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To: Candon Howard Suites From: Oshiro Masumi


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Hello for the first time in too long,

I have been away to places that the inhabitants of the Kikyō Sector would find in horrific nightmares and barely-lucid daydreams. The places that have taken me away from you have whittled away at my defenses as well as built me up in ways I would have once thought out of reach of someone like me. It seems as if nothing is unattainable now that I have tasted love. If only that were true, if only consuming love whole, instead of piece by piece, was possible. It seems a far-reaching goal, like grasping the stars in both hands when your feet are on soil.

I need no answer,
My dearest Masumi,

There is no chance in an infinite universe that I would not answer you.
I write this as I prepare for the final conflict between the antiUSO revolutionaries and myself. At last this silent war is coming to an end. No one dare engage in open combat as our control over the Osman City airspace has become indisputable. These thugs resorted to quietly blending into the population and engaging in information warfare to kill my loyalists. Regardless, the economy has stabilized according to plan and is stronger than ever before.

I still have that picture of you in that skimpy succubus costume, you remember the paper one I kept on the dashboard of my fighter? I've had to stop pulling it out to keep it from getting worn out. I know, I'm old and outdated! I guess it simply reminds me of how long it's been since I've seen you in person. Since I've touched your skin. Since I've smelled your hair.

I miss you even more with every word I write. I'm going to finish this fight and then it will be safe for me to find you Masumi. I will be there soon.

Your Aijin,
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