Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP There Are Many Aprons, But This One is Mine.

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 10 hours after S6 departure
RP Location
S6S-Anvil: Hangar A----->Deck 12 Armory----->Crew Habitation: Cabin 12
The Tenba shuttle entered the cavernous hangar of the S6S-Anvil, the landing skids deploying before touching down on the deck. As the airlock opened and the ramp lowered, Neera padded down the ramp after her conversation with David.

Once down at the end of the ramp, the wolf girl stepped to the side and began tapping at a pad as the recruits disembarked. A man walked over from his place where he had been waiting.

"Lieutenant. How is the latest batch looking?", Mark Tazar asked as he joined her to the side, watching the recruits.

"Ah, Sergeant, I see you're recovering well. Most seem promising, with one I can see being fast tracked to officer fairly quickly. How's your wounds doing after your skuffle with the girl....Haisley was it?"

Mark's jaw ticked at the reminder. He was still recovering from the high caliber bullet he'd taken through the chest, and subsequently his left lung. The Nepleslian girl with cybernetic cat ears and tail, had reopened them. "Fine, just set back a little."

Howard, the ship's newest cook (though he wasn't inexperienced), disembarked the shuttle with what little belongings he carried. Not even two duffels' worth, the man had the bags over his right shoulder, his standard issue backpack hanging behind him, grunting slightly as he adjusted the straps. His pupils dilated as the bright light from the shuttle disappeared behind his sight and he adjusted to the dimmer, softer light of the cavern called a hangar.

There wasn't anything too special about David as he strolled down the ramp, his face was tanned and the kind you could easily lose in a crowd along with the brown eyes that matched his swept-back hair - he did give a small chuckle and a faint grin as the Geshrin man took purposeful strides in his armour that could do with a wash, no need to go drawing any uneeded attention to himself and poke his head out of the crowd for this whole officer thing just yet.

He did feel the need to approach one of the other folks who decided to pack light, there was no need to bring any uneeded bulk so hell - the almost too-normal-looking man sidled up alongside Howard and gave only a brief "so what little did you bring?" as his introduction.

As Howard stepped to the deck off of the shuttle's ramp, his eyes adjusted, the man behind him came next to him and spoke. He was startled, but only slightly, not expecting someone to just come up and talk to him as they prepared to leave and start a new life. The cook's brown eyes drifted to the man next to him in armor, while he simply wore the standard Section 6 uniform, his weapon in its holster on his right thigh. "Just the basics. Some toiletries, clothes, pens, personal datapad, a picture of my family, and some other small things from my time in Star Military of Nepleslia to remind me of where I came from. And where I will go." He said with a friendly tone in his voice, his boots giving off soft clangs as they struck the metal deck, though they were drowned out by the general din of the hanagar. "How about you?" He asked, eyeing the man some more, wondering why he hadn't seen him on the shuttle. Did he? He wasn't sure. It wasn't like he talked to anyone on it anyways. He figured he would have plenty of time for that later.

"I'm assuming the man actually wearing armor is the one you referred to?", Mark.Tazar asked, happy to change subjects away from his injuries.

"Yep. And you get to do meet and greets this time.", Neera said simply.


"The clothes on my back, a gas mask, a machete and a pistol among other things but nothing too fancy," David mused as they walked, it was hard to tell above all the other noises that filled the area but each step the man took was one in near silence.

Sure enough a rubberised handle poked out from underneath his cloak and there was a pistol stapped to his thigh too as David went to introduce himself, "Maverock, David Maverock - just some guy," he said with one hand thrust toward Howard to greet him.

Howard smiled as the man stuck out a hand, grasping it with his own. "Howard. Howard Killian. Nice to meet you. Do you prefer David or Maverock?" He asked, unsure which to use. In a formal situation he would likely use whatever name was on his tag, but otherwise he would use the name that first came to mind; unless another was told to him. He vaguely noticed the pistol on the man's thigh, wondering what he carried.

He personally liked his primary weapon as his weapon of choice because of its versatility, but he was just as comfortable with his standard sidearm. He did have to admit though: Howard missed the old Nepleslian arms. Rugged, simple, and reliable. Each weapon was designed for a specific purpose and was (usually) easily fixable in a snag and would (usually) almost never fail the user. Luckily his job rarely required him to use firearms, though he knew that cooks could be deadly both at range and up close with nothing but a knife. Even in a gunfight.

Neera would walk off with out answering leaving a very peeved Tazar behind, "Why that lapdog, I ot to.", he grumbled to himself.

The man turned back to the recruits as they left the ramp, straightening himself as David and Howard neared the end.

"David, or any derivative you can think of - it is only a name after all," the armoured man spoke back as he released his firm grip from Howard's hand, he had been about to ask about his afformentioned service in Nepleslia when a rather important-looking person met them at the end of the ramp.

He had heard the man referred to as sergeant before and had no reason to doubt the white wolf-girl that had spoken to him on the way over so David snapped off a salute as he spoke, "Anything I can help you with Sergeant, sir?"

Howard and David approached the man, ending the conversation, for now at least, the cook snapping a salute as they stopped. "Sergeant." Howard said simply, David already asking the very question he would ask. It seemed redundant to ask it again.

"You must be Maverock. The Lieutenant Commander seems to think highly of you. But I'm here to see your potential for myself. And who might you be?", The man asked sternly, hoping inwardly that this batch of recruits would do far better then those he instructed on Xuno.

Both gentlemen would notice the small harness he wore that held a medical device over the left side of his chest. Other then that, nothing else much stood out on the 6'2 tan skinned uniformed man with black hair.

"Howard Killian, a new addition to your galley crew, Sergeant." He said, his salute holding firm, his stance while at attention near perfect. His Nepleslian training was showing, no doubt. At the very least noticeable by experienced soldiers who had even the slightest insight into Nepleslian training.

David's own posture and stance were as perfect as Howard's, it spoke of his time in the Greens among other things but he had to admit that the admission of the man he had just met being a cook caught the Gershin a little off guard. "Indeed sir, I hope I can live up to her expectations then, sir," he snapped off, continuing to hold the pose.

Tazar gave a short yet pleased hmph sound as they saluted. "Ex-nep marines all around I see. We get a lot of those, hell I was one.", he stated before moving on, "At ease gentlemen, as of now I am your immediate commanding officer. Do either of you have any questions before we move on?"

The Geshrin broke off his salute to tuck his arms behind his back, keeping his posture fairly straight despite the order to stand at ease, "None from me," he spoke rather concisely.

The cook lowered his hand, thankful as the lactic acid buildup subsided as he clasped his hands behind his back, under his pack, spreading his feet slightly, about shoulder-length apart, as was drilled into him. "None from me either, Sergeant." Howard said. He hoped they would be given the grand tour, as he had never been on a ship like this, but he had the schematics on his datapad if he ever got lost, and he was sure if it was designed like most other ships there would be guide signs pointing to key areas. Hopefully.

"Neither one of you have to be so formal, your not on duty. That being said, as much as I find it odd, policies are slightly more lax here. As long as you call the ranking members sir, and follow orders, you can relax.", the man explained after a moment, appreciative of the proper behavior, but still informing of the lack of such policies.

"If you do suddenly come up with questions, which I seriously ask that you express them. But that can be done as we go."

Mark Tazar waved them to follow as they walked next to the steady stream of recruits. Soon exiting the hangar and towards the lifts to head to the armory.

"Roger that, consider me at-ease, sir," David replied, there was almost a hint of something playful in his voice at the end of that sentence but it quickly faded as they entered the elevator - the armoured Geshrin took up position in one of the far corners as he intently studied the control panel to get a feel for the ship's layout.

"One question, and I don't mean to offend with this but, how closely would you say you monitor your people?" Mr Maverock began asking before he took a second to clear his throat and explain. "Should we be expecting anybody to be watching us in the bathrooms or bunks? I realize how suspicious I sound right now, sir, but I'd just like to know up front if I'll be giving anybody a show in my downtime - if it is okay for me to ask that."

Howard relaxed a little bit, allowing the straps to readjust themselves into a more comfortable position. While he didn't carry much, it was enough to be cumbersome and rather uncomfortable. The man followed the Sergeant into the elevator, taking position next to David towards the center of the back wall of the elevator. He looked around at the box, then glanced at the panel with David for a moment, mentally noting how many decks were on the ship. He didn't know much about these supercarriers, only that they were beasts of ships and could both take a beating and dish one out.

The cook couldn't help but smile at David's incinuation, but he had a valid point: how often would they be under surveillance? Should he always be aware he was being watched? How much privacy would they have? He was curious now and waited for the Sergeant to answer.

Mark chuckled, "Jesus do we look like SAINT? Nobody is gonna be watching you. Sensitive areas have security systems and personnel stationed at all of them. Nobody is watching you in the can, or in your beds. Besides everyone has their own room."

David gave a nod, it was good to hear it spoken with such confidence and it wasn't that the Geshrin didn't believe the Sergeant but rather that he trusted himself more - that was why he'd manually look for bugs once he got a chance to settle in. "Good to hear, sir, and unless you have a horde of naked catgirls cloaked around the place then I'd say nobody is going to mistake you for SAINT anytime soon," David half-chuckled as he responded, skin-based volumetrics were always something he found amusing.

Howard chuckled a bit as David mentioned a horde of naked catgirls running around. Various images swan through his head for a moment and his smile stayed plastered on his face. He spoke up, "Well that's good. I'm glad Section Six respects our privacy even just a little bit. In the Star Military of Nepleslia, everyone knew each other like the back of their own hand." That may have been a bit of an exaggeration, in SMoN they still had some privacy, but not nearly enough to remain somewhat of a mystery to your fellow squadmates. It was essential everyone know pretty everything about each other. It's what held that bond of brothers in arms together. As he delved into his memories of his time in the SMoN, he waited for the elevator to reach its destination.

The lift dinged before stopping on a lower deck, the doors opening just before Mark stepped out and made a left. The halls were bustling with various personnel of specious, and occupations. A line of 5 troopers in full Revenant with carbines jogged passed as the trio came upon one of the several armories aboard.

"Hey Gunny, these boys need gear, her em sorted and stop being lazy.", the man chuckled as they entered. Lockers of arms and armor lined the walls and shelf like units in the center. At the back was a man in his late 30's who was sitting at a sort of counter as he did maintenance on a 6AS rifle.

"Says you after getting your ass kicked by that girl with the metal cat ears and tail. I thought Sparks was confining you to the medbay?"

"I slipped out, and shut your gap, they don't need to know about that.", Mark grumbled.

The man behind the counter looked over Howard and David, picking up a pad to examine something. "You must be our newest troopers, and one of ya is a cook. Welcome aboard, let's see about getting you boys some gear."

Metal cat ears, that piqued David's curiosity a wee bit but it seemed he'd have to inquire later - for now he was getting some flash new toys to play with and oh the Geshrin certainly did like getting new toys to play with. "So, what're you willing to let us get our hands on, hm?," David queried with a hint of playfulness as he eyed the man's partially disassembled rifle.

Howard couldn't help but raise an inquisitive eyebrow at the comment about metal cat ears, but he decided to laugh it off. None of his business. Though he had to admit his curiousity was piqued. "Yes, I always enjoy new flashy things. And I'm the cook trooper." What was his issued loadout? He knew he had a pistol he would have on him at almost all times, but he didn't really remember his primary. Luckily his specialization prevented him from experiencing too much combat. Not to mention that if a cook is defending the innards of a base or starship, something is majorly wrong and needs to be rectified.

"Well first up is your armor, nothing says S6 like a suit of Revenant power armor.", Gunny said walking back to a stack of small crates that were only like a the size of medium chest. The man grabbed one and carried it over to the counter.

"This one goes to you machete man.", he said before grabbing another, "And this one to you cook."

When the two would open the crate, inside would be the armor pieces for their armor. The man picked up a pad with a scanner on it before letting it run a light over them. Two black suits dropped into a tray below a slot in the nearby wall. "And those.are the undersuits."

Howard ruffled through the box of his belongings, then looked to the suits in the nearby wall. He retrieved his suit. It was slim-fitting alright. The gel fabric felt okay though, so hopefully it wouldn't be unbearable if he ever had to use this powerarmor. He folded the suit as best he could and placed it in the box with his armor, then waited patiently for his weapons.

David ran a hand over the black surface of his armoured plates, the feeling of sleek, machined materials took him back a bit - only being pulled to the present when the undersuits were mentioned. "Ah, feels durable, not quite a mindy insert though," the machete man mused with a small chuckle as the undersuit was slung over his shoulder and he waited for weapons.

Gunny produced two pistols from under the counter in the form of cases which held the gun and all it's issued attachments. "This gentlemen is the S6-P2 or Wraith. 10mm, integrated suppressor, and biometric safety. Your both already logged in the system, so they're unlocked for you already. Now for the good stuff."

With that he checked his pad briefly before finding the correct rack lined wall. He picked a case from the rack before carrying it over, then went to another where some newer cases were. After carrying the other over, he clicked them both open. "In this case we have the S6-6AS, or Sickle. 6mm bulpup with smart link. On the right, we have the new S6-MWS2, or Harbinger. This is the carbine configuration, but. We have them in DMR, LMG, SMG, and Heavy Sniper as well. With calibers for each. Fires a new plasma round. But fires like a normal bullet. These both are just the carbines, we have other weapons as well."

The Geshrin placed his box of armour plates down on a nearby bench as he began reaching for the bullpup rifle, despite having held the weapon before he seemed right at home with it - shouldering the 6mm carbine to feel its weight and racking back the ejection port to see how it felt.

"I like it, it's well machined and weighted well - guess you guys know what you are doing," David mused as he put the sickle back in its case and hefted the box of armour once more before piling his new weapons atop it.

Howard moved his box of armor to the floor with his two duffels, and moved the box with his Harbinger and the Wraith closer to him. These would work just fine. He grabbed the Wraith, handled it for a moment, then aimed to feel its weight. It was heavier than the compact he had at his side, but it was also nicer. He placed the Wraith down back in its case and then grabbed the Harbinger. It was larger than his old Nep rifle he wielded back in his glory days. He shouldered it as well, sweeping it at the wall next to him, his finger away from the trigger. It wasn't loaded anyways, but it was always good to practice proper weapon handling when not in combat. "I like mine as well. Good weight. Not too heavy and not too light. Hopefully I won't use this bad boy too much," Howard said as he replaced the main gun. "but this I can see coming in handy in certain situations where I can't reach the carbine in time." He pointed to the Wraith, closing the cases and stacking them ontop of each other, then onto the armor box. He had quite the weight to carry around now.

"The Harbinger features the same biometric safety as well, forgot to mention that. But, yes I take pride maintaining the weapons we produce, the new one is particularly a good improvement. I never know what the lab boys will come up with next.", Gunny said with a chuckle.

"Well that's all I have for ya, and I'm sure the Sergeant has yet to show you your quarters. Lucky for the both of you, your equipment lockers are located in this very armory. Choose a locker and input your name on the lock pad."

Mark had been quiet until this point, "yeah save you from lugging all of it around."

The cook breathed a sigh of relief, Lugging his equipment mean for the locker to one of the containers, inputting his name on the lock pad before choosing the lock sequence. He began to unload his weapons and other gear into the locker, neatly storing it. Mise en place followed him wherever he went now. Once done he grabbed the now empty boxes and returned them to Gunny, glad that his weight was reduced back down to his two duffels with items designated for his quarters, his compact pistol on his thigh, and the extra ammunition he carried for the sidearm. He figured it would be a good duty weapon to have in case of emergencies. Since his time in Nepleslia he didn't feel the same without a weapon on his hip. He felt... naked without it.

The 'machete man' as he had been called earlier sidled up to one of the free lockers with his armful of gear in tow, plastering his name across the allocated section before he began loading the new toys in. He had a particular way to go about things, the Geshrin decided to put his armoured plates down by the bottom and rest the rifle against the side of the locker before the pistol was put atop the armour box - he was about to hang the bodysuit when David held the material and turned around to Gunny, "Do you have anything against me bringing this to my room? I just want to have a bit of a closer look at it."

"Only thing restricted to be outside the armory is heavy arms. Pistols should be on hips at all times, that means the Wraith. You can lug the suit and armor if you want, not sure why you would though.", Gunny explained with a dismissive wave.

"You boys ready to get your quarters assigned?", Mark asked from by the door.

"Right, got it," David said as he moved his own pistol into his waistband and grabbed the wraith once more, slipping that into his holster before turning to face Mark - the Geshrin felt like he was back in boot camp yet another time.

"Ready, sir - don't think too much about the bodysuit thing," he replied to show his eagerness before folding up the black body-glove and stowing it in his satchel.

Howard couldn't help but wonder why David wanted to keep the bodysuit, but it seemed innocent enough to not delve into it. He grabbed the duffels from the floor, then though about his Wraith. He decided to grab the larger pistol and shove it in his waistband as well, but this one on the left while his compact remained strapped to his right thigh. Never know when you need a silenced sidearm in the kitchen I guess. He looked towards the Sergeant. "Ready when you are, sergeant." He said, eager to get his stuff stowed away so he could sneak to the galley and see what it had to offer in terms of equipment and ingredients. Maybe after a few decent meals he could convince the leaders of this show to take some detours for spices they didn't have and could get in nearby starsystems. Just maybe. Otherwise he would wait until they reached their destination and then hitch a ride with some cargo ships or whatever outbound and then make his way back after getting some spices and seeds to grow them. He shook himself out of his own thoughts before he started daydreaming too much, getting ready to follow Mark further into the absolute unit of the ship.

"You both O-oh and awh more then the youngens I trained for MoD. At least I don't have to deal with the gay knight and his friend anymore.", Mark joked before leading them towards the crew quarters.

"Certainly sounds like something interesting, sir," David mused with one eyebrow cocked as they began strolling through the ship, he made sure to note what signs were where and even went so far as to silently count off how many hallways led off to make sure he couldn't forget which room he had been assigned to.

"So what kinda setup does each room have?"

"Well they're arranged by cabins. Two rooms, with a shared living room type space with kitchenette and bathroom. One person per room.", Mark replied.

Howard's eyes went a little wide. "Wow, really? Is this how luxury feels? Sometimes we had to fit more than four people to one room in Nepland. Man I'm moving up." The cook said, amazed at the sheer size of this vessel. His boots clunked on the metal deck as he continued to follow the Sergeant. Would he and David be next to each other in the suite-style cabin? Or would he get someone else? Whatever the case, hopefully the doors actually locked.

David had to agree with the Nep-chef that this all was rather lavish sounding compared to what he was used to, it certainly wasn't the crummy cargo bay he had previously shared with a family of rodents and it wasn't the stone and mortar chimney of some burnt-out shack either - it was actually kinda nice. "It doesn't sound half-bad at all, I'm looking forward to the first hot shower I've had in a while."

"You haven't even seen the mall, or the park yet.", Mark casually dropped that bomb.

A few minutes later he stopped outside a residential marked door, "Here you are, cabin 12."

The tanned Geshrin gave the door a quick once-over and it looked sturdy enough to him, but of course the guy with the machete had yet another question, "You must be getting sick and tired of me at this point but, are the rooms capable of keeping themselves pressurised?"

This question finally garnered a quick, questioning glance from the cook. What was with this dude? Making sure they had no cameras was one thing, but then asking to keep a suit? That was odd, but easily dismissed as innocent. But why would he be worried about the room keeping itself pressurized? I mean it was a good question, but the way the cook saw it? If the room needs to be pressurized, there are bigger fish to fry at the moment. Howard also spoke up. "So are both of us in this cabin? Or are we splitting up?" He didn't mind having the tan man as a cabin mate, but the guy sure was odd. Then again Howard was probably weird to others as well when he thought about it. He'd keep an eye on the "machete man" for now.

Then it hit him. Did the Sergeant say this ship had a mall? And a park? "Wait a moment, this titan of a ship has a mall AND a park?!" He asked in disbelief. Nep starships would never have such amenities. Howard almost pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

Mark gave David an odd look, "To answer yes, it's a standard feature of most starships, this is no different."

Then he turned to Howard, "And yes, that's what I said. Both are towards center ship. This may seem fancy, but it is a warship. It and it's sister ship the Hammer, have both been in several large fleet engagements. NMX, mishuu, and rogue groups have fell to their guns. Think of her as a very rugged woman with a heart of gold.", he said ending in a chuckle.

Howard smiled at the thought of the two supercarriers laying down ungodly amounts of firepower while pouring starfighters to defend the fleet. It must be glorious. "Good to hear we're in good hands. I'll have to check out this park and mall once I'm settled in." He replied. The tall Nepleslian waited for David to move into the cabin, assuming that they were sharing the cabin.

"It's an impressive-sounding ship, no doubt, but for now I'd like to stow a few of my things if that is okay," David spoke as he moved to open up the cabin's door, he sure could think of a few people that'd be worse than this cook to share a room with.

Mark looked as if thinking for a moment, "Let me just update the room roster."

His irises began to glow red as be delved into the ship's database before inputting the info for a moment. "There, now no one can mistake your rooms for there's. David your room is the left side, Howard your's is the right side. I'll see you gentlemen later."

Howard followed David in after glancing at the Sergeant's eyes. So he was directly connected into ship wirelessly? Must be cool. "Thank you Sergeant. I'll see you later." He said, opening the door to his cabin. He examined the furnishings, placing his duffels on the bed before running into the bathroom. He'd been holding it since they took off. Once relieved he began unpacking, hanging his uniforms in his closet while folding his miscellaneous clothing and putting it in a dresser. He stowed the duffels in the closet and closed the door, removing the Wraith from his waistband and placing it in a drawer in his desk. Finally unpacked, the cook grabbed his datapad and viewed his work shedule, before studying maps of the ship.

Cybernetics or bioelectronics or something else, David had noticed the red glow but when you've been around for longer than the Yamatai Star Empire then such things barely phase you anymore, "Many thanks Sergeant, I look forward to it," was the tanned man's response as he entered the cabin abd then his room. It didn't take the Geshrin long to settle in as the cloaking cloak was hung from a hook and the bag was laid out on the bed, it had been a long road that had carried the ex-Greens and ex-SAINT mercenary to this place but he was feeling good if not a bit grimey from travel - he set the few belongings in his bag out around the room as David waited for the bathroom to free up, deciding to take a quick shower underneath scalding hot water that revitalised the man and made him seem more youthful than he already was.

Mark received a tap on the shoulder.

"Shouldn't you be in the medbay, Sergeant?"

Mark.froze as he realized who's voice it was, "y-yes ma'am, I'll head back now."

The Gersherin woman stood outside the room waiting as a very nervous Mark scurried back to the medbay.