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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SYNC To: Byujura Niniko


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40/7/31
To: Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

I have recently stumbled upon the existence of Iemochi Health and Psych, and see a niche in which it can serve more people in a decentralized form, including those in active service. I invented the Star Army Bunk Bed, Type 40, which is for sale in both civilian markets and is standard issue on the new Plumeria 2E and Chiaki 1B refits. It has the ability to connect to its own BedNET legacy network as well as the far more widely implemented Virtual Collective Experience. It is designed for things including simulations, training, and telepresence. Upon seeing the services you provide, I was wondering if you would be interested in implementing a program through which people could seek psychological treatment via telepresence. I could see it being done for veterans and active personnel, for those children in Tsubomi, for refugees, and even regular people on a far wider scale. You could perhaps have psychologists be able to do this from their own homes rather than commute, and even have an option for avatars in cases where people seek to maintain anonymity.

I have also opened Tokyo to refugees, and these refugees will need skilled medical professionals. As such, I am interested in allocating buildings to this division of your company to assist as soon as possible for the more direct and conventional methods of intervention and healing to which you are already accustomed.

Kage Yaichiro
CO, 1XF's Third Squadron
(De Facto Administrator of Himawari (Furui) Tokyo)
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Kage Yaichiro
CO, 1XF's Third Squadron

Iemochi Chiyo
CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales


Your proposal is more than interesting, Administrator Kage, it's intriguing. Of course, we currently hold the contract for post-service care regarding the Star Army's veterans so it's quite excellent you've contacted us.

This new technology could help us in that cause immensely and we'd be happy to jump on the opportunity. Of course, the proposed function will only be available when SAINT allows us to communicate with vessels. I'm sure they'd rather not have a call accidentally reveal a position to the enemy.

This could very much improve the well-being of our armed forces and I applaud you for creating the technology. We stand ready for whatever implementation process you forward.

Sadly, I can't make the decision myself to help with the refugee situation as it doesn't fall to me. Our fabrication fleet is currently out helping the same noble cause elsewhere from what I know and the company still needs its revenue. Our spending out of pocket to help is possible, however.

It may be a step too far for management but I'll defer this up to my director, Iemochi Chiyo. She's quite busy but will reply as soon as she's able, I'm sure.

All the best and congratulations.

Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych
Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

Iemochi Chiyo
CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales

I feel that I should clarify something, just in case. I am the "Defacto Administrator of Himawari Tokyo" because I have been given ownership of the land of the old city and all within it. I am not a governmental representative for the populace, but I am its sole landlord and also own the company which manages its utilities and maintenance. As such, it was my intention to grant you use of facilities within the city for your work, not to ask exclusively for a handout. Tokyo also has a comprehensive fabrication system of its own. What we need are skilled people. In regards to the facilities on Tokyo, it is that which I ask for, though I fully understand that too to be at a premium at this time.

As for telepresence for soldiers, it should be possible to use the existing rules in the Star Army for personal communications, though I concede that it is always good to verify such things first. In addition, if you did this over VCE, you could access my invention as well as the assorted other civilian offerings created for the VCE standard. I don't know how exactly to navigate the health care system to ensure you are paid for your services in that regard, as that is not my area of expertise especially considering that health care is nationalized to a degree, but I'm sure there's a way to get it done.

I welcome the input of your superior, and await her response.

Kage Yaichiro
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Kage Yaichiro
CO, 1XF's Third Squadron

Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

It's good to talk with you, Mr Kage. Apologies if I refrain from using your title, as I feel I'd only offend you by getting it wrong.

I believe Miss Niniko may not have explained things in the best way, sorry Nini, dear. She was reluctant to commit her company to such a task as she thought - quite rightly - by agreeing to potentially give away capital without informing me would be a bad move.

I'll convey in her place that her meaning was that she was unsure who would be funding the staff for their work. Our contract with the Star Army has clearly defined parameters - as is the case with government contacts - and there's no guarantee those would stretch to refugees as they are not service members or veterans.

It's true we have been engaging with many philanthropic gestures recently, which have been costing us some capital. I can tell you now that if yourself, the government or the patients are unable to pay I will do so. We have ample resources and our bottom line hasn't particularly been scratched by recent events. Of course, if any of the above would subsidise wages I'd be able to send more people. Treating several million displaced people is not going to be cheap.

Usage of your facilities will be very apt in the task and I may even make a visit or send my sister as an envoy if time allows. I'm glad you're able to offer such facilities as otherwise we would have been constrained by infrastructure.

In regards to telepresence, you can consider that proposal approved officially. Once we're sent the connection specs I'll set my brother on the telepresence scheme. We should be able to adapt and expand our commercial in-home service fairly easily do accommodate the SA.

This reminds me, one thing you could do for us as gesture of goodwill is to consider mentioning the MAW rifle line to your colleagues. We've had the weapons ready to be offered to the SA for a while and it seems to have been pushed to the back of our priorities list by recent events.

If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

Iemochi Chiyo
CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales
Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

Iemochi Chiyo
CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales

Formalities aren't necessary on my end. I endeavor to give them where prudent, but I do not demand them unless a member of my crew has an ongoing respect or authority problem. The standards for the VCE are rather public and it is already possible for a user to set up a way to set up a virtual environment called a realm in which to meet others, select avatars, and determine if the site is private or public. One can even operate in real or accelerated time. These things alone, which are made available to the public at large, are enough to get you started with one-on-one or group sessions. A formal and specialized program can be built if desired, but may require the permission of the Tamahagane Corporation. Previous experience with this group, however, leads me to believe that this endeavor would not be difficult.

My personal wealth is likely nowhere near your own, but I am a multi-millionaire. I can supplement your donations with more of my own. I tend to keep it as a nest egg for emergencies or R&D, and this counts as such. I am willing to grant you twelve facilities within Tokyo right away for medical care.

I am not able to simply recommend a weapon that I have never used before, but I can see about purchasing some from you and making them available to my Power Armor teams on the Sakura II for testing on ground engagements should we find ourselves on them. We tend to use unusual and prototype equipment anyway, the ship herself included. That way, my personnel can test them out and review them on their own merits.

Are there plans to make a version capable of use in space such as with a railgun-like delivery system? How much would the weapon and ammunition cost for me to obtain?

Kage Yaichiro
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Kage Yaichiro
CO, 1XF's Third Squadron

Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

We'll definitely look into the VCE standard and could potentially develop a bespoke application for this use case, so we can update and improve service as required while ensuring data security. In regards to supplementing donations, we had a board meeting today about the current crises arising from the invasion. I believe we will be forming an independent charity to facilitate such altruistic actions with efficient and experienced management, do I encourage you to donate to that organisation when it is formed. The twelve facilities within Tokyo you mentioned will suffice for what you require and we will dispatch healthcare professionals from Health and Psych immediately.

I will send a cache of MAW rifles with IRIS rounds for you to browse and test on the Sakura II. They have seen limited field test aboard the Kaiyo II wielded both in and out of power armor, so they are proven fit for purpose. I do recall my brother mentioning something along the lines of scaling up the IRIS rounds to be usable on ships. I believe the idea was mothballed given a preference for sheer damage and aether in the current market versus the way the IRIS works. In case you are unfamiliar, it's a patented method. The shell's tip has various factors that increase penetration factors. Once the tip has broken into the target, the payload inside the shell proper is injected through the hole in their armour.

I've seen the results and they are quite impressive, if I do say so myself. The rifle version can be fired by a regular infantryman with no power armor, yet can penetrate mid-spec power armor with ease. The biological payload can be particularly nasty, as it can spread to the team the victim came from and will be effective even if only a small amount of it is contacted. I imagine that payload on a ship-sized scale could be cataclysmic for victim crews. We still have the patent filed for that idea, so I'll brush off the dust and see what we can do.

If there's anything else we can help with do let us know. IIS are committed to building relations above all else due to our business model, so don't hesitate to contact us again.

All the best
Iemochi Chiyo

There's some IRL time discrepancy in this one - my bad, apologies. I suppose we will continue either chronologically from the last message or act as if it was all more recent? Also tagging @Nashoba in case they wish to step in.
Iemochi Chiyo
CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales

Byujura Niniko
CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych

Tamahagane Corporation

Motoyoshi Katsuko
Yugumo Corporation
Taisho 1XF

I'm CCing in Tamahagane Coroporation, who manage the VCE standard, and ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko who is not only the Taisho of 1XF and thus the person responsible for both the administration of such a project on the Star Army side and also the defense and care of the refugees brought into Tokyo. She also leads the Yugumo Corporation, a nationalized company that also works with Tahamagane Corporation in government projects. I've found myself in the upper management of Yugumo Corporation recently due to the integration of my company managing Tokyo's infrastructure into it. I also feel like I am obligated to inform my new Taisho and boss of this measure. As I remain Himawari Tokyo's landlord, my offer of sites for mental health professionals to work from is unaffected.

To summarize, we are discussing the possibility of using the VCE system (Tahamagane's part) to provide mental health services to soldiers, veterans, and refugees (IIS' part). I developed the Type 40 Bunk Bed which is a VCE-compatible device for use on Star Army vessels, already approved by Tamahagane and the Army and is in active use, and Iemochi Innovations and Sales holds the contract to manage the post-service mental health of Star Army veterans.

We are, thus, attempting to work out the details of how to bring mental health care to wider accessibility using VCE. I am providing a dozen sites for IIS personnel in Tokyo to work on the influx of personnel to help mitigate cost and setup, but the form and protocol employed needs to be negotiated between IIS and Tamahagane. At this point, it's a humanitarian measure. If it works though, I'd also like to see such a thing expanded to places like Tsubomi and perhaps even ask the government itself to get involved to widen it into something all could receive, but I feel like your companies would be so heavily invested as to have a direct say on the outcome. Yugumo Corporation, meanwhile, would at the very least need to be informed due to its maintenance of civic infrastructure and refugee care in Tokyo post-merger.

This is becoming a hair complicated, I admit, but the potential impact increases the more of us are involved. Yamatai does want its companies to work together for things like this as of late.

Also, I thank you for the MAW Rifles and Iris rounds. They will see testing with my Infantry teams in missions suitable for their use. The idea is pretty intriguing, like armor penetrating rounds carried to the next logical level.

Thank you for your consideration,
Kage Yaichiro

Bringing in @Nashoba and @Andrew for different reasons. Nash for VCE aspects, Andrew because Yai's obligated to bring her in on this from a business AND an army perspective. As for timing, we can leave it intentionally vague.
To: Taisa, Kage Yaichiro
CC: Group
BCC: Taisho Yui

Yaichiro as always I believe you to have a kind heart, you are always looking out for everyone but yourself. This should be brought to the attention of Star Army Command through Taisho Ketsurui Yui, and the Yamataian Government. Ketsurui Zaibatsu designed these minds that have been affected as you claim, perhaps they could provide insight or help guide you in this quest to bring assistance to these people.

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet
Star Army of Yamatai
Iemochi Chiyo, CEO, Iemochi Innovations and Sales
Byujura Niniko, CEO, Iemochi Health and Psych
Motoyoshi Katsuko, Yugumo Corporation, Taisho 1XF
Kage Yaichiro, Taisa

The Tamahagane Corportation is very willing to cooperate in this most worthy endeavor.

The Virtual Collective Experience has proven to be useful in a wide range of applications. Some of which were not realized until the system matured. The VCE has been found to provide advanced education and training. It has been used by various agencies for training their personnel and put them through situations that they will face, without risking them.

In the matter of helping individuals with emotional, and mental difficulties. We have worked with a number of Specialists that we provided VCE equipment at no cost. Their results were rather striking. While these specialists were dealing with traumatized civilians, there is no reason to believe that similar results could be achieved with our military members.

I have authorized the VCE Division to provide technicians and equipment to establish the necessary infrastructure to begin this noble effort. It may be advantageous to have us construct a primary facility. Then after your folks work with our teams to develop the various environments that can be tailored for specific scenarios, and be able to deploy them remotely.

We stand ready to assist in this endeavor.

Tamahagane Hikaru, Shuhan