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RP: Lorath The War's Harvest


Inactive Member
Nyli III - A Lmanel Den Outside of Trash-Kyoto Section 375

The rolling hills bordering the scuttled Kyoto city which made the Lorath's new colony seemed to be a plain and lovely grass covered land... but at closer examination, tracks which were the beginnings of roads were visible, along with the upturned soil which seemed to indicate the recent placement of electrical cabling... with some time, it would be apparent that leather clad Lorath were passing to and from various larger hills... the hillside was in fact a bustling Lmanel community.

Within one of the mounds, a sizable den was dug out, and the ceilings were clad with the faint glow of low-power LED lights which were designed to give the living space a 'candlelight' like glow, which could easily brought up to a far brighter level if needed. Seated at a stone slab table was a rather large Lmanel hunched over a data pad, prodding in data. Despite the leathers he wore, beneath them were garments intended for space flight.

As he typed at the pad, he raised his brow before he looked up and looked about the den... it was a tad late for her to be rising from bed, but of course it would have been winter on Lor right now... and they had taken on the bond to hibernative animals.

"You shouldn't slouch over the table, it will hurt your back..." Came a soft reply as a small yip was heard in the back room of the den. A woman came into the light, moss green hair hanging down past her shoulders.

A sharp exhale was released from his nose, it came out as a sort of a mixed snarl and snort, but he then smiled widely, bearing a maw of gleaming pearly whites. "My dearest, you look lovely even as you're waking, shame you're getting on my already sore back so soon."

"Then come back to bed, the little ones are mewling for their father." She crossed her arms, her body covered in a thin layer of leather.

"Mm... that does sound like a good idea..." The deep green eyes of the heavy fur clad Lmanel looked at the data pad in his hands. "I suppose the salvage department can wait for my report... I haven't brought in a decent haul in weeks." With that, he set aside the data pad and stood up from his seat, but he still had to slouch due to his hight being too much for the den... however the slouch seemed natural to him as he strolled to his mate and placed his arms around her, embracing her in a warm hug. "Did you give the little ones the prey I caught for them last night?"

"Yes I did, they ate till they were full then slept like babies...I wish I could. These new seasons are messing with me..." With a small sigh she snuggled into her mate further. "It is hard to get used to them."

"Mmm, you're not the only one... the hunting is different here too, do you know that there are canines on this planet that have fur that has bristles that are razor sharp?" He held up his massive hand, the clawed hand had many fine little scratches in the pale white skin. "Bothersome creatures... but the meat is sweet."

"The little things about this big?" She held out her hands about a foot wide. "That like to roll up into balls?"

"No no, those are close though... these ones are about the size of a Dach'na" He held up his own hands, about three feet apart, then repositioning to two feet apart to indicate hight. The animal which he was referring to was a sort of animal which would best be described as a mixture between a bob-cat and coyote.

"Oh." His mate blinked a few times before nodding a little. "Next time you manage to capture one, go ahead and bring me some home K?" She leaned up and pecked him on the lips.

"I'll bring back enough for you, me, and the little ones." He smiled widely as he gave his mate a soft pinch on her rear, sure not to dig his claws in during the process.

the Mate seemed to flail a little as her rear was pinched, slapping his hand away. "You know I hate it when you do that..." She glared up at her mate.

The male's toothy grin remained as he placed his arms around her again. "If you hate it so much, how come every time I do that we end up with another little-one to raise?"

"Because of that exact reason! We have twelve little ones, we do not need thirteen..." She explained.

"Mmm, maybe sixteen? Twenty?" He spoke in a low and devious tone as he pulled his mate close, grasping her rear in his massive hands now. "We're still young! We have the years to raise fifty even!"

"I am not birthing fifty children..." The woman said with a serious voice, before she laughed a little. "Fifty children is a little to many..."

"Aww, but how happy you are once you hold them in your arms." He said in a soft and what could be considered a convincing tone. "Well... we'll figure out how many we'll stop at later..." He leaned close and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, then her jaw. As he tilted his head closer the sound of him taking a sharp inhale of her scent was easily heard before he bit her shoulder lightly.

"Mmm...twenty five will b-Ahh!.." She shivered a little at the bite, letting out a low purring growling sound as she let her eye lids fall down lazily.

He thought silently to himself as he tasted her skin. Mmm, I'll convince her to go to thirty when the time comes. With that thought, he shifted his hands to her legs, where he promptly lifted his mate so her legs were placed around his hips. As he held her, he moved her so she was pressed against the clay wall of the den. "Mmm, your scent and taste... you're delicious..." He purred into her ear as he ground his hips against his mate's. He then shifted his maw so he latched onto the thin strip of leather which covered her neck, he then stripped it off so he could see her marvelous and delicate pale neck. "So lovely..."

"Ahh...Don't...the little ones will hear..." She said, though with a rather weak voice as she ground her hips back into him. With the seasons out of whack for the Llamnel, so where their hormones. The heavy scent of pheromones filled the air then, and rather quickly. This of course prompted more mewls from the back room and finally the form of one said little one. "Mommyyy...I think Rishkal messed in t-..Are mommy and daddy wrestling?"

A soft sigh escaped the father's lips as he nuzzled his mate once more for the moment. "Mmm, yes, mommy and daddy are wrestling, we're having a contest to see who gets to go hunting for a treat for our good little ones."

"Can I wrestle too??" The little one seemed excited now.

The father let out a soft sigh, his mind went over how old the little one was, and how far along the bonding to their animal they had gone... aye, hormones and pheromones abounds. "Mmm, the way mommy and daddy wrestle in private is too much for a little one to handle."

"Ohh..." The little one pouted a little but nodded and shuffled off to bed. The Pheromones were gone though, and with them, his mate's want to do anything. "Another night my love. We will get my sister to watch the little ones, then go on a hunt, just you and I." Leaning up to kiss her mate on the cheek, she went back to the back room.

He let out a low and rumbling growl which was not one of hostility, but one of annoyance... and so he sat down once more at the table, and hunched over the data pad. "Hm... what is this?" His clawed thumb scrolled over the good news... which was then followed by a message from the Lorath Salvage Department. He quickly got up and bumped his head on the den roof before he strolled into the bed chamber. "My mate, we have to go on that hunt sooner than we thought... we got work on the ship, those Yamataians have left us a bounty of junk we need to clean up, the Matriarchy wants every able Harvester on the job."

"A new job? What is it the junk from the recent battle?" She asked, yawning a little.

“Mmm, so you've been keeping track on your data pad too while sitting in the room with the little ones... yea, looks like we're heading to the Jiyuu system, they even got an ISFB ready to take us there... lets get going!” The male shaman grasped a massive fur cloak from a hook on the wall and threw it over his shoulders before making his way out the door. “I'll have the dock masters prepare our ships.”
Nyli III - Twenty Kilometers outside of the primary settlement.

Despite it not being long since the Lorath had settled Nyli, there was already a road infrastructure established, which made getting in and out of the housing area of the settlement an easy task. Despite how easy the task was, it was never easy to tell a pack of children that they needed to stay with their rather odd aunt for a few days while mother and father went out to space...

As the electric powered vehicle tore down the highway, the massive Lmanel which drove the vehicle spoke to his mate and passenger who sat beside him. "The dock masters are preparing the ships... you're sure you packed everything you need, right?"

"Yes yes I have everything I need...You worry to much you know that?" She smirked, poking fun at her lover as she literally poked him in the side. With a small yawn she leaned into his side and sighed. "I really dislike going to space..."

His lips parted into a small reassuring smile. "I know hun, but it is what the Xiaah needs from us and others with our talents... of course we were the ones dumb enough to pick aerospace sciences as our secondary degree certification in school... 'Oh, it'll be easy, we just have to push some buttons!'... bah, I can be a fool at times."

"Yes yes I know. Did you hear about the Xiaah! She laid her clutch!" The mate giggled a little and swatted her lover's arm, smiling. "About time too! Did you see how big she got?"

"Mmm, she looked lovely, the Goddess apparently gave our Xiaah her blessings to be such a marvelous woman to be able to carry her clutch so well. I can only imagine how lovely the children will be when they hatch." He could not help but to smile widely. "One day, when we're old and gray, we'll be calling them Xiaah and High Priest."

As he spoke, he drove the vehicle around a corner, and a wide expanse of ocean came into view, and the harbor complex which was built on the shores was apparent... more so the massive ships which floated in the waters were also quite clearly visible. "Mmm, we're almost there... I can see our Harvesters."

"Such a eye-sore. Why will the Defense Force not allow me to paint them?" His mate replied, sighing a little. "Did I hold my children well?" She asked, grinning a little at the selfish praise she would receive.

He took one hand off the steering wheel, and put it around his mate's shoulders. "You carried them wonderfully, and you were beautiful, just as you're beautiful now." He then shifted his hand and began to scratch behind her ear as he slowed the vehicle down as they approached the harbor complex.

The mate swiveled her hips a little and giggled, almost purring as she smiled. "Really? Did I look as good as the Xiaah?"

Crap... I should have seen this question coming up... The question was indeed a pickle considering how well worshiped the Xiaah was... but of course, there was also the loyalty between mates. "My beloved... you were absolutely beautiful, to my eyes you were as beautiful as the Xiaah, especially since you held our dear children so well."

"Nice move..." She smirked again and nudged him again, grinning a little as she sighed.

"You know, we have a terrible habit of flirting and getting ourselves into a mood before we're forced to become busy." He laughed before he placed a kiss on his mate's cheek as they pulled into the harbor's entry-way, passing through the security sensors of the harbor gate easily due to the ID chip built into their vehicle, not to mention the neural interface devices the Lmanel pair had, part of the requirements of heading into space for the Matriarchy, but service was an honor enough to deal with having a bit of metal and plastic wedged into your spinal column.

His mate seemed to think otherwise as yet again her implant seemed to tingle. "Every damn time..." Looking up at her ship she let out a soft sigh, wondering how much of her crew was already there, and if the normals were straggling again.

"I've told you to get that looked at." He frowned slightly as he felt his mate tense beneath his arm. "Why don't you get that medic with the goose to give it a little bit of a fix?"

"He moved off so..." She shrugged a little, sighing somewhat. The goose had been cute.

"Well, you'll have to find someone to keep us in good condition. We can't do our best if we're not in our best of shape you know... of course hun, you're always at your best to me." He pinched his mate's ear softly as he drove the vehicle to the parking complex closest to where their Harvesters were docked.

"My my my someone is sucking up...Trying to get lucky when we get to Hotaru?" His mate replied, smirking a little with a grin, snapping up to bite her teeth down playfully on his finger.

"Ah!" He smiled widely, despite the little pin of ache which surged from his finger. "Maybe... it would be good to get rid of the stress from the work we're about to do. Maybe we could even get a nice dress for you to put on... so then I could take it off."

"Bah! What is it with you men and dresses?"She sighed and shook her head, wondering what the obsession over the frilly things was.

"Oh you know for every one of us Lmanel it is a different reason... for me, I like soft things to touch and lay my head on... you should know this best. But alright, no dress then, we'll find something else to spend our pay on." As he spoke, he pulled the vehicle into a parking spot and went about powering down the vehicle as he gave his mate a hug and a kiss. "Lets head over to the dock house and we'll see who is on time... from there, we'll head to our ships."

"Yes yes well...Maybe if your good I'll TRY...Just Try some dresses on." She said with a smirk as they exited the vehicle. Making their way over to the ships a group of Lorath were milling around, mostly Llamnel. There were a few Fyunnen who seemed to eye the even smaller group of New Tur'Lista. Is was a nice smattering of crew which was surprisingly all there on time. "Well...I'm shocked! For once we are the ones late dear." With a little chuckle, one of the Fyunnen spoke up. "Awww whats the matter? Did the little ones keep you? Had to give each one a peck on the cheek?"

The captain seemed to smirk a little and nod to the Fyunnen. "Yes, and they all wonder when auntie Hawker will come and see them again and give them piggy back rides again! So?" The rest of the crew seemed to fall to laughter as the Fyunnen went as red of her hair.

"Ah its good to see you all again!" The mate of the pair spoke up as he looked over the crew which was under his and his mate's command. "I bet you've all heard about the little scuffle those Yamataians had with the jellyfish, so guess who gets to clean up the mess? Well us of course! You big girls are going to be kept busy manning the defensive turrets, I hear some nasty stuff passed down from the salvage department HQ about those Mishhu clinging to life for a long while in vacuum."

"Aye captain." The group of Fyunnen replied, giving him a small salute. "You two boys will be with me. We're gonna mostly be in contact with Hotaru, reporting our finds." The two males silently gave a nod as she turned to her mate to see how he would dole out the other responsibilities.

"The rest of you, you're going to keep your eyes on the great void and try to spot things that our sensors don't see, or you're going to be helping with the net hauls... y'all know your jobs, now get to the ships, we don't want them space-cats to get to everything first." The male of the pair gave a shooing gesture to the group as he smiled widely at them.

The group split up as told, nodding and chatting a little before they finally got to the ships. As they did they seemed to snap into a work mode, ready to get on with the mission.

The mate pair also split, each taking command of one of the two ships. Within minutes, the male of the pair was seated on the bridge of his ship. The interior of his bridge was far dimmer than what the original lighting design intended... his ship felt more like a den, his own den where he was in control, of course, this control he shared with his mate over the communication line. "My dear, my ship is ready to depart, what of your's?"

"Been ready dear." The mate smirked a little, wiggling her fingers over the line. "You always were the slow one...Least where it didn't count." There would be laughter from the background on her side.

There was of course laughter on his end too, but he then spoke over the line. "My dear, you know that you love it slow and done right." This of course drawn a series of hoots and laughs from his end of the line. "Alright, now that we got the confirmation aside... my dear would you lead the way skyward? Our guidance computers have been set to the location of the LSDF's ISFB that is going to take us over to the Hotaru."

"Very well then. I'll lead." She gave a small nod of the head before she let her ship roar to life, the area around her shaking before she slowly began to lift off. "See you there dear. Love you and safe flying." She said just before she cut the channel.

"You too dear..." He said as he closed his own end of the line. "Sensors, keep an eye on her as usual."

The Lmanel who was operating the sensors gave a nod... it was common practice for the male of the pair to watch after his mate every time they headed out.

The pair of Harvesters conducted a full power burn on their fusion engines, the massive engines easily trusted the ships out from the water which they were landed in, through the air, and out of the atmosphere of Nyli III.

Within minutes, they were with the rest of the group of Harvesters and a number of Zahl which were clustered around an ISFB.

Communications were sent between the ships, and within moments, all of the ships were whisked away and made their arrival near the Hotaru as planned, and on arrival the Zahl-Class ships spread out, while the Harvesters prepared their nets for the harvest...
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