• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Things Your Admin Worries About

Some suggestions have been used, but others haven't.
@ Aendri

I agree entirely even if it was just something to describe the ideals and appearance of each faction I think it would go a long way into getting people caught quick or at least make them consider alternatives. It may even help drag up less popular factions so we could get more players spread out across the game.

EDIT: just looked over the tv tropes page that I didn't know existed until five minutes ago and that does a fairly decent job of grinding down the major factions to their core elements. Maybe if we saw that as a model or starting point it would help.
Okay, adding more setting info to the main page is now on my list of feedback and I intend to do that.
  • Greeting/Mentor team needed - So far this has been a bust. We don't seem to have a reliable team of greeters other than the staff
  • Easy plots new people can get into, ala Fort Ready or Location-based - Open RP too general?
  • Simplify the skills part of the character bio - Still not done
  • Remake the setting overview page to be better/specific and/or merge it with the new players' guide - Done
  • Enhance the new players guide to include a "crash course" - sort of done
  • Ira wants more species on the front page really badly. Improve opening page. - not done, not sure what to do with it
  • Talk to players to find out what they want. - need more thread participation from players
As for Ira wants more species. Which page, and by wanting more species is he talking about more pictures, since right now https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php only has a human and a neko on it for visuals. Perhaps make the images smaller and you could include some of the others on the page.
The greeting has a been a pretty big success, I'd say. The mentoring, not as much.

I've personally helped a few players with bios and such out of the public eye. I imagine others have too, so perhaps it's working better than we can publicly see?

The setting overview looks great, by the way.
Are there still player to GM ratios that are hurting more than helping or has this for the most part been solved by the community banding together and creating a better place for player involvement, altogether?
In order to answer that, one of us needs to get an accurate count of active players.

As an approximation, I pulled from the ACP a list of players who were active (as in they logged on) in the last two weeks and got 84 people.

19 plots listed themselves on the active plots page, so (assuming people are posting in the RPs) that gives us a ratio of 4.42 players per plot.
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