Star Army

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RP: Taking It Back [Time out!]Operational Log : Adele White.


Inactive Member
Adele sat in her small cabin on the transport she was assigned, the one that had the shortest chartered path to get her back to Nepleslia and not announce to the world she was coming. The planet slowly growing larger through the window. She sighed and raised the towel to her forehead, wiping aside some of the sweat from her workout. She scowled at the image and raised her bottle to it. “You chase me away with torch and pitchfork, then force me to help save you? Make up your fucking mind!” She tilted back her water bottle now, then set it aside on a table beside her bed, and picked her up data jockey, encrypting the file she was about to dictate. It was all a smooth practiced motion, and her voice turned monotone as she spoke, all signs of her prior frustration dispelled.

“Let’s call this,” she tapped the side of her head lightly with her index finger, not a good start if she could not even name the thing, “operational log, day zero. Observations, thoughts and situation updates by Operative Adele White. I am keeping this log to help me produce more accurate reports and properly organize and act on coming events. I have been assigned directly to Nepleslia, Funky City, in response to the NMX threat and attempted occupation. Given my history I am not sure why I have been chosen for this assignment; the only reason I could think of is my familiarity with the city.This assignment is my first within a active war zone .I feel this requires a bit of a different approach then such an operation would normally involve. After some thought and planning I have decided that going directly for my target would be unwise, but first on the subject of my target: "

“I cannot help but think Alex Foster may cause me a bit of trouble. Reading over his dossier, as it stands… Well, dedication to any individual ideal, concept or task seems to have little use to him with the exception of short term puzzles. While I have not met the man I cannot help but feel that he only has a use for things as long as they challenge him. I guess it is a stroke of luck that leading a resistance is something fluid and in such will constantly call his attentions to many aspects of the war. What little intel I have on the rest of his motley crew seems unreliable at best. I do have reports that one of his past associates, one Lucas Jackson, is with him. His military record is quite impressive though; the only small note is a streak of morality that may conflict with orders given.”

She raised a hand to her forehead. “Back on topic. I will find the nearest grouping of the Nepleslian Resistance, or grouping of survivors at least, and start to ask questions. I heard a term I like for this, ‘shaking the tree’. The worst case scenario is I would be met with violence, though suspicion is more likely, or perhaps an idea of where I can start tracking him down.” Another pause. “I will change this. My method will first be to find groups of currently active resistance that are not run by Alex Foster. Through this, and a little bit of talk, I should be able to find out how people view him, what hope or ideas they bring to the people. He and his people are supposed to lead the resistance; people should look up to them, or at least their deeds should be the stuff of normal operations blown into legendary status by whispers at night and so many little bits of changed information with every telling of the story. If this has not happened by the time I make planet fall, I will have to discuss the concept of an accelerated time table with Mr Foster. The longer that the people do not have an icon, the longer it will take for the icon to rise and be meaningful. Subnote: I must try and keep myself out of the light. I am not here for glory; I am here to get a job done, and any drastic actions I take to achieve this must not reflect on the group as a whole, or I will have damaged my own goals. That is enough for today, End Recording. " She took one last look at her destination, before settling in for the night.