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SYNC To: Galactic Horizon From: Iemochi Seinosuke


Inactive Member
Banned Member

My friends from USO have mentioned your custom manufacturing capabilities and I'm interested in purchasing a custom mask, in the style of a plague doctor. Below are the specifications I would desire.

Compatible with the Star Army Type 34 helmet as much as possible, I understand the technology is generally classified but if you design to the well-known information such as it's physical dimensions I can alter it to fit at a later date. This should attach where the "visor" normally would.

Functionality of filtering similar to the Pioneer's Helmet, upgraded if possible to filter particulates, microbes and such at military grades. Also an extended stored air capacity.

Smart HUD, including various optical enhancements. Comms, internal cameras and battery can be integrated or can be developed separately and added to the chassis on my end.

Ballistic rating if possible. It does not need to be anything huge.

Let me know if you can put this together or not.

Many thanks
Iemochi Seinosuke

Surprise @club24!
I hope you have fun with this one!!/SPOILER]
Mr Iemochi

I'll be honest I read the title and thought this was for a dress up costume but looking over your request i can see that you do in fact want a working model helmet. We're glad for the excuse to updrage one of our existing designs however the emergency air capacity for the Pioneer helmet comes from the included pack so we can attach one of those if need be or try to rig up a recycling system.

Rest of it looks good, so shall I just list this as an IIS expense or is it all done privately?

Many thanks, Kryss Black - Liaison and assistant CEO Galactic Horizon

@Ethereal, also she wouldn't know about the family split thing hence why i included the last part
Miss Black

I am glad you will be able to complete my request, I can see why you might think for this is for anything other than practical applications but this is not the case, which I'm sure you can discern.

As much as my family owe me, I should put it on their tab. They bloody well deserve it.

For now, I'll be paying for it myself. If you know anyone in the company, mention my name and lots of doors will open. Or they'll bury you, it's a coin toss. Actually, don't pay my name any heed just contact me when the item is ready, I'll pay whenever you desire.

Iemochi Seinosuke
Ittô Juni, Star Army of Yamatai
Mr Iemochi

Your order has been completed and should have reached you by now, so sorry for the delay in responding but things got busy at the office with more orders coming in and some staff falling ill.

Please don't hesitate to enlist our services in the future and you will be welcomed eagerly.

Kyrss Black - Liaison and assistant CEO Galactic Horizon