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Approved Submission Theradectan Wormhole Drive


Paradox Addict
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Technology (FTL Drive)
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=theradectus:technology:wormhole_drive

Faction: Theradectus
FM Approved Yet? No
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes (the faction pages are taking forever...)
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: It's in the name, it uses wormholes. I know some people on the site don't like wormholes, but I kind of like them for what they add to the faction's view of space travel. And, if I understand the FTL rules correctly, they're slower than hyperdrives, so its not like they're better than hyperdrives. Just different.

Am I a glutton for punishment? Probably.

P.S. Thanks for ruining my sleep schedule, @CadetNewb & @Gallant. I finally got this done because of you two.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Having looked over it on request, I have to say this isn't a new drive, and is simply another civ's way of doing the same thing. What I can't figure out though, is how this drive compares to the Hidden Sun's. Is it faster or slower? I can't tell; the Hidden Sun uses an A-F class system, and I don't know what kinds of ships those are since I can't seem to find a chart for that. Other than having to make that comparison, everything else should be good to go.
Unless there's any objections, this submission gets approved in 3 days.
If it's alright with you @Wes I can just approve it now. There hasn't been any rejection in this time period already after all.
I guess three days has already passed, so sure.
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