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RP: Taking It Back [Time-out!] New Players, New Problems

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"I can go to le junkyard, I could use the exercise" Rennik replied. He had his traveling on and was looking wistfully toward the city, clearly anxious to get moving on.
"Anything special you want me to bring back?"
From her makeshift booth, Nika noticed the group of people walking down the street. She had not seen these potential schmucks, er... customers, before. Grabbing a handful of her useless wares she ran up to the pale skinny man that seemed to be leading the group.

"Greetings, greetings fine peoples" She began, "you look like very smart individuals, that know good deal when in front of face." She shifted all her carried belongings into her left arm so that she could hold on to a poorly made children's toy with her right. "What you need is fine Enzo Bortelli action figure, only 10 DA, pull the cord to hear him talk!" Nika Pulled the cord and the doll spoke, "'Ey who do I need to stab to get a drink over heya?"

"No? You are right! Tis garbage! I spit on it!" (Pft!) tossing the doll into the street, "What you want is Luca Pavone action figure! Look at quality of craftsmanship and bulging pecks, only 11 DA. This is perfect gift for little child or loved one that is slightly slow. I have many fine deals and various items of intrigue if you are being interested." She said beckoning them to her booth with a smile.

"Please... please, come have a look."
Archie was in full regalia with his ghillie suit and scarred rifle which had been brand-new the mission before, it had a fresh barrel but the bodywork was covered in ragged scratches and marks. He eyed Rennik up and down.

"I hope you're not planning on leaving me to bleed to death alone again." he said before turning to look at the brazen urchin harassing Alex in curiosity.
Jack pullet the slide of his silenced pistol, checking if it was loaded and fully functional. Unlike when he was in the docks meeting up with the rest of the team, he now had his full gear on him, the almost tattered cloak and webbing with all he needed to level a building.

Satisfied with his gear, he finally answered, "I'll go to the junkyard." He said.
Rennik was seething with anger now as he stalked away from Archie. It was bad enough he had lost his rifle in the last mission, but he hadn't been able to live down leaving Archie during the last mission.
He, of course, felt perfectly justified in having done so; the plan had gone to hell and Lucas was in trouble, which he had immediately gone to assist.
~Still~ he thought miserably as he joined up with Sammy ~why can't he just leave me alone on it? Why the hell to do I bother sticking around for guys like him?~
He winced as his abdomen suddenly pained him. He had sustained an injury during the very first combat encounter, having taken a heavy MG barrel in the stomach to prevent it from hitting Alexis, and he had let it heal slowly over time, preferring not to mention it to anyone. It had a nasty rash around it that had been giving him trouble the last couple of days.
"So what are we getting at this junkyard again?" he asked offhandedly to Sammy
Sammy peered past his pill bottle at Rennik before stowing into his pocket and quickly straightening his tie.

"Well, uh, it's really simple, actually." He said, "We're going to go find some boats. Heh-yeah. Just some little boats for us to tool around the sh-shore and stuff. We're gonna buy the hulls at the junkyard and a few engines if we can f-find any."

Sammy scratched a little at his collar before slipping out a pair of black glasses and a datapad. Behind him, one of the technicians was pulling up in one of the large trucks. Sammy ignored this and prodded his datapad. "We gotta spend less than five grand on them... The boats, I mean, they gotta cost less than five grand. But you let me worry about the money. I mean, I know how to g-get a deal out of people."


Alex started to reply to the woman with the action figures. His expression indicated that he was about to launch into a onerous demand to be left alone when Lucas shoved him out of the way and took the Luca Pavone figure in both hands.

"Whoah. Lookit', Lexi." Lucas said excitedly, "The detail on the sideburns, the perfect representation of the Legend coat. It's even got a little tiny Godfrey and Morrison logo on the lapel."

Lucas looked up at the woman and asked, "You got the Naoko Airhara one, too? Is it the one where she's..." He looked back at Chrys for a moment before whispering the last few words, "all naked and covered in blood?"

Alex pulled Lucas back behind him firmly with a twitch of his eye.

"Street woman." Alex started, still pushing against Lucas, "Do you know how to get to a store called Tillman's Toys For Bigger Boys? My compatriots and I require a few things from there."
Nika smiled at Lucas and said "It is very fine piece and yours for only 15 DA." hoping he would not notice the slight price increase. Turning to the slender man and frowning with an almost wicked look in her eye, as if he had just barged in on her in the lavatory, she replied, "Of course I do. What trash could you possibly want from that worthless place?" Turning back to Lucas with a kindred smile she told him, "I am sorry, I do not have the Aihara model; perhaps I could look around for you?" she then peeked back towards the skinny man once more to glare.
Chrys moved up front next to Lucas, looking over the goods of small red-head. Both Chrysanthe and Lucas towered over the lady. Tall Elysian could not help but to grin as Lucas got into his boy-mode again. So he was curious about neko clad only in blood. She neared herself to his ear and whispered. "We'll talk about this later." She then grinned and winked at him.

Her attention then returned towards the good. "Who else you got of the ISC Phoenix crew? You got Ragman? Luca's pops?" She asked completely ignoring Alex and the fact he wanted to get a move on. Annoying that man might become Chrysanthe's new hobby.
"Hey, you actually like this stuff?" Lucas asked Chrys coyly. He pulled her in against him and held up the Luca action figure between their faces, as if it were in on the conversation. "Let's buy four of them and put them on the bedside table and make them watch us do it."
Nika smiled broadly at the interest being shown in her wares, pulling up other ISC Phoenix figurines retrieved from her booth and spreading them before her potential customers. "So," she began, directing her attention to the wiry man that seemed to be in charge, "What is it you are wanting from big little shop of stupid? I may be able to find some products for cheaper than they will sell them to you... unless you are being less aware of potential for fine deal right here than your comrades." She smirked with a mischievous grin, the sort that makes most people feel like they are about to be had and she began to type in something on her datapad. She paused for a second and raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Alex.

"Not alone, exactly," Alexis, who had been quietly tagging along with a rifle slung over her shoulder, pointed out glumly. Her weapon was one of the Z-SMAR's, or something that looked suspiciously similar to it, though she had changed to a flip-scope which currently hugged the side of the rail, giving way to a pair of hard sights that would be much more useful at close range. It was her mildly uncomfortable expression, like she'd stepped in something sour, that was bothersome.

"I'm coming n' stuff."
"Hmm?" Alex seemed to come to start, as if lost in thought. His eye was upon Alexis talking to Archie a short distance from them. "Well, if you must know," He explained, returning his attention to the street vendor, "We are going to purchase welding equipment, fertilizer, and a cybernetic prosthesis. I will also have you know that Eric Tillman was a mentor to me in my early years, and he--"

"Here's fifty DA." Lucas interrupted, shoving a wrinkled bill the vendor's way. "We'll take Luca and any three others."

Lucas looked back at Chrys with a smile on his face and added, "And there's another reason to keep a table next to the bed."
Nika raised her eyebrow at Alex. "Welding equipment and fertilizer? ...what a peculiar combination... and friend or not, a person that gives good deal only to friend is no friend of community." Nika, suddenly less interested in Alex, took the 50DA and handed Lucas his dolls. She kicked her feet up in the booth and began to tinker with a metal cased cylinder, tweaking the wires inside. She looked out at the rest of the group that was not already talking about junkyards and said, "So what brings you fine people this way? I have not seen you here before."
Though still not very satisfied with Alex’s explanation, Caffran decided to make the best of things. He followed tagged along with the group heading for the junkyard. The man with the tie, Caffran hadn’t caught his name, made a comment about not spending too much on boats. Since he wanted to get to know the people he would be fighting alongside, Caff stepped up beside the man with the tie and asked, “So exactly what kind of boats are we looking for? Big, little what?”
Chrys was looking through the store and could not help but smile when Lucas was childish. He even bought few of the figures. Personally Chrysanthe could not care less if she was being watched while having sex. By dolls or by other people.

She picked up one of the toys set out in front. It was some sort of large troll being. Green skinned with big tusks. "Oh hey Stalker-man! This one looks almost like you, only more handsome." She called out loud with devilish grin.
Archie turned to look at Alexis, looking at her equipment and mood. He tilted his chin upwards slightly in mild non-verbal disapproval at her expression.

"Very well." He acquiesced, tilting his head towards the large truck waiting for them. She was a big girl, worst came to worse he could leave her to protect Sammy.

Archie heard the new guy ask about the boats and smiled to himself as he turned to answer, by the time he turned to Caffran his face was perfectly serious again.

"Why, anything with a hull the river won't be able to burn through for at least fifteen minutes and drown us all." He answered, then stuck his hand out to shake and introduced himself.

"Archival De Florres. Hunter second, gentleman first." For those that had met him in the restaurant of their first night together this seemed to be his standard pick-up line.
Caffran looked at the man and the proffered hand. A small smile turned the corner of his mouth upwards and he took the extended with a firm grip. “Caffran Canterbury, Nepleslian, first and only.” He studied the man a moment longer than smiled more friendly. “Friends call me Caff. I’m a weapon designer and tester.” Caff laughed at the boat description. “Shoot is that all? I thought I’d pick up a yacht I saw a few months back. Sleek design, a full kitchen with three cabins. “
"Well, he will no doubt offer me a cheap price and get me out of the store very quickly," Alex said with a hint of exasperation in his tone, "And we need to save all the money we can, with what we are dealing with."

Lucas, meanwhile, was slowly tiptoeing up to Alex with the green troll doll that Chrys discovered. The hefty ID-Sol was using all of his stealth ability to slowly lift the doll quietly towards' Alex, to find a resting place on his shoulder. The instant before the doll made contact with his shoulder, Alex snatched at it and pulled it from Lucas' hand without breaking his gaze on the shopkeeper. Alex held the doll towards her.

"I will buy this from you at a high price if you agree to lead us there."


Sammy smiled at his building team of laborers and slipped his hand around the door handle for the truck.

"Welcome aboard, I guess." He said between them, "It looks like all the new kids will be hanging out with us today."

The car salesman pried the door open and climbed inside, to find a seat facing sideways out of the cab. He eyed Alexis for a moment, nervously. Samuel never was good with words if there was nothing for sale. Despite this, he tried his best to check up on her.

"Hey, uh... Little lady. You, uh? You feelin' b-better an' stuff? You wanna ride in the cab?"
Nika eyed her patrons with pensive curiosity as she rolled out a collapsible fence to protect her booth. She grabbed her bag of scrap electronics, hoisted it upon her shoulder, and locked the gate on her collapsible fence. She turned and accepted Alex's offer, "My you are strange one, and just how much is high price? Perhaps I will have look around store myself... it has been some time since I was last there."

Nika began to walk away, heading towards their destination; she turned her head back towards Alex to see if he was following.
Rennik climbed into the vehicle and took a seat at the end near the cab. He rested his head against the cab wall, ignoring anyone else and settling in for a quick nap.
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