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SACN To all Personnel


Inactive Member
All personnel including sprites are to immediately leave their current posts and are assigned to the new ship classes in the staging area. Leo Star Fortress will be moved to the Kiyoko Shipyard. The first priority is to get the patrols back underway. Our borders remain closed. Those on the UCS Ascendancy are not affected.

The remaining soldiers who have no ship to go to, as we have more people than vessels, will return to Jiyuu.

If you wish to leave for the Yamatai Star Army, then do so on these Star Army vessels. They will be sent to Nataria, as demanded.

All Yamatai Star Army property will be returned immediately.

Grand Peacekeeper Motoyoshi Saito
(All PCs will have ship placements at Toshi's direction. NPCs for the most part will be sent to the surface until more ships become available.)
To:All Personnel
From: UOCPF Logistics

1. You are hereby issued:

OOC:Some of the items in the above list are still under development but we will not let minor OOC details get in the way of RP. Artwork etc for uniforms is up and coming.
Anyone who has not transferred to a Yamataian body as per Empress Himiko's orders must do so within 24 hours. This includes Resident Sprites.

Motoyoshi Saito
Grand Peacekeeper, UOCPF
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