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SYNC To: Attendants of the International Conference of YE 40


Banned Member
Inactive Member
To: Star Army Personnel

Captains, Diplomats and Admiralty

This is a reminder on behalf of the Close Protection Branch that, in addition to the on-site security that will be in place for the event, you may request a Close Protection Officer to act as your bodyguard if you wish.

These soldiers have been rigorously trained by the Military Police, reorganised over the past year, so security will be more effective than ever before. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Chujo Iemochi Feyani
Provost Marshal
Star Army Military Police


To: Foreign Guests

Honoured Guests

This year the Star Army of Yamatai Military Police will be marshalling the security for the Conference.

If you wish to bolster your personal security with officers from the Star Army, discuss security matters or any other matters such as secure transport to the event, feel free to contact us.

Most Cordial Regards
Conference Security
Star Army Military Police
To: Foreign Guests

Greetings once again

We hope all is well assembling your various entourages and plans for your time in Yamatai.

We would like to request those nations who have not yet sent a roster of who will be in their entourage to please do so at earliest convenience.

Thank you for your cooperation
Conference Security
Star Army Military Police

This is optional and you don't have to bother if you do not wish to, it's mostly so we don't get people attending with 50 killbots in their entourage or mass murderers. Also, RP!
To: Conference Security
From: USO

Where do we sign up for this thing anyways?

We're sending some people.

Many apologies, we've just checked with the organisers and the status of USO's invitation is unclear at this time.

Please contact your local embassy, conference official, Department of Diplomacy or the Premier so this can be clarified and rectified.

We urge you to do so, as this is an invite-only event of a sensitive nature on Yamataian government property, however you should qualify to observe the event live in any case - though it's best to contact an official.

We hope to see you soon
Conference Security
Star Army Military Police

>< just covering my ass here, I'm sure Wes can get you in or you can fluff yourselves in or whatever @Zack xS
To: Conference Security
From: Uso

Understood, we’ll send our diplomatic party to the event. They’ll see you there!
To: Uso

Apologies for the confusion, we are the security for the event, we do not manage the guest list.

Please contact any of the mentioned recipients in the previous message as stated.

We were simply suggesting that being given a non-participating observational role like many of the other guests from companies, et cetera, should be much easier to acquire than a participating national role from the organisers.

I hope this clarifies things
Conference Security
Star Army Military Police

Oh jeez Rick what is going on xD I guess Yamatai already invited them if they got this message that was only meant to foreign guests? @Wes should probably check this all because I'm giving educated guesses about the roles ><
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