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Approved Submission The Water Maker, Dude bot

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hi Charaa,

Thank you for the submission.

I went through the Mining Guild's current line of drones. Here are the Standard Nomenclatures for them and for this bot. Standard Nomenclature is required. The NDC/Mining Guild's Nomenclature is considered an Alt. Nomenclature.

Standard Nomenclature
  • MG-O1-1A - Tai-Pattern Rock Splitter
  • MG-O2-1A - Tai-Pattern Rock Sucker
  • MG-O3-1A - RECORM Bot
  • MG-O4-1A - Desert Oasis Extractor Drone

  1. Important Wikified Links are missing - Things like the Mining Guild, Water ( Water on Star Army Space Roleplay ), Mobile Settlements , etc.
  2. You have portable water in the article, did you mean potable water (water that is safe for consumption)?
  3. You should add a dimensions section (How big is it? How much does it weigh?)
  4. 250,000KS seems a bit steep for a drone?
3 day approval timer
approved, timer expired. Remember to fill out struct