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'Tip Of The Day' Feature?

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Inactive Member
This morning on the IRC, an interesting notion came to mind. What of implementing a 'Tip Of The Day' feature on the front page or on the forum? These tips could be like one to three sentences indicating short 'Tips' or 'Fun Facts' about the setting, and these tips could be drawn from a list of factoids regarding the setting.


Tip: Hemosynthetic blood found in nekovalkryja does not have a phenotype, and is fully cross-compatible between all NH-Type models, and naturally occurring organic tissues.

Tip: Most Star Army of Yamatai ships have strict regulations regarding access to armories, be sure characters with a low service rank asks superior before trying to obtain equipment from a ship armory.

Tip: Until YE 27, it was a common occurrence within Nepleslian space for meat products to be obtained from sentient humanoids. Sometimes quite suddenly and unexpectedly.
I don't know if you remember, but we used to have a script on the top of the forums, maybe around 2004, that used to produce a quote or tip from a list of them. It was eventually removed because it was large and slowed the page loading speed down. But I'm interested in your idea. I just need to figure out a way to make it work without me having to manually edit code on the forum every day.
What about using a generator, gather a bunch of tips from folks. Then provide a link and each person gets a random tip and all you have to code is a single link at the top
What Nashoba said, that is why I mentioned a list, one that could be drawn from at random, that means it would just be a minor thing to fuss with occasionally, if any interesting tips come to mind that could be slipped into the list as time goes on.
That would be a "Tip of the page load" not a "Tip of the Day" and would be a significant page load and server resources increase I think.
No, just a link, if someone wants the tip they click it, like they do for the generators and if they don't want one, they just go to what they want.
Oh snap, I actually found the old forum code from the header used until 2004. Talk about a blast from the past.
I actually like this idea.

A random fun fact a day, about any aspect of Star Army, from a pool of facts submitted by the players.

As long as they are brief, they take next to no time to read, are readily available (as long as they aren't obtrusive) and would generate some interest.

I like it!
As suggested by Wes on IRC when I was spouting off factoids, it is time we start posting tips/facts here for the sake of the process.

Star Army Factoid: Anthropomorphic life forms have been part of the Star Army community for a large portion of its ten year span. Despite this; anthropomorphic entities have gained little interest or notoriety outside of being a novelty piece

Star Army Factoid: A common-place activity aboard Star Army ships is the tradition of a 'Dare Party' or 'Dare Lottery'. This tradition gained immense notoriety, nearly as much as a long time player of the game; Ketsurui Hanako.

Star Army Factoid: Scalar type weapons, such as the Nekovalkryja Service Pistol, have the ability to disable many complex machines or electronics when set to 'stun', this is very effective against unshielded Power Armor.

Star Army Factoid: For some models of Nekovalkryja; clothing is optional. Skin-based image projection allows for Nekovalkryja to project the image of a uniform upon their body, suitable to be acknowledged as being 'in uniform'.

Star Army Factoid: While the Nekovalkryja appears to be as ordinary as common organic life-forms, the truth is, they are closer in relation to complex machines, easily allowing for the species to be referred to as androids, or gynoids.

Star Army Factoid: With advanced textile materials which are commonly available, garments resistant to weapon fire are relatively common. An iconic example of damage resistant garment includes the jacket worn by the infamous Luca Pavone.

Star Army Factoid: Smoking is a misdemeanor offense on Yamatai Empire controlled worlds.

Star Army Factoid: While it is a common occurrence to see a natural born Nepleslian in service within the Star Army of Yamatai, it is almost entirely unheard of for a Yamataian or Nekovalkryja to be in the service of the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

Star Army Factoid: Previous models of Nekovalkryja until the NH-33 model, did not have a requirement to perform bowel movements unless un-digestable material was consumed.

Star Army Factoid: NH-33 model Nekovalkryja have been designed to strongly imitate Nepleslians and other similar humanoids; they sweat, produce waste, have designated internal organs, and are capable of producing offspring using two sets of biological material, as opposed to self-replication.

More to come?
Also, would it be possible to make the color of the factoid text something other than white? As it is, it doesn't really pop out and I in fact only noticed it by chance.
Post the suggestions in this thread. Please keep them concise. I want them to fit on a single line.

Known issues: Can't put double quotes or question marks in, making links a problem.
Some More Tips!

SARP Factoid: NH-27 Nekovalkyrja are a semi-rare model, almost exclusively serving as samurai.

SARP Factoid: Zesuaium is a super-strong material, able to negate many forms of energy, including kinetic.

SARP Factoid: Nekovalkyrja can use built-in computer aided aiming for hand-held weapons.

SARP Factoid: Smoking is a misdemeanor offense on Yamataian worlds.

SARP Factoid: Clips and magazines are not interchangeable.

SARP Factoid: Aether weapons/reactors use energy from another dimension.

SARP Factoid: Nekovalkyrja are immune to most disease and poison.

SARP Factoid: Cybernetic augmentation is common for Nepleslians.

SARP Factoid: Iromakuanhe and Free Spacers were once human.

SARP Factoid: The Yamatai Empire has been ruled almost exclusively by the Ketsurui Clan.

SARP Factoid: Ketsurui Yui is the head of her clan, but not the Empire.

SARP Factoid: Most Nekovalkyrja models do not perform well in extreme cold.

SARP Factoid: ST Devices allow a person to save their consciousness to another body.

SARP Factoid: Energy weapons and projectile weapons are equally common.

SARP Factoid: The Lorath Matriarchy consists of two species; Lorath and Helashio.

SARP Factoid: The Lorath species has four castes; Fyunnen, Lmanel, New Tur'lista, and Tur'lista.

SARP Factoid: Some Yamataian ships do not allow pets.

SARP Factoid: Salvage and pirate loot can be bought over public networks.

SARP Factoid: Mishhuvurthyar produce toxins Nekovalkyrja are not immune to.

SARP Factoid: Nekovalkryja can not add cybernetic augmentations to their bodies.

More to come.
I've added most of them and a few more of my own.

I would like all faction managers to post some stuff to put in the SARP factoids.
Factoids eh? mmmm...

SARP Factoid: Neshaten Kits are taught to fight before they are taught to walk or talk.

SARP Factoid: Neshaten live in the dark and sleep in the day.

SARP Factoid: Neshaten Ships are designed for strong hit and run attacks.

SARP Factoid: My'leke heal faster than Shukaren do, thanks to microorganisms in their body.

SARP Factoid: Neshaten utilize energy crystals created by hyperspace anomalies.

SARP Factoid: My'leke currently can't use implants.

SARP Factoid: Only a bonded My'leke and a Daur can ascend the throne of the Neshaten Kingdom.

SARP Factoid: The Neshaten are comprised of three species, Shukaren-Daur, Shukaren-Laibe and the My'leke.

SARP Factoid: The Neshaten favor pacifism, but still have weapons to defend this pacifism.

SARP Factoid: Neshaten Starships are capable of underwater travel.

More to come later, hope these are ok
SARP Factoid: Gartagens though tough and hardy have a very narrow habitation zone, requiring the right levels of heat and humidity.

SARP Factoid: Despite the rugged and primitive weaponry, Gartagen medical technology is highly advanced.

SARP Factoid: Gartagen ships are specialized and are designed to work in groups

SARP Factoid: Gartagens view their interstellar neighbors with intense curiosity rather then dread.

SARP Factoid: The Gartagen economy is backed by platinum.

SARP Factoid: Gartagens make heavy use of gene therapy.

SARP Factoid: Gender roles in Gartagen society are minimum. Male or female can attain almost any position with out stereotype.

SARP Factoid: The Gartagens have numerous ethnic groups.

SARP Factoid: Though non-imperialistic, The Gartagens are a might makes right society and never shy away from a good fight.

SARP Factoid: Gartagens favor tried and true technology over new untested technology.
Time for some fun. Some of these do read like advertisements, but for in character items and materials.

SARP Factoid: Pirates and mercenaries often make use of the M1 Demon powered armor.

SARP Factoid: Some of Nepleslia's main exports include ammunition, alcohol and corruption.

SARP Factoid: Origin Industries is one of the most successful civilian corporations out there.

SARP Factoid: Nekovalkyrja can perform complex calculations quickly to make long distance shots.

SARP Factoid: Sargasso was once a booming mining town before it collapsed.

SARP Factoid: Sargasso has been rated the worst place to holiday to by eight different travelogues.

SARP Factoid: The Nepleslian ID-SOL is just as smart and cunning as he is strong.

SARP Factoid: Phoenix Energy drinks do not allow you to Phoenix Punch.

SARP Factoid: Explosions are not good for you. Do not be near explosions.

SARP Factoid: Any well made power armor comes with strength assistance technologies.

SARP Factoid: Some soldiers unwind with a game by Kirin Games Manufacture.

SARP Factoid: If you can't afford your own ship, you can take a ferry between systems at peacetime.
Here are my contributions.


SARP Factoid: Hyperspace fold is the most common and fastest point to point FTL system.

SARP Factoid: Continuum Distortion Drive is a slower FTL system, but is not point to point.

SARP Factoid: Daichi was the first colony settled by the Scientific Studies Service

SARP Factoid: Daichi is home to the Second Expeditionary Fleet, under Mikasa Sorano-Taisho

SARP Factoid: Kyoto is the capital of planet Yamatai.

SARP Factoid: Ryou is the capital of planet Daichi.

SARP Factoid: The Scientific Studies Service (SSS) was founded in YE 30 under an Imperial Charter.

SARP Factoid: The Tansaku-class Science Vessel was created for the SSS in YE 31.

SARP Factoid: There are numerous clans within Yamatai

SARP Factoid: The Tamahagane Corporation was formed in YE 33 after the Tamahagane Clan aquired several companies.

SARP Factoid: Geshrinari Shipyards has large facilities in Daichi, Yamatai, Kohana Cloud

SARP Factoid: Tamahagane Corp has Kinshitsu Facility on Nepleslia Prime, Daichi, Yamatai, and Hanako's World.

SARP Factoid: SYNC became the primary civilian communications network for Yamatai in YE 34.

SARP Factoid: SYNC Systems created by Tamahagane Corporation to maintain SYNC.

SARP Factoid: SYNC was a collaboration between Emrys Industries and the Scientific Studies Service.

SARP Factoid: The new headquarters of the Tamahagane Corporation, located in Teisenjou, Planet Yamatai.

SARP Factoid: Nejiro Tower is located in Tesenjou City, and is the HQ for Tamahagane Corporation.

SARP Factoid: Ise is a small clan in the town of Mei in the Yumi Prefecture.

SARP Factoid: Shinja clan calls the village of Takekumori its home, located at the base of Urufutake (Wolf Mountain).

SARP Factoid: Shinja clan owns Black Wolf Winery located in the fertile valley below Urufutake (Wolf Mountain),

SARP Factoid: Tamahagane clan home is the town of Kyousou is located on the southern coast of the Vela Prefecture

SARP Factoid: Ketsurui family has maintained somewhat of a dynasty within the Yamatai Star Empire.

SARP Factoid: The existence of the Murasaki clan extends back the better part of two centuries prior the formation of the Yamatai Star Empire.

SARP Factoid: The Miharu family is a relatively new addition within the Yamatai Star Empire.

SARP Factoid: Geshrinari Shipyards is an old Nepleslian shipbuilding corporation. It predates the Empire.

SARP Factoid: In YE 33 Geshrinari Shipyards became part of the Tamahagane Corporation.

SARP Factoid: Emrys Industries is a Yamataian business which was founded by the Emrys clan.

SARP Factoid: Taichimora Entertainment Technologies (TET) is a small niche company that produces popular entertainment devices.

SARP Factoid: The VCE is a full immersion interactive environment primarily used for recreation.

SARP Factoid: The Virtual Collective Experience (VCE) became active in YE 34.

SARP Factoid: Many older Nekovalkyjras took their ship's name as part of their name.

SARP Factoid: Yamataian names are surname, given name, followed by title or rank, Ketsurui Hanako-Shôshô.

HSC related
SARP Factoid: The Hidden Sun Clan consists of four feline species, Qaktoro, Tula, Turo, and Qakla.

SARP Factoid: The Hidden Sun Clan is called Poku Degonjo Saeruo in their language.

SARP Factoid: Tarbah Leyto is a Qaktoro who is the current Mui (Clan Leader).

SARP Factoid: The Hidden Sun Clan contacted the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 34

SARP Factoid: The current year in the Hidden Sun Clan is 754 CY.

SARP Factoid: The HSC came to this sector 750+ years ago when their home was destroy.

SARP Factoid: There is no difference culturally between males and females in the Hidden Sun Clan.

SARP Factoid: All Qaktoro must undergo the Bagnor a right of passage to become an adult.

SARP Factoid: Interbreeding between Qaktoro and Tula brought about the other two species in the HSC.

SARP Factoid: The primary unit of currency used by the Hidden Sun Clan is called the Odawina.

SARP Factoid: The Hidden Sun Clan currency was originally backed by gold, but is now backed by mineral wealth.

SARP Factoid: The most common cybenetic in the HSC is the Neural link.

SARP Factoid: Disabling birth defects are screened out in the Fofipa ritual of the HSC.

SARP Factoid: A child in the Hidden Sun Clan is not given a name until after the Fofipa at one month.

SARP Factoid: The HSC trusts only clan developed technologies.

SARP Factoid: The HSC can recycle any material that they have the molecular structure of.
Updated! Thanks everyone for submitting ideas!
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