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SACN To current/former Kyoto Crew, Commanders, and Admiralty: Hypothetical Kyoto Refit Specs


Inactive Member
To: Current and Former Kyoto-class Crew, Commanders, and Admiralty

I have been asked to consider devising a refit for the venerable Kyoto-class Carrier. Unfortunately, I have never served aboard the class or participated in its deployment. As such, while I can study specifications and historical deployments until my eyes tire; it would not be as beneficial as hearing directly from those with experience serving in, directly commanding, and issuing orders to the vessel in its various operations.

I need to hear not only strategic and tactical specifications, but also other minutia which will increase the efficiency of the class in day-to-day operations and function. Improvements for function and morale, recommendations to upgrade compliment and to what capacity, recommendations to improve survivability. I desire to hear recommendations from the serving soldier to the admirals who direct them to convey and construct the expectations, needs, and vision for the vessel.

I thank you for your time and future input.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
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