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RP: UOC Government [The Wrap Party - Tokyo]


🎖️ Game Master
Ayumi hated playing hostess sometimes. It was always so expensive in Tokyo. Settling in at 'The Seaside Slip' was not a hard task, however. She just worried the other representatives were not used to discussing important things in opulent places, despite their calling. Allowing for a few day's rest for herself and her outspoken counterpart after the Second International Relations Conference, she had called all of them together to talk about what had gone over on her money on the private (though it had been covered that night partway) deck of the club.

Resting out on a chaise lounge in a simple green dress whose straps held at her upper arms, she looked at the dark ocean beyond and the faint passing of lights when a shuttle moved to obscure the view. The most important issue on her mind was what to do with the Empress' offer, and about the war. At the very least, they could run things over informally, and have a drink. She had started early, playing with the stem of a glass between her thumb and forefinger while contemplating how she could better safeguard the area of space she represented. There were a lot of decisions they didn't seem to be involved with that gave her pause, and reminded her of Yamatai, but they were still doing better than her former home and she believed in the United Outer Colonies.

The table in front of Ayumi was round, and there were places to sit for everyone, mostly plush, maroon chairs made from an indiscernible fabric and a matching sofa. The hour was approaching, and everyone, including the PM, had been invited to the little get together. It was in her opinion better than meeting in a stuffy office, even if secretly she was just as happy meeting at any bar in the city they just wouldn't have the privacy they needed. A slender control was on the center of their table, the controls to the projector, and also a call button for the waitstaff.

"Well, at least the bar is open if they don't show. A little something to wash the screams out." The pink-haired Representative laughed at herself.
Meanwhile at the Tange-Katsura house..

"You are the ones being unreasonable! I'm supposed to be leading this nation not cowering on a bed with someone holding my hand because I'm pregnant. These sorts of things just don't happen in this modern age!" Ayana protested loudly as she pulled on a modest deep purple dress that had been especially designed for the conservative and heavily pregnant Prime Minister to accommodate her belly.

"But ma'am, you're the first Jiyuuian woman to be with a naturally conceived child! You need to be careful, you are more fragile right now than you think! it's not like a neko having a youngling, there might be more complications than expected!" The nurse had retorted she failed to usher Ayana back into bed. "AND you promised Prince Tio that you'd take..."

"STOP," Ayana said bitterly, "Why should I keep a promise to a man who disappears without a word, without a warning to parts unknown? I am a grown woman and I do NOT need him to tell me what to do!" She frowned as she placed a hand gently on her belly. "He might suspect but I never got to tell him before he vanished. He abandoned us so he has no say in anything here any more. The Motoyoshi clan has no royal to try to pull my strings. I am doing this the right way, get the car, we're going!"

The nurse and assistant blanched looking at each other with looks of helplessness. The Prime Minister had been extremely moody since Tio had disappeared enroute to the peace conference. There had been many rumors about where he had gone but what had hurt Ayana deepest was the one that he ran away with some Ketsurui tart that had caught his eye at the conference.

It seemed to them that the Prime Minister might never truly recover from her heartbreak or really forgive Tio if he ever came back, but they could only hope that there was some reasonable explanation for all of it. They worried that the UOC needed both of its parents to function but they hoped, that if, when Ayana recovered she'd retake the reigns with more focus and energy than she did before.

But for now, those hopes had to wait it out until they saw Ayana get back into the political scene again and they did agree that this 'wrap party' that Ayumi was throwing would be a good opportunity for the Prime Minister to get herself back into the game.

Ayana was going mad from boredom since she was not allowed to do any of her work since it stressed her too much with her desire for perfection that could not be wholly achieved through a proxy acting in her stead. She despised the treatment of bed rest and wised to shoot the doctor that convinced her helpers to strictly enforce it. She was still angry as she finally left her house and stood on the grass in front of her home, waiting for the car.

It didn't take them too long to bring the car around or even to drive to the "Seaside Slip" but the ride to the club was punctuated with an uncomfortable silence that was weakly disturbed by the sounds of the vehicle's engine.

When they arrived, Ayana carefully pulled herself out of the car and shot her assistant a challenging look before entering the Seaside Slip to find out where Ayumi was holding her party.
The cheery hostess guided Ayana into the private area where Ayumi waited for her, and anyone else. This prompted her to rise, and bow slightly to the woman. She smiled. "You look enchanting, good evening. I'm glad you decided to come. The conference still has many stories to tell." The blonde-haired representative nodded once, then offered the PM a seat, while one of their waiters leaned forward, obviously waiting for a drink order from the PM.

Outside, the bland sound of the ocean rose a little louder. "Please, won't you sit and have something to drink?" Ayumi asked, as the soft whisper of fabric again flooded the area when she sat, and shifted to curl up her legs under her body casually. "I think the next time you send me out I'm going to ask for half a fleet to come just in case. I swear anything I touch turns into some sort of to do!" With a playful shot at herself came a light roll of laughter when she regarded the other woman quietly after.

"Well, I did ask for it though." The young woman conceded. "I certainly learned as much as I interacted, before the fighting started. Though I must ask..how much longer until it's time?" Pink eyes flicked down to the PM's abdomen. I hope she gets a new PR staff just to handle that...I'm almost a little jealous. Where did they even find the time? Without it being confirmed, Ayumi always had her suspicions about the father, at the same time she felt an almost empathic pang of resentment there seemed to be an absence of active support for her. She's the strongest person I know, it will be okay, I'm sure. I hope the rest of the Colonies can do so well...
"Thank you, Ayumi. I'll just be having tea at the moment... the doctor says it'll be soon, the new body's gestation period is much longer than the NH-29 bodies so it's definitely a learning process for me.

You're lucky though, I almost died to invite Melisson to the first IRC. I don't think going out with an armada would've done anything to convince anyone that we seek peaceful measures," Ayana's expression flicked back from a casual smile to a more serious expression before going back to a smile.

"But it is good to have you all back. There is still much to do to get things rolling again diplomatically with our sister and brother nations. We might do better contacting them individually again to negotiate treaties and cease fires. We still have much in to do in the way of implementation of the rest of our development plans to stabilize the Colonies but... such are matters for another day."

She listened to the sounds of the breaking surf and the soft call of the evening gulls and smiled thoughtfully. The sounds reminded her of Taiie which she regretted not spending more time enjoying before they evacuated. She was still homesick for her fields, far from the siren's call of the ocean and the whisperings of the evening wind across the cool sand.

"It's kind of strange that with all of our focus on the oceans that we chose a rising sun for our flag instead of the Sapphire waters of Taiie, don't you think/"
"I was just lucky to get out alive this time, they had a battle right outside the conference hall. They did protect us, I'll say that but-..it was everyone, when I got out there it looked like everyone did. It really-..this might be silly, but made me think that we might not have a choice in this if we don't want to be a puppet state. If we protect our Citizens by not getting involved, isn't it still shoddy of us if it means the ruin of Nepleslia and Yamatai? Then there's nothing to stop them from us. It forces our hand, and I don't care for it." Ayumi shivered in displeasure, drawing something from her glass. It was a good break when the PM's tea came, and she could distract her muddied thoughts away for the time being.

"Well, if you need help with it I'll keep my mouth shut. You wouldn't believe how much stuff I learned when I was still an actress. A very strange, but fulfilling field ah, most of the time. Though, I know Osaka on its own is extremely large, I wonder if I shouldn't be requesting we get the right to expand our area's territory..it seems like anything I might do in the interest of expanding the nation might prod one beast or another out of hiding, though." The truth was, she didn't care as much at that moment, surviving would have to do.

"Why? I think there's a reason..the ocean is beautiful, but it's not everyone's home. The sun-..well there's one in each of our systems, a beacon in the harsh light, or the beautiful blue skies of home, here. It gives hope in brotherhood, that's what I think, anyway." Wistfully smiling, Ayumi finally put her drink down.

"That, and I feel the memory of Taiie stays with everyone better that way. I have never spoken with the Prince at length to ask. I don't think I'm pretty enough." She was, and knew it, but enjoyed the sly smile that started creeping at the edges of her lips.
The Prime Minister listened thoughtfully to Ayumi's thoughts and musings, taking in the conversation to help broaden her perception of the former actress. They had worked together for nearly a year but she near so little about many of the Senators personally besides what exchanges they had on the Assembly floor. She took this whole experience to be rather informative to see Ayumi function in what might be her more natural environment, a social gathering of her own creation.

So when when Ayumi changed topics to her self-image and not feeling pretty enough- Ayana was greatly confused, "And what makes you think that you're not pretty enough to talk to Tio about Taiie?" I wonder if this means she's fallen for Tio as well? She inwardly reflected, still feeling bitter towards the Prince for disappearing on her. "I take it you are from a more urban region as well?"
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