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SACN To 3rd XF Taisho, from 5th XF Taisho: Offer of Assistance


Inactive Member
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Taisho Aurore Branard
Third Expeditionary Fleet

I have heard of your situation at Valaad, and suspect that a breakdown in communication is a major cause of failure, something the 5th XF is, regrettably, accustomed to.

I wish to open a communications channel between our fleets, to better receive information. I am confident Motoyoshi-sama will resolve this problem, but in the meantime, we Taisho have to stay in contact.

I am interested in hearing of your situation, and offer assistance in joint efforts to recover ships or survivors. I also offer the 3rd XF assistance in reconstructing some critical vessels in their fleet at Hotaru and Himitsu, though our production capacity for Zesuaium is non-existant, and our resources still somewhat limited.

The 3rd XF, should you choose to accept this help, may have to try to bring us some scavenged and salvaged vessels to repair or tear down for materials.

Looking at your fleet's arrangement and ships, I fail to see how you could have been expected to fight the Mishhu in a major assault. Your ship queue looks as if it is from YE 25, and not designed to be battle-ready. We have ships in our depot waiting for assignment, and are able to spare you some of them.

We are preparing to send you 5 Kyoto Carriers, 15 Yui-class Scouts, and 20 Odori-class Freighters to assist in maintaining your fleet until more permanent solutions are discussed.

Once we get to talking, we are also willing to issue you other vessels from our queue, ones of a slightly more modern nature.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

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I apologize on behalf of Branard-Taisho for not replying to this communication personally, but due to our defeat at Valaad and the recent political transitions at Yamatai, the diplomatic situation with our protectorate states has become quite sensitive. Branard-Taisho is currently in a closed meeting with representatives from Gashmere, and has asked to not be disturbed.

As for our current situation, our logistical wing remains minimally operational, although we are having trouble providing adequate escorts for the trade convoys in our patrol region. Thankfully, the number of pirate sightings have reduced dramatically in the last few days.

We are also in a very vulnerable position should the Mishhu choose to counter-attack one of our systems.

Of course, we are happy to accept any help that the 5XF is willing to offer, although integrating any new ships into our chain of command will be a slow process. The chain of command itself is also slowly being repaired, as the vast majority of our SS pods made it out of Valaad. (It helps that we are a mostly automated fleet.) The revival process is still ongoing.

We are in no position to conduct salvage operations at Valaad, as it is currently still in the hands of the enemy. We can, however, offer your fleet processed elemental metals and food supplies in exchange for the ships, if you need them.

As for our failed attack on Valaad, I hope that you will not contribute it to any incompetency on Taisho-Branard's part. We were given poor intelligence data and an order to attack from Central Command. Taisho-Branard's protests that our fleet was not ready to engage the Mishhu was only met with a threat of court martial. I hope you'll agree that she had little choice in the matter.


Chujo Jeiriel Kemitha
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Chujo Jeiriel Kemitha
Third Expeditionary Fleet

I do not blame you for what has occurred...the issue is obviously in your fleet roster and this intelligence data. Your fleet is designed more for exploration and maintaining a status-quo of peace, not participating in wartime. Perhaps at one time your vessels were formidable, but it is something which seems to have been ignored by command to the point of obsolescence.

We faced a similar situation, and were forced into becoming self-sufficient, and relying on our own designs.

The difference is that last I heard, the 3rd XF was the only fleet not required to engage the enemy, dedicated solely to preservation of the race. Either I am incorrect, my information is dated, or you should watch to be sure your fleet's status is not changed from its official focus without an actual order.

The 5 Kyoto, 15 Yui, and 20 Odori are enroute, commanded by sprite crews. I am sending them to your headquarters at Anisa Star Fortress for processing and to be re-registered under the 3rd XF. I am also prepared to give some other vessels, as we have a few to spare from our queue...not all of course, but perhaps enough firepower to sustain and enhance your fleet.

Please inform me once the vessels are integrated into your own fleet records so that I may clean them from ours.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... urce_pools
Himitsu Depot Manifest

I also offer to build for you a Takumi-class Expeditionary Command Cruiser. This is a 5th XF design which can be used for exploration, but has the needed firepower to stand up in combat.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ta ... nd_cruiser
Takumi Specifications

Sending raw materials to produce ships would certainly be helpful. In short, tell me what you need, and I will attempt to assist you.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

(OOC: Please give me Friday / the weekend to go over this. I'll need to think about how to organize these new ships.)
(OOC: Alright. Also, it may be necessary for you to produce Zesuaium and "finish" the ships if possible if you aren't sending hulks.

The 5th XF lost all Zesuaium production capacity in the Battle of Jiyuu, and is using Yamataium.)

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Requesting current registry numbers of these ships for our records.


Chujo Jeiriel Kemitha
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Third Expeditionary Fleet Command

We have just completed a Takumi-class Expeditionary Cruiser for you, should you respond. It is tentatively given the designation of "YSS Anisa", registry NJ-X3-XX.

I understand how critical your situation is, but please respond to this message so we may deliver the ship.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

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To: Motoyoshi Saito-Taisho
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

I would like to thank you for your generous shows of assistance during our time of hardship; I have made the appropriate arrangements on our end to receive the Takumi ECC and we await delivery at your convenience.

Registration Code: NJ-X3-04
Delivery Point: Anisa Star Fortress


Shosho Kawazoe Sekai
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Shosho Kawazoe Sekai
Third Expeditionary Fleet Command

We have just dispatched the YSS Anisa with a sprite crew to Anisa Star Fortress with the Registration code you've requested. You may use her as you see fit--she's yours now.

As for assisting you, we've been in the same place you are now, without assistance. We had to claw our way back on our own, and we at the 5th XF see common suffrage in our sister fleet.

We are willing to send out more ships to assist if you require, such as Sakura and Nozomi (Yui 6) vessels, or even limited numbers of Anri and Jihl.

We are also willing to assist you in producing more vessels, but our Zesuaium production capabilities are completely destroyed, and Command has not yet replied to our requests for replacement parts. If you happen to have any, it would be appreciated if you could assist, but I do not expect it by any means. We will still send you vessels, but some will have to either have Yamataium hulls, or be 'finished' at Anisa.

Please contact us with a list of the ships you feel are needed to modernize and restore your fleet.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

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To: Motoyoshi Saito-Taisho
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

I would like to thank you for your swift delivery of the YSS Anisa; its presence amongst our fleet brings with it great promise of a bright new future that I am beginning to see reflected in the eyes of those around me, a sight I thought had been lost to us after the events at Valaad.

If there is anything that you may wish to ask of us do not fear to voice it, and I will see that it is carried out the best of our present limited abilities.

As to your offer of further vessels, I must impose once again and make a request for the following ships, [list attached]. If you could provide these they would go a long way toward improving the condition - both immediately and into the future - of the 3rd XF.

Ship Request List
Ship Request List said:
8 Anri-class DSRs
4 Irim-class Gunships (Type 26)
20 Sakura-class Light Gunships
32 Nozomi-class Scouts
3 Jihi-class Medical Ships


Shosho Kawazoe Sekai
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Shosho Kawazoe Sekai
Third Expeditionary Fleet Command

All of these requested ships are immediately available from our Fleet Depot, and are being sent straight to Anisa Star Fortress as we speak by sprite crews. They should arrive within a matter of hours for processing and registry re-designation by your fleet. Feel free to keep them permanently, as I feel your fleet was in dire need of more modern vessels, even before Valaad.

Also, I would like to report that Command has given our Star Fortresses replacement Zesuaium Manufacturing facilities, so we can build ships up to full specifications again.

I congratulate you on your fleet's recovery and thank you for your kind words. We are merely doing what we can to prevent what had happened to us in the past from happening to our sister fleet...we've lost enough strength, and while different fleets, we are all in the same Army.

Please feel free to contact me with any needs you have and we will try to assist you in obtaining what is needed, especially since Command seems strained when it comes to resource deployment.

I also offer constant direct communications and inter-fleet cooperation, should you be willing--We will do what we can to lend you our strength in these trying times.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Taisho Nakamura Miku
Third Expeditionary Fleet Command

Due to the re-emergence in the Northern Frontier of Mishhu forces, the 5th XF has returned to a war-readiness status. I am also concerned for your own status, as you are not fully modernized nor prepared for war.

While you aren't technically obligated to assist in combat operations, you may still be attacked. Since we are now neighbors, I propose cooperation, and even more communication than before. Our own construction resources are going at full steam to supplement our own forces, including the construction of our own Scorpio-class Star Fortress, but if you require us to do something, we will do our best to add it to our queue.

In the meantime, I am prepared to send Kyoto and Odori, as well as some Anri out on a mission to Murf and other old battlefields in an effort to reclaim and restore old destroyed and adrift ships from the 5th XF. The 3rd XF and 5th XF would each keep half of what was found, though we would keep the crews who wished to stay with the 5th. Are you willing to try this as a joint operation, and allow us into your territory? Your territory is completely littered with our old vessels, and I think it is a waste to leave them there, though we must pursue this operation with respect for the fallen.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
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