Star Army

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RP: GM Cinematics The tip of the Black Spine, Hello Governor.


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RP Date
YE 44.7
RP Location
Motoyoshi-Cho, Jiyuu III
Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Tetsuya stood quietly just inside the fence which had been placed around the site of the Government Dome ruins. Thanks to the help of the Reds, Yugumo, and others that had given their hand to the cause things were moving quickly. His mother had placed a rather serious call to see to it that the Dome was built bigger, better, and far less remnant of what it represented prior to their family's return. Tetsuya was one of the more enigmatic of the Motoyoshi, being the son of Katsuko and Taro just like Kenpachi - there was certain intimidation that came with that. He had been a Deputy to his father in the political arena and managed parts of the Yugumo Keisatsu and the Motoyoshi Keibi and now the Samurai beneath that umbrella. Kenpachi in his eyes was lucky, going along for the big clan project along with many of the others. Tetsuya on the other hand had been chosen or rather elected and appointed to remain behind. The new title of Governor of Jiyuu essentially came with the defacto understanding that he spoke for the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector now, worked with their Senators, and for the most part was anything but blessed with stress.

'The Tip of the Black Spine' as it had been coined refers to Motoyoshi's viciousness when it came to vengeance was something that had been a bit of a topic in recent times. That black spine was stabbed right through the emerging liberal movement in the Empire's political arena. There was unspoken blame for what had encouraged the Tange Cell to attack them, something he had been given some direction as to bringing remedy to in the future. He had not told his brother yet that he had been selected as the one to stay, Kenpachi and he had barely been separated their entire lives.

"Governor?" the slender Minkan man with black hair and blue eyes addressed, then passed some data from his KAIMON companion to him. "This is the plan for the Memorial to be made from the rubble, you will need to sign off on it so we can manage what needs to be held back when the debris is cleared. I already got your sign-off for the new design for the government building." The man adjusted his glasses and briefly followed Tetsuya's eyes to the debris.

Tetsuya forced a smile and gave a nod, "Thank you, I will ensure my office communicates my approval on the memorial when it is ready. Make sure you compensate those who came to assist, I want Motoyoshi's gratitude seared into their memories for when I need a favor. I appreciate you taking the time to give me a look," he bowed slightly forwards and then turned to head back towards the waiting car, and his accompanying security. He stopped and turned when he said, "One thing, I consider this project important, and security around it should be tough. Make sure your labor needs are accompanied by higher vigilance. The Yugumo Workers Federation has already received my scorn in regard to recent sloppiness." He turned back and headed to the car, he didn't need an answer. He just needed results and he knew how to get them.

A few minutes later the car was on the move, he had a lot of work to do. He needed to find time to meet with Jiyuu's Senator to open up dialog and pass along some requests. After that, it would be back to getting into the groove of things, informing his brother he was not going, and then there was always the matter of jamming that black, venomous spine into a few more places it belonged.
Following: SYNC - Patting Thine Own Back


The Yugumo Cluster Observatory

Tetsuya gazed at the real-time images of the system, the view of Azumi one of Jiyuu III's moons was something he considered beautiful. It helped cool the flames of his reaction to the latest press release by the acclaimed Senator Iemochi and his political party. He had begun to understand the frustrations his mother had at the end of her political match with the man. He turned and looked to his father, who was seated just to his right, and said, "Someone doesn't know when to stop, I envy you now. You get to be back in uniform and about to step onto the frontier instead of dealing with these determined and ill-minded individuals." He swatted away the projection from his companion, and it morphed its guise back into the falcon on his shoulder.

Taro chuckled, "You're the best one for the job, I wouldn't even respond to that idiot anymore. He's looking for a reply. He's wrapped himself in that pretentious cloak of political correctness justifying his acts. He even outright lied, we've all seen the slanderous release he made about your mother. There will be hills to die on, and others to walk away from when we are gone. Either way my young Banryū you're entrusted to keeping that flame, and wielding it if needed." It felt odd for Taro to be back in uniform, odd but right. He had rather personal experiences during the uprising, one that made the truth behind happy faces a little easier to process. "It is not easy being what we are, what they don't know is that we could of all pointed out the lack of responsibility that took place when Taiie was destroyed. If it was not for Irim's killing that Pieces Station Commander we probably would all be considered traitors for what would have followed. We made a conscious choice, then and then again when Kiyoko and Tio made their little puppet state. We chose to be loyal to the Empire, and to the throne," he thought back, the memories seemed as sharp as they had been back then, he then continued, "Its a choice we will make again and again, just remember loyal to the Yamatai Star Empire isn't about loyalty to the Senate. The Senate has been a dysfunctional tool that has been used before as a political cloak to a dagger pointed at us. It won't be the last time so long as we hold to our ways." Taro reached over and placed his arm over his son's shoulder. "This movement of theirs will end in one of three ways, it will fizzle and disappear, or it will be flushed out, or it will succeed and cause a coup. Just think of it this way, if they take over, who do you think the first Clan with a sword in their hand will be? There isn't a person within this clan, save for maybe Tio that wouldn't rush to restore the Imperial Way. In the meantime, let the Senator babble, don't forget to remind him how things work out here - soon enough, there will be another distant enclave of Motoyoshi, shouting Tennōheika Banzai in a place too far away for him to touch or quell it," he gave Tetsuya's shoulder a squeeze, "I'm going to miss you," he said straying from the intensity of the conversation.

"I'll miss you too, and mom and everyone. Don't worry, I'll keep things good around here. I got our new Samurai all ready to make their official debut soon," he replied and leaned into his father a little. He pushed some of his blue hair from his eyes and then said, "Mom is adamant of about getting Eidan and Kuroko out of here, at first I thought she was just angry and alarmed. Now I can't feel like I wish I was young enough again to be under that protective wing too. If something ever does happen, I promise I will go to Yamatai myself and my blade will be soaked in blood in defense of the Empress and her Empire. I would give my life for Yamatai, it is our way." He forced a smile on his face and tilted his head back to the display of planets and stars, "Keep them safe, the unknown is just as terrifying as anything else."


It was obvious to Tetsuya that following the most recent events that things within the Empire had become exactly as his parents had described it, the blistering entertainment of the new Discourse Party's communications. It came down to the fact that if it had not been clear this new liberal movement within the Empire had gained itself an enemy. The Motoyoshi Clan had written the doctrine when it came to domination through the power of the voice, and it seemed this political party intended to be the voice of their movement which would never be accepted by the clan as it stood in direct violation of their philosophies. Tetsuya has come to think of Senator Iemochi as the singing canary like was kept in a coal mine in antiquity; the canary would die of gas inhalation and serve as a warning to the miners giving them time to evacuate. This sweet canary would be the thing to watch, and eventually, it would give that unmistakable sign of treachery even if it may need a helping hand toward suffocation afterward. His father had pointed out the obvious, not just the actions of the Senator but the movement of the Iemochi clan in general which had taken up nest within the departments of the Star Army. He admired the nature of it in some ways, after all the Motoyoshi had once held themselves similar and yet different.

Tetsuya had made it his business to dig now, he wanted to know everything there was to know about the Senator and his clan. It was important to know one's own enemy and even more vital to understand where their wallet, sword, and other components were invested. There was a strategy for his mother's lack of response in the media to the slanderous message that had been sent. Little did the Senator know, he had started a war. He had made an enemy of an Imperial Clan, one with a healthy hold of control on the region it had developed and it was not the first time they had been embarrassed by the ire of the Senate, several years before the clan had faced ridicule when they had tried to warn about rouge elements within the Lorath, years later the operation called checkout had resulted and they held their tongue with the 'I told you so'. Research on the Iemochi was now to be one of Tetsuya's things to do. As the Motoyoshi usually did, they would be waiting and watching for that moment of opportunity to strike the other clan and its political party right in its heart.

The Governor pushed his fingers back through his blue hair and shut off the projection screen which had shown the contents of his research, it would just be one prong of the forward momentum to come. The other would be a mass effort to further grow the MCS and the clan's megacorporation. There was a very important thing that had to be taken care of before that happened.

"Governor, Namika is here to see you," the secretary said, sticking her head into the council chamber.

Tetsuya grinned to himself and replied, "Send her in." He had been waiting for this newly retired Star Army soldier, a harder worker who was about to become the new leader and face of the Yugumo Workers Federation. It was going to be just one factor in the thick purple line that was going to be drawn. Anti-Imperialists as far as the Motoyoshi were concerned were just Tange with a happy face mask and that was the way they would be received.

There was work to be done though, with Port Jiyuu and Port Siren planning to bug out with the fleet Jiyuu's systems for handling mined materials, and spaceport functions needed to be arranged, stabbing that black spine would have to wait just a little while. After all, the enemy had made it clear they intended to continue to weep in the media and cling to the emerging psuedo-ethical nonsense they had been pushing. Perhaps they didn't know that it was not the laws of the Empire that held the Motoyoshi back from starting the slaughter now, they would wait until there was an attack on the constitution or a coup against the Empress.