Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SACN To: Admiral Motoyoshi Kiyoko and Grand Motoyoshi Saito


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Andrew said:
Tio patched in a communication sent to him from a member of the family who had decided to remain in the YSE. He also forwarded a copy to his sister and Saito.
Patch-in recording from the UOC Assembly:

Wes said:
Together, Taisho Yui and Empress Himiko have issued the following decrees and orders for the Star Army of Yamatai:

1. All ships in active duty in Expeditionary Fleets and task groups must have a name and IRN by YE 31. Fleets that fail to assign names to their ships will have the unnamed ships removed and sent to the depot.

2. All fleets should have named flagships.

3. A loyalty bonus of 1,000 KS and a free Type 29 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol are hereby granted to all members of the Star Army who reply to this message. This is to reward for your loyalty to the Star Army. We are aware of the UOC's generous benefit package and are working on ways to improve the Star Army's counterpart.

4. Any member of the Star Army who convinces a UOC soldier to return to the Star Army of Yamatai will receive a personal shuttle or small starship, depending on the rank of the returning soldier, plus a cash bonus of 1,000 KS and a possible promotion.

5. Due to the oncoming abolishment of the Living Property System, new enlistment contracts and such are being developed. Please send any suggestions for these or benefit plans to Taisho Yui. Useful suggestions will be rewarded.

6. All soldiers under the rank of Shosa are hereby promoted by one rank upon a response to this post, unless their captain or unit commander has reasonable objections.

7. Captains are encouraged to create rules for their ships based on common sense, experience, safety concerns, and mission effectiveness. Such rules should then be sent to Taisho Yui for review, so that they can be incorporated in a book of standard procedures to help guide new captains. Please send any suggestions to Yui for standard procedures. Again, useful suggestions will be rewarded.

8. The Star Army is currently seeking ship captains and officers. Please contact Yui if interested.

9. The Starship Improvement Program is looking for ways to improve current ships and to build newer ships better. Post your suggestions.

So far, some good suggestions we've got include:

- Moving control conters (the bridge) and engineering to more protected parts of ships.
- Development of automated medical centers

10. Any soldier who writes a useful guide to their occupation will be rewarded with a ceremony of recognition for him/her and his/her ship and 25,000 KS. OOC: Also, possibly new character art if I can afford it.

OOC: Interact outside of your plots and help improve the Star Army as a whole.

"I believe our former parent nation failed to get the message of what exactly our independence means; they have forgotten it is the people of these colonies and its fleets that demanded this independence..." Tio was fuming angry, he got up from the table and muttered. "Ill give you a puppy to wipe the blood off your hands..."

He walked to the outer edge of the dome, and stood quietly in front of a window looking out at Motoyoshi-cho. The city center was bustling with activity.
Encrypted Communication.


I have no worries about this; it just furthers my point that they intend to set internal policy within our nation too. This is just another tactic, merely another round of bullshit that is even with the last one --the demand for us to return even the ships that we built. I really wish I had been around when that call was made.

Of course the fact that our commanders were willing to take ground positions until the rest of the fleet could be constructed was a powerful message. We gave their ships back months before their deadline -- willing to go out of our comfort zone in the name of them not having control over us.

Sadly, this is why you are in politics and I am not. We would be at war right now if I was in your place; not to say that it is something I want. I just do not have the patience or the forgiveness to deal with Yamatai.

I will talk to my commanders, I will keep your policy, allowing any who wish to return to Yamatai to do so with a warm farewell -- not that those who wanted to leave have already left.

Sadly, do not take my advice brother, I cannot see past my own hate for them. I'll never forgive them...ever.

I am concerned over this...I currently have several personnel who are still trying to choose between their loyalty to the Empire and their freedoms. One is as high as Commodore, should he join us, and important to our technological development. This is the sort of thing which may pull these personnel away.

I expected this of the Empire, however, and hope our own people can refuse to be swayed...also, the fact the door seems always open now, for a UOC person to resume their Star Army status is an alarm to me, in that the threat of losing our personnel by coercion or temptation is always to be present...

I believe our offers can only go so far...perhaps we need to speak to the uncertain in some way.

Grand Peacekeeper Motoyoshi Saito