Star Army

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They think we're newbs

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Inactive Member
ON> Nepleslia

It was a day like any other in the slums of Neplesia, shady characters walked the uneven and sometimes non-existent dirt streets through the shanty towns and unfit for habitation complexes. The setting for the days events would be a small bar on the planet's surface, nestled inside a group of houses that could only be called crap holes on a very good day. Amid the sounds of gunfire and rowdy drinkers a single man wearing scraps of jeans and a torn red T-shirt walked into the bar and then walked through one of the doors in back, heading down to the Bar's basement. Hung from his shoulders was a dirty duffel bag that had various oddly shaped bulges in it, the top zipper undone and another badly torn up change of clothing hanging out and in his ears were a pair of earplugs, doing their best to drowned out the screams and foul wording of the native's language.

Around ten minutes later a tall man came in melodramatically. He was dressed in a similar fashion, long leather trench coat, dark clothes, a wide hat, sun glasses and a cigarette. The overall look was meant to be cool and intimidating. It made him look weird, nothing more. He strode in condifidently, stubbed out his cigarette on the wall, and walked down into the basement.

The young man dressed in jeans rubbed his eyes with his hands, taking off some of the grime on his face and showing his skin color to be a lot less tan than the dirt on his face would have had people believe, His dirty black hair was then smoothed back to look something more like a businessman should, "Ready?" was all he asked.

"I was born ready." The man in leather rumbled, taking a cocky pose.

"You'll need at least two people to pull this off, although more would be a good idea." The young man said, looking down into his duffle bag and pulling a small data pad out to hand to the man in question, "That contains the location and flight number you will be targeting. A set of 6 boarding passes has already been arranged for you. Once you've taken control of that ship, take it to the location marked on the data pad. We just want the five crates marked on that list, everything else is expendable," He said.

Upstairs a group of three men burst in through the doors, literally falling on top of each others. Two of them where identical, down to the body armor and hair styles they wore, and bore identical laughing eyes, and easy expressions. The third was a tall, almost gangly fellow, dressed in baggy clothes, clearly their friend. He walked with surprising grace for someone of his stature, his build very different from the usual Nepleslian. The twins sprang up fast, helped their friend up and shoved him down the stairs to the basement with a laugh. He easily gained his footing and walked to the bottom, the twins running past him and greeting the young man "Hey bub, what's the shindig?"

The young man raised an eyebrow in a questioning look, "Yours?" He asked simply.

The man in the trench coat took out a cigarette, lit it and flicked it into his mouth, "Yeah, their my gang. Meet James, John and Harry," He pointed at the twins followed by the tall fellow, "Where's Tred?" He asked John.

"Outside." John laughed, "I think he picked a fight with a car."

Outside a huge man strode into the bar, ducking under the door frame, and forcing himself down the stairs to the basement where he dwarfed even Harry. He was really a giant, bulging muscles in a dirty suit.

"... The rest of the details are on the pad, I'd rather not talk to much about them as I don't know who may be listening," The young man said

"Sure sure." The man in the trench coat waved his hand, "We'll get the job done don't you worry." He moved up his sunglasses and began to read the pad. Behind him Harry had leant against a wall, Tred was dusting himself off, and James and John where whispering.
The top of the pad started off by talking about exactly what they wanted to get out of the operation and gave descriptions of what the crates might look like. The only consistent description about the crates is that they would be marked LG somewhere on them. The pad then went into detail on the rest of the cargo manifest that would be on board the transport, a load of fresh fruit, some spare parts, a load of growth hormones, ect. There was plenty more on the pad but before he could get to it the young man chimed in, "I believe this concludes our meeting," He said.

"Fine. Tred, get the door." The leather bound man pocketed the pad. Tred walked up the stairs, followed by Harry, James, John and lastly the leather man "See ya's." He said before leaving the basement.

The young man nodded and waited a minute before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small energy pistol. In this case the need for silence was absolute. He also produced a small bag of narcotics from his bad and tore it up, leaving it and its contince on the ground as he held the weapon directly out in front of his head, pointing it back towards himself. Pulling the trigger brought an energy round directly into his nose and reduced his face to nothingness, making virtually no sound in the process. The man's body fell onto the ground, the cauterized and fatal wound in his face clearly visible as was the single package of torn drugs. The weapon in his right hand would evaporate over the next minute, giving the scene an appearance of a drug deal gone bad.

Outside the group got into a large truck, Harry driving, and the others in the back. The leather clad man continued looking through the pad as the truck sped off.

The pad continued with its in depth description of the operation including the star port that the transport would be landing at and the time they would need to be there to catch it. A description of the star port was included as was a list of the most likely ways of sneaking weapons onboard. He eventually reached a segment with a detailed description of the transport and the ten second process that would disable the door locks on the pilot's cabin. After that was a list of ways to kill a human male without the need for weapons that might damage the control mechanisms of the ship. Details were also provided on how to fly the ship and alter its flight path properly. The data pad had a small extension for which it could interface with the transport's computer. It was simply stated that the destination was stored inside of the pad and plugging it in would download the final destination. Apparently someone wanted to keep their secrets even from this group.

"They think we're newbs." The man muttered. "Alright, we have more than enough information here. Let's get back home and prepare, besides I need a slash."

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