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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP These are the voyages of the starship Durandium Phoenix


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🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 45 to Ye 46 current month
RP Location
Durandium Phoenix
Captain Tammo Sheath slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the simulated morning light in his cabin. He reached out to the bed side table and silenced the alarm clock with a quick swipe. The melodious tune lingered in the air for a moment before fading away.

"Good morning, Captain Sheath. I trust you had a restful sleep," the ship's AI chimed in.

Tammo stretched his arms and yawned, a mix of contentment and readiness evident in his movements. "Yes, thank you. Any updates from the night shift?"

"The night shift reports all systems functioning within normal parameters. No unusual activities or anomalies detected," the AI replied.

Tammo nodded in acknowledgment. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up. The captain's cabin was a blend of utilitarian efficiency and personal touches. A few volumetric displays floated in the air, showing various data readouts about the ship's status and the surrounding space.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Tammo inquired as he stood up and moved toward a compact wardrobe.

"You have a scheduled meeting with Contingent Leader Firewalker in two hours. They've requested an update on security measures and recent developments," the AI informed him.

Tammo nodded again, pulling on a dark uniform adorned with the emblem of the Night Guard. As he adjusted the collar, he glanced at the holographic displays for a moment.

"Anything noteworthy from the Mining Guild contingent overnight?"

"No incidents reported. They're currently engaged in standard mining operations on the designated asteroid field," the AI replied.

"Good. Keep me informed if anything changes," Tammo said, heading towards the door. As it slid open, he stepped out into the corridor, the door closing behind him with a faint hiss.

The captain made his way through the Durandium Phoenix, exchanging nods with crew members as he walked. The ship hummed with controlled activity, a testament to the Night Guard's commitment to safeguarding the Mining Guild's interests.

The meeting loomed ahead, and Captain Tammo Sheath, fourth division captain of the Reforged-Class Capital Ship, was prepared to face whatever challenges the day brought in the vast expanse of space.
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The ship's AI reappeared beside her captain as the two walked. "after breakfast, your also expected to speak to the new crew members that have just arrived as we speak. As you know, a lot of these are clones, Fox Anthros, some Nepleslian (human), and Fauns, Separa'shan and other random aliens. After leaving their clone tanks and going through clone orientation, in Station Decacron, the mobile station following along in our Delta fleet, they have decided to go through our training and once successful were placed here, before being assigned." She told her captain. "of course Alexandra Blade the ship's first officer has that last duty."

Captain Tammo Sheath listened attentively to the ship's AI as they continued down the corridor. He considered the diverse composition of the new crew members and the significance of addressing them.

"Understood," Tammo replied. "I'll make sure to address the crew after breakfast. It's essential to establish a connection with our new members, especially given the mix of species and backgrounds. Unity is crucial for the smooth operation of this ship."

As they approached the ship's mess hall, the aroma of synthesized breakfast greeted them. The AI continued, "And, Captain, Commander Alexandra Blade has been overseeing the integration of the new crew members. She's been quite efficient in ensuring a seamless transition."

Tammo nodded in approval. "Excellent. I appreciate her dedication. It's crucial for everyone to feel they belong to this crew, regardless of their origins. Let's make sure they understand the importance of their roles in maintaining the security of the Mining Guild's interests."

The pair entered the mess hall, where the crew members were already starting their day with nutrient-rich meals. Tammo grabbed a quick breakfast, acknowledging the greetings of the crew around him.

"After breakfast, I'll head to the briefing room for the crew address. Keep me updated on any developments, and let Commander Blade know I appreciate her efforts," Tammo said to the AI as they found a table.

"Of course, Captain. I'll monitor communications and alert you if there's anything of note," the AI replied before momentarily fading from view, its presence still felt as it operated in the ship's systems.

As Captain Tammo Sheath ate his breakfast, he mentally prepared for the upcoming interactions with the new crew members. A captain's leadership extended beyond strategic decisions and into fostering a sense of camaraderie among the diverse individuals who comprised the crew of the Durandium Phoenix.
As the Captain ate his breakfast, he was soon joined by his first officer, Alexandra Blade. "morning" she said to him as she sat down.

"Good morning, Alexandra," Captain Tammo Sheath greeted his first officer with a nod, setting down his utensils. He motioned for her to join him at the table. "How's everything on your end?"

Alexandra Blade took a seat, her uniform crisp and her demeanor focused. "All systems are functioning within normal parameters, Captain. The new crew members have completed their training and integration processes smoothly. They seem eager and ready for duty."

"That's good to hear," Tammo replied, appreciating the efficiency of the crew's transition. "I'll be addressing them after breakfast. Anything specific I should be aware of before I meet with them?"

Alexandra leaned back slightly, considering the question. "No issues to report, Captain. They've been briefed on ship protocols, and morale seems high. I believe your words will reinforce the sense of purpose and unity we're striving for."

"Excellent. Unity is our strength," Tammo affirmed. "I also understand you'll be handling the crew assignments and duties. Anything I should be aware of in that regard?"

"We've organized the assignments based on skills and specialties. Each crew member is well-suited for their role, and the teams are balanced," Alexandra explained. "I'll provide you with a detailed report later, but for now, everything is proceeding according to plan."

Tammo nodded in satisfaction. "Very well, Alexandra. Your diligence is much appreciated. After the crew address, we have the meeting with the Mining Guild representatives. I trust everything is in order on that front as well?"

"The meeting room is prepared, and I've reviewed the latest reports to ensure we're up to date on their concerns and requests," Alexandra assured him.

"Perfect. Let's ensure the Mining Guild feels secure under our watch. After all, their interests are our priority," Tammo said, signaling the end of their breakfast meeting.

As they both rose from the table, Captain Tammo Sheath and Alexandra Blade made their way to the briefing room, ready to address the crew and then attend to the matters of the day on the starship Durandium Phoenix.
Within the massive hangar bay, Captain Sheath stood in front of the group of new crew members. As he spoke he made sure to look at all of them. "Morning, and Welcome to the Durandium Phoenix, the Capital and Flagship of our Delta Fleet." he said to the crew standing at the at attention formation. "You've all completed training, as a member of the Night Guard, and you know what is expected of you, but I will reiterate, Night Guard Protects Mining Guild, its assets, locations and its personnel. As the Fourth Division captain, i will not tolerate any failure to this mission, especially now as we all travel to the Kosuke Sector, and eventually find our new home. Understood?!" Tammo said and then left with a question to his crew.

The new crew members stood at attention, their expressions a mix of anticipation and determination. They responded in unison, "Understood, Captain!"
Captain Tammo Sheath surveyed the diverse group before him, his gaze moving from Fox Anthros to Nepleslians, Fauns, Separa’shan, and various other alien species. The hangar bay of the Durandium Phoenix echoed with the collective commitment of the crew.

"Good," Tammo continued, his tone steady and authoritative. "We are a team, a cohesive unit, and our mission is clear. The Mining Guild relies on us for their security, and we will not falter in our duty. Each one of you brings unique skills and strengths to this crew, and I expect you to use them to their fullest potential."

He walked along the front row, making eye contact with individuals as he spoke. "We're embarking on a journey to the Kosuke Sector, where we'll establish a new home for ourselves. The challenges we face will test our mettle, but together, we will overcome them. Unity is our strength, and the Night Guard stands unwavering in its commitment."
Captain Tammo paused, allowing his words to resonate with the crew. "Remember, your actions matter. Whether it's overseeing mining operations, manning the ship's defenses, or ensuring the safety of our Mining Guild charges, each task contributes to the success of our mission. Trust your fellow crew members, communicate effectively, and uphold the values of the Night Guard."

He concluded, "Welcome to the Durandium Phoenix. Let's forge ahead together, and may our journey to the Kosuke Sector be one of triumph, Dismissed."
As the crew members began to disperse to their assigned duties, Captain Tammo Sheath nodded to his first officer, Alexandra Blade, signaling the next phase of their day's responsibilities. The sense of purpose and unity echoed in the hangar bay, setting the tone for the challenges and adventures that lay ahead in the vastness of space.
A young female fox anthro made her way to the lifts to go to her new area of work, and by happenstance, this brought her to close contact with the captain and the first officer. "Captain!" she saluted. The Captain and First Officer recognized her face, as she was one of the many clones that had been made from the DNA of the pirates loyal to the greedy Kuvexian Pirates. Her image had been shown when the ship's Cyberwarfare Operators infiltrated the Pirate ships and made their attack during the capital ship's shakedown run, and testing of its arsenal. While many of her fox brothers and sisters had been born from a mix of DNA, she was one of the rare few that came from a single source.

Captain Tammo Sheath and First Officer Alexandra Blade both acknowledged the young fox anthro with a nod as she saluted. They recognized her from the reports and images gathered during the shakedown run and the subsequent cyberwarfare operations against the Kuvexian Pirates.

"Good morning," Captain Sheath greeted her. "You must be one of the new crew members. How are you settling in?"

The young fox anthro nodded, her expression a mix of respect and eagerness. "Yes, Captain. I'm Ensign Kira Vulpine. I'm ready for duty and eager to contribute to the Night Guard's mission."

"Welcome aboard, Ensign Vulpine," Alexandra Blade added. "Your skills and dedication are vital to our success. If you have any questions or need assistance settling in, don't hesitate to reach out to your fellow crew members or the command staff."

Ensign Vulpine responded with a determined look. "Thank you, First Officer. I'm here to serve and uphold the Night Guard's principles."
"Excellent," Captain Tammo said. "Carry on, Ensign. If you have any specific assignments or duties, make your way to them. We're counting on each member of this crew to play their part."

Ensign Vulpine saluted once more before heading towards the lifts to reach her assigned area. As she moved away, Captain Tammo and First Officer Alexandra continued their journey through the ship, overseeing the operations and addressing any immediate concerns that might arise.

The encounter with Ensign Kira Vulpine served as a reminder of the varied origins and backgrounds of the crew, each member contributing to the collective strength of the Night Guard on their journey to the Kosuke Sector.
Captain Tammo Sheath and First Officer Alexandra Blade entered the bridge to the crisp announcement, "Captain on Bridge!" The bridge personnel, each at their designated station, rose and stood at attention. The hum of activity quieted briefly as all eyes turned toward their commanding officer.

"At ease," Captain Sheath declared, acknowledging the crew's respect with a nod. The bridge returned to a controlled buzz of activity, with officers focusing on their consoles and tasks.

Alexandra Blade took her position beside the captain as they both approached the central command console. Tammo surveyed the holographic displays that projected various data about the ship's status, navigation, and communication.

"Status report," Captain Sheath requested, addressing the officer at the central command console.
The officer swiftly provided a concise update. "All systems are green, Captain. Navigation is on course to the Kosuke Sector. Communications are standing by, and the mining operations in the current sector are proceeding smoothly."

"Very well," Tammo acknowledged. "Continue with regular scans and monitoring. Keep me informed of any developments."
As the officers resumed their duties, Tammo turned to Alexandra. "Let's prepare for the meeting with the Mining Guild representatives. I want to ensure that their concerns are addressed promptly and that they feel secure under our protection."

Alexandra nodded in agreement. "I'll coordinate with the communication team to confirm the scheduled meeting time and prepare the necessary reports."
The captain and first officer then moved to their respective command stations, overseeing the bridge operations as the Durandium Phoenix continued its journey through the vastness of space. The efficiency and professionalism of the crew were evident as they carried out their duties, each member contributing to the overall success of the Night Guard's mission in safeguarding the Mining Guild's interests.

Captain Tammo Sheath made his way to his ready room, a space designed for briefings, private discussions, and personal reflection. As he entered, the door slid closed behind him, providing a sense of privacy within the bustling environment of the starship Durandium Phoenix.

The room was adorned with holographic displays and a large conference table. Tammo took a moment to review the agenda for the meeting with the Mining Guild Contingent Leader, Kali Firewalker, and the newly established board members.

Shortly after, the door to the ready room chimed, signaling the arrival of Captain Sheath's trusted first officer, Alexandra Blade. She entered with a datapad in hand, ready to discuss the upcoming meeting.

"Captain," Alexandra greeted with a nod. "I've gathered the latest reports and communication logs for the Mining Guild representatives. It seems they are ready for the scheduled meeting."

Tammo nodded in appreciation. "Good. Let's ensure a smooth and productive discussion. I'm particularly interested in meeting the new board members. Any information on who has been chosen?"

Alexandra consulted her datapad. "Kali Firewalker has selected a mix of experienced Mining Guild representatives and individuals you've nominated. It seems like a well-rounded group. I'll display their profiles on the main screen for your review."

As the holographic display activated, Tammo examined the profiles of the new board members. He noted their expertise in mining operations, security, and resource management. The combination of experience and fresh perspectives seemed promising for the challenges ahead.

"I'm pleased with the choices," Tammo remarked. "Let's proceed with the meeting. Coordinate with Kali Firewalker and inform her that we're ready to commence."
Alexandra nodded, making the necessary communications arrangements. As they prepared for the meeting, Captain Tammo Sheath reflected on the importance of the Mining Guild's collaboration with the Night Guard. The success of their partnership would play a crucial role in establishing a secure and prosperous future in the Kosuke Sector.
The screen was blank a few seconds before Kali Fire walker along with the Mining Guild Contingent Board. "Contingent Leader Firewalker, Board of Directors, thank you for taking the time for this meeting." Captain Sheath began, with respect to those he was speaking to.

"Contingent Leader Firewalker, Board of Directors, thank you for taking the time for this meeting," Captain Tammo Sheath began, his tone conveying both respect and gratitude for the assembled Mining Guild representatives. The holographic projection in his ready room displayed the cyborg-enhanced deer anthro, Kali Firewalker, and the members of the newly established board.

Kali Firewalker nodded in acknowledgment, her cybernetic enhancements gleaming subtly in the holographic light. "Captain Sheath, the Night Guard has proven itself to be a reliable guardian of our interests. We appreciate your dedication to ensuring the security of our mining operations."

Tammo inclined his head. "It's our duty and privilege to safeguard the Mining Guild's assets and personnel. Before we proceed, may I extend a welcome to the new members of the board? I'm eager to collaborate with you all in this crucial endeavor."

The holographic images of the board members flickered momentarily before stabilizing. A mix of species and individuals with diverse expertise was represented.

Kali Firewalker introduced the board members one by one, highlighting their backgrounds and contributions to the Mining Guild. Tammo paid close attention, recognizing some names he had nominated himself during the selection process.

"Welcome aboard," Tammo addressed the board collectively. "Your insights and expertise will undoubtedly strengthen our partnership. Now, let's discuss any concerns, updates, or requests you may have. Communication is key to our success."

The meeting proceeded with a thorough discussion of current mining operations, security protocols, and future plans for expansion into the Kosuke Sector. Captain Tammo Sheath and Contingent Leader Kali Firewalker exchanged information and insights, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

As the meeting drew to a close, Tammo expressed his commitment to the continued success of their partnership. "We're here to ensure the prosperity and security of the Mining Guild. If there are any issues or challenges, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we'll navigate the vastness of space and build a thriving future in the Kosuke Sector." Kali nodded her head. "i am pleased, Captain Sheath, with your promise. I have ordered Mining Guild personnel to return to Station Decacron, or those living in the colony ships so that we dont leave anyone behind. Please convey our graditude to your sensor operator for detecting the asteroid field during the transition, it had provided a great deal of resources."

"Your cooperation is much appreciated, Contingent Leader Firewalker," Captain Tammo Sheath responded with a nod. "Ensuring the safety and well-being of the Mining Guild personnel is of utmost importance. We'll coordinate with the relevant departments to facilitate a smooth transition."

Tammo then turned his attention to the acknowledgment of the sensor operator's contribution. "I'll make sure to convey your gratitude to the sensor operator. It's their vigilance and skill that allow us to navigate potential hazards and make the best use of available resources. Teamwork and communication are the foundation of our success."

Kali Firewalker inclined her head. "It's reassuring to know that the Night Guard values collaboration. We look forward to the continued partnership as we venture into the Kosuke Sector. If there are any developments or updates on your end, please keep us informed."

"Absolutely," Tammo assured her. "Open lines of communication are crucial, and we'll ensure that the Mining Guild receives timely updates. If there's nothing else, I appreciate your time and look forward to the ongoing collaboration."

With mutual expressions of gratitude, the holographic projection faded, signaling the end of the meeting. Captain Tammo Sheath and First Officer Alexandra Blade proceeded to review the discussions and make any necessary preparations for the transition and the journey through the Kosuke Sector. The commitment to cooperation and communication echoed in their minds as they continued to work toward a secure and prosperous future in the vastness of space.
The two returned to the bridge, and Captain Sheath returned to his captains chair. "Captain! the Mining Guild personnel have successfully returned to Station Decacron or the colony ships with no issues, sir! Our own personnel will be returning shortly as well momentarily!" Said the Sensor Operator and Communications Specialist at the same time.

"Excellent news," Captain Tammo Sheath replied with a nod, acknowledging the simultaneous reports from the Sensor Operator and Communications Specialist. He settled back into his captain's chair on the bridge, overseeing the ongoing operations.

"Continue monitoring and maintain open channels with Station Decacron and the colony ships. I want to ensure a smooth transition for our personnel as well," Tammo instructed, his gaze sweeping across the various displays on the bridge.

As the minutes passed, the reports from the operations team confirmed the successful return of Night Guard personnel. The bridge hummed with activity, and the crew members at their stations worked seamlessly to ensure the ship's readiness for the next phase of their journey.

Tammo glanced at First Officer Alexandra Blade, who stood nearby, coordinating with the various departments. "Alexandra, any outstanding matters or updates before we proceed to the Kosuke Sector?"

"We've received confirmation from the engineering team that all systems are operating optimally. The crew rotation is on schedule, and the Mining Guild representatives have expressed satisfaction with the transition," Alexandra reported.

"Good," Tammo acknowledged. "Let's proceed with our course to the Kosuke Sector. Set coordinates and engage the jump drive when ready."

The helmsman confirmed the instructions and initiated the necessary procedures for the jump to the next sector. The starship Durandium Phoenix hummed with energy as it prepared to traverse the vast expanse of space once again.

Captain Tammo Sheath watched the starfield outside the ship's viewports, his thoughts focused on the challenges and opportunities that awaited them in the Kosuke Sector. The unity of the Night Guard and the collaboration with the Mining Guild would be crucial as they ventured into uncharted territory.

Even as time passed his interest and focus never wavered. As they left New Dusk Conclave Space's territory and the Kikyo Sector it was located in, he never felt regret that he was leaving home, and might never see the New Dusk Conclave, or any of the NDC's systems, including Draco Eridanus ever again.

Captain Tammo Sheath sat in the captain's chair, his gaze fixed on the viewscreen as the starship Durandium Phoenix smoothly transitioned from the Kikyo Sector into uncharted territory. The familiar constellations of the New Dusk Conclave faded away, replaced by the vastness of space and the unknown mysteries that lay ahead in the Kosuke Sector.

His thoughts were a mix of anticipation and determination. The decision to venture into unexplored regions marked a new chapter for the Night Guard and the Mining Guild. While leaving behind the familiar territories of the New Dusk Conclave held a sense of leaving home, Tammo felt a resolute commitment to the mission at hand.

The Durandium Phoenix sailed through the cosmic void, propelled by the power of its advanced engines. The bridge crew maintained their stations with focused efficiency, and Tammo continued to monitor the ship's systems, ready to address any challenges that might arise.

As they moved farther from the known territories, Tammo's sense of duty and the camaraderie with his crew remained unwavering. The Kosuke Sector awaited them with its unexplored resources, potential threats, and opportunities for growth. The journey through space, while uncertain, held the promise of forging a new home for the Night Guard and contributing to the prosperity of the Mining Guild.

Captain Tammo Sheath, with a steady resolve, looked forward to the challenges and discoveries that lay ahead in the vast expanse of the Kosuke Sector.
"Captain! I've received a message through Sync, The Flagship of Yamatai Star Empire's First Expeditionary Fleet assets have discovered a system, Contingent Leader Firewalker, wants to send some of their Mining Guild assets there to assist, and she wants some Night Guard assets to join her, but we are still to continue our exploration." said the communications specialist.

Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the communication specialist's report, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. The prospect of assisting the Yamatai Star Empire's First Expeditionary Fleet in a newly discovered system intrigued him, but he also recognized the importance of staying on course with the Night Guard's exploration mission.

"Thank you for the update. Relay our appreciation to Contingent Leader Firewalker. I'll review the details of the discovery and assess the potential benefits of sending a joint Night Guard and Mining Guild team," Tammo instructed.

He turned to Alexandra Blade, his first officer. "Alexandra, gather the necessary data on the newly discovered system and coordinate with Contingent Leader Firewalker. We need to understand the scope of the opportunity and how it aligns with our mission objectives."

Alexandra nodded, swiftly organizing the relevant information on her datapad. "I'll initiate communication with the Mining Guild and gather the necessary reports. We'll assess the situation and determine the best course of action."

As the first officer worked on the coordination, Captain Tammo continued to monitor the ship's systems and review the available data on the newly discovered system. The delicate balance between exploration and collaboration with other factions in the vastness of space required careful consideration.

"Keep me updated on the progress, Alexandra," Tammo instructed, his attention focused on the upcoming decision that could potentially shape the course of their exploration mission in the Kosuke Sector.

As First Officer Alexandra Blade worked on coordinating with Contingent Leader Firewalker and gathering additional information about the newly discovered system, Captain Tammo Sheath remained on the bridge, monitoring the ship's systems and contemplating the decision at hand.

The bridge crew continued their duties, maintaining the smooth operation of the Durandium Phoenix as it sailed through the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector. Tammo occasionally checked in with the communications specialist for updates and stood ready to make informed decisions based on the data presented.

After a period of focused deliberation, Alexandra approached Captain Tammo with a datapad in hand. "Captain, I've gathered the relevant reports and communications from Contingent Leader Firewalker. The newly discovered system shows potential for rich mineral deposits and resources. Contingent Leader Firewalker believes that a joint effort with the Mining Guild and Night Guard could significantly benefit both parties."

Tammo reviewed the data on the datapad, considering the potential advantages of collaborating with the Mining Guild in this particular endeavor. "It seems like a promising opportunity. Are there any potential risks or challenges we should be aware of?"

Alexandra nodded. "The system appears to be unclaimed, but there might be unknown elements or local phenomena that we haven't encountered before. Contingent Leader Firewalker has assured us that their scouting teams have conducted preliminary assessments, but the full extent of the system is yet to be explored."

Tammo considered the information carefully. "Let's proceed cautiously. Coordinate with Contingent Leader Firewalker to establish a joint exploration and resource extraction team. Ensure that our primary mission of exploration remains a priority. We'll contribute Night Guard assets to assist but maintain vigilance for any potential complications."

"Understood, Captain," Alexandra affirmed, relaying the instructions to the communications specialist and initiating communication with the Mining Guild.

As the bridge continued its operations, the course of the Durandium Phoenix adjusted slightly, setting a trajectory toward the newly discovered system. Captain Tammo Sheath remained vigilant, prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in this unexplored sector of space.
As the Delta Fleet entered the system, the Comms Officer spoke again. "receiving a message! those assets remaining behind are directed to the system's asteroid field. The Sharie Belt, from the information i have received, and from the screen, its a massive elliptical belt of asteroids. Rich in iron, nickel, iridium, pallidium, gold, magnesium, osmium, ruthenium, rhodium and platinum. The Mining Rights are divided between the other Mining Groups, Mining Guild, from the New Dusk Conclave side specifically Mining Guild, and from the Yamataian's side, Takeda Mineral.

"Thank you for the update," Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the communication officer. The information about the Sharie Belt, a vast and resource-rich asteroid field, caught his attention. The potential wealth of minerals and precious metals could significantly contribute to the prosperity of both the New Dusk Conclave and the Yamatai Star Empire.

"Coordinate with Contingent Leader Firewalker and Takeda Mineral representatives. Let's ensure a fair and efficient distribution of mining rights within the Sharie Belt. It's essential to maintain a cooperative approach to resource extraction," Tammo instructed.

As the Durandium Phoenix and the Delta Fleet entered the system, the bridge crew worked diligently to establish communication with the Mining Guild and Takeda Mineral representatives. Captain Tammo remained focused on maintaining a balance between collaboration and the Night Guard's exploration mission.

"Prepare a joint exploration and resource extraction plan. We'll deploy teams to survey and assess the most viable sites within the Sharie Belt," Tammo continued, addressing Alexandra Blade, who was coordinating the efforts.

Alexandra nodded. "I'll work with the Mining Guild and Takeda Mineral to develop an efficient plan. We'll ensure that the Night Guard's objectives are integrated into the operation."

As the Durandium Phoenix approached the Sharie Belt, the captain and his crew embarked on a mission that held the potential for substantial economic and strategic benefits. The careful coordination and cooperation with the Mining Guild and Takeda Mineral would be crucial in navigating the challenges of extracting resources from the massive asteroid field. Captain Tammo Sheath looked forward to contributing to the success of this joint endeavor in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector.
As Captain Tammo Sheath observed the collaborative efforts unfolding on the screen before him, the Durandium Phoenix and the rest of the Delta Fleet engaged in coordinated activities within the Sharie Belt. Teams of mining vessels, operated by both the Mining Guild and Takeda Mineral, extracted valuable resources from the vast expanse of asteroids.

The bridge hummed with activity as crew members monitored the progress of the resource extraction, ensuring that operations remained efficient and well-coordinated. Tammo could see the synchronized efforts of the various mining groups, each contributing to the collective wealth of the New Dusk Conclave and the Yamatai Star Empire.

After a few days of collaborative mining activities, Captain Tammo Sheath deemed it time to resume the Night Guard's exploration mission. The Durandium Phoenix and the Delta Fleet disengaged from the Sharie Belt, leaving behind the ongoing mining operations.

"Prepare to resume exploration. Set a course for the uncharted regions of the Kosuke Sector. I want to continue our mission of mapping and surveying the territory," Tammo instructed.

The crew swiftly adjusted course, and the starship Durandium Phoenix once again ventured into the unexplored reaches of space. The collaborative efforts in the Sharie Belt had not only added substantial resources to the collective pool but also strengthened the ties between the Mining Guild, Takeda Mineral, and the Night Guard.

As they moved forward, Captain Tammo Sheath maintained a vigilant eye on the viewscreen, ready for whatever challenges and discoveries awaited them in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector. The journey continued, fueled by the spirit of exploration and the collaborative endeavors that defined the mission of the Night Guard.
Suddenly the ship came out of light speed with a slight jolt that rocked the ship.

The sudden emergence from lightspeed jolted the Durandium Phoenix, causing a momentary disturbance on the bridge. Captain Tammo Sheath immediately tightened his grip on the armrest of his chair, his senses alert to any potential issues.

"Report!" Tammo called out, seeking information on the reason behind the unexpected drop out of lightspeed.

The navigation officer quickly assessed the situation and responded, "Captain, it appears we encountered a gravitational anomaly. It caused a disruption in our trajectory, forcing us out of lightspeed."

Tammo nodded, his focus sharp. "Stabilize the ship and initiate a full scan of the surrounding space. I want to understand the nature of this anomaly and ensure it's safe to proceed."

The bridge crew swiftly responded, working to stabilize the Durandium Phoenix and gather data on the gravitational disturbance. Tammo monitored the status reports, his gaze fixed on the viewscreen as it displayed the starfield outside.

As the scans progressed, data began to stream in, revealing the characteristics of the gravitational anomaly. The crew's efficient efforts ensured that the ship remained in a stable condition, despite the unexpected interruption in their journey.

"Analysis complete, Captain," the science officer reported. "It appears to be a localized gravitational field fluctuation. The anomaly is not a natural occurrence, and its origin is currently unknown."

Tammo considered the information. "Plot a course to navigate around the anomaly. We'll proceed cautiously to avoid any further disruptions. Keep sensors active and monitor for any additional anomalies or celestial phenomena."

With the new course set, the Durandium Phoenix resumed its journey through space, this time steering clear of the gravitational anomaly. Captain Tammo Sheath remained vigilant, aware that the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector held mysteries and challenges that required careful navigation and exploration.

With the new course set, the Durandium Phoenix resumed its journey through space, this time steering clear of the gravitational anomaly. which soon brought them to a new system, "Captain, sensors indicate there's nothing in this system, just a giant white star." Said the sensor operator.

Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the report from the sensor operator as the Durandium Phoenix entered the new system. The presence of a solitary giant white star dominated the celestial scenery.

"Thank you for the update. Perform a detailed sensor sweep of the system. Let's make sure there are no hidden celestial bodies or anomalies that our initial scans might have missed," Tammo instructed.

As the sensor operator initiated the comprehensive scan, the bridge crew worked diligently to gather data on the new system. Captain Tammo observed the viewscreen, his eyes fixed on the representation of the starfield and the giant white star at the center.

"Any indications of planetary bodies or potential resource-rich locations?" Tammo inquired, seeking additional information that could contribute to their ongoing exploration efforts.

The sensor operator reviewed the data and responded, "Negative, Captain. It appears to be a sparsely populated system with no significant celestial bodies besides the giant white star."

Tammo considered the information. "Understood. Continue monitoring and maintain a vigilant stance. Even in seemingly unremarkable systems, surprises can emerge. Once the sensor sweep is complete, set a course for the next unexplored region in the Kosuke Sector. Let's continue our mission."

The bridge crew executed the captain's orders, and the Durandium Phoenix prepared to move on from the uneventful system with the giant white star. As they ventured deeper into the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector, Captain Tammo Sheath remained ever watchful, ready for the mysteries and discoveries that awaited them in the vastness of space.

"Captain! i've received a report from, Motoyoshi-igarashi Yue, from Yugumo Corporation, She reminded me of a previous message she sent out in case we discovered a system like this. As we know, Yugumo Corporation has created a Daikoku Agriculture Starships with solar power capability. According to her, they could create a network of the starships which uses the stars power to facilitate production of food. Shall i send her a message about the system we discovered?"

Captain Tammo Sheath considered the report from the communications specialist regarding the message from Motoyoshi-igarashi Yue of Yugumo Corporation. The concept of a Daikoku Agriculture Starships utilizing the power of the giant white star in the newly discovered system for food production was an intriguing proposition.

"Absolutely," Tammo replied. "Send a message to Motoyoshi-igarashi-sama . Inform her about the system we've discovered, and inquire about the potential application of the Daikoku Agriculture Starship in this context. Their expertise in solar power utilization could prove beneficial in harnessing the star's energy for agricultural purposes."

The communications specialist promptly initiated the message, conveying the relevant information and inquiry to Yugumo Corporation. Tammo Sheath, with a sense of anticipation, awaited a response that could potentially lead to a collaborative effort in utilizing the resources of the newly discovered system for sustainable food production.

As the communication was underway, the Durandium Phoenix continued its journey through the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector, ever vigilant for opportunities to collaborate and contribute to the prosperity of both the New Dusk Conclave and their potential allies in the Yamatai Star Empire.
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After a while the sensor operator spoke "captain, sensors indicate a system appears to be coming up on approach, scans indicate there are planets here." they reported.

"Thank you for the update. Initiate a detailed scan of the approaching system. Report any noteworthy features, and let me know if there are signs of potential habitable planets or resource-rich locations," Captain Tammo Sheath instructed the sensor operator.

As the Durandium Phoenix approached the newly detected system, the bridge crew focused on the unfolding scans, seeking information that could guide their exploration efforts. Tammo's gaze was fixed on the viewscreen, eager to learn more about the celestial bodies that awaited them in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector.
"Aye Captain! Initiating scans now sir, we shall soon see a report!" Said the Sensor operator, before they spoke again. "Captain, preliminary scans are complete, there are 12 planets here, 1 Gas giant, 5 appear to be rocky worlds, and 4 ice worlds, as well as 2 asteroid belts. Overall, i'd say they are resource-rich, but no habitable planets."

"Thank you for the detailed report. It seems we've encountered a system with a variety of planetary bodies and resource-rich environments," Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the information provided by the sensor operator.

"Prepare to perform more in-depth scans of each of the planets and the asteroid belts. I want to gather as much data as possible about the composition, atmosphere, and potential resources on these celestial bodies," Tammo instructed.

As the sensor operator initiated the more detailed scans, Captain Tammo Sheath contemplated the possibilities. While the lack of habitable planets might limit colonization efforts, the resource richness of the system presented opportunities for mining and extraction.

"Once we have a comprehensive understanding of the system, we'll determine the best approach. Let's ensure we make the most of the resources available while respecting the ecological balance of the planets," Tammo added, emphasizing the importance of responsible exploration and resource utilization.

The bridge crew worked diligently to gather data on the 12 planets, gas giant, rocky worlds, and ice worlds within the newly discovered system. Captain Tammo Sheath remained focused on the viewscreen, eager to uncover the mysteries and potential benefits that this uncharted region of the Kosuke Sector held for the Night Guard and their mission.
"captain, we may receive a even better scan data if we were to use the new Pegasus class Prospecting ship, recently developed by Mining Guild and the Yugumo Corporation, shall i ask for it to be deployed?" asked the Sensor operator.
"An excellent suggestion," Captain Tammo Sheath replied. "Coordinate with the Mining Guild and Yugumo Corporation. Request the deployment of the Pegasus class Prospecting ship to enhance our scanning capabilities. The more detailed data we can gather, the better we can assess the potential resources within this system."

The sensor operator promptly initiated communications with the relevant parties to arrange for the deployment of the advanced prospecting ship. As they awaited the arrival of the Pegasus class, Captain Tammo Sheath and the bridge crew continued to monitor the ongoing scans and gather as much preliminary data as possible.

The integration of specialized prospecting technology would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the system's composition and resource distribution, contributing to informed decision-making regarding potential mining operations and resource extraction in the newly discovered system of the Kosuke Sector.

Captain Tammo Sheath observed the ongoing scans and contemplated the vastness of the Kosuke Sector. The disappointment at not finding habitable planets in the current system was tempered by the understanding that exploration in such expansive territories would yield diverse discoveries.

"Continue the scans, and let's gather as much data as possible on the planets and asteroid belts. While this system might not have habitable planets, the resources present could still be of significant value to the New Dusk Conclave and our allies," Tammo instructed, his focus on making the most of the exploration mission.

The bridge crew diligently continued their work, and as the scans progressed, Captain Tammo Sheath maintained a sense of optimism. The vastness of the Kosuke Sector held the promise of diverse celestial bodies, each with its own unique characteristics and potential resources.

"As we continue our journey, keep in mind that the Kosuke Sector is vast. We may encounter habitable planets, unique phenomena, and valuable resources in different parts of the sector. Our mission is to explore, discover, and contribute to the prosperity of the New Dusk Conclave and our allies," Tammo reminded the crew, encouraging a sense of purpose and dedication to the ongoing exploration efforts.

The Durandium Phoenix moved through the system, its advanced sensors scanning the planets and asteroid belts, uncovering the mysteries of this particular region in the uncharted territories. Captain Tammo Sheath remained steadfast in his commitment to the Night Guard's mission, knowing that the vastness of space held countless possibilities yet to be explored in the Kosuke Sector.
"Captain, Scans are complete, and Probes have been launched in the rocky worlds, to mark down locations for the largest readings." Said the Sensor Operator.

"Good work. Monitor the data from the probes, and let's prioritize the locations with the most promising readings for further exploration and potential resource extraction," Captain Tammo Sheath instructed the sensor operator.

As the probe data streamed in, the bridge crew analyzed the information to identify key locations within the rocky worlds that showed signs of significant resources. Tammo remained attentive to the findings, recognizing that these locations could become crucial for future mining operations and contribute to the overall prosperity of the New Dusk Conclave and their allies.

"Coordinate with the Mining Guild. Let them know about the promising locations, and if they have specialized mining vessels or equipment that can be deployed for detailed extraction," Tammo added, emphasizing the collaborative effort between the Night Guard and the Mining Guild in utilizing the resources of the newly discovered system.

The bridge crew executed the captain's instructions, and as the Durandium Phoenix continued its exploration of the system, the focus shifted toward potential resource-rich locations within the rocky worlds. Captain Tammo Sheath anticipated the next steps in harnessing the wealth of the Kosuke Sector for the benefit of their alliance and the New Dusk Conclave.

"Also, Comms, send a message to our Yamataian counterparts." Captain Sheath said.

"Absolutely, Captain. What message would you like to convey to our Yamataian counterparts?" asked the communications officer.

Captain Tammo Sheath considered the message he wanted to send to the Yamataian counterparts, taking into account the collaborative efforts in the exploration and resource utilization within the Kosuke Sector.

"Let them know about the system we've discovered and the potential resources identified in the rocky worlds. Emphasize our commitment to collaborative exploration and resource extraction. Invite them to share any insights or preferences they may have regarding the utilization of these resources," Tammo instructed.

The communications officer nodded and quickly composed the message, ensuring it conveyed the relevant information and reflected the spirit of cooperation between the Night Guard and their Yamataian allies.

"Message prepared, Captain. Shall I send it now?" the communications officer asked, awaiting the final approval before transmitting the communication.

"yes, send the message" Tammo orders Then leans back in his captains chair.

The communications officer swiftly transmitted the message to their Yamataian counterparts, detailing the discovery of the system, the potential resource-rich locations within the rocky worlds, and expressing the Night Guard's commitment to collaborative exploration and resource extraction.

As the message was sent, Captain Tammo Sheath leaned back in his captain's chair, his thoughts focused on the ongoing exploration efforts and the collaborative endeavors with both the Mining Guild and the Yamatai Star Empire. The vastness of the Kosuke Sector held challenges and opportunities, and the Night Guard was determined to navigate this uncharted territory with dedication and cooperation.

"Captain, I'm reviecing a message from Mining Guild Contingent leader, Kali Firewalker, She said that it is debatable if this system will be the new home for our branch, therefore she wants it to be known as a shared system, Mining Guild and the other mining groups can have a piece of this system," Said the Comms Officer.

"Understood," Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the message from Mining Guild Contingent Leader Kali Firewalker. The notion of designating the system as a shared space, open for mining and resource extraction by multiple factions, aligned with the collaborative approach they had established.

"Send a message to Contingent Leader Firewalker expressing our agreement to the shared utilization of the system. Emphasize our commitment to cooperation and coordination in the extraction of resources. Let her know that we appreciate the Mining Guild's leadership in facilitating this shared endeavor," Tammo instructed.

The communications officer promptly composed and sent the response, conveying the Night Guard's support for the shared utilization of the system and expressing gratitude for the Mining Guild's initiative in promoting collaboration.

As the communication concluded, Captain Tammo Sheath reflected on the cooperative efforts taking shape in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector. The shared system represented a testament to the alliance's ability to work together for mutual benefit, fostering prosperity in the vast expanse of space.

"Aye, Captain, oh, and she also wants to send an observer to one of the rocky worlds, shall i organize a group for her observer's protection, including, an ATLR rover Turtle 1?" The Comms officer asked.

"Absolutely," Captain Tammo Sheath replied. "Coordinate with Contingent Leader Firewalker to ensure the safety and support of their observer. Organize a protective group, and include the ATLR rover Turtle 1 for ground exploration. We want to ensure a secure and efficient assessment of the rocky world."

The importance of collaboration and safety in these exploration efforts was paramount. Captain Tammo Sheath trusted that the coordination between the Night Guard and the Mining Guild would not only contribute to the success of the mission but also strengthen the bonds between the factions in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector.

"Copy That, and according to what i see.. PG1 our Phoenix Away Team 1 is available." The Comms Officer said. The all female team was the Flagship team for the starship and they were one of the best.

"Excellent," Captain Tammo Sheath acknowledged the availability of Phoenix Away Team 1. Their reputation as a skilled and capable team made them an asset for various exploration and protection missions.

"Organize Phoenix Away Team 1 to accompany the Mining Guild observer. Ensure they have the necessary equipment and support for the assessment of the rocky world. Safety is a priority, and their expertise will be valuable in this endeavor," Tammo instructed.

As the Comms Officer initiated the coordination for Phoenix Away Team 1, Captain Tammo Sheath maintained his focus on the ongoing efforts in the system. The collaborative exploration and resource extraction were unfolding with careful planning and coordination, contributing to the success of the Night Guard's mission in the uncharted territories of the Kosuke Sector.
Captain Tammo Sheath, leaned back on his captains chair, as he looked ahead to the space through the screen ahead of him. 12 planets here in this system they'd arrived in, 1 Gas giant, 5 rocky worlds, and 4 ice world. It pleased him to know that they found a promising place especially after their Foothold, in the Sharie System.

He'd ordered a group to go with a Mining Guild Observer to one of the planets they'd sent probes and the Pegasus Class Prospecting starships to jot down the locations better. The capital ship Durandium Phoenix which he was sitting in its bridge would remain there, unless ordered by the contingent leader Kali Firewalker to return. He turned to his first officer, Alexandra blade. and spoke to her. "i was thinking.. The Motoyoshi Clan, named the foothold location Sharie System, after a member of Yamatai Star Empire's imperial family. Since we are from the New Dusk Conclave, not Yamatai, i considdered naming this system after one of the members of the Archdukes family but i had someone better in mind, remember Jason Gyōkai the one who helped the Supreme commander of all Night Guard to train us all?" Tammo asked.

Alexandra Blade nodded, her expression thoughtful as she considered Captain Sheath's proposal. "Yes, I remember Jason Gyōkai well. His contributions to our training were invaluable. Naming this system after him would be a fitting tribute, considering the significance of our mission here and the legacy he left behind."

She glanced back at the viewscreen, the twinkling stars painting a canvas of endless possibilities before them. "Gyōkai System has a nice ring to it. It honors our roots within the Night Guard while also acknowledging the individual who played such a pivotal role in shaping us into the force we are today."

Captain Sheath nodded in agreement, a sense of satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Gyōkai System it is, then. I'll inform the crew and make it official."
With the decision made, the captain and his first officer turned their attention back to the task at hand, knowing that they were embarking on a journey that could define the future of their contingent in the Kosuke Sector.

Alexandra nodded "we'll need to make sure Contingent leader Firewalker knows too, so that she can have the Guild Astrographers note the name." Alexandra mentioned to him.

Captain Sheath nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, Alexandra. I'll ensure that Contingent Leader Firewalker is informed promptly. It's important that the Guild Astrographers note the name in their records to make it official."

He made a mental note to send a message to Kali Firewalker as soon as possible, apprising her of the decision to name the system Gyōkai in honor of Jason Gyōkai's contributions to the Night Guard. With their leader informed, the name would be officially recognized within the Mining Guild's records, solidifying the legacy of their mission in the Gyōkai System.

"Once we have confirmation from Contingent Leader Firewalker, we can proceed with updating our maps and documentation accordingly," Captain Sheath added, already envisioning the system's name etched into the annals of history alongside their endeavors in the Kosuke Sector.
Mean while as the Captain and First officer converse, in the Hangar bay decks. The Mouse Anthro observer hurried towards the awaiting Phoenix Away Team 1, her small stature moving quickly across the hangar bay. As she approached, she offered an apologetic smile to the team, acknowledging the delay.

"Sorry for the delay," she called out to them, her voice carrying across the hangar bay. "We're all set to go now."
Squad Leader Ava “Viper” Rey nodded, her demeanor poised and ready for action. "No problem. We're ready to move out whenever you are."
The rest of the team echoed their readiness, each member displaying a sense of determination and focus as they prepared to embark on their mission to explore one of the planets in the Gyōkai System.

The observer quickly checked her equipment and confirmed the coordinates with the team before leading them towards the waiting NDC ATLR-All Terrain Land Rover Turtle 1. As they boarded the vehicle, anticipation filled the air, each member of Phoenix Away Team 1 prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them on their journey into the unknown depths of the Gyōkai System.

The Observer entered the vehicle after the designated driver and gunner had done so. and once there were team members on either side of her. This was to add an extra protection for her. "The Capital ship will be moving closer to the planet designated Gyokai B, It is the second planet from the sun, and its between the first planet suspected to be very hot, and magma filled, and the gas giant. In due time we will take a look at the others of course." she said to the squad.

The observer's words were met with nods of understanding from the members of Phoenix Away Team 1. They were well aware of the potential dangers lurking within the Gyokai System and were prepared to face whatever challenges came their way.

Squad Leader Ava “Viper” Rey glanced around at her team, ensuring that everyone was ready before speaking. "Roger that. We'll keep an eye out for any signs of trouble as we make our way to Gyokai B. Safety first, everyone."

The designated driver of the ATLR-All Terrain Land Rover Turtle 1 nodded in acknowledgment, her hands steady on the controls as she guided the vehicle forward. The gunner remained vigilant, scanning the surrounding area for any potential threats.

As they journeyed closer to Gyokai B, the observer kept a close watch on their progress, ready to provide any necessary guidance or assistance to the team. With their combined skills and determination, Phoenix Away Team 1 was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them on the icy surface of the second planet from the sun in the Gyokai System.
The Capital ship moved into orbit of Gyokai B, before the designated driver pushed the buttons which made the rover Turtle 1 shoot out of the vehicle bay towards the planet.
As the ATLR Turtle 1 shot out of the vehicle bay of the capital ship and descended towards the surface of Gyokai B, the observer's keen eyes scanned the rocky terrain below. The lack of snow, water, or plant life was duly noted, indicating a harsh and barren environment.

The observer monitored the landing closely, ensuring that the special jump thrusters controlled the descent smoothly. As the rover made contact with the hard rocky surface, the passengers and driver remained stable thanks to the inertia dampeners installed within the vehicle.

Once the rover had settled on the surface of Gyokai B, the observer checked the environmental readings and relayed them to the rest of Phoenix Away Team 1. "Surface conditions appear to be rocky and barren," she reported. "No signs of snow, water, or plant life. Proceeding with caution."

Squad Leader Ava “Viper” Rey nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. "Keep your guard up, everyone. Let's see what this planet has to offer."

With the team prepared for exploration, they began their journey across the desolate landscape of Gyokai B, ready to uncover whatever secrets lay hidden within its rocky terrain.

"According to scanners, the first potential spot is 1.3 Kilometers away, according to the probe that was launched, so lets head south, in that direction." The Observer said, pointing out of the rover's windows where they needed to go. Then nodded to the female driver, to take the group there towards the location.

The female driver of the NDC ATLR-All Terrain Land Rover Turtle 1 acknowledged the Observer's instructions with a nod. She adjusted the rover's course accordingly, steering it southward in the direction indicated.

As the rover traversed the rocky terrain of Gyokai B, the rest of Phoenix Away Team 1 remained vigilant, their eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger or points of interest. The barren landscape stretched out before them, devoid of life or activity.

With each passing kilometer, the team drew closer to their destination, anticipation building among its members. They knew that the potential spot identified by the scanners could hold valuable information about the planet's composition and resources, making their mission all the more crucial.

As they approached the designated location, the observer kept a close watch on their progress, ready to provide any necessary guidance or adjustments to their course. With teamwork and determination, Phoenix Away Team 1 was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them as they continued their exploration of Gyokai B.

As the rover traversed the rocky terrain of Gyokai B The Observer looked around, her nose twitching due to her emotion she was feeling. She decided to speak as they traveled. "i received a message, that this system will be named Gyokai, and how it was named after someone from your company, something about how he helped the brother to the Kurosaki sisters with training you all. I'm not as familiar with the man like you all are. But i don't believe Contingent Leader Firewalker would disagree with the name for the system." The Observer said to the ladies of PG1

The women of Phoenix Away Team 1 listened intently as the Observer shared the news about the system being named Gyokai in honor of someone from their company. Squad Leader Ava “Viper” Rey nodded thoughtfully at the mention of the individual's contributions to their training.

"Yes, Jason Gyōkai was instrumental in shaping us into the team we are today," she replied, a sense of reverence in her voice. "His dedication and expertise left a lasting impact on all of us."

Medic Lieutenant Emma “Shadow” Nguyen chimed in, her expression thoughtful. "I remember him pushing us to our limits during training, always pushing us to be better than we thought we could be."

Corporal Maya "Fury" Chen nodded in agreement. "He taught us the importance of teamwork and discipline, lessons that have served us well on countless missions."

As the rover continued its journey across the rocky terrain of Gyokai B, the women of Phoenix Away Team 1 reflected on the significance of the system being named after Jason Gyōkai. Though they may not have known him as intimately as some others, his influence on their training and their camaraderie was undeniable. They were proud to be a part of his legacy as they ventured deeper into the unknown of the Gyokai System.