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Laz Public Network To: Arbitrated Shan


Banned Member
Recipient: Arbitrated Iemochi
Subject: Iemochi Innovations & Sales Employment Offer

- - - Begin Message - - -

/ Begin Media /
The logo of IIS, a well-known company, flares up on the message as it loads. The image blinks into life, a young brunette Patrician with striking wings comes into view. Her chest is heaving, eyes and wings twitching in distress.

"Hello?" She begins in Seraphim, "I'm- Nevermind who I am. Myself and more than a dozen Elysians are about to be forcefully taken hostage by heavily armed men belonging to the Frontier Service Corporation on 188604. We're surrounded by a hostile mob that wants us ripped apart and there is no law enforcement on this planet." She wore a brave face as her caste often did, though a deep nervous swallow betrayed her.

"This message is to plead our government for assistance, our lives may be at risk as these people are known to be hostile to us in the past - they nearly destroyed one of our ships a few months ago along with the crew. Their leader is Candon Suites, a SAINT age-..."

The image flickers as her words die from the audio feed, a big CONNECTION LOST screen flashing up.

/ End Media /
You and I both know that our government will not be able to assist in time - not when they still have not addressed the tragedy that happened several months ago. You and I also know that a failure to act would have drastic consequences for our nation, especially at the upcoming International Relations Conference.

Fortunately, I have a solution - but I'll need your help for it to work. Meet me at the Vesta's near the Senatorial Office Complex thirty minutes from now, and don't worry about the reservation or the entrance fee - I've already taken care of both.

- - - End Message - - -

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