wishing to enter the ship...a screen came up showing the Star Army Soldiers, and he gave a small sigh...

"Well, I guess this is to be expected when encountering an alien vessel...everyone disarm and lock away your weaponry...we have visitors of the official kind."

He did so with his own weaponry, locking it in the special safe built into his chair, before heading back...he used his communicator to tap into a small intercom outside the ship.

"I'm coming, but it'll take a moment, the bridge is on the other end of the ship...This is Captain Yuki Toshiro, by the way. What is it you need?"


"This is Taisa Metsurui Chiai of the YSS Yui, we'd like to perform a security inspection of your vessel, cargo and your cargo's manifest," The security captain spoke in a calm, clear voice. She almost sounded bored. "This is just a routine security inspection, this shouldn't take long."

The other members of the team shifted impatiently behind her, waiting for the chance to do something.


Remi frowned a little.

"Well, word travels fast on Yamatai." The doctor replied idly. "If you would like Captain, I could accompany you."


Toshiro nodded to Remi, as he brought up his manifest on his datapad's screen.

"Very well, there is no problem with that...I must admit I am curious why you would bring two Power Armors, Taisa. Were you aware of our units?"

He walked at a brisk pace toward the door, indicating for Remi to follow.


Remi followed suit, hands inside of her long white labcoat.


"There was concern over some of the rumors going around about what you might be carrying," Chiai responded matter of factly. "Better safe than sorry, as the old saying goes."

"Might be more like throwing hand grenades at mice," One of the power armour pilots muttered. She started to say more but a glare from Chiai made her stop.


Toshiro scratched his head.

"Well, we did find a few Mishhuvurthyar components...the positron cannons we have are fairly decent little beasts, but not illegal...that the weapon pod we found is the variant that lacks scalar weaponry, so no real worries there..."

He handed her a manifest of all the items that were not only on the Yggdrasill, but also in storage...


The blue eyed neko with black hair looked over the manifest carefully, raising an eyebrow now and then at what was listed. "Everything looks in order on the manifest, but if you would accompany us to check the ship and the cargo? Just to be cautious," Chiai added politely as she handed Toshiro back the data pad. She gestured to the ship again. "That is quite an interesting list you have there, it most be interesting to be in your line of business." The neko appeared and suonded geniunely calm and sincere.

The security team members shifted their weight from one foot to another as they waited to get a chance to start moving again. "Must beat the hell out of this..." a purple hair security neko standing behind Chiai muttered quietly. Chiai didn't seem to hear the comment from this neko for some reason.


Remi smirked a little as she heard the security guard. Of course such things could be more interesting, albet more dangerous as well. She found herself staring a little openly stopped and cleared her throat.

"We each have our jobs to do. Simple as that." She replied to the purple haired neko.


The purple haired neko grinned at Reimi with a nod but didn't say anything further. The nekos in the power armor fidgeted still, one "cracked her knuckles" as they waited. They almost seemed excited at the change in routine and were unable to stand still.


Remi merely wore a serene smile as she saw the female guard grin.

"Perhaps when you have some free time, you would like to have a drink, or perhaps grab some lunch with me? That is of course if our superiors will allow it, and granted there be free time." She asked politely hands still in her lab coat.


Toshiro smiled, nodding.

"As long as it won't hinder your performance, Miyoshi-hakase. I'm not against you spending a little time with your old colleagues from the Army...and since we're headed to Nepleslia for Shaun, you'll likely be bored if you came with us this time, stuck in orbit. You can't come planet-side with the rest of us, unfortunately..."

He turned to the Taisa next, going where she indicated to inspect the cargo.

"It can be quite interesting...Miyoshi-hakase was one of those finds, though she's not listed on the manifest...sometimes we even get the rare opportunity of performing a rescue of a live person as well as intact ships...this last mission was of particular interest."

Kylen Phylar

Ken was about to answer that question when everything seemed to happen rapidly, but he followed close behind. He did shudder at the thought of ever being in a power armor though.


Chiai looked to her purple haired team member and nodded as she followed Toshiro to inspect the cargo. "You may, Carmilla." The team fanned out and examined on and around the cargo, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

"We can take some liberty after this search, I think my crew needs a bit of a break as it stands," Chiai smiled. "I can imagine, there are all kinds of wierd rumors about your ship, but all ships have odd rumors about them. Kinda like the YSS Yui, the poor old girl has seen so much in her years of service that people are swearing she's haunted."

The power armored nekos, sighed as the area cameup clear, Taisa, it's clear."

The other security team members also nodded, "Clear."

Chiai smiled, "Right on to the next area, if you don't mind, Mr. Yuki. Their just getting restless from uneventful patrols, but it's better to be a boring deployment rather than an eventful one."


Remi gave Toshiro a little look. "Of course it will not hinder my performance Captain. I am a perfectionist at my craft."She replied strolling closer to the purple haired neko.

"Carmilla, that is a pretty name. I'm Remi." The doctor flashed her a little smile as she stood there.


Carmilla smiled, "Thank you, nice to meet you too, Remi. This is Peony." She indicated the pink haired neko beside her as they waited to move along to the next section to check. Peony gave a small wave, "'Hi there."

The power armored nekos waited more patiently this time, keeping an eye out for anything that might be crawling around. One of them was looking up at the ceiling for a minute or so before she shrugged to her partner.


Remi offered the pink haired neko a smile as well. "Nice to meet you as well Peony." She greeted sweetly.


Toshiro nodded to the Captain, understanding.

"Oh, another being we rescued is a former Helashio slave by the name of Serenity...she's...around someplace, likely hiding or sleeping. She's somewhat frightened of new people...in any case, the Lorath see me as her Master, but I am trying to get it in her head that she's a free being...she's not a slave on this ship, but she's dependant on us for the time being...just a heads up on that situation."

He froze a moment before moving to the next part of the ship, the shuttlebay, remembering another detail.

"Oh, and she hates clothing for some reason. It's all we can do to have her wear a bedsheet and a pin. Fair warning if she's walking around nude again...exactly what rumors are there about the Yggdrasill? And who allegedly haunts the Yui?"


Chiai raised an eyebrow at the nudity comment but laughed. "I think we'll be fine with a naked woman running about. I was more concerned with the recent Mishhu ship impregnation rumor." She looked around the ship curiously as they walked to the next area, the rest of the team following close behind.

One of the nekos in the power armour muttered, "This ship doesn't feel quite right." Her partner laughed while the others in the team looked at her oddly.

Chiai sighed, "Don't mind, Yuu. She's one of our 'paranormal experts'. I think she reads too much into ghost stories for her own good."

The neko in the power armour that had spoken before snorted indignantly, "Taisa, you're just upset that you've never seen HER like I have. Even Ariake thinks she seen Her about."

The other neko in power armour, presumably Ariake, shrugged at Chiai, "I never said that. I just said I thought I saw someone but I think I just had too much to drink that night and not enough sleep."

Peony and Carmilla looked at Remi and then to the nekos in power armour. Carmilla spoke first, "If I may Taisa Chiai?" Chiai sighed with a nod and the purple haired neko continued, "People seem to believe that our Beloved Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu is unhappy with the current state of Yamatai and is haunting the YSS Yui in an attempt to voice her displeasure."

Peony snorted, "I think everyone is unhappy with how things are going against the SMX and they just like the idea of Chiharu-sama agreeing with them. We haven't even got to the notion that ghosts can't scientifically exist but, when it comes to Her, too many people are just willing to forget that."


Remi shrugged a little.

"Who can say ghosts can, or can't exist?" She asked taking her hands out of her pockets, not folding her arms.

"The universe is full of mysteries we cannot explain or understand. So, maybe Taisho Chiharu is indeed haunting your ship the YSS Yui, or maybe she isn't. Ghosts are simply another mystery in a universe full of them."


Toshiro nodded in agreement with Remi.

"We have proven the existence of other universes, and even proven that travel between them is possible...the CDD runs on that principle, if I am not terribly mistaken. Who is to say that the dead aren't simply capable of a biological equivalent? To say we understand everything, when we have only explored perhaps a forty light-year radius with any degree of finality, could easily be taken as a sign of inferiority or arrogance...and after what the crew of this ship has seen, we can say with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that far more exists out there than we are aware of, and that intelligence can take quite...unexpected forms."

Just then, the ship gave a long series of odd sounds again, apparently in response...

"...and while the Mishhu were NOT involved in the encounter in the slightest, nor were any malevolent entities...let's just say that most rumors have at least a grain of truth, Taisa."

He looked the paranormal specialist.

"So...have you run any readings on this phenomenon on your ship with any instruments? I've heard rumors that thermal events occur with such instances. On a climate-controlled spaceship, such events should be blatantly obvious, and easy to isolate, with the lack of external variables."


Chiai looked at the Captain curiously but felt it prudent not to push into the matter too much further.

Yuu looked at her Taisa for a moment before looking back to Toshiro. "As far as we've been able to notice, there have been no ambient temperature changes but with how the readings are taken, it's difficult to isolate an very small pocket of cold air. But sometimes, we experience some unwarranted interference for a few moments in certain areas of the ship. It's mostly seeing things that shouldn't be where there are or after images of things like a being or a stuffed animal. Just little stuff."

"But, some of the hallucinations can be explained as instances of cabin fever ; fatigue; or varying levels of intoxication. We've never been able to confirm any of these 'sightings' as occurring when one is well rested, sober and mentally alert," Peony pointed out, matter of factly.

Yuu shrugged, "Maybe being able to see those things are linked to the unconscious mind that won't rationalize them away?"

Chiai laughed lightly, "We go through these debates quite often. I think we'd all have loved to have served aboard the Yui when Chiharu-sama was still among the living and the idea of serving with her when she's not, does seem kind of romantic. If you'd like, we'll probably be staying for 24 hours here, so once we finish the inspection- tonight you can try to do a ghost hunt. That is, if you aren't leaving immediately after you off-load your new salvage."


Shaun leaned back in his seat as he looked to the side at the monitors "So tell me ship. How aware of yourself are you? Are you capable of free thinking or are you just running on a bunch of predetermined code?"

He rubbed the back of his head as he thought of questions to ask.


O9 Taisho (Site Admin)

Gender: Male

MEGAMI replied, "MEGAMI computer systems run based on an ever-growing programming complex enough to be considered fully aware, and our free thinking is limited only by the restrictions set forth by our creators and programmers. As sentient, sapient entities, we are recognized by Yamataian law as being free individuals able to do as we please after our initial eight years of service."


"A chance to meet a ghost, let alone the ghost of someone well known like Taisho Chiharu." Remi muttered aloud contemplating this. After a moment of staring at the deck, the doctor looked up. "Well, captain, if you decide to go on this ghost hunt if we have time that is, I'll accompany you.
Or if you decide not to and we have time, I could always have a look."

Remi said all of this with a somewhat...eager edge to her voice with a very subtle hint of curiosity. It would be clear to those paying close attention she wanted to investigate this.


(I don't believe that he was speaking to the Yui's MEGAMI...)

The Yggdrasill chirped and beeped in reply, which was soon translated as...

"Hard to tell. Like music samples in database though. Not seem pre-programmed..."

Toshiro didn't need much time to think.

"Well...I can always have Shaun and Eve wait just a LITTLE longer...it seems like a fine idea to me!"

He smiled, the idea of even seeing the famous ship in itself was a great interest...

Jo Midori

The Helashio the others had been talking about a while back finally appeared. She looked a little forlorn and scared, having seemingly become lost within the ship's passageways. But now as she saw both her master and Mistress, she suddenly cheered up.

~"Masterrrrrr!!"~ The bouncy Serenity pounced on Toshiro, so happy at seeing him again that she had failed to notice the others. Of course she was without clothing as was customary for her, her tail wagging a mile a minute as she snuggled into his backside, her chest mashed against him as she nuzzled into his neck, looking all to much like a cute puppy when her owner returned home.

~"Serenity lost on ship! Serenity scared but now found master! Hello Mistress!"~ Serenity waved to Remi as well, smiling all the while until she finally discovered that there were others aboard. Shocked a little, Serenity hid herself behind Toshiro as she had before when they met up with Obelisk. Shivering a little she poked her head out from underneath Toshiro's arm, peering through the crook of his arm as she forced his arm up with her forehead, watching the intruders of the ship carefully.


Chiai had started saying something when the Helashio appeared, instinctively, she drew her gun. The team immediately drew their guns as well when they noticed the strange creature suddenly appear behind Toshiro.

It took Chiai a couple of moment for the recognition to sink in and she quickly spoke, "At ease. It's just the Helashio he was talking about." The team sighed and lowered their guns again. "But, as I was saying, We'll be sure to expect you. Who knows, maybe we'll get a chance to ask the Taisho herself if she really does exist.

THe other watched the Helashio curiously, unsure of what to make of her. They actually had never seen a Helshio in person before so this was very new, they just assumed it was a Helashio because of the tail.

Jo Midori

Serenity yelped pathetically as she saw the weapons drawn on her, shaking now behind Toshiro as she began to whimper. What had she done to warrant such treatment! She was just being a good girl!

~"Serenity be good Serenity be good! No boom Serenity! No Boom Serenityyy!"~ The girl cried out in Lorath, shaking still as she clutched her head protectively.


Toshiro turned to Serenity, and put his hands on her shoulders.

~It okay! Surprised is all. They know you now. They no hurt....they here to protect. Is why they armed. They scared something bad happen, but it not. Good people, Serenity.~

He turned back to the Taisa, nodding, one hand still on Serenity's shoulder.

"That sounds good....I'll have to either bring Serenity along or convince one of the crew to Helashio-sit...as I said, she is highly dependant on us. I hope to find a way to teach her to think of herself as a free being, but...she's been indoctrinated fully as a slave."

Jo Midori

~"Ladies no boom Serenity?"~ Serenity looked up to Toshiro, sniffling slightly as she watched him carefully. After a moment, she peered around Toshiro again. After watching the crew for a moment the scared Helashio shuffled out from behind him.

They didn't look like the Fyunnen from Lor, they looked nice. Crawling over closer to the woman that seemed to be talking more, Serenity stopped in front of her. Sniffing her Serenity blinked. "Mistress smell no..." Looking back to Toshiro for a moment, Serenity's tail began to wag again as the girl came from the crawling stance, to a huddled crouch. She pressed her chest to her knees and wrapped her arms around her knees before peering up at Chiai, apparently waiting on something.


Remi just stood there all the while watching, a little bit of surprise in her eyes. She cleared her throat; looking over to Toshiro. "About her thinking as a free being...I may have a solution to that. Although you'd have to...use the title of master."

The doctor was staring at the Helashio woman intently for a moment before looking back towards the captain.

"She will do as you ask, therefore, ask her to learn." Remi shrugged as she spoke the somewhat simple statement. Even she knew it would probably be easier said then done. But, in her eyes anyways it seemed to be the speediest, if not most perfect option available to them.

Kylen Phylar

Ken shifted slightly. It wasn't that he was uneasy. He was more bored then anything. Then he remembered. "Oh, we picked up some restricted tech on our last haul." he said, pointing to the torpedo that sat alone. "Just thought to report it to you now while you are here."


Shaun looked around when he heard the MEGAMI system speak "Oh, sorry didn't know you were listening. I was talking to the Yggdrasill here."

He spun around in his seat and stood up walking to the center of the room. "Alright computer. Let's take a listen to the music you like. Go ahead and play it."


Chiai looked at Ken curiously. "Thank you. I was aware of it when I checked the manifest, it is not quite what we're looking for." She then looked down at the Helashio oddly. "Uh, well, hello there, Serenity. I am sorry that we scared you. You startled us," She offered the woman a friendly smile.

Chiai looked back to Toshiro as her team conducted their inspection, keeping an eye out for any Mishhu. "If she considers her your Masters still, why not order her to make her own choices? It might be an odd way of going about it, but it might be a start." She shrugged as she watched her team work for a few moments. "Again, I'm sorry if we're delaying your work."

Last edited by Kim on Thu May 17, 2007 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total


(Gyah, forgot to update the manifest in that regard...the restricted tech was already given to the LSDF, as a representative of the SA. The reward money has already been paid to Ken, so add 1600 to your pay.)

Toshiro nodded.

"Okay...I guess I can give it a try...and you're not delaying anything at all!"

~Serenity...I thinking you start making your own choices. You own person, so think for self...no wait for Master or Mistress tell something. Do what want, okay?~


Peony and Carmilla conducted their search parallel to Yuu and Ariake to cover more ground more quickly. The team performed their sweep efficiently and once they were satisfied that they had searched every part of the shuttle bay, they signaled to Chiai.

Carmilla shouted, "Clear!" from the far end of the shuttlebay. And Ariake shouted, "Hai, it's clear on this side as well, Taisa!" from her side of the shuttlebay. The 4 nekos returned to where Chiai and the Yggdrasill's crew were standing.

Yuu opened the helmet of her Ke-M2-1F power armour for a moment and looked up at the ceiling again before looking at her captain. She looked to Toshiro and asked, "If I may inquire, Captain Yuki, how is the Yggdrasill different from other Vampire classes? It seems a little off." Her dark blue eyes looked at him oddly through the helmet's open visor for a moment before she slid the visor down again.

Ariake looked at her partner through her own helmet oddly and asked quietly, "Why did you just open your helmet?"

Yuu shrugged and responded quickly back, "I wasn't sure if the armor was what was making this ship seem odd."

Peony rolled her eyes at the power armour pilots, but waited curiously for whatever answer she might get from Toshiro.

Chiai shook her head at her team but sighed, "Right. We're good on this section."


Toshiro smiled.

"Well first, everything's white and green, as you can tell...also, the shape of the Cargo Bay is different, due to very minor rearrangements to the room structure of the ship. As for technical differences, the ship utilizes internal industrial grapplers across those ceiling tracks to move supplies, and has fine gravity control, especially in the cargo bay.

Next are external grapplers with Pulsers and electrodes that can extend to grasp devices and bring them into the ship's rear through the airlock, also one of my additions. Next is the Dynamic Thruster Drive, where thrusters all over the ship's hull allow it to move in some...unorthodox ways, necessary for navigation through debris fields.

In short, it's been customized, if not entirely refitted...it used to be a normal Vampire, until I got my hands on it. I also have plans to replace the STL engines with more compact and faster ones found today, and if I ever get a larger power source, I might mount the Positron Cannons on her."


Remi just quietly listened, observing the scene laid before her. The doctor just stood off to the side of Toshiro, although she did shake her head as one of the pilots took her helmet off.


Yuu nodded from back inside her helmet, "Ah, I see." That wasn't what she had meant at all, but she understood that it wasn't information Toshiro would actually share with her.

Kylen Phylar

Ken chuckled. "Yeah. Not that we need the weaponry. The most that has attacked us so far has been a pair of power armors, at two different times mind you. Those Grapplers help a lot period." he said, hands on his hips. "It was a Demon armor, which is now modified, and a Kylie. It was kinda funny, only one armor at a time."

Jo Midori

Serenity tilted her head at her master's request, confused slightly by what he had requested.

~"But...Serenity want what master tell do..."~

Serenity blinked again watching Toshiro at first, before looking to Remi.


Remi heaved a sigh hands in her pockets again. Her expression was a little sad, if not contemplative. All my supplies and equipment, gone, vaporized. Everything other then my suitcase and that laptop, gone. As she had these thoughts, a frown creased her features.

The doctor snapped herself out of her daze and looked about the cargo bay now.


Toshiro looked at Serenity...

~I telling to think for yourself some...that alright? If want, can wait to think...we going on ghost hunt soon, maybe think after?~

Toshiro smiled before looking back at the Taisa.

"The grapplers aren't really combat-designed...it's just that the Demon was so weak in combat. We had to use our aether-overloading weapons to catch the Kylie..."


The security team listened to Toshiro curiously for a few moments as Chiai spoke, "It does seem like you've had an interesting run. Are there any other areas for us to check?" She spoke politely.

Yuu saw a flittering movement out of the corner of her eye and spun around with gun up to find nothing there.

Chiai looked alarmed at the sound of the Mindy's movement. "Santo Hei Kurume!"

Yuu stared at the empty space beside her and then up and around to find nothing as she uneasily lowered her gun. "Taisa Metsurui, it was nothing. I'm just seeing things."

Peony looked concerned, "Taisa, I'll conduct a psychological examination of Kurume-Hei when we return to the ship, it might be fatigue."

Carmilla scratched the back of her head with her free hand, "Or all the talk of ghosts as brought one..."

Ariake turned her head to look at Carmilla, "Shiori-Hei, it might be best not to aggravate her mental state.

Chiai's brow narrowed as she adjusted her ponytail for a moment, "Santo Hei Momoiro, please escort Santo Hei Kurume back to the Yui and conduct your exam. I would rather there not be any accidental discharges of weapons because of 'ghosts'."

"Hai, Taisa," Peony and Yuu said in unison, nodding. They walked towards the direction they had come from towards the exit.

Chiai sighed, "Sorry about that Captain Yuki."


Toshiro nodded, and spoke again after a moment of thought.

"Just in case, you have permission to do more in-depth scans and searches of my ship...I don't want to find out that our escape from Mishhu space may have brought one of the Ghost Type Mishhu I've heard about with us...If you wish, I'll have my crew leave the ship while you do so, as a precaution...perhaps we can conduct our little ghost hunt on the YSS Yui in the meantime?"


Chiai nodded. "Thank you, that would greatly assist us with our search. Sure, the bridge is the only place restricted from any tours. If you have any questions, MEGAMI or Peony might be able to assist you."

Ariake looked at her Taisa curiously as he sent a secured telepathic message to Chiai, Are you sure the ship'll be safe with them?

Chiai smiled, We do have their ship and cargo. This is their home as much as the Yui is ours. Besides, we have our own security precautions, the controls are locked out, so the ship won't take off without our passwords or our presence aboard. She sent back.


Toshiro nodded before walking up to a communications relay station...

"This is the Captain to all personnel. As we have just left Mishhu space, the ship is going to be thoroughly searched for any suspicious items or stowaway Mishhu. All hands will exit the ship and either stay in Midori no Umi, or preferably, board the YSS Yui for the duration of their search. We will have the opportunity to tour the YSS Yui, which is one of the most well known ships in the Star Army, so we certainly won't be bored."

Toshiro smiled as he added this last part.


Aboard the Yui, Peony was conducting her interview of a now unarmored, Yuu. She frowned not having found anything substantial and pronounced the neko fit to return to duty. "I blame your overactive imagination, Yuu-san. Just try to take it easy."

Yuu nodded, "I could've sworn.. there's something more unique about that ship than he was saying. It almost felt like it was.. breathing."

Peony frowned, "See, stuff like that makes us concerned you're delusional. And.." She stopped as her communicator chirped.

"Momoroi-Hei, they're coming over while we do a more intensive scan for Ghost Mishhu. Escort, play tour guide, what have you but the bridge is off-limits," Chiai's voice spoke from the communicator. she paused for a moment and spoke quietly to the ship itself, "MEGAMI, please secure the bridge and restrict access to myself and Ariake. Do not allow anyone to launch the ship with my and Ariake's passwords and our physical presence on the bridge."


"I thought I'd never see the day, I'd set foot on another Yui class scout." Remi replied sound more then a little contemplative. She flipped something into the air the faint glint of a gold and blue rank pin seen, but caught it, and sighed.

"Let alone the Yui." She put the pin away and moved to stand beside Toshiro.


Shaun walked out of the control room and headed for the landing ramp. He pressed his hand to his ear "Alright Eve, looks like we gotta head off the ship for a while. Patch me into the Yggdrasill's computer system wirelessly. I'd rather not leave it alone."

Shaun climbed down the landing ramp and took a step out into the hanger around him. He looked up and around himself before commenting "very nice hardware. This baby looks like she's got some age to her"

Kylen Phylar

Ken was just a tad nervous. As much as he knew it was needed, he still almost saw the Yggdrasill as his own. "Gotta bum around somewhere...don't wanna tread on a SA ship..what to do."


Lorath rock music began to play through Shaun's earpiece, the Yggdrasill catching onto the alternate connection quickly. Meanwhile, Toshiro stepped off of the ship, not as nervous as Ken...

"I wonder how similar it is to the Nozomi-class...I've heard that the Nozomi is actually the 6th Yui design, is that right?"

Jo Midori

Serenity shifted her escort back to Remi, clutching to the girl in what looked like a search for protection. She went along merely because the others were going, and she had not been told to stay behind.

~"Mistress hunt ghost?"~ The Helashio tilted her head a little, somewhat confused by what they were about to do.


"Yes, the Nozomi is the sixth Yui Class, although it did not adhere to the typical Yui design." Remi replied wrapping an arm about Serenity as she clutched onto her.

~"Yes, we are ghost hunting. There is nothing to worry about, it is supposed to be a nice ghost."~


The decks and bulkheads of the YSS Yui seemed a little worn despite its many upgrades from the original design and the cleanliness of the vessel itself. It had been refitted and updated with new equipment and systems but it still felt...aged. It was a comfortable temperature inside the vessel and the shuttlebay contained a couple of shuttles, a handful off Mindy 2 armors and some LAMIAs.

Peony walked into the shuttlebay to greet their guests (once they arrived), wearing a green paneled pleated skirt variation of the standard SAoY uniform. Her light pink hair was tied back into a fluffy ponytail, but she had short wispy bangs that framed either side of her pale face and accented her light purple eyes. "Oh, there you are Captain Yuki, Remi-san, what would you like to know about our Yui?"


Toshiro smiled, bowing in the typical Yamataian fashion...

"Well, I'm interested in seeing how the ship deviates from the original Yui 4 design with its doubtless enhancements...as well as where the ghost usually manifests, probably...what about the rest of you? Any questions for our hosts?"


Shaun just shrugged "Nope, I can't think of anything" He said tapping his left foot to the beat of the music.


Remi walked over to a wall, ran her fingers along it eyes closed.

"No, I know my fair share of this ship's history." She replied taking her hand away. "On second thought...yes. Where are most of these ghost sightings being seen at?"


"The YSS Yui still retains some of its original characteristics under its recent upgrades. Parts have been switched out but her heart is still the same as it was when Taisho Yui was her captain. The ghost sightings have been reported occurring on the bridge, here in the shuttlebay and the Captain's nest," Peony replied politely.

"It's still a little early for her to appear. She usually doesn't come out until the standard night hours, so we only typically see her during night watches and patrols but never during regular work hours," Yuu volunteered as she walked into the shuttlebay wearing the regular standard midnight blue paneled uniform. She ruffled her short ear length bowl cut black hair, as she watched the Yggdrasill crew with her dark blue eyes.

"And some of us have never seen her at all," Peony quietly commented. "Since we have a small crew, we tend to rotate night shifts regularly so we all would've had a chance to see her. Yuu and Ariake have seen her the most."


Toshiro tilted his head a moment, in thought...

"Is there anything about those two people who make them stand out from the crew? Either to be singled out by the ghost, more likely to be observant of such phenomena, or perhaps overwork?"

Toshiro seemed to be looking for evidence for or against the theory at this point...

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While he was looking around the base, he noticed something. It was a pet shop of all things. Striking his curiosity, Ken decided to walk in and look around.


"Well, Yuu is a supernatural nut..." Peony said slowly.

"I actually like to look for ghosts. Ariake and I are only occasionally on the same shift but she seems to like to at least patronize me sometimes in my notions," interrupted Yuu, impatiently.

"We do try not to overwork ourselves. Of the crew, only Yuu, Ariake and Carmilla really enjoy drinking alcohol. The Taisa and myself, might only have a little bit. So my feeling is that Ariake an Yuu are really the only ones really looking for the ghost. The rest of us are most likely to write off odd occurrences as something else," Peony interjected.


I see...I suppose that makes sense...

Toshiro said, a thoughtful expression on his face...

The petshop was quite exotic, actually...he saw all manner of animals.

Kawaiis, exotic birds, a lizard with a tongue looking like a human toe (to attract crabs to pinch it, a freaky evolutionary fluke), a penguin, and what appeared to be a six-foot-long cockroach being ridden by a pair of children. The shopkeeper came in and turned up the lights, making the huge cockroach scurry into a huge hole, slamming the kids into a wall in the process. After a loud roar of a laugh as the kids dusted themselves off, and a 'serves you right, brats' look, he turned to Ken.

"Oi, Mac. What can I do for you today?"


Remi looked about the shuttlebay hands in her labcoat once more.

"Well, the bridge, and captain's nest I understand. The shuttle bay I do not." The doctor commented as she looked at the wall close to her again.

"Undoubtedly we are not permitted on to the bridge being civilians, as for the captain's nest...most assuredly not. But still, I wouldn't mind a chance to converse with a ghost given the chance. Sometimes I think the spirit of someone I loved dearly watches over me. So, why not someone or in this case something else?"


"It does seem like an odd choice but perhaps later, we'll find out why," Peony suggested.

"Well, this was Chiharu's home before she left us. And from what I've heard from Juni Kuru and Taii Aya, she felt that her crew were her children to protect. So for her to linger here and keep watch over us does seem something she'd do," Yuu smiled at the thought.


"While I was in the Star Army, I adopted the big sister role. But, after I left, and became a doctor, I do believe I feel the same way perhaps to some limited degree of what Taisho Chiharu felt for her crew as I do my patients."

Remi eyed the wall a little more closely before turning around. "I do my utmost to keep my patients, alive, and do not give up on them if there is even so much as the barest fraction of a chance for their survival. I treat those under my care as if they were my family." She moved on, walking smoothly across the deck to inspect something else.


Toshiro listened carefully to what Remi had to say, a rare insight into the mind of the Yggdrasill's new doctor...she would likely have her chance to save such life on the Yggdrasill...they'd saved four lives already, counting her.

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Ken saw the penguin, and the little kid in him did a somersault. "How much for the penguin?" he asked, looking at the little guy. He seemed to have a 'Get me the hell out of here...PLEASE!' look on his face.


The man thought a moment...

"Well...75 KS for the Penguin...and you'll likely want to buy some pocky for 25 KS. He likes pocky...we never found out why. He is some sort of Nepleslian-bred animal. Not sure of much beyond that..."

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"Done." Ken says, passing over his bank card for scanning. "I'll take 2 boxes of pocky for the guy."


The shopkeeper nodded.

"Okay...125 KS...and done."

He handed him both the Penguin and the pocky, as the kids tried to jump back on the cockroach...the shopkeeper turned the lights up again, though.


"Serves you brats right..."


Peony nodded, "Yes, I understand it perfectly, I am also a medical officer. If you'd like, I can show you around the rest of the unrestricted areas of the ship until night time unless you want to explore the station a little."

On the Yggdrasill, Chiai and the team were satisfied that the ship was clean after doing some more scans both visual and electronic. They started on their way back to the Yui.

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Ken grinned. "Awesome." He said, putting the penguin down. "come on guy. Lets go wander this base till Capt'n calls us back." he says as they leave the shop.

"About damn time someone bought me." The penguin said, shocking Ken. "What, never heard a penguin talk?"


"I would not mind touring the rest of the ship. It has been a while since I set foot on one. So, a little reminiscing will be nice." Remi replied as she looked to Peony.


Toshiro nodded in agreement...

"Yeah, it'd be nice to tour a Star Army vessel a bit. I've only seen them from the outside thus far...besides, it could be helpful if I decide to buy a Yui from Nataria! Not to mention she's a famous vessel."

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"So..do you already have a name?" Ken asked the penguin, as he walked along with it, after giving it a stick of pocky.

"You can call me Kurio. And thanks again for getting me out of there. Those kids were annoying." he said, munching.

"Kurio huh? I hope you don't pull anything that makes me look insane."

"Oh don't worry. I won't go anywhere but the bathroom, and will even talk around others. I just wanted out of there."

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Serenity had locked herself to Remi, not quiet comfortable with the new ship just yet nor the people that had pointed a gun at her. With a small whimper her eyes began to scan around the ship. Of course her eyes would occasionally fall on the new kitten-people, before they quickly went back to the ship.

~"Ship scary mistress...."~


Remi stroked Serenity's hair a little as she listened to the Helashio.

~"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you."~ As if to further reassure the woman she wrapped an arm about the larger woman. ~"I won't let anything happen to Serenity."~


Shaun had wondered off away from the rest of the group. He was more or less just walking the halls while talking back and forth with the Yggdrasill. "So tell me computer. Do you have a name me and Eve can call you by or would you rather I just keep calling you computer or Yggdrasill?"


Peony started giving the Yggdrasill crew the walking tour of the Yui, all and all, it was for all intents and purposes, a regular Yui class scout ship. The ship felt rather empty but it was cozy enough. Peony ended her tour in the ship galley and invited the crew to sit, "Well, that's about it," The pink haired neko laughed lightly. "The old girl hasn't seen much battle since the War with Elysia ended, so she's been restricted to patrolling Yamatai space for home protection. I guess maybe one day, she'll raise up another famous Taisho, but, for now, she's just a famous ship with us regular crew."

Chiai, Ariake and Carmilla returned to the YSS Yui. Ariake lingered in the shuttlebay to liberate herself from her armor but headed start for the ship's baths to cleanse herself of the Armor's affections. Chiai and Carmilla stopped by the armoury to lock up their rifles and body armor before heading to the galley to get something to eat.

Chiai smiled when she noticed the Yggdrasill crew was there, "Impressively normal, huh? Good news though, Captain Yuki, your ship is clean. We didn't find any Mishhu aboard." Her long black hair was loosely tied into a low ponytail secured towards the bottom that fell over the small of her back.


Toshiro smiled, nodding.

"Thank you...and it's still more advanced than most of the Yggdrasill's systems. It's been quite a few years since I've seen a Star Army ship from the inside. My older brother served during the Qel'Noran conflicts between YE 24 and YE 26, so this ship seems to be right around the era he may have served during anyway. Besides, this ship wasn't normal when it was launched, that's for certain...there seems to be something about originals, you know?"

The Yggdrasill made more beeping noises...unfortunately; Shaun would still need a terminal to translate for now, unless Eve could somehow manage.


"The first of a design is, and will always be unique as the designs that descend from it are mere copies of said first." Remi replied as she found a seat at the galley, easing Serenity down beside her.


Shaun stopped for a moment and leaned against the wall next to him. "Eve. Do me a favor and translate the beeps into a audio translation directly to my earpiece. It doesn't matter what the voice sounds like." He pushed away from the wall and started walking again "And when you finish, test it by replaying the last message from the ship."

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Serenity shifted around a little as she found the chair fairly uncomfortable. With a murmur of pain, the Helashio wrapped her tail around her waist and watched the others now. She still tried to force her chair closer to Remi though, still not comfortable with the new ship or people.

~"Chair funny..."~ was all she said in her latest comment, but otherwise kept to herself.


Chiai continued to smile as she walked over to the serving area and got herself a mug of steaming fluid from a large urn's spicket. She sipped it and nodded, "The coffee is a little strong but you're all more than welcome to have some. But, I can imagine that we have some time to kill before our ghost visits us." She sat down in an open seat and drank a little more coffee. The Taisa's uniform jacket was partially unzipped down to the middle of her breasts. She crossed her pants covered legs as she sat facing the crew.

Yuu nodded, "We have maybe 4-5 hours before she might appear."

Chiai continued to smile, "We do enjoy the company but if you'd like to go about your business or simply enjoy being here at the station, we wouldn't blame you. My crew are free to enjoy some liberty time, if they'd like to visit with your crew a little more." Yuu, Carmilla and Peony grinned hearing this but waited to hear what the Yggdrasill crew might have to say about staying to wait or heading off for a bit to return.


Remi rubbed, and patted Serenity's back to help try and comfort her.

~"We will not be on the ship for long, only for a couple of hours."~ She replied clearing her throat as she caught a glimpse of the Taisa's uniform. The doctor crossed her legs at the ankles sitting there quietly now.


Toshiro smiled, apparently not noticing the Taisa's unzipped uniform...after all, it was all he could do not to act awkward around Serenity's nudity, and that was taking up a great deal of his focus...

"Well, I don't own them by any means. They're free to do as they wish, of course! No coffee, thank you. I still run on youth, really...and the unexplainable energy that drives an engineer's all-nighters."


Chiai grinned, "I just like the taste of coffee. I don't believe that I'm that old yet to need to function on caffeine. But I think some men find older women charming." The neko was just teasing but it did almost seem like she was coming onto Toshiro.

Carmilla sat down beside Remi and the Heloshio after she retrieved her own cup of joe. "Still feeling like dinner tonight or would you like a 'home cooked' dinner here on the Yui?" She smiled brightly as she sipped her own coffee but unlike her Taisa, she actually put a lot of sugar and creamer into it, so the cup smelled like a piece of chocolate cake.

Ariake walked into the galley with a large dark brown teddy bear with little black bead eyes and tossed it to Chiai. The Taisa looked at her communications officer oddly. She was wearing a grey paneled dress variation of the standard uniform and had shoulder length almost fire colored, orange, red and yellow streaked hair framing either side of her bright blue eyes and light pink skin.

Chiai caught the bear and looked at it oddly after putting her coffee mug down on the table, "Where did you find this? I didn't know anyone had a 'Mr.Bear' aboard."

Ariake frowned, "I found it on the bridge in your chair. MEGAMI said that there's been no one on the bridge and that she didn't make it."

Yuu looked excited, "That must mean SHE's going to show herself tonight!"

Peony rolled her eyes, "MEGAMI, did any member of the crew create and place the teddy bear on the bridge?"

MEGAMI replied cooly back, "No. The bear appeared about an hour ago on its own."

Yuu looked giddy, and Chiai looked confused for a few minutes. "That is weird," the Taisa finally said after a long pause.

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Serenity shuffled a little, trying to move her chair a little closer to Remi, and a little further away from the new person. Not that she didn't like her, just she had come closer so quickly with that weird smelling drink. Serenity had never had chocolate before, a treat most Helashio never had the chance to experience.

Wrapping her hands around Remi's arm, she buried her head into her neck, not really for affection so much as protection she felt she got from the girl.


The flirting comment went straight over the young Captain's head, and he was about to reply when the person came in with a Mr. Bear...

"...I see...it's not like the nodal system to spontaneously make teddy bears, that is certain. I must wonder if ghosts still have the energy necessary to control nodal devices."


Remi patted Serenity on the back as the girl came closer to her.

"Do not forget captain, nodal systems can be used by thought alone as well as verbal commands." The doctor replied as she sat there. To Carmilla she wore a soft smile. "To see you in a dress would be rather interesting, if not a treat," She winked at the woman. "But, why not have dinner here on the Yui? I'm a fairly competent cook, so if you want, I can make you a nice dinner, and enjoy each others company. That is if it is what you want."


Carmilla smiled brightly at the suggestion, "That'd be lovely. I'm always happy to enjoy a pretty woman's company."

Chiai nodded, "It is possible that someone has been thinking about him and here he is." She hugged the bear lightly before setting it down on the table behind her and retrieving her coffee mug. She raised the mug is a sort of toasting gesture before taking a sip of it. "Honor the dead, fight for the living."

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"So...how'd you get so smart?" Ken finally asked Kurio, as they walked along. They were headed to the Yui, to go check in with Toshiro.

"Not sure...I remember one day i was able to read...and then a few weeks or months later...I could talk..."

"Sounds like you were an experiment."



Remi tilted her head a little laying it on Serenity's as she stared at Carmilla. The doctor wore that little smile of her's as she spoke. "I will of course try to make the night as enjoyable as possible." She chuckled a little still stroking Serenity as she did so.

"And of course make the meal as enjoyable as I can also."

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~"Serenity cook?"~ Serenity blinked at Remi, hearing talk about cooking and making the night enjoyable. As she heard of a way to possibly make Remi happy, the Helashio's tail began to again wag from side to side.

~"Serenity make mistress happy, Serenity cook!"~ If anything, the activity would get her mind off of the current settings.


Remi blinked, and stared from Serenity to Carmilla then back to the Helashio. She gave a helpless smile nodding now.

~"Of course Serenity can cook."~ She consented with a small nod. The doctor gave the Helashio woman a hug looking over to her dinner date now.

"Well, now I wonder if I should change or not..." Remi looked down at her clothing still wearing the two piece deep blue dress from Lor. Although it had become a little wrinkly from her sleeping in it. Not to mention the fact she wore a long white labcoat looking every bit the doctor as she sat there.


Toshiro sat there in thought, before thinking to ask a question...

"Oh, I was thinking...while it's not restricted technology, we got a hold of a nuclear warhead that's rated at half a gigaton...is there anything productive that could be done with something like that, or should we sell it or destroy it?"


Chiai pondered the question about the warhead for a few moments before givingToshiro an answer, "Unless you are planning on warring against someone, it would probably be best to sell it. I can't imagine destroying it being a very viable option for your ship." She regarded the young man curiously for a few moments, "Do you normally ghost hunt, or is this to unique an opportunity to pass up?" She smiled softly as she looked at him appreciatively.

Carmilla looked a little confused about the exchange between the Helashio and Remi but smiled anyway. "Up to you really. It's really whatever you feel comfortable with. I'll probably change to civs once it gets closer to our 'date'." The woman smiled brightly. "I'm really just happy to have new company, we don't really get to socialize outside of the crew so we tend to get on each other's nerves after a little while," She paused befoe adding, "No matter how much we might all love one another, we get more dysfunctional the more isolated we are."

Peony grinned at Carmilla's comment before she disappeared into the galley's kitchen to find herself something to eat.

Yuu stared at the teddy bear for a few minutes before leaving the galley to prepare for the ghost hunt. Ariake watched her leave with a partially amused expression, "It seems, that many of us are probably going to spend a good portion of this leave aboard for the ghost hunt. I'm going to do a little shopping while we're here, so I will see you lot in a few hours. I really have to see what'll turn upduring the hunt." The neko grinned as she stood up with a wave as she walked out of the galley in the same direction as Yuu.


Toshiro blinked in thought...

"Well...I'm worried about who to sell it to, as it could kill millions...and it isn't normal, but it is something one doesn't run into often...territory outside the realm of Yamataian understanding. For some reason, it fascinates me..."


"I'd say offer it to SAoY, we're less likely to use it to bomb someone that doesn't deserve it. I can imagine one enemy that might need millions to die in a fiery ball of death," Chiai paused with a grin. "I can imagine chasig ghosts is one of those rare pasttimes that are really only once in a lifetime with starships considering most don't believe in them. But, I can't recall a time when I might've noticed something out of sorts in my nest. But perhaps, tonight, we might see something. You're welcome too look if you'd like," She spoke quietly in a voice that required Toshiro lean forward to correctly hear her.


Toshiro tilted his head, not quite understanding...
"You think the ghost might show up there? Well...that might work. Okay!"

The innuendo went right over the young Yamataian's head...

Meanwhile, the Yggdrasill's systems began to shut down inexplicably. One system by one, the systems deactivate. Propulsion, Gravity, Weapons, Grapplers, even the lights turn off. The systems shut down until only the computers and minimal life support remain activated...



Remi merely continued sitting there, arm wrapped around Serenity.

"Well, I do wish to look nice for our erm...date." She blushed faintly her cheeks turning a light rosey hue. "Perhaps I could make use of your laundry room to get the wrinkles out of my dress?"


Carmilla smiled brightly. "Of course! You're more than welcome to use our laundry room or the showers. We have plenty of spare yukatas so you won't even have to lounge around in your skivies unless you wanted to!" She suggested excitedly.

Chiai smiled brightly as the young man agreed and continued talking in the quiet tones, "Whenever you'd like to start the stake out, you're more than welcome to just come in. I'll even put the Mr.bear on the dresser by the bed like I heard the Taisho used to do. Maybe we can get her attention by making an appropriate setting."

Last edited by Kim on Mon May 28, 2007 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total


Remi feigned a cough, turning her head politely to the side as her face burned red hiding that fact. That is if I had been wearing any... She thought to herself as she stealthly crossed her leg at this point.

"That would be wonderful," Remi turned back around, a light blush still on her cheeks. "Would you care to escort me to them?" The doctor asked.

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Ken then thought of something, as they neared the Yggdrasil. "Hey, let me take you on a tour of the ship. I don't think the captain will care." he said, leading Kurio onto the ship.

Kurio smiled. "This will be most awesome." he said, as he entered the ship.


Carmilla grinned as she hopped up from her seat, "Of course!" She gently reached for Remi's hand before she led the neko off to the laundry room and the showers. "Here we are, wait here and I'll grab you a yukata from the showers so you can change and lounge." She smiled brightly before disappearing from the laundry room, leaving Remi alone for a minute or so before returning again, nice white yukata in hand.

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Serenity followed behind closely, not wanting to leave Remi since she had to cook for her. Still in the nude, Serenity peered around the room as she felt a sense of familiarity. She had a itch to begin doing laundry, fidgeting around a little as she wanted to go off and fold or wash or something.

With a sigh she hugged herself a little tighter to Remi, trying to stop herself from going off with Remi's permission.


Remi blushed as the woman re-entered the laundry room, the yukata in hand. She took the yukata wore a small smile before slipping out of her labcoat, placing gold and blue rank pin of an Itto Juni out on a nearby folding table. The doctor still had Serenity about her which presented a problem... She peeled herself away for a moment, yukata now in hand as she quickly slipped out of her dress, and into it. The doctor silently cursed herself as her blush seemed to intensify as she knew she hadn't been fast enough for the two to not have seen anything.

Remi made sure the yukata was snugly in place about her slender form before placing her dress in a dryer. The doctor looked back to Carmilla blinking taking hold of Serenity again.

"Should we wait here until it is done, or to the lounge or else where?" She leaned herself into the folding table sighing a little, trying to bring herself in check.


Carmilla made no comments about remi's lack of underwear asshe continued smiling. "We can go to the Lounge if you'd like," she responded. She gestured out and led the two women to a little lounge area with a large couch. "Please, have a seat. It's not much but it's home." She offered a half smile waiting for Remi to sit before she did herself. "I you don't mind me asking, how long have you been aboard the Yggdrasill?"


The doctor sat, and crossed her legs. It felt good to be in a SAoY lounge again she had to admit. Once Carmilla asked her question she tilted her head to the side, and brought a finger up in the classic pondering pose.

"Perhaps a few days...my first day aboard I had passed out due to lack of oxygen." Remi blinked, knowing there maybe questions if she left it at that.

"I was aboard a freighter bound for Lor, and the captain decided to be a little greedy; strayed to close to a rogue anti-matter mine, and the whole ship went up." The doctor sighed as she rearranged the yukata a little. "I was in the shuttle bay at the time aboard a Tripster," The name of the shuttle brought a slight feeling of distaste, but also mild admiration. After all, the thing had saved her life.

"Not exactly the best vessel to ram yourself out of a freighter in the midst of breaking apart. The ship's power plant went critical, as it's anti-matter reactor dis-stablized and I had to outrun it. Thankfully the shuttle had a shield, albet a very weak one...But, I survived, but spent several hours in it, engines dead, and leaking oxygen. By the time the Yggdrasill found me I had passed out. Since then I have been working aboard the Yggdrasill as ship's doctor." She offered a weak smile and leaned further back in her seat.

"And to think, this all happened because I was looking for my daughter, I had some information her ship was on Lor, and set out for the planet. Never expected to be out running anti-matter explosions, talking telepathically with sentient alien gunships, or ending up on a ghost hunt." She chuckled weakly shaking her head a little. She'd done weirder things, but still, those rated a nine.


Toshiro rose, ready and willing to start looking for the ghost.

"Well, I have no problems with starting now, if your schedule permits, Taisa!"

The Yggdrasill's systems were still somewhat down, though the lights of workstation monitors were activated...a voice called out from the ship's speaker system...

"Welcome back, Senior Crewman Ken. I see you have brought an animal of some type with you...PANTHEON calls it a penguin, but they are supposed to be non-vocal...is my analysis in error?"

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Serenity seemed unphased by the lack of undergarments as she stood where Remi left her, watching the woman closely. As she came back over Serenity smiled and snuggled up against her. As they were led to the couch Serenity let out a small cry of happiness before rushing over to the couch and flopping onto it, stomach down as she curled up on the cushions.

With a smile of relaxation Serenity lay where she was, chin on her hands so she could look up at her Mistress. As she heard Remi recalling the day she came aboard, Serenity's tail began to wag again.

~"Serenity save mistress!"~ She said with what seemed like pride. Smiling she stuffed her head into Remi's lap for a pat on the head or a rub as well.


Chiai rose from her seat as well, taking her coffee mug and the teddy bear, "Oh, I'm pretty sure I can pencil you in, Captain," she responded with a grin. "This way." She started walking towards the door and stopped, every so often, to make sure Toshiro was still following. When she moved the long ponytail swayed behind her like a tail.

When they reached the nest, it was sparsely furnished, with a dresser on one side of the room and a desk in the other. In the middle of the room was a large plush "nest", bed. On the dresser sat a framed photo of the Taisa and a couple other nekos, one with dark brown skin and green hair in a red paneled uniform and the other had light skin and blonde pigtails in a grey panelled uniform. The Taisa placed the oversized teddy bear on the dresser and placed her mug alongside it. "Here we are."

Carmilla listened to Remi intensely, "Oh wow. That's a lot to happen in a few days! Why was your daughter with the Lorarth or are you still trying to find that out? Is she with one of the fleets?" She asked politely and curiously. She watched the other neko's features curiously but every so often she would look at Serenity but she tried to keep her eyes on Remu herself.

Last edited by Kim on Tue May 29, 2007 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total


Toshiro looked around, at where both Taisho Yui and Taisho Chiharu had likely spent their nights at one point...two Taisho had been forged on this ship, and he was acutely aware of the fact.

"Quite nice...I've never seen a Neko Nest before!"

Toshiro said, looking at the sleeping site, curiously assessing its shape...


The nest was round, very much like its namesake. Chiai smiled and watched Toshiro curiously for a few moments before walking over to him, standing close behind him. "It's very soft, you can sit down on it if you'd like," there was almost a soft purr in her voice.


Toshiro nodded, smiling in thanks before seating himself...he promptly sank down a good six inches into the nest's padding, almost falling backward into the nest......

"Wow...it's VERY soft, Taisa! I'll have to salvage or buy some..."


Chiai smiled as she sat down next to Toshiro, "Please, feel free to call me, Chiai." She seemed to contemplate something and gently pushed him down with a soft laugh, "You should try it. It's really nice to sleep on after a long day."


He fell back, and before he knew it, the young captain was on his back, in the nest...

"OOOF!!! ...This is either really good for my back, or bad for it...but it IS nice...The beds on the Yggdrasill certainly aren't this soft!"


Chiai laughed at the comment and leaned down over Toshiro placing her hands on either side of his head. "It's usually really good." She quickly moved to kiss him firmly on the lips.


Toshiro's eyes widened in surprise, as the kiss connected...he wasn't expecting that in the slightest, the young captain still somewhat ignorant...

"Mmm?? Mmmph--Mmmm..."


Chiai pressed herself against Toshiro as she continued to kiss him, positioning herself so that she was almost straddling him. She ruffled the young man's hair with her right hand as she let her fingertips brush down the side of his neck to his chest. There was a soft vibration rumbling through her chest, throat and mouth as she purred happily.


Toshiro was lost in this...only once had this sort of thing happened, and he was not in control then either...she was certainly making him feel good, and even if he wanted her to stop...she was far stronger.

He took what she gave out, occassionally giving out sounds of contentment.


Chiai started kissing, nozzling Toshiro's neck as her hand roamed to his pants as she slowly tried to undo them. There was a soft whispering beside them that was very soft, but nothing could be heard. Chiais ears twitched for a moment but it wasn't until she heard a voice that she stopped.

"This is pointless. I just can't sleep," A woman's voice muttered quietly to itself.

Chiai's eyes widened as she stared at the spot where the voice was originating, "What the.." She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. It got a little colder on thenest where they were as a woman began to take shape next to them.

Last edited by Kim on Tue May 29, 2007 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total


Toshiro was shocked as well as he saw the ghost take form next to them...

"...So the stories are real...incredible..."


The woman rose from the nest, suddenly looking more solid as she picked up Mr. Bear from the dresser, hugging him lightly, "I guess I'm just going to have to figure out what's bothering me... Time for a walk." She turned placing Mr. bear back on the dresser, her features taking shape as those of Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu. Her uniform was the regular white paneled bodysuit. She strapped on a gunbelt as she headed out of the room. Absent-mindedly, she pushed some of her dark brown hair behind her ears. She paused for a moment and looked at the nest with a sigh, her almond shaped red eyes shining but not seeing Chiai and Toshiro.

Chiai seemed frozen until the woman left the room. Then she quickly jumped up off the nest. "Uh.. after her!" She looked at Toshiro with a light blush on her cheeks and a sigh. "If we don't hurry we might lose her!"

Last edited by Kim on Tue May 29, 2007 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total


Toshiro followed swiftly, wondering why the spirit did not see them...

"I find it interesting that she could manipulate such a solid object as Mr. Bear or the gunbelt, and the air DID get cooler! Is there a way to make MEGAMI scan and monitor her, Chiai-san? We have to be careful...ghost or not, she's armed with a real gun."


Chiai nooded as she followed after the figure. "MEGAMI, can you scan the woman that looks like Chiharu? Give me some information on what exactly she is."

"She's a sprite created with the nodal system, but I did not create her. Running a scan to find out her origin," MEGAMI politely replied.

Chiai looked suprised, "That's really wierd. I didn't know ghosts could do that."


Toshiro smiled, following. Something was obviously on his mind...

"Well, if ghosts are telepathy capable, then it is possible...but she'd have to upload herself into the sprite, which is what I fail to understand...manipulating neural pathways to store data isn't like picking up an object. It's very complex work!"


"My daughter is in the first XF, she serves aboard the YSS Sakura." Remi replied in an almost sad yet loving voice. As the Helashio spoke of saving her the doctor indeed patted her head, stroking Serenity's hair now as she sat there.

"Haven't met her in person come to think about it, we just correspond via mail. She is busy on her missions, and I with my duties as doctor."


The woman led Toshiro and Chiai back to the shuttlebay. She sat down on some crates and started talking quietly to herself.

Chiai stopped a safe distance from the ghost sprite and knelt down behind some crates to keep out of eyesight from her. She motioned for Toshiro to do the same. "I guess we just wait now to see what she does," Chiai quietly stated as she unhooked a strap on her gunbelt's holster, keeping her hand in position to draw if thewoman started firing at them.

Carmilla nooded in understanding to Remi, "Ah, I see. Well, maybe you might get a chance to meet up with her in passing during a mission. Stranger things do happen during missions. What was it liketo have a youngling? I haven't really ever met anyone who's had one."


Remi reached out, letting her finger tips brush against her date's.

"I personally have not had a youngling, I was the contributor to my daughter. Her birth mother's name was Yue. Sadly I was unable to be there for either of them, my job in the Star Army was...secret and I was shipped around a lot."

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Ken was a little startled. "Eve, is that you, or is this the ship?" he asked, looking around for Shaun.

"Your scan is not an error. I'm just...different from all the others." Kurio said, a little penguin smile on his face. "You can call me Kurio."


"I am not Eve...I am the Yggdrasill, and from what I can tell, I've been heavily modified by the entity known as 'Maras'...I'm...self-aware and sentient now. I do not fully understand the circumstances of my creation, but I do know that it was that vessel which was the catalyst for my 'birth'...and it is nice to meet you, Kurio."

The Yggdrasill replied in a youthful voice...

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Ken smiled, hoping the ship could tell. "Well that's awesome. I think you could use a name other then Yggdrasil though." he said, thinking. "Would you like a different name?"

Kurio nodded. "A name for something that thinks!"


"I will decide once I have more data what I wish to be called. I have not yet decided my identity....your concept of gender is of interest."

The ship replied.


Carmilla placed a comforting hand on top of Remi's. "Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. Our work is our life, unfortunately. Okay, I think I've hit wyou with enough personal questions, so it's your turn to ask some," Carmilla suggested with a soft smile.

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Kurio nods. "Gender IS a big deciding factor in coming up with a name."

Ken looked at Kurio, nodding. "That it would, but the idea of gender itself is fairly muddled, depending on who you ask."

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Serenity squeeled a little with the pet, happy to be praised as she wagged her tail. As she saw Remi getting sadder though, she frowned a little and began to purr, trying to get her to cheer up as she rubbed her ear against Remi's stomach.


Remi smiled a little both from Serenity and Carmilla's actions.

"No, it's alright." The doctor replied managing to lean her head on her date's shoulder, and keep Serenity's head in her lap as well, as she kept petting the woman.

"I'd rather just enjoy your company." She replied sweetly.


By this time Shaun had managed to get himself lost. Having been paying attention to the condition of the Yggdrasill, he had walked down one hall too many and didn't know which way to go to get back.

He called to the ship again "Yggdrasill, can you give me a complete scan of your systems? I want to know what happened."

"Shaun, Ken appears to have returned to the ship" said Eve after he had finished speaking. Shaun smiled "Well thats good news." Shaun started trying to redraw his steps back to the ship. He pressed his hand to his ear piece "Hey Ken, if you can hear me. I got kinda lost man. Trying to find my way back now."


Toshiro telepathicly contacted Chiai in response, not wanting to risk being heard.

I hope you're a good shot, because if that's an NH-29 sprite, a gun might not do it, unless you knock it out of her hands...and she may just regenarate, even from a fatal blow...I hope it doesn't get that far, though. She seems more confused and disoriented than malevolent.

Yggdrasill responded to Sahun with the results of the scan, showing a high increase in capability, re-writing of OS files, entirely new libraries, and various other new parts of an electronic "brain". EIES was even under control of the OS, running in a pre-designated space, happily unaware of the actions of its new Master OS.

After a few brief moments of utilizing EIES to access PANTHEON, obtaining a map of the Facility, and scanning the area; The Yggdrasill sent Shaun a map showing his location in relation to the Yggdrasill, overlayed with the scaled map, on his communicator screen.


Chiai nodded to Toshiro with a wink. Don't worry, Toshiro-kun, I'm a pretty good shot. I'm a little disappointed she did actually show up. I was having fun. She grinned a little as she keep her eyes on the neko sitting on the boxes.

The woman looked a little lonely and very torn over something as she sat there in silence for several minutes. She suddenly jumped up from the boxes and staggered backwards as her arm started bleeding. "Show yourselves, cowards! Or are you too ashamed of showing your ugly, seraphim faces?" She demanded in a pained voice as she drew her pistol and vainly tried to locate her assailants.


Shaun rushed down the hall looking over the changes that had taken place in the ship. He hated being surprised and this was definitly taking it to a new level.

After following the map he turned a corner and ending up standing in the landing bay once again looking out towards the Yggdrasill. He leaned forward pressing his hands to his knees to take a moment to catch his breath "God I hate sprinting....." He mumbled under his breath.


The Yggdrasill seemed to have no physical changes, the alterations all fully in software...it was merely deactivated, save for computer systems and minimal life support, apparently to allow the unit the necessary free space to re-write itself.

Toshiro understood Chiai's intent by this time, but now wasn't the time to discuss it or even be embarrassed. He looked at the wound, wondering where it had come from, but the mention of Seraphim took him off-guard...he communicated to Chiai again.

Is she...re-enacting something that happened when she was alive? The psychological effect is so strong her sprite body has reacted accordingly!


Chiai watched the woman's wounds appear in a sense of horror. She did recall something and winced. Oh no... I remember distinctly that Chiharu-sama was taken as a prisoner of war during the last War with Elysia. It never really occured to me that...she was TAKEN from the Yui. I don't think this scene is going to end well. MEGAMI says that there isn't anything else out there but the sprite body.

The woman's gun was sent spiralling away from her reach and some more unseen blows caused her to half roll-half fall on to the deck with a sickening thud. She gurggled something as she tried to push herself back up only to fall hard back onto the deck as if something kicked her.

By this point, Chiai couldn't just sit and watch any more as she rose and cautiously walked towards the sprite, "Taisho Ketsurui?"

Carmilla meanwhile, grasped Remi's hand in loving appreciation. "You are nice company. I think that, your clothes might be done. I'll let you change in peace and go get myself ready," She said politely as she rose from her spot on the couch.


Toshiro rose as well, following Chiai...he called out to the Taisho.

"Taisho, I know it's hard to understand...but those you are fighting are an illusion...a memory. They aren't really there! The Elysian War ended years ago!"


The sprite looked up at the approaching figures with a look of confusion and relief on her face as she barked, "Stay back! The Seraphs are still here!" She looked at Toshiro oddly, "No, that can't be true. We just got the mission to continue onward and they just attacked us!"

Chiai shook her head, "Taisho... MEGAMI isn't detecting them. Please look at us, do you know who we are?"

It took a couple seconds for that fact to sink in. "You kinda look like Aya but... we don't have any models with black hair... But him, is he from Ralfaris?" The sprite looked truly confused as she pushed herself up into an upright sitting position as her body started to mend itself.


Remi merely nodded as she got up, waving for Serenity to follow. As she got to the laundry room, she took her dress from a dryer, noting it no longer held any wrinkles. Stripping herself from the yukata, the doctor got herself dressed, making sure to fold both the yukata, and labcoat, grabbing her old rank pin from the folding table as well.


Toshiro knelt down, smiling at the confused woman...

"No, I'm a Yamataian...essentially a Geshrin upgraded with a few select Neko attributes like healing capabilities...the vast majority of Geshrins were upgraded after the Yamataian was designed two years ago...the body you're currently in is even a newer design...if you want proof, check your own pulse. NH-29 Nekos lack a heart, and as such, a definable pulse...makes them harder to kill. We're not even near Elysia...we're at Midori no Umi, Yamatai's moon....of course, you may have called it Geshrinthall back then."

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Serenity hopped up and followed behind, giving Remi's date a perfect veiw of her body. Sitting on a bench in the room Serenity simply waited, her tail wagging as she watched Remi dress again.

Tilting her head a little she waited for her to finish up, surprised a little she had not tried to dress her today. Idly her tail wrapped around the bench, rubbing it against the material.


Once finished, Remi went and stood directly in front of Serenity, gazing up at her, and wearing a sheepish smile.

~"How do I look?"~ She asked the Helashio.


Carmilla had exited the laundry room and ran back to her nest to quickly change. And she hurried back to rejoin Remi and Serenity. She adjusted the top of her Dark blue kikyo (bellfower) patterned tube dress as she re-entered the laundry room. She leaned against the door frame with an almost shy smile, "All set, Remi-san, Serenity-chan?"

The sprite looked at Toshiro oddly. "What has happened to my crew? The Ender just left us and..." she paled. "What is going on here?" The neko said quietly, very confused. She got the idea that the man wasn't lying to her.

Chiai looked at Toshiro for a long moment of silence, "I think.. we should get her calmed down in the galley before any more revelations can occur," she suggested, looking at the sprite politely. "Taisho, if you wouldn't mind, we do have a lot to tell you but, you might be more comfortable with a cup of hot tea."

The sprite nodded as she forced herself back up to her feet. Her wounds were gone but her uniform was stained red with dried blood.

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Serenity nodded eagerly to Remi.

~"Mistress pretty!"~ Smiling to the girl as she turned to look at Carmilla as she entered. Feeling a little more calm around the neko, Serenity began to wag her tail, using the tip to wave to the girl.

~"Mistress hello!"~ She said to Carmilla, watching her with a smile now.


Remi smiled, and kissed Serenity on the forehead. When Carmilla returned she turned to the woman and smiled a little more.

"I'm ready whenever you are." The doctor replied holding her labcoat in one hand, and now placing her other in one of her date's.


Toshiro glanced to Chiai and nodded, before looking back at the sprite.

"Yes, we do have a lot to talk about, but we have to calm you down a little, Taisho. Then we can tell you the story, and then see what happens from there...okay?"


Carmilla held Remi's hand with a smile. "I think I'm ready," she spoke softly again as she gently squeezed Remi's hand. "Shall we then?" She started leading Remi back to the galley.

The sprite nodded and waited for Toshiro and Chiai to start walking before she started to follow them back to them galley. As they walked, she glanced around wide-eyed at all of the changes that had been done to HER ship. She wondered what exactly had happened to her all this time.

Chiai walked slowly beside Toshiro, glancing over her shoulder at the sprite curiously. She pursed her lipped together as she whispered to Toshiro, "As much as I don't like the idea... we might have to contact Taisho Ketsurui Yui about this, if this sprite doesn't disappear on us."


Shaun climbed back aboard the Yggdrasill after taking a moment to rest. He scratched the back of his head as he walked to the control center. He called out as he walked "Hey Ken! are you up here!?"

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Serenity began to follow behind the two neko's predictably. Her tail wagging back and forth, she took a look around where they went, eager eyes taking in the new area with a new appreciation of the place. This was where another mistress lived!


Toshiro replied via telepathy, figuring that whispers may make the sprite a bit concerned.

Agreed...even the public was aware of how harshly she took Chiharu-sama's passing. If this is truly Chiharu-sama, then Yui-sama will want to know...she has a RIGHT to know...but first we should focus on Chiharu-sama, and try to make her adjustment as easy as possible.


"So, think our two respective captains have run into the ghost yet?" Remi asked as she was being lead to the galley.

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"Yeah, I'm up here. As is my new friend Kurio." Ken replied, grinning.

"Hello!" Kurio called out, waving as Shaun came up.


Carmilla chuckled a little as she gently pulled Remi into the still unoccupied galley, "Possibly. After all, anything can happen. Are you sure you want to cook?" She asked politely.

Chiai nodded to Toshiro before responding back telepathically, Yes. This news would be a bit shocking for her to...

MEGAMI spoke quietly for the Captain's to hear her, "Scan complete. I have discovered an encrypted secondary program within me that seems to have accessed the nodal system. It will take a few more minutes to complete a hack of the program to discover its purpose."

Chiai stopped and turned to face the sprite following them. The sprite seemed very confused still but had mellowed out as they got closer to the galley. This just keeps getting stranger, eh, Toshiro-kun?


Yes...for a ghost, she seems highly connected to the ship's systems...perhaps she was a remnant from the old system that was 'grandfathered' in during the MEGAMI upgrade? That would explain her lack of detection until now...

He turned to the sprite as well...

"Let's see...has your arm healed back up yet? NH-29 units have faster healing powers than some other models...and the nodal system might have cleaned up some of the blood from your clothing already!"


Remi blushed a little, and shook her head. The doctor wore a sheepish smile/

"No...when I was talking about it earlier, Serenity overheard, and says she will now." Remi looked over to the Helashio as she spoke, then back to her dinner date.


Carmilla chuckled a little bit, "Ah, I see. I guess I need to show her where the kitchen is? Does Serenity need any help or does she normally do this?" She asked in a rather amused tone of voice.

Very good possibility, I heard that the Yui's MEGAMI might have been severely damaged after the Taisho's abduction. Chiai telepathically responded.

The sprite looked even more confused by Toshiro's questions. She spoke quietly and clearly as she looked down at her hands before smoothing her dark brown hair back behind her ears, "I'm an NH-X. My body has repaired itself." Her red eyes seemed to filled with a sense of loss.

Chiai placed a hand on Toshiro's shoulder, speaking quietly as well, "We're here. We just have to go in and try to get her settled down." She offered a soft smile to the sprite, speaking a little more loudly so the neko could hear her, "Taisho, come into the galley. Maybe a full stomach will make what we have to say a little easier."

The sprite nodded, "O..k." And followed Chiai into the galley.


"I do not know, I've only known Serenity for a short time myself." Remi explained. "But she is a Helashio, so I imagine she has done so before. Although I don't think of her as a slave or pet, more along the lines of a friend."

The doctor shrugged a little. "I hope to one day see her make her own decisions and have her own desires."


Carmilla looked at the Helashio curiously, "Hmm. Serenity do you need help making dinner?" The neko hadn't been too sure of how well the Helashio understood their basic language so she had been opting to not address the odd, naked woman or a while. "I guess, it would be something to hope for. But I can imagine that a lifetime of servitude would be a hard thing to shake if that's been all you have ever known," she commented in an understanding tone of voice. "It must be frustrating at times to have to become a mistress when you are really used to doing things on your own." She smiled and gave Remi's hand a gentle squeeze. She blew a piece of short purple hair that had fallen over her face out of her eyes. "Why don't we find a place to sit down while Serenity-chan decides if she wants some help?"


Toshiro followed, wondering how this would end...would the Taisho refuse to believe what they said? Would she resent it? Would she vanish and never return? It was a very....complicated situation.


Chiai winced slightly when she noticed the trio already present on the galley and chose to lead Toshiro and the sprite to a table on the opposite end of the galley to avoid any confusion. She sent Carmilla a quick message to pass along as to not overwhelm the sprite. We found our ghost but something's odd. We're trying to debrief her so please, keep Remi and Serenity over there.

The sprite followed the Taisa and sat down first, the confusion still there in her eyes. She was trying to remain calm and maintain her composure but she was having a hard time taking it all in. She set her hands on the table and started tapping her fingertips against the tabletop.

Chiai offered the sprite and Toshiro a soft smile, "Right, I'll go get some food and tea prepared, I will be right back." She gave Toshiro a reassuring glance as she hurried towards the kitchen.


Toshiro decided to try and keep her mind a bit busy...so he began to tell her a little about him and his ship.

"As for your earlier question about if I was from Ralfaris, you're fairly far off. As I said, I'm an upgraded Geshrin model called a Yamataian, which was developed as the NH-22C. I used to be a geshrin though...and the only connection I have with Ralfaris is that my brother fought there as a Star Army soldier."

He continued to speak, hoping she was paying some attention to him and not her plight.

"I'm not in the Army myself...I'm the captain of a civilian Search, Rescue, and Salvage vessel called the Yggdrasill, a refitted Vampire-class ship. We were just involved in a sort of alien first contact scenario, and the Yui decided to make sure we weren't compromised, and that we didn't have any restricted technologies. They extended us their hospitality while they searched my ship, and we ran into you."


Remi nodded, and chose a seat. As Toshiro and Chiai walked in, a sprite between them, the doctor gave the sprite a thoughtful look of mild curiousity. Funny, I did not notice any sprites when we first arrived... She thought to herself offering her captain a small nod. From her seat however, she could still see the sprite out of the corner of her eye.

Taking that into account, Remi turned her attention back to Carmilla and Serenity. "It is just...sometimes odd to be called Mistress. But, I've grown to accept the title she has given me, but also seek a way for her to be her own person."


Shaun stopped where he was. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the animal "You have got to be kidding me......"


The sprite watched Toshiro curiously, tilting her head to one side as she appraised his face, "A...Vampire-class? That doesn't sound like anything from the Kitsurugi Fleet yards." It really was a lot to take in, she still didn't quite know what to make of all of this. Obviously, some time had passed and she wasn't aware of it- her ship was obviously different and the crew was different as well. She also wondered aloud, "If everything is different... why I am the same?"

Chiai quickly returned with a large tray of sandwiches and hot tea, steaming from decent sized white YSA coffee mugs. She carefully set the tray down in the middle of the table before distributing plates to Toshiro and the sprite. She took one for herself and sat down with a smile, "Here we are, you have a choice- peanut butter and jelly; roast beef and cheese or just grilled cheese. Please, help yourselves."

Carmilla smiled awkwardly after receiving the telepathic message, "I think that, Mistress Remi sounds kinda sexy. It suits you." She quickly regained her composure again with a wink. "I bet the boys among your crew might love to be able to call you 'Mistress' as well."


Toshiro smiled before replying...

"Well first...the Vampire-class is a Patrol Craft designed by Geshrinari Shipyards, and is a fairly old non-Aether design...and Ketsurui Fleet Yards is the correct term now...Yui-sama changed everything to Ketsurui in your honor, even her own name."

He took the grilled cheese in thanks, letting Chiai address the other question. After all, he was not an authority on the Yui.


The sprite nodded politely and took a piece of grilled cheese in hand as well, nibbling on it. The sprite's eyes widened at the revelation at the change, "What do you mean by 'in my honor'?"

Chiai sighed, "Well, Chiharu-sama, we're not sure why you are the way you are. You see, in the past four years, we have not seen or known you to be among us," She paused and looked to Toshiro for some help in breaking this gently.


Toshiro nodded, with a sigh...

"Taisho...the year is YE 29...and by all prehistorical accounts, you're...no longer among the living. I'm not very aware of the circumstances surrounding what happened to you originally, but all of Geshrintall mourned your loss...even an Soul Transfer of a backup failed to bring you back, it seems...from what we can figure, your spirit housed itself in the Yui and...well...you just now managed to manifest yourself in a new body with the ship's nodal system."


The sprite's eyes widened and she blinked a few times in disbelief as the tears came flooding down her cheeks, "I...I've been dead all this time? What happened to my crew? Did any of them survive? I..."

Chiai pursed her lips together as she tried to find more answers for the poor thing, "As far as we know, your ship the YSS Ketsurui Chiharu was... destroyed over Ralfaris responding to a distress signal from the YSS Seigi as it was being attacked by an Elysian fleet. But because of you, we were able to peacefully end the war with Elysia,"she added quickly.

The sprite stared down at the table again, turning the piece of sandwich over in her hands, "I'm a ghost?" Her voice cracked as she asked her question, tears falling onto the backs of her hands,


Toshiro quickly intervened...

"You don't have to be anymore, you have a body now! And imagine how happy everyone will be that you're back! I heard that Yui-sama mourned your loss most of all..."


The sprite responded again, looking up again. "But why do I not remember anything else past getting the mission to find Elysia Novus or being attacked by the Seraphs? Or..." Her eyes widened again and she paled.

Chiai followed the sprite's gaze and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw the transparent form of the woman the sprite was the physical incarnation of. "What in the Emperor's name?!"


Toshiro looked shocked as well...

"...What...um...who are you? There can't be TWO of Chiharu-sama...can there?"


The translucent form bowed to them and held her right hand in a closed fist over her heart for a moment before lowering it again. She spoke quietly, her words sounding distant, like something carried on a wind, "You poor, confused child trapped in a bad nightmare of my memory. Perhaps now, you can be free of the pain and start over again." The ghost of Chiharu offered a reassuring smile to Chiai and Toshiro, "I can't be in 2 places at once or even.. here for very long. I am Taisho Ketsurui Chiharu, former commander of the 2nd Expeditionary fleet, former co-commander of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet, Captain of the GSS Ketsurui Chiharu and... former Captain of the GSS Yui."


Toshiro looked at the spirit, quite shocked...

"...Incredible...this proves existence after death...shaking the very core of Yamataian belief strustures..."

He noted ghost Chiharu's comment, blinking in thought...

"So if you are Chiharu-sama...how did this Chiharu-sama come to be?"


The sprite looked very confused and even more upset as she watched her spirit standing before her.

The translucent figured shrugged, "I don't have that answer for you. Perhaps, Yui might be able to tell you," She suggested with a smile and another bow as she dissipated again, unable to maintain her form any longer.

The sprite sobbed into her hands unsure of who she really was anymore.

Chiai had just watched the scene with a look of shock on her face. "MEG...MEGAMI, what was that?"

MEGAMI responded, "What was what, Taisa?"

"There was another person here!" Chiai looked at the upset sprite in exasperation.

"No, there was not. Since you arrived to the table there has only been yourself, the Captain and the sprite. There have been no holograms nor any changes to the environment," the MEGAMI politely responded again.


Toshiro knelt down and hugged the sprite, trying to comfort her...

"MEGAMI...all three of us have experienced a paranormal event outside of accepted Yamataian knowledge...If your Captain agrees...it may be prodent to very carefully check your audio-visual data and any other measurements you make for changes...and Chiharu-sama...please calm down...it is hard to understand what's going on, but...you'll be okay, alright?"


The sprite sniffed and returned Toshiro's hug as she started to recompose herself, "If I'm not myself, who am I?"

Chiai sighed and made the request, "MEGAMI, please play back anything you might've recorded of us in the past few minutes."

A holographic window popped up and replayed the last few minutes: the 3 of them sitting down; Chiai bringing the sandwiches; the sprite crying and them talking to and staring at empty space behind Chiai. They could hear their own responses but... it seems that the MEGAMI had not been able to capture the ghost that they were talking to.


Toshiro looked at Chiharu, sympathetically...

"Well...I don't know...I can't lie there..but you're alive and you're somebody...so there's hope, right?"

Toshiro looked at the data MEGAMI replayed...before communicating telepathically with Chiai.

Perhaps it was a fully telepathic manifestation, only detectable by those she specifically sent the data to...


Chiai nodded in agreement, Very possibly. I sincerely doubt that I drugged all 3 of us to solicit this sort of response, which would be the other explanation.

The sprite stared at her hands for a moment before standing up, "Please contact Taisho Kitsurugi Yui. We need to talk to her."

"Understood, but please, let me address the situation first," Chiai nodded and set about contacting Taisho Ketsurui Yui. "MEGAMI, please open a channel to Taisho Ketsurui Yui, I have some news of some interest to her."

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Kurio smirked. "We kid you not. I'm a talking penguin." he said, munching on some pocky.

Ken grinned like mad. "Awesome huh Shaun? Got him for like, 100KS plus some food."



Chiai was waiting patiently for a channel to Taisho Ketsurui Yui to open. She was extremely nervous to have to call the Taisho on such an odd note but it was necessary for the poor sprite's sense of identity and for her own piece of mind to find out what exactly was going on here.

"This is Yui," the Taisho finally answered, on video. It was strange to get a call from her old ship.

Remi's eyes were a little wide having seen a translucent figure for a moment or two. The doctor looked to her dinner date, as if wanting to ask if she to had seen it. The words however simply didn't come out.

Toshiro said nothing yet, as it wasn't his place to...he was just a civilian here, not a Captain.

The pale, black haired neko shifted uneasily as the Taisho finally responded, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Yui-Taisho but I felt that there was a point of interest that you should know about. I wanted to know if you might know anything about the rumors of Chiharu-sama haunting the Yui?" She had the distinct undertones of nervousness in her voice as she asked her question. She felt like an idiot to start this conversation off this way.

Yui shook her head, but it was clear her attention had been captured. "What has happened?"

Carmilla smiled weakly at Remi and laughed nervously, "Ah, I guess, our ship really is haunted?" She blushed, feeling foolish for having said that and for having seen an actual ghost.

"It would appear so..." Remi replied.

Toshiro focused on keeping an eye on the sprite...

Chiai took a deep breath, "Well, I was in my nest and... well, a sprite in the guise of Chiharu-sama appeared. We... followed her to the shuttle bay where she acted like she was being assaulted by something. She yelled something about seraphim. We're a little uncertain of what to make of this situation."

"A sprite? Is she...real?" Taisho Yui asked.

The sprite watched Chiai's back and fiddled with her hair nervously. She heard Yui's voice and she longed to see the neko's face again. Was it really that long ago that I last saw Yui? She wondered idly to herself.

Chiai nodded to Yui, "Yes, she's very real. We calmed her down and she says she is Chiharu-sama but she's confused. And, we think we've seen the spirit of...Chiharu-sama independently of the sprite," the neko laughed nervously, "Pretty strange stuff, huh?"

Toshiro whispered to Chiharu... "Chiharu-sama...are you holding up okay?"

Carmilla looked at Remi with a soft smile, "I guess they did find their ghost. I could use a drink, would you like one as well?"

The Taisho frowned, upset by the timing. She was set to go into battle soon. "I would like to come meet her," she said, knowing it would have to wait for a while.
Remi blinked, and looked back towards Carmilla. "Yes please. Whatever you will be having is fine."

The sprite nodded to Toshiro, she gently bit the back of her hand nervously. "This is odd, there's so much i want to ask her..."

Chiai nodded, "Of course, Yui-Taisho, we'll keep her here and make sure she's comfortable as our guest. But, do you have any idea why she's here?" The Taisa asked politely.

Carmilla patted Remi's shoulder as she went to find them a nice bottle of sake to split. She hoped that maybe some sake would make what they saw a little...less real in their memories.

"After Chiharu's death...I did a lot of experiments: scientific, medicinal, and occult; I had MEGAMI attempt to reconstruct her...this could be related." She rubbed her forehead with both hands. "It has been so long..."

Remi sat back, sighed, and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Today was turning out to be a rather interesting, if not odd day.

Chiai blinked a bit, "That would make sense as to why she's so... real." Chiai looked back over her shoulder at the sprite for a moment before looking back to Yui. "Is there anything specific you'd like us to do?" The Taisa understood the Taisho's desire to bring her loved one back to her but the methods confused her.

"Tell her I love her," Yui smiled. "And that I would like to take her out on a date soon."

Carmilla returned to Remi with a large open bottle of sake marked 'mukune' and 2 sake cups. She sat down easily and smoothly poured out the sake before setting the bottle down. "Here Remi-san. This sake is pretty good."

Remi took the little cup, and nodded her thanks before taking a sip. "Thank you...today is a weird day isn't it?"

Chiai smiled softly, "Hai, Yui-Taisho. We'll look forward to seeing you. That's all I wanted to report, so I'll let you return to your duties. Thank you for your time."

Toshiro blinked, daring to ask a question, "Erm...sorry to interrupt...but...is there any measure we should take about...well...possible public response? I mean...it'll be very noticeable for Chiharu-sama to suddenly have inexplicably returned...and if Yui-sama used methods such as the occult...it may cause confusion in the Yamataian view of how the universe works...possibly having results of religion creation and the like... Would this be positive or negative? Would reintroduction be good or bad for Chiharu-sama at this point? Should she be a secret for now?"

The sprite smiled softly, though she was still rather confused by this whole mess.

Chiai turned to look at Toshiro, a little started by his sudden commentary, uncertain of how to respond.
"Chiharu-sama is a core part of Yamatai's belief and patriotic structure...and effects this may have should be carefully analyzed, as well as her own well-being...she may need to acclimate, in her state of confusion..."

"I would like for her to remain hidden from the public until we can look into this further," Yui explained.

Toshiro nodded and bowed. 'This civilian apologizes for the interruption...but it needed to be asked."

Carmilla nodded to Remi, "Yes... very." She took her sake shot rather fast before she poured herself more.

Chiai nodded, "We'll have her stay aboard or if she prefers, we could have her put into cold stasis until Yui-Taisho can arrive?" The Taisa nervously suggested.

The sprite looked at Toshiro oddly, it was all rather strange but in a way, it seemed to make sense to her.

Remi just stared at her date for a moment. "Apparently so," she commented having seen the woman gulp down her own drink rather quickly. The doctor's cup however was still about half full. "Well, I now have something else to add to the list of strange and odd things I've seen." She said after taking another small sip.

"She is also welcome at the Empress' Palace," Yui noted.

Toshiro said nothing more at this point...one thing his enlisted elder brother had taught him was respect toward Star Army Officers...

Chiai smiled, "We could transport her there, but then we might run the risk of her appearance alerting the public that something is going on," she added rather concerned, "But, whatever you'd like us to do, I'll take the appropriate course of action."

"Please land the Yui in the palace; I will arrange a room for her," the Taisho said. "Please make sure she isn't seen yet by outsiders."

Too late for that... Toshiro thought to himself.

Carmilla offered a reassuring smile to Remi, "Don't worry; I don't intend to get smashed on you."

Chiai frowned, "Uh, we have some visitors aboard. Some of the crew of the SRSS Yggdrasill have seen her. What would you like us to do? I trust that they will exercise some sort of discretion in this matter." She looked at Toshiro appraisingly.

"Please ask them not to speak of this...we wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression, or to get their hopes up prematurely."

Remi chuckled lightly. "Forgive me, I'm not much for drinking, and only do it on special occasions." The doctor finished her own cup and sat it down. "Of course, I suppose this counts as well."

Toshiro nodded. "Taisho-sama...I am the Yggdrasill's Captain, and we are quite capable of keeping a secret...only three of us have seen her, the other two being a former Star Army Warrant Officer who knows to listen to your word, and a Helashio who will not tell if we ask her not to."

Chiai nodded again looking to Toshiro again before looking back to Yui, "Understood."

The sprites expression changed to depression now, she felt very much like an unruly puppy.

Yui nodded, a hopeful smile on her lips. "Thank you."

Toshiro bowed...

Chiai bowed to Yui as well, "We'll see you soon, Yui-Taisho."


Shaun just stood there for a moment in shock. He brought his face to his palm and just sighed heavily. "Why......just why can't I end up in places where normal things happen..." He lowered his hand and looked at Ken and then the penguin. "okay....so now we have a talking animal on the ship.....so since you can understand me..."

Shaun pointed at the floor "you better not take a shit on any of the floors." Shaun looked up at Ken. "Somebody is going to need to put some kind of ramp next to the toilot for him."


When Chiai closed the channel she turned and bowed to the sprite, "Miss, don't worry about all of this too much for now. Finding your own identity does take some time. But please, have some more to eat and try to relax."

The sprite lowered herself back down into her seat nodding. Some of her color had returned to her face but she still had that lost, pained look in her eyes.

Chiai sat down again and nibbled on a sandwich herself for a few moments before looking at Toshiro, "Thank you for your understanding. I really wasn't thinking about how important this might be to keep under wraps. I was more pre-occupied with how this discovery would effect Yui-Taisho and Chiharu-sama rather than the cultural ramifications... but still, I never imagined that we'd actually meet her spirit."

Carmilla smiled at Remi again. "Yes, this might. How exactly does your crew react to Serenity-chan running around in the buff all the time? It's not really so much a bad thing because she is an attractive woman but I can imagine it is distracting."


Toshiro nodded...

"This...isn't the first time we've had to keep a secret for the Army...though it was by my own judgement rather than any specific request until now. I won't go any further into that right now, though."

He nibbled his grilled cheese, in thought, before continuing.

"Besides...it's for her own good, too. If she's thrust into a welcoming world too quickly, she may suffer because of it, people trying to force an identity on her that she hasn't decided if she still wants or not. Furthermore, since we're again at war, any rammifications of her reappearance will likely be magnified, as she was the cornerstone of the LAST major war..."

He then sipped some apple juice, remembering how the arrival of Maras affected the Lorath in just those first few hours...


"Actually, the crew does not seem to mind." Remi replied with a little shrug."It is her choice to roam about the ship however she chooses I would think."

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"Well I never! I'm fully trained in how to get onto toilets and how to use them, thank you." Kurio said, turning with a huff.

Ken laughed, a giant smile on his face. "Oh quit you too. We have to help the new AI get used to being..well..alive I guess."


The Yggdrasill seemed perplexed...

"...What is the purpose of this...'pornography' I have found on PANTHEON? Is it for anatomy studies?"

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"Um...No, it's not...but, if you bring up a screen or something, I can try to help direct you to something relative to anatomy. Pornography is for....recreation of sorts." Ken said, smirking and holding in a chuckle.


Carmilla seemed a little perplexed by this, "They really don't mind? That's a little odd, but maybe my experience with men has painted me an incorrect impression of them."

The sprite ate quietly, she was unsure of how to proceed and the captains' habit of talking about her like she wasn't there was starting to make her feel even more depressed. She didn't say anything as she continued staring down at the table.

Chiai nodded in agreement, "This really is a delicate time for her and I hope that she doesn't have to sacrifice herself again for this war to end. But I somehow doubt that Yui-Taisho is willing to allow such a thing to happen. Chiharu-sama?"

The sprite looked up at the Taisa as she was finally addressed with a confused expression. She responded in a hurt tone of voice, "Oh? So I'm actually here now?"

Chiai frowned. "Yes, you are. I'm sorry that we keep continuing on like this but we're still getting used to the idea that you are..well... real. But, I was wondering what you plan to do once you get re-acclimated to how things are now?"

The sprite frowned a little as she pondered this question, unsure really of what she could do. She spoke a little uneasily, "I really don't know. I don't expect to remain a Taisho if I really have been dead for 4 years and... I'm not even the 'real' Chiharu. I really wish that this was some implanted nightmare by the Elysians.. at least then I'd know that I'd wake up and everything would be back to normal."


"talking ear pieces, planets under attack, talking animals, ghosts, and now a living ship." Shaun rubbed the sides of his head as he walked over to his station and sat down. "This is enough to make a man want to drink."

Shaun leaned back in his seat and looked over at Ken. "any idea if they had any luck on that ghost hunt they were talking about earlier?"


Toshiro put his hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Well, regardless, once Yui-Taisho managed to reunite with you, I'm sure she'll do whatever she can to make you happy...and who knows. You may keep your Taisho rank!"

The Yggdrasill brought a window up to Ken as it replied to Shaun...

"No word from departed team, positive or negative. The YSS Yui is still docked, no changes."

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"I wouldn't be too worried about them. Cap'n can handle himself." Ken said, bringing up some anatomy sites for the Yggdrasil. "You know, it's too bad we don't have a sprite system. With a Living ship it would be nice." he commented, letting Yggdrasil take control back, as Kurio rummaged through some clothes, finding a Green Beanie.

"Awesome!" the penguin said, putting it on.


The sprite tried to smile but she didn't really have the feeling behind it that would've made it genuine. "I don't think I could deal with being co-commander of the fleet again with all this going on as well. I know that she means well but...I don't even know who I am right now. But, I guess, that'll come in time."


"I would not know much about men. I've interacted with them yes, but that's it. And even then very little. " The doctor explained as she leaned back in her seat.


"Well...perhaps that would be best, Chiharu-sama...at least until you can secure your own identity..."

Toshiro said in thought...before wiping crumbs off his mouth with a napkin.


Shaun sat back in his seat facing away from Ken. He hadn't realized it before but he hadn't slept much lately. So while sitting there at his station, Shaun fell asleep right there in his chair.


The sprite finished hr sandwich and stared idly at the table. She looked up at Chiai for a moment, silently asking a question.

Chiai nodded, "The guest nest is open, Chiharu-sama. Did you want...?"

"No, thank you. I can find it on my own. I doubt the ship's changed that much," The sprite interrupted, "Thank you for your kindness and consideration, Onii-san." She politely bowed as she rose out of her seat. "I'm going to retire for the evening and consider these things until we reach the Empress's Palace." She walked towards the galley door, she had straightened her posture and walked with a sense of military bearing again as she disappeared into the corridor.

Chiai watched her go and sighed lightly, "Never having to be restored from a back-up, I can't entirely say I understand what she's going through but, I can sympathize for her situation. The whole world she knew changed and now... she's a legend. I believe one other bears her face, Michiko is her name, I think."

Carmilla chuckled a little, "I'd like to study the subject a little more but I enjoy the company of other women a little too much to spend too much time with male companions." She paused for a moment and laughed awkwardly, "So, what type of foods do you like?"


"Foods?" Remi tiltied her head a little at the question. "Hmmm, well, food with a lot of flavor is nice. Butmaybe spicy foods?" The doctor nodded as she said that.


Carmilla smiled again. "Curry and Jeongol are really nice but together... wow, it's a little too spicy. What are you in the mood for tonight? I'm personally up for anything," she asked curiously as she started feeling hungry. She chuckled, "Oh geesh, for whatever reason we decided to try making Sannakji one night and it freaked everyone out! The octopus is served fresh, well, alive! Everyone felt so bad that we put the poor thing back into stasis and re-released it once we got back planet-side."


The ship seemed to be going over terrabytes of information...

"Ah....so the difference between pornography and anatomy is that anatomy is not meant for enjoyment, merely study...fascinating."

Toshiro telepathically contacted Ken...

Hey Ken...how are things with you and Shaun? Haven't heard from you two for a little while...

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Ken chuckled. Alright, if you consider the fact that our dear ship has a voice now, just learned the difference between anatomy and porn, and I have a talking penguin now. he sent back, wondering which one would make Toshiro chuckle, laugh, or break.


Oddly enough, none of those things seemed to phase him for long.

Sounds like a normal day, compared to what happened over here. Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything...it's classified Star Army data as of ten minutes ago.

Kylen Phylar

Meh. Let the SA have their secrets. We have a talking ship that isn't a MEGUMI. Ken replied, the smirk evident in his message.


I see...well, it must have accessed the EIES libraries to learn that quickly and have PANTHEON access. It'll have to be a secret though...we DO have alien software that people may kill for...that reminds me, have you contacted NDI about that pod yet? 600K is a LOT of money!

Toshiro replied with a smile.

Jo Midori

Serenity sat beside Remi still, her tail wagging a little before it actually did it's best to wrap around the seat. Seeing that she would be unable to do such, she decided to warp around her tail around the chair she sat in, iddly stroking it along the material as she began to squirm a little.

Not really thinking about it she began to blush a little, purring at the feeling as she stared at both Remi and Carmilla, a small fantasy coming into her head. Staring off past them now, she began to cuddle up to Remi, her purring a little more evident as her tail began to speed up.


Carmilla smiled at Serenity, "I think, I'll go make us some curry. You two are our guests and Serenity seems tired." The soft spoken neko stood up as she suggested this and walked into the kitchen to make dinner.

She hummed quietly to herself and abut 10 minutes later, re-emerged with 3 large plates of beef curried rice on a large serving tray. She placed each plate down with a flourish and a bright smile. "Here we are! Let's eat"

Chiai watched Toshiro's face with an admiring smile, "You are a cute one. I bet the women must be all over you." She was still concerned about the sprite but she knew it was better to move on with the evening rather than dwell. The sprite would make her decisions regardless of what she had to say.

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"That's right. you use that, and it should help you decide what gender you would prefer to be refered to as." Ken told the ship. I know that much, Capt'n. And I'll alert NDI as soon as you guys get done with your Ironman suits. he sent back, settling in.


Toshiro blushed a bit at the compliment...

"Really? Well...I've been called cute before...but only lately have girls started to show any interest. The only one who showed interest before was a scary crazy girl obsessed with ribbons."

The ship replied promptly.

"I lack these particular attachments, though my bow is slightly phallic...this requires more thought. I will gather more data before I decide."

Kylen Phylar

"Well, according to custom and such, unless the ship can talk and wants to be referred to as male, said ship is usually considered female." Ken said, smirking slightly. "Don't ask why. It's just one of those pilot things that has been around for ever."

Jo Midori

Serenity looked at the food oddly as it was set before her, head tilted to the side as she sniffed at the food as if testing it's smell to see if it was edible. After sniffing it a few times, she went ahead and licked out with her tongue to test it.

Her eyes went wide, the tail forgotten now as she grinned and began to eat the food eagerly, swallowing the food down nearly whole now as she went to work. It seemed the girl really liked curry.


Remi however, merely smiled as Serenity went about eating. She herself took small bites, using a measure of manners and politeness. "My compliments to the chef." She replied wearing a soft smile as she looked briefly to Carmilla.


The Yggdrasill pondered a moment, though it was a very brief moment...

"This has no basis in tradition. Until I decide, please refer to me as 'Yggdrasill', or a derivitive of a genderless pronoun."


Eve suddenly came in through the ship speakers. "I wanna call you Jane! Jane is a pretty name. I was called Jane once until I met Shaun." Eve was quiet for a moment before speaking again "I think Shaun fell asleep...."


Carmilla watched them eat with a satisfied smile for a few moments before starting to eat herself. Taking neat but moderate sized portions up into her mouth on her fork. "How is it?" She asked politely, after swallowing the mouthful of food she had in her mouth.

Chiai grinned almost mischievously, "Ah that's a shame to hear. I predict more women attaching themselves to you in the future." There was almost had a deep purr in her voice as she spoke. She lifted up her coffee mug in both her hands and took a sip before she continued, "I am sorely tempted to try to finish what I started earlier when Chiharu-sama interrupted us"


This made Toshiro blush slightly...

"I think I know what you were going to try...but I'm careful in making such assumptions..."

The Yggdrassil paused for a moment...

"I...do not wish to be called Jane."


Chiai laughed lightly,. "Oh, please, tell me what you thought I was going to try and we'll end the assumption. If it's creative enough, we can do it if you're up for it." She watched him curiously, finding the shyness endearing.

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Ken nods. "Will do Yggdrasil." he says, smiling.

Kurio waddles over and pokes Shaun a couple of times. "yep. he's out."


"aww....but its so boring!" Eve was quiet for a moment after Kurio poked Shaun. "Humans are so strange. I understand the reasons why they sleep, but every time he sleeps. I just find it almost creepy. Staying in one spot almost motionless for hours on end....."

Eve suddenly yelled from the earpiece. "WAKE UP SHAUN YOUR BEING BORING!!!" Shaun's eyes flew open and he almost smacked his face into his console as he fell forward out of the chair. Pulling himself to a sitting position Shaun put his right hand to his chest. "Jesus Eve! are you trying to scare me to death!?"

Eve quickly replied "it just creeps me out when you sleep....and I get bored...." Shaun sighed as he pulled himself to his feet. "you seriously need some kind of hobby." Eve replied in a childish tone "But you are my hobby." Shaun just rolled his eyes and sighed looking over at Ken. "Call me if you need anything man. I'm heading to the bunk room."

Shaun still somewhat dazed made his way out of the room. and headed for the men's bunk room.


Remi took another bite, nodded and then smiled faintly. "I like it." She replied sweetly to her dinner companion.


Toshiro blushed a bit at that comment before speaking telepathically...

Well...I THINK you were about to...well...have sex with me?

Yggdrasill responded to Eve in the same neuter voice...

"I believe it is actually calming...the universe outside can be serene or quite violent. It is good to know that life also has such duality."


Carmilla smiled brightly, "I'm glad you like it. So what are your plans for after dinner?"

Chiai grinned again and leaned in closer to Toshiro, speaking in a soft near purr tone of voice, "Well, yes, that was what I was going for. Would you be up for finishing the round or am I just making you uncomfortable?" She did sound a little concerned, she was finding the shyness endearing but she didn't want to make the poor man feel like he was getting forced into it- that was no fun...well, at least she got the impression that he wasn't into that particular fetish.


Toshiro's face stayed red as he comtemplated his response...

"Well...I don't think we should. I just met you, after all..."


Chiai's lips pursed together in a light pout for a moment and she laughed light-heartedly, "Okay, I can respect that. I'll just have to try to get to know you better. You'll be coming back here again at some point and I'll have to try harder to not scare you away." She winked at him. "I was really surprised that the ghost story rule worked to trigger something to happen, even though we didn't get very far."

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Ken chuckled. "So Eve, happy you have someone else to talk to who isn't actually living?" he asked, rocking in his chair.

Kurio was on the ground laughing in a honking way.


The Yggdrasill gave a 'hmmph' in irritation.

"Who is to say I am not alive? Just because I am inorganic? Besides, I detect organic components within this 'Eve's' system. She is likely as alive as you are."

Toshiro's blush only intensified...

"So you'd planned that from the beginning? I see...I guess I'll have to be a bit more aware next time."

Toshiro smiled a bit, thinking about how foolish he must have been...and to show Chiai he wasn't angry about it.


Chiai grinned a little bit, "Not entirely. I wasn't expecting her to actually show up, so it was a nice bonus. I wish we had gotten farther." She sipped her coffee again and laughed. "don't worry about it too much, you're just too cute to resist. Would you like some tea?" She gestured to the still steaming tea pot on the table.


Toshiro nodded, accepting the tea...

"Nice tea...so...what is it like, being a Star Army Captain, anyway? I'm relatively new to Command's responsibilities, but find it very...interesting."


Chiai continued grinning and not entirely surprised that Toshiro accepted the tea as an 'out' for the sex conversation. "Well, I guess the only real difference between working for the Star army of Yamatai and being an independent is the paycheck and our orders. I do think we feel the same way about our crew: they eventually become our family, if they don't start that way already. I don't tend to question what orders we receive since it's mostly patrol and defense of the planet. I just hope we can kill enough of those squid things to get them to leave us the Hell alone and end this war. It's bad for the morale of our nation to see so many of our sisters fall or be captured by those things," she shook her head with a sigh, "It almost makes you wish that we were fighting the Elysians again or those muscle headed men. We can understand them and why they want to fight us but... the SMX.... it's hard enough to even pronounce their name let alone why they act as they do."


Toshiro's smile vanished as he put down the tea after a sip...

"I don't know the reason either...perhaps they merely think themselves superior, be it a conclusion reached through religion or politics...in some races, that alone may be enough to justify xenocide in their minds..."


"It makes no sense that they only want to destroy everything, sometimes I wonder if it's all an act and they aren't really sociopaths," Chiai sighed. "But we'll do all in a power to beat them back. Oh, I'm sorry, this is a little disconcerting to discuss. So where are you from?"

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"Sorry sorry. I'm just getting used to the idea, that's all. Hell, last ship I was in wasn't fit enough for ANY AI. Let alone something as advanced as you." Ken replied.


"Really....I like to think the term alive is really subjective. I think an example of this is how Shaun has sometimes mentioned he hasn't felt more alive while alone in the bunk room. Prehaps the term itself can have more of a meaning to spirit as well as its medical explinations."

Eve was silent for a moment before continuing "Alright even while saying that I'm not sure I really understand it."


Remi tilted her head slightly to the side at the question.

"Hmmm, I do not know to be honest." She sighed and ate a little more now.


"Kyoto, born and raised." Toshiro said, setting down his tea...

"I was pretty sheltered from the war for the most part, as you can guess...only when we went to Lor did we realize just what kind of power the Army is up against."

The Yggdrasill replied quickly again.

"Apology accepted, Ken, as long as you keep your penguin from making messes, as per Shaun's previous request...and Eve, such a concept is quite interesting, even if hard to fully comprehend."

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Kurio glowered. "I know how to use the bathroom thank you."


Carmilla smiled as she neatly set down her fork, she had finished eating and was watching Remi curiously. "Since we're just relaxing, would you be up for a walk outside? The night air should be nice and we should be able to see the night sky?"

Chiai set down her coffee cup and smiled softly at the young Captain, "If I ever retire, I'd like to fly with you. But if you'd care to join me, the view this time of day is lovely from the top of the complex."


Toshiro smiled, nodding. The idea seemed to meet with approval.

"That sounds very nice...I wonder if we can see Kyoto from here this time of day."


Chiai stood up and started walking towards the door to the passageway. She paused at the door and looked back at Toshiro with a soft smile, "I believe we can, I'll show you where the best vantage point is."


Shaun was now in the bunk room fast asleep.

Eve asked puzzled through the com system "Ken? Why exactly did you go out and buy a pet? It simply seems a rather sudden decision to me."

Last edited by Driker on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total


Remi nodded smiling faintly.

"Of course, I would not mind that at all."


Carmilla stood up and led Remi and Serenity out the doorway and then out of the ship, guiding Remi by the hand towards a pathway that went through a large garden with flowers of every sort and was lined with twinkling rows of lantern type lights suspended on wires alongside each side of the path. From what Remi could see, the path led towards a small footbridge over a little pond and a large gazebo.

"I thought you might like to see this, Remi-san," Carmilla gestured happily to the garden and the gazebo. "From the gazebo, you get a nice view of the sky as well. The lights from the complex don't wash it out."


Toshiro rose and followed Chiai, glad for the rest this visit provided, and that they were so well recieved...

"Thanks for being so courteous to me and my crew!"


Chiai smiled, leading Toshiro out the ship and through a long corridor and up a spiral stairwell to the roof. "Not at all! We're glad for the company and the chance to relax as well. Here we are," She commented as she pushed open a red door at the very top of the stairwell marked, 'Roof Access'. "Not very many people realize that this view is here or rather, they usually don't come up here but.. it over looks the garden below as well as everything else. So it's a nicer , more private view on clear nights like this."

The door opened allowing a warm breeze to flow into the stairwell, carrying the scent of flowers, the most distinctive of which were roses. The sky was free of the earlier cloud cover and full of twinkling stars. There was a light red haze on the southern part of the sky where he could see the skyline of the city. The roof itself was fairly empty save for a glass picnic table and some comfortable looking chairs.

Jo Midori

Serenity felt oddly at ease outside. Where as she always feared the outdoors on Lor for some odd reason, yet still yearned to leave the confines of the palace...Some how she felt at home here. Even though she was new to the planet, the sky felt wonderfully similiar, the breeze on her bare skin beautifuly familiar, and the sensations rushing through her felt like pure rapture to her.

With glazed over eyes she watched the sky, her nose inhaling the crisp smells of the fresh flowers as she began to breathe a bit quicker. In her mind flashes of memories ran, memories of water, of sand, of someone dancing in the sunlight, sweating and feeling a rush of pleasure flow through her as she knew she was fufilling what she was meant to do. Oddly she felt that at the same time, that person she was watching was her...

As she looked down to the water, it snapped into place. The twinkling stars above her reflected in the water reminded her of the great sea she stood in front of, the dance to send the prayers on the wind so that the great beast would recieve them, the daily chores and routines she performed. It all snapped in one sudden shocking jolt that sent the girl to her knees.

Clutching her head painfully, she watched the water through a wavering sight as her chest began to constrict, cutting off her air supply. Frantically she looked around the area, fearful of the new place. Spotting the two odd people, she felt she shoud know them yet she didn't. They didn't look like the winged demons she had always lived in fear of, but why was she with them? Backing away as they spoke to themselves, Serenity took off away from the two, running through the bushes of the garden as she looked for a way out. Where she was clumsy before, she was now very agile and light footed, running with a surprising quickness as her tail acted as a balance point now.

She didn't get to far though, her chest constricted as such it didn't allow her to breath to well. Not to mention the sudden rush of emotions and memories that threatened to tear her mind apart, two bodies, two lives conflicting with one another for dominance. The wavering gaze began to grow dim, until the poor girl collapsed into a heap not even thirty yards from the two neko, making a heavy thudding sound as she landed among some flowers. Crushing some and tossing some others up to cover her, it oddly enough looked artistic in some aspect.


Carmilla winced seeing Serenity's odd behavior, "Serenity-chan! Remi, what's going on?!" She hurried over to where Serenity collapsed, unsure of what was really going on and waited for the doctor to hopefully give her some explanation.


Toshiro was quite shocked as he looked out over the city, his emerald eyes wide. He eventually turned back to Chiai with a wide smile...

"Incredible...there's a whole city inside this space station...I had no idea! How many people LIVE here?"


Chiai nodded brightly as she stared up at the skyline, "Yup. The engineers really outdid themselves to give this station a more unique look. To help ight cabin fever, they created it to make it feel like home, rather than an enclosed station."


Toshiro nodded, only now remembering to close his mouth, where he had previously been gaping open-mouthed at the spectacle...

"So...is all of this real...or is it holographic?"

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Ken shrugged. "Spur of the moment. He had that "Buy Me" look, and I'm a penguin fan. That, and I've got sooo much money coming to me, it's not funny." he said, rocking slightly.


Eve was quiet for a moment before speaking loudly and in the tone of voice that a young woman uses when she wants something "AWW! But I wanna go shopping too! How come Shaun never buys me anything nice!? Why can't I have a pet!?"

Last edited by Driker on Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total


(Why do you keep saying Kip or Kips when Eve talks, Shaun? It's the second time in a row.)

Kylen Phylar

Ken burst out laughing hard, almost falling out of his chair. "I...*chuckle* bet he will once you've got a body to do so, Eve."


((I guess I must be losing my mind. Sorry about that man.))


Remi soon came up behind Carmilla, kneeled to the ground, and looked the Helashio over. The poor thing looked to be passed out... The doctor looked to Carmilla now. "We should get her to some medical facilities where I can examine her more thoroughly." She replied checking the gril's pulse and breathing.


Chiai smiled, "It's a mix of both, Toshiro-san. Since they use both, it makes it harder to tell which is which. But I leave it to you to figure out where the fantasy ends and the reality begins. It is breathtaking regardless of what it really is. It gets a little confusing when it rains though."

Carmilla nodded and carefully lifted the unconscious Helashio into her arms. She spoke calmly, "Would you be able to examine her on your ship? It will probably be less jarring for her to wake up in a familiar environment than a strange one?"


Toshiro nodded, feeling a wall...it was real, and he squinted at the horizon to see anything in the distance that was obviously out of place...after a few moments, he sighed and gave a smile.

"I guess it doesn't really matter, ne? It's indeed impressive...are you stationed at this station, or just in Yamatai's general vicinity?"


"Just in the general vicinity. We patrol a large area of space but we try to make it a point to keep incoming cargo into the storage units these days. So we do end up coming her quite often to make sure nothing harmful enters the station," Chiai replied with a smile. "I think that if the Yui ever gets de-commed... I would like to buy her and freelance a little. But, it'll be a while before that happens. I still have a few more years to go before my term of mandatory service is up. You ever wonder where you might end up in a couple of years, especially with this war going on?"


Remi shook her head.

"While it would be possibly better, Star Army ships are better equipped then the Yggdrasill, in both equipment,and medical supplies. If it is alright with you, I would prefer to use the Yui's medical facilities."


"That's fine," Carmilla nodded and carefully carried the Helashio back to the Yui and into the Med Bay. She set her gently down on the table and stepped back to allow the doctor to work. "Any idea of what happened to cause her to act like that, Remi-sensei?"


Eve pulled some images of woman up on some of the monitors around the room. "Speaking of bodies....I'm not sure what I want. Theres so many things to choose from and I don't really know what to pick myself. I mean there are so many hair colors and skin tones and eyes. So many different shapes. I just can't pick"


Toshiro seems a bit saddened by this comment...

"All the time...my O-nii-san had plans for when HE'D leave the army...he'd command the Yggdrasill and teach me the trade...but he died at Ralfaris...things don't always go as we plan or expect, Chiai-san..."


Chiai frowned seeing that her speculation had upset the young Captain, "I'm sorry to hear that, Toshiro-san. Perhaps, after what we've seen here today, your thoughts might reach him one day and you'll be with him again?"

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"Well...do you want to be pleasing to our sleeping friend here, or just blend in? Granted...I'm not the best at blending in anywhere but Yamatai or Yamatai bases. With the blue hair and ears and everything." Ken said, thinking.


Toshiro nodded, and tried to cheer up a bit...it was true, after all. Tere were far stranger things out here in space...

"That is true...thank you, Chiai-san...perhaps we should go back and see how the others are doing?"

Jo Midori

Serenity seemed to shake a little as the two lives conflicted together even in her unconsciousness. What had happened to her, why was she remembering these things now and why did it feel like she had lived two lives?

In her mind she was floating in nothingness as the two lives rushed past her, neither stopping as they both played out events. On one side was the events predating her capture and breaking, the rebelliousness at the hands of the winged people and the life she lived in her village, one of importance and reverence.

On the other side she saw the events dating after her breaking, the months in the hospital tended to by the funny smelling winged ones before the gentle reintroduction and following subservience to another winged red person. This time the person was much more caring and gentle with her, giving Serenity treats and the such. In both lives she seemed to be enjoyable.

At least up until she was torn from her mistress. At the same time as she woke up on the new ship with her new owners, her other life conflicted with it's most trying time as well, pressing both events harshly against one another. Why was this happening to her? And which life would win out now?


"Silly Ken. Of course I want him to be happy, but you know how he is. If I tried to play with him he would probably get mad and wonder off alone somewhere." Pictures of different styles continued to cross the monitors. "I don't know what men like......Ken your a man right? You should know more about what he would like than I do."


Remi went to work, three volumetric displays popped up before her, the doctor frowning as she looked at each of their readings. "I do not know, it could be the training she was put under as a Helashio. They use slave collars that induce sensations in the whole body via the nerves at the base of the neck." She pondered aloud looking down at the woman now.

"It is not malnutrition, or dehydration, I can see no innate diseases, or illness. Although I am reading some abnormal brain activity..." Remi tapped her bottom lip as she thought on what could be happening.

Kylen Phylar

"I'm a guy, yeah, but different guys like different things in a girl. Especially physically." Ken replied.

Kurio nodded. "That's right. What Ken likes could be nothing like what Shaun would want."


Eve stopped browsing through the pictures "oooooooh poop. I havn't seen him put much interest in anything except when he's playing with that stupid bed he was working on and fighting.....men are so complicated..."

Kylen Phylar

Ken and Kurio both laughed at that. "Men...complicated?" Ken asked, wiping a tear away. "We think women are complicated. I mean jeeze."


Carmilla watched silently, unsure of what to make of the matter before she finally spoke. "What sort of sensations do those collars induce? Is it some sort of programming?" Her field was security so she barely had a grasp of what sort of scans Remi was doing. She vaguely wished for Peony to come back to assist.

Chiai smiled softly with a nod, "Sure, we can make sure they are staying out of trouble." She looked up at the stars and smiled before looking back down at Toshiro, "It's funny, I get homesick if I'm not flying among the stars. I've spent so much time in space, being grounded makes me feel a little uncomfortable." She laughed a little before she walked back into the stairwell.


Toshiro nodded, smiling...

"I feel a bit at home on Kyoto, but also in a debris firld or an asteroid belt...darting in and out of such fields is where the Yggdrasill is most impressive."


"The collars can induce a multitude of sensations, ranging to pleasure, the feeling of being touched, pain, being burned and the like. The collar connects directly to the nerves at the base of the neck, and thusly into the spinal cord where impulses are sent to the brain." Remi explained as she walked over to a cabinet.

"They use them to break the Helashio and to keep them in line. If they are good, they are rewarded, if not, they are punished. Such a twisted way of slavery..." She sighed retrieving a few small objects and a bottle or two.

"It is barbaric, they break the mind and spirit. And what is left is an obedient slave unaware of who, or what they are. They're only purpose to serve."


"That's horrible!" Carmilla looked appalled but ten her expression became thoughtful again. "So maybe she's having nightmares? Would that explain the odd bran activity? If the process is really that bad, maybe it could've messed up her head in some way?"

Chiai walked down the stairs but looked back up at Toshiro with a smile, "I can imagine. I hope that the crews are enjoying the evening."


Toshiro nodded, smiling...

"True, but we can't stay a great deal longer...we havebusiness on nepleslia, and I plan to explore the North a bit if my crew agrees...the Empire is starting to feel strain, it seems, and maybe finding new resources will help end this war more quickly..."


"The hell is so damn funny in here!?" Shaun said with a loud yawn. He walked into the room wearing nothing but a pair of pants. Eve was suddenly quiet as the monitors she was using shut off.


Chiai nodded as she reached the bottom of the stairwell. "Careful with the Leathernecks on Nep. From what I hear, they don't like us too much. But you probably already know that."

Kylen Phylar

"Eve was wondering-" Ken started, but Kurio cut him off.

"Wondering what kind of..umm...weapons Ken liked! Yeah!" The crafty penguin said, not knowing if Eve wanted Shaun to actually know what she was doing.


Shaun glared at both of them. "You two were laughing loud enough to wake the dead over Eve's comments about your taste in weapons!?" Shaun walked over to his console and dropped down in his chair and leaned forward against the monitor. As he did Eve gave a slight gasp and as she did he looked up.

"What....the....hell...." The compiled list of female forms was still sitting there on the screen. Shaun turned in his chair and called up "EVE!?" Eve remained totally silent for once. He then turned his attention to Ken. "Ken....buddy....would you please explain what this is?"

Kylen Phylar

"Well...Eve was wondering what your taste in women was, and I told her I would have a better shot shooting past the Blackhole Cluster then knowing what you like, and then she said men are complicated." Ken said, smirking. "Be honest with her, will you? I need to go get a drink." he said, as he got up and headed for the room.


He lifted a brow at Ken's explination "She's asked me that once before....and as I already said. I don't really have any preferences. I'm a fighter not a lover."

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"So am I in a way, but we all have our dream girls. Personally, I'm looking for a girl with short brown hair, is cute, slightly clumsy, and has glasses. I know you have something LIKE that stored away somewhere." Ken said, smirking.


"Personally I couldn't care less. If I actually did meet someone. There would just be something about them the instant I saw them that would catch me." He said pointing. "However to tell the truth I really don't like relationships. I'm seriously bad at talking to woman. Hell Eve is the closest thing to a woman I talk to every day and she drives me nuts."

As Shaun said this Eve quirked up a single word "but....." Shaun tapped the ear piece "but what? Something you wanted to say Eve?"

Eve was quiet for a moment before replying in her normal happy tone "Nope. Was gona say something clever but I forgot what it was"

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"See Eve. You have nothing to worry about. Just choose what makes you happy, and if he doesn't like it, I'll kick his ass for you." Ken called out from the room as he comes back out with a drink in his hand.


"Yeah like that would happen" He shouted back at Ken from the room. He sighed as he spun back around putting his feet up. "Why are you so interested in wanting to know what kind of woman I like Eve? You know I like you fine attached to my ear."

Eve replied in a surprisingly serious tone "maybe so, but I'd rather not be stuck in this piece of shit all the time. I'd like to be able to move around myself you know."

Her response surprised him. He hadn't heard her talk like that before "Eve.....did you just call yourself a piece of shit!? Whats gotten into you?" Eve replied again "I'm just tired of not being able to directly influence anything other then computer systems."

Shaun leaned back and shruged lightly "fair enough....I promise I'll look into getting you some kind of mobile frame when we get home."


Toshiro blinked, looking at Chiai as they walked back...

"I'm not familiar with the term 'leatherneck', but I know that some Nepleslians don't like Yamataians, and that Nekos are strictly forbidden on their world...luckily, I'm passable as a Nepleslian...and I'm going to be accompanied by a Nepleslian in my crew, who is half ID-SOL."


"Oh, it's an antiquated derogatory term for military men. But I wish you luck with the encounter," Chiai responded as she walked back onto the Yui. "I hope that I never have to encounter them in my patrols. I'm sure your crew member is a fine, upstanding man- please excuse my prejudices."


Toshiro's head tilted to the side.

"Some may be bad, but my crewman was a military man on Nepleslia and he's alright...of course we also had to save a Neko from some other men...the rumors of a Neko slave trade there is true, sadly..."

Toshiro stepped back onto the Yui, wondering where Remi and Serenity were...


A corridor ahead of the captains was sealed. Chiai looked at it oddly as a frown spread across her face. "MEGAMI, what's going on?"

"The Helashio is attacking Carmilla and Remi. We are de-escalating the situation," The MEGAMI politely replied.



While still on the bed Serenity began to groan, stirring a little as she began to come too.

Carmilla shifted anxiously as she watched the Helashio cautiously and silently.

"Don't worry." Remi replied to Carmilla as she watched Serenity.

"If you say so, Remi-san," Carmilla replied quietly.

Serenity's eyes slowly opened wide as she looked around. It was easy to see the girl's eyes were out of focus, and as they came back in her breathing picked up. Again she was in a strange place, with those weird people that were outside by the pond before. She was on a table...she knew it! They wanted to hurt her! With the speed and agility born from her natural habitat, Serenity rolled up onto her back and kicked out to both sides. While she was awake, she was still groggy and as such the normally nasty kick would only clip the two, hitting their ears at worse. Continuing her roll, she went right off the bed and shot off towards what she guessed to be the door. Getting it right, the door slid open easily as Serenity ran off into the ship corridors, away from the two odd people.

Remi jumped back from the kick feeling wind whistle by her ears and watched as the Helashio bolted out of the room. "Seal the corridors!" She ordered looking to Carmilla before running off after her.

Carmilla watched Serenity run in apparent shock. She came to her senses and started running after her, "What the devil!? She's lost her mind." She almost felt the need to run to the armory as she shouted into her communicator, "MEGAMI, seal the hatches to isolate the Helashio before she hurts someone and herself!" MEGAMI complied, and a hatch in front of Serenity sealed shut.

Serenity was oddly agile now as she jumped and planted her feet against the hatch. Growling she flipped in the tight corridor and crouched on the floor on all fours, watching the two coming closer as her tail began to sway in a seemingly dangerous manner.

Remi looked down at the Helashio, not sternly, but more along the lines of concerned and curious. ~"Serenity, why did you run from us? You know who we are; there is no need to be afraid."~ She replied trying to calm the woman. To Carmilla she didn't take her eyes off the Helashio as she spoke. "Do not make any sudden or seemingly threatening moves please."

Carmilla stopped as they caught up with Serenity, watching her cautiously. She nodded to Remi as another hatch closed about 10 feet behind them.

Serenity began to speak in an odd language which seemed much harsher on its tones then Lorath. ~"Stay away demon! You align with the winged demons!"~
Remi cocked her head to the side not understanding. She tried again. ~"Please, we mean you no harm, you know me Serenity. Why are you acting like this?"~ Even now she was thinking of several solutions to why the Helashio was acting as such.

~"Get away from me DEMON!"~ Serenity called out again, growling darkly as she began to back away against the sealed hatch.

Carmilla, meanwhile, was formulating a contingency plan to somehow isolate and sedate the Helashio as she watched them try to communicate.

"Can you have MEGAMI pump some kind of air-borne sedative into the air?" Remi asked Carmilla via telepathy as she watched Serenity still unmoving.

Not liking how the two were just standing there, knowing better then to let them scheme, Serenity acted. This time there would be no running from the demons as she charged them. She ran towards them first before jumping to the wall before springing off at the two, trying to cling and bear down Carmilla.

Carmilla braced herself as the Helashio grabbed onto her and MEGAMI lowered the gravity in the isolated section as well as the oxygen.

Remi watched as the Helashio jumped and tried to bear down on Carmilla, she herself had prepared for such a situation. Three tentacles shot out, two from her shoulders, and one from her hip all three going for the girl's arms and one of her legs as the gravity began to lower.

The lowered gravity only seemed to aid Serenity as the girl shot off of Carmilla's stomach and to a nearby bulk head, only to twist and rebound back at the girl with both fist forward this time, a spin to her body.

"This sucks," Carmilla muttered as she tried to deal with the Helashio's maneuvering and the loss of air in the sealed section of corridor.

Remi was trained for such things and had inhaled deeply before the oxygen lowered enough. She was a veteran of war, having fought battles on land, sea, air, and in space. As the gravity lowered, her training began to kick in.

The lowered gravity Serenity could deal with, the loss of air not so much. She began to suck wind harder, her attacks coming with less speed before eventually she simply floated in air, grasping for her throat to try and open it up more.

Remi saw this, and launched herself off a nearby bulk head at the Helashio using both the lowered gravity, and her own innate abilities to augment her agility and speed.

When the two connected Remi would feel a difference in Serenity's body. She was much tighter and toned, seemingly straining against something as she began to slow down a little in her breathing.

Carmilla recomposed herself and did her best to keep away from Serenity and not waste the oxygen she still had in her lungs. She waited for Remi to restrain Serenity before changing things again. She was concerned about harming the Helashio in her ignorance of the situation.

Remi moved around until she was behind the Helashio, feeling the difference in muscle tone. This made her only all the more curious and concerned. Her arms locked around Serenity's and two of the tentacles about her legs and began to tighten.

Serenity continued to fight weakly as she tried to free herself, calling out curses of demon and beast in her own language.

Remi looked to Carmilla nodding. "Increase the flow, but not too much."

Carmilla watched Serenity warily as she telepathically asked MEGAMI to increase the oxygen in the room by 5%. She nodded to Remi before responding telepathically, I hope she's okay. I don't want her to get damaged from this.

Serenity began to thrash a little more now.

Remi formed another tentacle for a total of four letting them wrap around the Helashio's arms. Once done, she let go holding the girl up in the air with them. The doctor took in a small breath, a little more then enough to speak. "Now back to the med bay."

The section's gravity increased by about 10% to slowly lower the women to the floor.

Serenity began to thrash a little more as she tried to kick her legs. Without enough oxygen though, she had little force behind the kick.

"While I hold her thusly, you will administer a mild sedative, "Remi explained to Carmilla.Once it has kicked in, we will let her go, but seal the room."

Carmilla nodded again. "Okay, this is going to return to normal since we have to go through this closed hatch to get back to the Med Bay." The gravity returned to normal as the hatch reopened, allowing the women to return to the med bay.

Remi nodded as she held Serenity aloft with the tentacles that now held her firmly.

Serenity attempted to lash out at Remi with her tail.

Carmilla hurried towards the med bay to get a sedative for Remi.
Remi sucked in her belly leaning in as the tail swiped towards her. She felt it graze her belly, and she slammed Serenity against the wall hard enough to get her point across not to try again.

Serenity gasped from the shot to the wall but didn't get the message, attacking with her tail again.

Carmilla found the sedative with MEGAMI's help and hurried back to Serenity and Remi. "I have it," She said quietly and calmly so Remi could hear.

Remi sucked in her stomach and leaned in again as she slammed the girl into the wall again a little more forcefully. The doctor kept her eyes on the Helashio as she jerked her back, and outstretched one of the girl's arms. "Beware of her tail." She growled a little her dress already a little ripped from the tail attacks.

Serenity jerked at the next shot, whimpering a little as she continued to fight back, whipping her tail back again as she called out curses in a slightly more slurred tone.

Carmilla darted in and tried to quickly inject the sedative into Serenity's outstretched arm in one quick motion.

Serenity jerked again as she felt the needle puncture her skin, thrashing around still as she tried to fight even as she began to feel the shot take effect.

Remi waited for Carmilla to move away before she would take Serenity and place her on a bed.

Carmilla sighed with relief as she moved out of Remi's way to let the doctor work. "Are you going to need help transporting her back to your ship?"

"I may have to enlist the help of some of the Yggdrasill's crew." Remi sighed somewhat sadly as she saw what she had done to Serenity. Even though she knew the Helashio for a short time, it still hurt to do this.

Carmilla frowned as she looked at the Helashio. "I'm sorry that this couldn't have gone better."

Serenity twitched a little as her head slumped down, a little blood dripping down from her nose as she tried to gain her bearings.

Remi wore a somewhat pained expression as she looked at what she had done. Still holding the girl, Remi took her into the med bay, and placed her gently down on a bed. "Please restrain her." She said quietly.

Carmilla nodded as she walked over to Serenity and quickly wrapped 2 sheets around the Helashio and the bed.
Serenity's eyes slowly roamed around the room, her nose a little odd looking now as she tried to get her bearings again, wondering why her face hurt as bad as it did.

Remi released her hold on the Helashio, the tentacles dissolving. She went over to a drawer and got some gauze. Once back at Serenity's side, she began to pat gently at the girl's nose to wipe up the blood. "We will have to reset her nose..." Her expression only soured more taking on a more hurtful look.

Carmilla frowned as she quietly asked, "Would you like me to get Peony to help? I really don't know how to reset a nose."

"My dear...I am more then capable." Remi replied waving a hand, a volumetric display popped up, and part of the doctor's service record came on the display, listing several battles she was in, and a list of degrees from several schools of medicine, all top marks. The rest of her record however was blacked out.

Carmilla looked at the display and blinked a little, "I wasn't meaning to offend you. I'll get out of your way then." The neko sounded hurt as she backed away from Remi and Serenity and back out into the corridor.

Remi's face tightened a little, now she seemed to have hurt Carmilla as well. She continued to wipe at Serenity's nose, a little moisture forming out of the corners of her eyes. She was supposed to nurture and heal, and yet she seemed to only hurt people still, even after leaving all the killing behind in the military.

Carmilla sighed deeply as she leaned against the wall beside the hatch leading into the med bay. She didn't want to totally abandon Remi but she also didn't want to get in the poor woman's way...

Serenity seemed to look to Remi, her eyes focusing for a moment before she turned away from the girl, trying to fight against the bonds weakly now.

~"If you can understand me, I need to reset your nose back into place. It will hurt."~ Remi spoke to Serenity quietly.

Serenity unfortunately did not understand as she growled.

Remi cupped the girl's chin turning her head to face Remi's. She pointed to the girl's nose speaking in Lorath still. ~" Your nose needs to be fixed."~ She pointed again, then to her own to indicate what she was talking about.

Serenity weakly bit at Remi's hand as she gripped her chin, panting as she tried to get her bearing back still.

Remi allowed the biting, and even encouraged it as she gripped the girl's nose. With one swift jerk, there was a small popping sound as she put the Helashio's nose back into place.

Serenity let out a grunt of pain as she felt the nose snap back into place. Whimpering now she tried to get away from Remi, her teeth still bared in a more defensive posture though.

Remi still wore that hurt look on her face as she retracted both hands before wiping a little more of the blood from the girl's nose away. After a few more minutes of this, she un-did the sheets holding Serenity restrained, allowing her up. The doctor herself took a few steps back.

Serenity still lay on the bed, her head turned away as he groaned. Her head was still swimming oddly enough as she lay there, seemingly not in the mood to fight now. She had been beaten and as such, she figured the new weird eared demon would do as she pleased.

Remi however did nothing, just giving the Helashio her space.

Turning to look at Remi, Serenity spoke up in a slurred Lorath speech. Oddly enough she seemed to know how to speak better. ~"Who... are you?"~

Remi kept her distance, and spoke quietly. ~"I am Remi, you should know me by now Serenity."~

~"What are you?"~ Serenity asked as she looked to Remi.

~"I am a Nekovalkyrja, and a doctor...a healer."~ Remi quietly replied.

Serenity shook her head as she sat up. ~"No healer, you are a demon...A demon with the winged ones!"~ Serenity growled as she watched Remi, it was obvious that she carried herself differently now even from how she sat. ~"I am healer for my people. I am Serminithitstity..." Obviously the Lorath had called her Serenity for an easier time.

Remi winced a little at being called a demon, once she could've been called thusly for some of the things she had done. ~"If I was a demon, why would I reset your nose, and let you up?"~ The doctor asked.

~"Why would you want an injured slave? A good slave is a healthy slave yes?" Serenity's tone was harsh.

Remi shook her head. ~"You are not a slave..."~ She replied in a hurt tone.

~"Then why did you not let me go?"~ Serenity came back quickly.
~"Where would you have gone? You are not on your home world anymore. I I feared for your safety, you collapsed before, and awoke thusly, and began to act differently."~ Remi explained trying to get out of the funk she was now in.

~"I could have found my way..."~ Serenity glared as she wobbled to her feet now.

Remi wanted to go over and help the girl stand but didn't. ~"You are in space, amongst the stars. Your world is very far away. ~"

The biggest difference that Remi would see at the moment was Serenity's eyes, they held something they hadn't before, a fire to be free, a look of rebellious anger that yearned to be free. ~"Where is my tribe? They will be lost without me! I have not given birth to a prayer woman to replace me!" Serenity cried out. Her breathing was picking up again. ~"They need me! They don't know where to go, what to do! I am their leader!"~

Remi shook her head sadly. ~"I do not know where your tribe is...I am sorry..."~

Serenity's chest twitched a few times, before she fell to her knees and slumped to the side, unconscious yet again. Poor girl was fragile...

Remi let out a little sound of surprise, and rushed over to the Helashio's side. She began to check to see if the girl was alright, worried now more then ever.

Serenity was out cold again, relaxed as she had been before the little episode they had just been through.

Remi sighed somewhat in relief, but she was still worried. Would this keep happening to the Helashio?


After several long minutes, the corridors reopened and Chiai looked irritated as well as concerned as she walked towards the med bay. "I hope someone knows what's going on."


Toshiro followed, his step sped up by a sense of urgency...

"So do I. If Serenity has attacked someone, something is VERY wrong. It's not like her at all."


Chiai nodded, "Does she have multiple personalities or something of that nature? That might explain the sudden change unless the personality we've seen is an act. I really hope that latter is not the case." She frowned as they past a dejected looking Carmilla.

Carmilla looked up at them and sighed coming to attention. "Serenity had collapsed outside after running away from us and then she took off through the corridors after waking from that incident. She tried to hurt us when we tried to figure out why she was running. Remi had to be a little rough to get her to stop and is in there resetting her nose. I'm sorry I didn't stay but I felt that I..." the sentry spoke quickly with a sorrowful expression on her face.

The Taisa gave her crew member and friend a hug, "It's okay. Go see if you can find Peony, maybe she can be of assistance to Remi, eh?"

Carmilla nodded and hurried off to find their medic with a new sense of purpose.


Remi placed Serenity back onto the medical bed, choosing not to restrain her. She had several volumetric displays open, and even had MEGAMI going through her own psychological databases. She wore a look of concentration, eyes scanning the windows, taking everything in.

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Serenity groaned again and rolled onto her side, whimpering as she touched her nose in her sleep. she seemed normal now as she curled herself up into a loose ball before slowly coming too.

~"Mi-...mistress?"~ The Helashio asked as she watched Remi. ~"Mistress...Serenity nose hurt...Serenity bad?"~ Her eyes began to water a little as she watched Remi though a blurred vision.

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"She has a point dude. If I was her, I'd be getting tired of relying on someone else to take me everywhere. No offence to you, Shaun." Ken said, sitting down. In the pilot seat, holding his glass.


Shaun lifted his hand tapping the device on his ear "Maybe so but the guys that gave me this never told me just how alive the computer inside was going to become. Its weird....almost like she is evolving."

Shaun tapped the arms of his chair before spinning around to face Ken's seat. "New technology freaks me right the hell out man."

Eve mumbled over the com system in the room. "not a computer...."

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Ken chuckled at the tech comment. "Just like power armors freak me out. I'll stick to my ships and tanks, thanks. And I think you offended her."


Remi closed the windows, and looked down to the Helashio as she came to, listening to her. The doctor smiled very faintly, shook her head and began to stroke the poor girl's hair. Split personalities... She thought to herself.

~"No...Serenity hasn't been bad, and your nose will be fine, it just needs to heal."~


Chiai quietly entered the med bay, concern on her face as she looked at Remi and Serenity, not sure of what exactly to make of the situation. She folded her arms in front of her chest, "What has just happened, Remi-san?"


Toshiro stood next to Chiai, also wondering what was happening...

"Why did Serenity attack? Was she frightened by something?"

The Yggdrasill listened quietly...


Remi looked to both Captain's but as Toshiro's question was the more qualified answer, she decided to kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

"You could say that Toshiro." She replied crisply, snapped a finger, and the volumetric displays from before came back up. She may no longer be in the Star Army, but that did not mean she had forgotten her way around a PANTHEON system.

"It began as me, Carmilla, and Serenity were walking, Serenity began to act strangely, collapsed, and we took her here. After she awoke, she acted like a totally different person, a chase insued, and we finally pinned her, administered a sedative, and brought her back. I even had a chance to speak with this other. However, the Serenity you see before you now is the one we have become accustomed to." The doctor looked back down to the Helashio, still stroking her idly.

"It is my belief that she suffers from split personality disorder. What you see now is the sub-servient Serenity, one who will be at your every beck and call, the other more rebellious, and I dare say intelligent. What triggered this sudden outbreak I do not know, and am still investigating it."

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Serenity didn't like how the others were talking about her. Every so often she could hear her name and a few words here and there but with the way Remi spoke above her, it scared her a little.

Wagging her tail limply she just clutched herself closer to Remi as if she were trying to say sorry for whatever she did wrong.


Chiai shook her head with a frown, "That is indeed a horrible thing. Would you be requiring assistance in taking her back to the Yggdrasill? I think the best thing for her condition would be taking her back to a familiar setting. Maybe the sudden change triggered some memories."

(Last post for the weekend. =) )


Toshiro nodded, relaxing his stance a little...

"Yeah...I'd like to get her back among familiar people...for their safety, and hers...besides, it's almost time for us to go anyway...thank you for your courtesy, Chiai-san!"


Shaun simply shrugged and yawned tiredly. "None the less. I'm sure she will be fine once we get back. She'll have a body and be able to do whatever she wants."

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Ken sighed, shaking his head. "You just don't see it, do you?" he asked, not really hinting that he would tell the answer.


"Eh I'm sure if its anything important I'll find out later" He said shrugging it off.

Eve responded "he's so dense that its cute....."

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"And I thought the Capt'n was naive." Ken said, chuckling.


A young Yamataian wearing a green A-shirt and brown cargo pants walked toward the Yggdrasill, carrying a small bag. He dropped his bag and looked up at the ship. "It's so... green" he said to himself. "HELLO! is anyone in this ship? I'm Shinji Inakura, and I'm here for a job on the Yggdrasill!" Shinji shouted at the vampire-class.


The Yggdrasill perked up, and switched the main camera to an aft view of she ship, replaying Shinji's message...

"We have another potential crewman...Shall I let him in? You two are in change while Father is gone." The Yggdrasill said to Ken and Shaun.

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"Wait...Father? Yeah..let him on...and then while I wait for him to get on the ship, explain this whole calling Capt'n father thing, please." Ken said, checking his pistol.


"The ship believes the captain is its father. Not really that hard to understand" He said leaning back in his chair.

Eve was quick with a witty remark "And yet you completely missed the entire point of the conversation we had a minute ago? Are you some kind of idiot savant?"

Shaun rubbed his forehead in iritation "Cool your jets Eve. You'll get a body soon. I promise."

Eve grumbled "going to hurt you......"


The Yggdrasill answered the question as best as it could...

"It should be simple given your race's concepts of parent and child...my 'body' was crated by the Captain, and my 'mind' by Maras...hence, I have two parents. Both are masculine in gender from what I can interpret, but otherwise it isn't exceedingly different from the designations your races assign...though Father seems to have a few feminine features, possibly due to his incomplete biological development."

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"Makes sense in that way...just kinda weird hearing it. And I'll hold him for you Eve." Ken said, smirking all the time.


Remi took Serenity's hand, using her other to pat the Helashio on the head gently.

~"We're going back to the ship now okay?"~


Chiai nodded to Toshiro and moved aside to watch the Yggdrasill crew leave. "Thank you for visiting with us and helping distract us for a little while from our duties. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future and I hope that the future will bring a better understanding of what is going on with Serenity," The Taisa spoke politely and sincerely as the trio walked past her only once they all had, she walked with them through the Yui to the cargo bay to see them off.


Toshiro nodded at Chiai, smiling...

"Thank you, Chiai-san! We've enjoyed it too, I'm just sorry that Serenity had to do that...we'll keep an eye on her, and we'll also keep in touch. The YSS Yui is impressive, even if she has a few years on her, and I thank you for opening her up to us!"

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Serenity stayed close to Remi, clinging to her almost as she followed the woman, occasionally looking back to Toshiro to see if he was going to surprise her and punish her from behind her back while she wasn't looking.

~"Serenity sorry for bad...Serenity not mean to be bad."~


"It was my pleasure, Captain Yuki," Chiai smiled brightly and reassuringly to the trio. She watched Serenity with sympathetic eyes and made no hostile motions. She was still concerned about the Helashio but it really wasn't in her hands to try to figure her out and 'fix' her.


Shaun leaned back in his chair yawning for a moment "eh.....alright back to bed" He said quickly leaning forward and standing up. He waved to Ken and his pet "Behave you guys. and....try not to be so loud in here eh?" With that he headed off back to the bunk rooms.

As Shaun left the room Eve spoke "maybe he is just too tired to pay attention to us......."

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Ken nods. "That might be part of it. I really don't know what to do though." he said, sighing. "I hope Capt'n gets back soon. I really wanna get going."


Eve started browsing the systems again "I actually think I may be able to figure this out myself based on collected data. Obviously people are hard to pin by using nothing but numbers, but its worth a shot."

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Kurio commented this time. "You can try, Eve, but humaniods are not the most logical of species all the time." he said, eating from a box of pocky.


Remi smiled faintly down to the Helashio, petting the woman gently in an almost reassuring sense.

~"You did nothing bad, Serenity, I did something bad, not you."~


Toshiro nodded, leading the way back to the Yggdrasill...

When he opened the door, the first thing he saw was...a Penguin.

"...What'd I miss?"

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"Well..I bought a talking penguin, the Yggdrasil can talk now, and Eve is trying to find a pleasing form for Shaun when she finally gets a body." Ken said, leaning back still.

"Greetings, Captain! I am Kurio the Penguin! It is so nice to meet you!" Kurio said, bowing, pocky still in hand.


Toshiro bowed back at the intelligent penguin, a bit startled...

"Nice to meet you, Kurio-san...Sorry if I stared for a moment there. Sapient penguins are not something I am used to seeing...then again, compared to what the crew and I have encountered thus far, you hold a moderate degree of normality...we've seen some crazy things, though I'm afraid some of it is considered top secret by my home government."

He turned back to Ken, still mildly surprised.

"The Yggdrasill can spea--"

"Hello, Father."

Toshiro froze, hearing the ship for the first time...

"Amazing...Nice to...erm...meet you, Yggdrasill...you must have accessed language libraries of some kind...what is the current status of your companion OS, the EIES?" Toshiro asked, getting an immediate reply.

"Running in a virtual machine and unaware of my presence or activities. All I/O data is filtered through me save for PANTHEON data...I'm using the EIES as a buffer. I won't let it try to knock me out again...it thinks I'm an end user and always complains about 'restricted access', so I have not yet done much more with it internally."

"I see...to wrestle control of a ship from an -IES system is impressive..." Toshiro said, quite shocked...

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Ken nodded. "I know how much of a pain those are. Just using them, let alone doing what you did."


"Hi Captain" Said Eve over the com system. "its been a pretty interesting night hasn't it?"


Remi was gently trying to reassure Serenity she had done no wrong as Toshiro stopped and she heard an unfamiliar voice. The doctor looked, and saw of all things a talking penquin! She blinked several times, looked up to Toshiro, and then heard the Yggdrasill speak as well.

Remi sighed, shook her head and chalked it all up to the ship's thus far sheer unusualness.

"You leave the Yggdrasill for several hours and many things happen, captain." She observed still feeling Serenity staying close to her.

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Serenity blinked at the penguin that began to speak, watching it oddly before she untangled herself from Remi to squat in front of him. Tilting her head a little she couldn't resist the urge and poked him in the stomach.

~"Bird beak thingy look weird.."~ She said in Lorath as she watched the Penguin.


It was now when the Yggdrasill opened its hatch for the newcomer to let him in...

"Go forward through the ship until you reach the bridge at the very front of the vessel's mid-line.the layout is pretty straight-forward."

Toshiro actually laughed. "I guess that you guys had almost as odd a time as we did! Unfortunately, our exploit on the Yui is currently considered classified by the Yamataian Government, so we can't talk about it...all I can say is that it was...weird. Fun but weird."

He smiled at Remi before looking to Serenity...

~It is penguin named Kurio. Penguin is bird that not fly. This one very smart.~


"finally a response" Shinji said to himself. "Thanks, sir, I'll head straight to the bridge then, shall I?" He Said, Walking on in and heading towards the designated spot, thinking the voice was this 'Yuki Toshiro' the Ad had spoken of.


Remi observed the penguin, nodding in agreement with the Helashio. She took a step forward, and tapped her bottom lip with a finger. A talking penguin was somewhat odd...but one who ate pocky? The doctor pushed the thought aside.

"A product of genetic engineering I would surmise..." She finally mumbled under her breath before standing next to Serenity.

~"It is as Toshiro says, Serenity, there are many weird looking animals out here in the universe."~


The bridge door opened for Shinji and Toshiro glanced at the young man...the Yggdrasill then spoke.

"Father, this is Inakura Shinji. He is responding to the advertisement you placed on PANTHEON to form your crew."

Toshiro smiled at the man and went to shake his hand...Toshiro didn't look much like a Captain, really. He was no older than 18, and looked even younger. The only indication of his age was that he was six feet tall... He seemed to be dressed in durable brown boots, blue jeans and a white shirt, with a multi-tone emerald jacket. On the jacket was a rank pin, slightly more ornate than the ones the others wore...it bore the symbol of the ship, with all three green spaces filled, as well as a small field of stripes lacking on other pins. His face was also very youthful, his emerald eyes quite obvious against his pale skin.

"Nice to meet you...we will speak very shortly about what exactly you wish to do here...I apologize for any confusion, but as you can guess from the sentient ship, a talking penguin, and the nude alien woman, some odd things have happaned as of late. I trust you aren't too concerned with dealing with the abnormal to a degree?"


"Wait, sentient ship? the voice that called me in was the ship?" Shinji said, quite confounded for a few moments, "I guess the ship already introduced me" He said, shaking the taller man's hand "and nothing 'cept the ship bein' sentient is all too suprising" He smiled and nodded at Toshiro, releasing his hand.


Toshiro smiled, shaking his hand.

"It is a surprising development to us as well...the ship was not sentient before, but after a first contact scenario, which may or may not be classified by the Yamatai Star Empire, it became such. I'm not sure what the status of the events are at this point, so I can't elaborate...but the ship has successfully fought free from an EIES system and locked it inside of a virtual machine...it has shown no hostile intent and seems to think of me as a parent, so I'm inclined to let it do as it wishes...it DOES have rights as a sentient being after all. The talking is a surprise though...as is the penguin...the nude girl is a former Helashio slave though, and hates clothing...but I'd REALLY like her back in her robe as soon as possible..."

He looked specificly at Remi for this next part...

"...And as detailed a report as possible on what exactly happened on the YSS Yui on your end, as soon as you're able."

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Ken stood up, and walked over to Shinji. "Welcome aboard. I'm Ken Miller, Pilot, gunsmith, and all around dead eye. good to have some new blood aboard that we didn't have to save." he said, chuckling, trying to get it across that he was slightly joking.

The Penguin waddled up. He was wearing a green beanie, as a green as the ship, munching some pocky. "I'm Kurio. Sentient penguin at your service."


"I'm sure you guys'll have to save me eventually" Shinji jested back, smirking at Ken.
"Nice to meet you Kurio, mind if I have a piece of that pocky?" He said to the penguin, with a look of need on his face, as he hadn't had any pocky in a while.

Last edited by kai on Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total

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Kurio nodded, giving him a piece. "All you get from me..the rest is mine." he said, waddling off.


Remi nodded as she heard the request from Toshiro, and patted Serenity on the shoulder. ~" Come along, we've got work to do, you and I, dear."~ She replied sweetly to the Helashio before looking over to Shinji.

"Well then, I would like to examine you, make sure everything is in order. Or in otherwords, a physical. While the captain has not instituted a policy on such things, better safe then sorry." She replied nodding to the man. "And yes, I am the ship's doctor, my name is Remi, Remi Miyoshi, a pleasure."

With the introductions done, Remi turned about, and left, making her way to the med bay, white labcoat swishing a little as she walked.


Eve spoke through the com system to the new crew member "Why hello there mister Shinji. Welcome aboard."


Toshiro smiled.

"A bit of clarification, that second ship from the communications system isn't a ship, but a sentient Nepleslian-built unit with biological components which has been given the ability to speak and see through the ship. The Yggdrasill's new sentience hasn't affected her ability to do so. Her name is Eve, and her physical storage unit is with Shaun, our Weapons Expert..."

Toshiro wanted to ask him a few questions, but introductions were necessary first.


"Well, this ship is just full of surprises, isn't it" Shinji answered Toshiro, looking at the nearest speaker "Hello, Eve" He replied, waving. "seems a pretty nice bunch you got here"

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Ken chuckled. "So, where to now, so I can get clearance and we can get going? I'm sure you can negotiate in transit." Ken said, smirking.

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Serenity nodded a little and followed closely after Remi, wanting to play with the talking bird beak thingy some more. With a sigh she clung to Remi's leg, looking at Shinji oddly.

Regardless she followed Remi, wondering what they had to do. ~"Mistress need Serenity?"~


Remi nodded as she entered the med bay, heading over to, and sitting in her chair.

~"Yes, I must write a report for the captain...on somethings. And must ask you a few questions. Plus, we have to give the new man a physical, to make sure everything is alright."~ The doctor opened a new, blank page on her laptop, and began to type.


Toshiro nodded, smiling at Ken.

"Right...request departure clearance and set course for Nepleslia...and while we're enroute, I'd like to get the Ironmen build from that stasis pod...after all, you're probably ITCHING to sell it by now...in the meantime, I guess I should ask what role you plan to fill on our ship, Inakura-san."


Hearing his name from Toshiro, Shinji perked up and turned towards the captain. "Well, sir, my primary area of expertise is explosives and demolitions, though I do have extra sharp eyes that could help us out in debris fields." With that he pulled a few small objects out of his cargo pants, and made something. He pulled out two matches, stuck one in the corner of his mouth, lit the other, and proceeded to light the small object in his hand. After burning a couple seconds, it made a small green flash and dissappeared in flame.

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~"Yes mistress"~ Serenity nodded, a little worried for how Remi was acting. Had Serenity done something wrong? A few thoughts went through her head then, some about what she could have done wrong, some about what Remi was going to do to her if she had done something wrong. Oddly though, she couldn't remember what she had done...well at all for the past half an hour or so.

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"Meh. Fancy pants." Ken muttered, going over to his piloting seat. "SSRS Yggdrasil requesting clearance to take off." the blue eared guy said, warming up the engines. "Yggdrasil, plot the quickest, yet safest route to Nepleslia, if you please." he asked the ship nicely.

Kurio jumped up into his lap, being that kind of small. "This should be most awesome."


The ship, a mere 200 meters away from the station, kicked into superluminal speed, the full 67,000 kicking in immediately...fortunately, the ship's inertial dampening system was designed to sustain such quickstarts....

"ETA approximately 40 minutes, Ken."

Toshiro whistled at the explosion...

"Pretty shade of green...was there copper in that explosive?"

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"Thank you Yggdrasil." Ken replied, sitting back a little. "Not to push it, but you really need a gender so we can get a name other then Yggdrasil, as nice as it is."


"Probably, I just kinda put stuff together to see what happens sometimes, that's why i'm no longer geshrin" Shinji replied, smirking, "But don't worry, i've learned how to make my cherry bombs non-lethal" He added.


Toshiro nodded as they sped toward Nepleslian space.

"Well be careful. The ship isn't exactly built for explosive experiments...but your demolitions skills would be QUITE useful in controlled destruction or disassembly to get parts out of ship hulks...You'll likely work alongside the piloting station with Ken. He controls the Yggdrasill's tactile and energy manipulation to move objects outside the ship."

He indicated Ken, completely ignoring his comment from before if he heard it...

"Of course, you'll need to study each ship design we encounter as we go to do such things safely and swiftly...in some cases, such a mission may not be for salvage, but to rescue trapped personnel or officers. This ship has been known to participate in rescue endeavors. You can speak with me or any other Engineers we may bring on to coordinate and plan such things. You wouldn't be expected to do these tasks alone...do you think you could manage a controlled demolitions and planned disassembly role?"


Remi sighed, and leaned forward in her chair, rubbing at the bridge of her nose. She thought over what else she maybe missing, as she did so her nose crinkled a little in disgust with something she'd typed, and promptly deleted and re-typed it.

The usually calm, and gentle doctor seemed to be replaced by someone else entirely, as she now seemed frustrated, distracted, and a little sad as she ran a hand through her hair absentmindedly.


"Don't worry, i'll be able to keep it safe and controlled, so long as I can blow something big every once'n a while. And besides, disassembly is the main idea of explosives." Shinji answered with a grin.

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Ken smirked. "I still say I have a better eye." he mused outloud, watching the readings. "Shall we salvage then go down, or go down, do what we need to, then salvage?"


Shaun walked into the room now fully dressed again. He yawned rubbing his forehead before pushing his hand through his hair and looking at everyone in the room.

He gave a small wave "Eve told me we had another new guy on board. Names Shaun, the guy you call when you need some extra ass kicking to happen." He stretched his arms back behind him for a moment "Alright Eve. Better call ahead to you know who. They are probably gona be pissed that we've been gone so long."

Eve responded "I'll get right on it." He nodded turning back to look at the others.


"Hello, Shaun, nice to meet you" Shinji said, then, turned to Toshiro and said, "If you are done questioning, I think the doctor lady wanted me for a check-up or something"


Toshiro nodded, smiling.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the medbay, alright?"

He opened the door at the rear-right of the bridge, and began to move to the medbay, just down the hall...


" 'kay" Shinji replied, following the captain down the hallway.


Remi was still at her desk, laptop in front her typing. Most of the doctor's face was obscured by her long black hair with violet streaks, however part of her face could be seen, and it was wearing a look of concentration as she typed.



Toshiro asked, as he entered the room...

"The new crewman is here for his physical..."


Remi looked up, the delicate 'tap tap tap' of typing ceasing as she did so. The doctor nodded, brushed back a few loose strands of hair, and got to her feet, hands in her labcoat pockets.

"Ah, good. good. And you, Toshiro have a report now ready to be read. All you need to do is come over here, and read it." She replied walking away from the desk and towards an examination table.

"If the patient would please sit." She responded indicating the table for Shinji. To the captain she glanced back over to him. "I may as well give you one as well since you are here." Remi replied in a sweet voice, if anything, the doctor usually had a good bedside manner, but the underlaying tone in her voice said the poor captain had no escape.


Toshiro blinked, and gave a sigh...

"I suppose I'm due for one...I haven't been to the doctor in a few years...no real need. I guess you can examine me when you're done with Inakura-san..."

He pressed a button on the wall...

"Ken, the Good Doctor has ordered a physical for me as well...I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but you'll have to halve our speed to make time. In matters of medical testing and the like...the ship's Doctor can sometimes outrank even the ship's Captain."

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"Aye Capt'n." Kenji replied over the intercomn. "Yggdrasil, as the good captain ordered, when you are ready." he said nicely. He liked the new OS over the EIES that was on there.


Remi frowned a little at the sigh, but let it go. "Do not worry captain, I will not take too much of your time. Just some simple questions while I give you a brief examination, a blood sample, and then you're free to go. Shouldn't take more then ten minutes."

The doctor asurred the man as she waited for Shinji.


Shinji Quickly complied with the doctor's orders, he had never had any reason to doubt doctors in the past, and wouldn't start now. Sitting on the examination table, he said "Ready, Ma'am"


The Yggdrasill immediately cut the speed in half to 33,500c...


Meanwhile, Toshiro began to read the report...he widened his eyes briefly and squinted, his eyes blurring over briefly until they adjusted...


Remi had caught the brief blurring of the man's eyes, and her frown deepend. Looking to Shinji, the doctor nodded as she took one of the newcomer's hands, and felt along his wrist until she found his pulse. She ticked off the time, and her own internal clock timing the boy's pulse. Remi nodded a little as she let his wrist go.

"Pulse is normal."

She moved onto his blood pressure, nodding again. "Blood pressure is normal as well, so far so good." She responded, even offering him a small smile. "I can tell your respiratory rate is normal, also you seem to be the appropriate weight for your size which is good." The doctor hurried along, but carefully as she finished his examination, patted him on the back and reassured Shinji he was in perfect health as far as Yamataian's were concerned.

Once that was done, she planted hands on hips turning about to eye the captain. "Well, it is now your turn, Toshiro. Please come and sit on the examination table."


Toshiro had just finished reading the report, and sat down on the table...

"I haven't had a checkup in some years...you shouldn't find too much wrong though..."

He gave a bit of a tired smile...

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"Thank you Yggdrasil. You don't have to be so..formal though." Kenji (yes his real name is Kenji) said, watching all the maps and readings.


"I will be the judge of that, captain." Remi replied as she checked his pulse. The doctor looked dead at him, her expression unreadable. She left his side, a faint 'tsk' could be heard as she walked away towards where the equipment was stored. She soon came back, a civilian medical scanner in hand, a syringe and tray in her other hand. She placed them down carefully on a near by stand, and brought the scanner along with her as she shone a small penlight in his eyes.

Pursing her lips, Remi brought up the medical scanner, took a few readings, her lips compressed further now. The doctor even drew a little blood, hurried off to the blood tester, and cameback as it worked.

She then took his blood pressure, muttered a silent curse as she gave Toshiro that same unreadable look. The doctor took several more tests, going over the previously stated ten minute limit as she went to examine the blood.

Remi made an audible sound of aggitation at what she found, and stormed back over to her superior. She planted fists on hips, and gave him the look she had used while back in the Star Army to lay into her underlings had they done any wrong doing.

"Captain..." She began in a soft, yet menacing tone. "I had thought better of you," Remi chided as she took a breath, ready to begin. "It does not take a genius to know you are exhausted, I could tell as you read my report, your eyes went blurry, and you've been moving a little sluggishly. But that is not all I have found. Far from it."

She did not have to raise her voice for it to have the same effect, once being in command of a squad had taught her a few tricks of the command trade, and this was one of them.

"As I took your blood pressure, I immediately took notice of it. You have pre-hypertension, not to mention the blood sample I took indicated you're underfed, your essential minerals, and materials in your blood are low, that is how I know. Not to mention you are skinnier then when I first joined." Remi's stare intensified to the point of where it'd be able to pierce Zesuaium.

"I also suspect you have a slow metabolism, you look a little too young for your age." She finally finished, turned around, and strode off to return her equipment, leaving him to simmer for a moment before coming back. "Now, I am going to help fix one of these problems of yours right now and you have no say so in the matter. Doctor's orders," She took one of his arms carefully, and tugged him off of the examination table. "We are going to the galley, and you are going to eat what I set in front of you."


Toshiro blinked as he was dragged along.

"W...Wait! I can't help the stress...I WAS involved in traversing Mishhu space and that thing with Maras...as for the rest...well...I simply haven't had time!"

He wasn't really fighting or anything...he knew that the NH-17 would win regardless.

"And Serenity woke me up last ti--...Uh...what kinds of food are we getting?"

He said, abruptly changing the topic...


Remi seated the man choosing not to ask what had happened between him and the Helashio, and disappeared into the kitchen. Sounds could be heard as she began to cook, and delicious smells wafted out as the captain would wait for the doctor.

A while later, she came out with a moderately sized tray, with alarge bowl in the center, a little plate on the side, and a large chilled cup filled to the brim with one of his favorite beverages. She placed the tray down, arranged it so, and pointed each dish out.

"Tekkadon," SHe pointed to the large bowl, on it was tuna sashimi, and it was not the thin kind, the doctor had opted to increase the thickness of the tuna a little. "Tempura." She pointed to the little plate, on it were several large, deep fried shirmp, a small dipping plate of sauce right next to it. Also there was a small bowl of miso soup, While this was not a traditional meal, it would help him in putting on a little weight. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have some dishes to clean, and I trust you to eat."

With that said, she left back into the kitchen.


The young Captain began to eat, the taste of the food excellent...about halfway through, he began slowing down and trying to force himself...

"This is...a LOT more food than I'm used to..."

The Yggdrasill moved closer to Nepleslia at half speed, and the new intelligence within the ship had been silent for a time before speaking...

"...I'm beginning to wonder...if this Star Army found out of my existance...would I be allowed to continue living? They tried to disable me once before...granted they were not fully aware of what I was, probably."

Kylen Phylar

Ken nodded. "Well then, we don't let them find out, unless it's absolutely needed." he said. "I like you more then the EIES. A LOT more."


"No doubt because you are used to eating as little as possible." Remi remarked from right behind him. She leaned forward, and over his shoulder set down a small cup, a cup filled with what seemed to be a multitude of different colors, as if she had taken a rainbow, and put it into the little cup.

Each color was neatly preportioned, and there was even a little spoon sitting atop it, and a napkin was laid right besde the cup.

"I am sure you are familiar with shaved ice." She spoke softly right into his ear before patting him on the back gently. "Pace yourself, until I deem you at the right weight, you can expect big meals, every day." The doctor took a seat right across the table from him, a small cup of the shaved ice of her own in hand. She took the tiny spoon and carefully scooped a little out, and put it between her lips, a soft sigh leaving her as she did so.


Shinji now wlaked into the galley, his head perked up, following his nose. " MMmm... this all smells so good..." He perked up a bit, shaking himself from the aromatic trance " Oh, Captain, where will I stay while aboard the Yggdrasill?" He asked of Toshiro.

Jo Midori

Serenity giggled a little as she watched Remi and Toshiro, smiling a little as she imply sat on one of the odd chairs. After a moment or so of twitching and adjusting herself so she could be comfortable, she finally set herself up right and began to way her tail a little.

~"Mistress right, master eat and be healthy! Then Serenity visit at night again."~ Serenity was grinning ear to ear as she snuggled into Toshiro, giggling a little as she recalled the other night. She had been a touch upset she hadn't gotten anything more out of him, but it was up to him to decide her pleasure or pain.


Remi arched an elegant eyebrow as she listened to Serenity, before she suddenly stood. Her posture was a little stiff as she dipped into a very short bow. "If you will excuse me, I have more work to attend to."

Even her tone of voice was stiff, with what, only she knew as the good doctor exited the galley. Where to was anyone's guess.


This made Toshiro blush slightly...luckily Serenity only spoke Lorath, which only Toshiro and Remi could understand as far as he knew...as for Serenity's 'night visits', he wasn't exactly sure what he should do about that...he noted Remi's abrupt and unusual departure, but figured that it was Serenity's actions from before and his health that concerned her...

"T-Thank you for the food, Miyoshi-hakase! And Inakura-san...do you mind if I start calling you Shinji? Anyway, you'll sleep in the men's bunk room...we don't exactly have separate sleeping areas on the ship, except mine right behind the bridge..."


"Sure, you can call me Shinji, and I don't mind sharin' a room so long as I get my own bed" Shinji answered. "And the mens bunk room would be... where exactly?" He added.


"It's the room that you passed through to get here...honestly, I may have to make an alternative route. It makes no sense to make people go through here to get to the kitchen...it was just the most efficient use of space."


Shaun dropped down into his seat stretching and yawning for a moment, "ah man....my arms feel like they are full of sandbags. Thats the thing I hate most about sleeping. Always feel like crap after waking up."

He tapped his hands on the arms of his chair. "Computer. about how long till we reach the planet?"


Shinji walked back into the men's bunk room and found a bunk that appeared to not be in use. He put his bag down and laid down on the bed for a moment, testing it. After finding it to be satisfactory, he got up and went to the bridge, and sat down next to Ken.

Jo Midori

Serenity frowned as she watched Remi leave the room. After nudging Toshiro with her tail she followed after Remi. Following her to the medbay she frowned.

~"Mistress upset? Why mistress upset?"~ Serenity tilted her head as she sat by Remi's desk.

Kylen Phylar

"It's name is Yggdrasill until it decides on a gender, Shaun." Kenji said, noticing Shinji. "Hey." he said, leaning back a bit.

(Kenji = Ken's real name btw.)


"You know Ken....." Shaun said looking over somewhat iritated "You really don't have to remind me..." He said tapping the console. "fine....Yggdrasill. How long till we reach our destination?"


"Hey" Shinji replied to Ken. He then sat a moment in thought "Yggdrasill... That's a pretty cool name, what Does it mean?" He asked aloud.

Kylen Phylar

"Yggdrasill was also known as the Tree of Life, in certain mythologies. Not too sure about anything else though." Kenji said, watching the graphs.


The Yggdrasill replied to the question with

"One hour, seventeen minutes...and Yggdrasill is indeed the Tree of Life. This vessel, according to Father's notes, was originally built to both 'breathe new life' into adrift salvage and rescue personnel it finds from death if at all possible. As such, I am a representation of life and rebirth, in a sense."


"That's pretty neat" Shinji Said. "Salvaging some high explosives would definitely 'breathe new life' into me" He joked.

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"Well..we try to keep away from anything TOO explosive. Like Antimatter mines, and the such." Kenji said, pulling up another stat screen.


"I'd like to get ahold of one of those. If Shinji here is up for it, I'm thinking we could rig up one hell of a launcher...." He stopped there and rubbed the top of his head "ah sorry....I started rambling again."


Yggdrasill replied to this, having relevant data.

"Firstly, you are more likely to 'blow yourself out' than 'breathe new life into yourself'. Secondly, if you like explosions, ask the Captain about his 500 Megaton Nuclear Warhead sometime."


At the mention of a 500 megaton nuclear warhead, Shinji's eyes glazed over and he sat staring at wall going "Ooooohhh......." Through his mind flashed numerous visions of what he could go with one of those. For all intents and purposes, Shinji became a vegetable for a minute or two.

Kylen Phylar

"What would we do with an Anti-matter mine launcher, Shaun?" Kurio asked, looking over. "Those things are dangerous enough to get, let alone relaunch."


Shaun leans over pointing towards Ken "Thats the thing about overkill man.....when you need it and don't have it. You sing a different tune."

Eve suddenly came on sounding irritated "Shaun I am so going to kick your butt if you even TRY to make something like that."

Shaun leaned back in his chair crossing his arms "jeez Eve alright....no need to get all violent on me...."

"Its better than you blowing yourself up!" She yelled.

He stopped in shock for a moment and tapped the small device on his ear. "Eve....what the hell is going on with you lately? your not acting like youself."

He looked over at Ken "I think I might have done some kind of damage to Eve somehow man......"
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