Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

To: Geshrinari Shipyards From: Koga Akemi


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Hello as well as you're welcome for writing to you to buy your goods. I would like to purchase a few dozen of this and that and four of your space ports. I made a lot off of a sale to the Freespacers —great people— and want to get the bellflowers out of my pocket and into the economy. If you want to know the truth, I have often donated large sums to charities and the like and this feels a little bit like that, if I'm being honest.

I'm buying what to you is useless metal wasting away until it finds a buyer but what is, to me, the delight of a lifetime... Or at least while the sales pique at these locations.

For you see I am just a humble man with a business with a net gross beyond some expectations. And so I ask you for four Amatsu-class starports. I am buying this mostly to hang out with my buddies, though, and I invite you all at Geshrinari shipyards to come to one of my grand openings of these soon-to-be bustling paradise ports I will be hosting for you and those like you. I'll tell you the friends I have are far and wide and they're going to love to hear about this sale. I feel like many of them will just start buying Geshrinari Shipyard products just because I bought so much from you guys. And don't worry about the low number of ships that I bought. I wanted to get the big purchase of the space ports out of the way before I got after you guys again about giving me more for my money.

Here's something I had compiled by someone else, so tell me if they made a mistake.
  • 1 Ge-Y1-3a - Henkei-class passenger - 31,000 KS
  • 1 Ge-Y1-2a - Henkei-class cargo - 28,000 KS
  • 1 Ge-T1-1A - Transatmospheric Shuttle - 16,000 KS
  • 4 Ge-H2-1a - Amatsu-Class Spaceport - 75,000,000 KS
  • 10 Ge-Y2-1a - Hanto-class - 76,250 KS
  • 10 Ge-Y2-W3300 - Anti-Armor Turrets Price - 1,750 KS
  • 10 Ge-Y2-W3301 - Suisei Active Anti-Missile System Price - 2,500 KS
  • 10 Ge-Y1-W3100 - Anti-Ship Turrets Price - 1,500 KS
  • 20 Ge-V1-1a - Hoshou Fighter - 24,000 KS + whatever kind of customization for the fighters
    (OOC: wiki does not state what they are, just that they exist from what I can tell)
+ whatever kind of customization(???) for fighters

DISCLAIMER: Prices listed are for each ship/addition

Well now that I've shown you the figures, I want to just add that I'm willing to send over a bit more just as a thank you for being a purveyor of fine goods and necessities throughout the Kikyo Sector. I thank you for that.

The total sale with tip would come out to 30,500,000 KS.

Have a splendid day,
Koga Akemi

To Koga Akemi,

I am Fuji Yuri, Director Geshrinari Shipyards

Thank you for your interest in our products.

The Ge-V1-1a Currently has no customization option. It comes standard with two forward mounted Ge-V1-W3300 - Pulse Plasma Cannons,
and 2 Ge-V1-W3301 - Defensive LASER Array mounted dorsally and ventrally..Our research section is looking into some new weapon systems for this product. When they become available due to the size of your order, we will offer you a discount on the systems.

The Amatsu-Class spaceports are delivered by GS to their original point of operation. Kindly provide us with the coordinates that you want them to be delivered and our teams will bring them there and ensure the primary systems are operating normally. Once the stations are in position, the GS staff will turn control of them over to you or your designated personnel and depart via Ge-E1-1a Tenba Class Transporters or Ge-C1-2a - Ookami-Class Light Cruiser if the region of space is not secure. Given the number of Amatsu you have purchased we are waiving our normal delivery costs.

Fuji Yuri,
Esteemed Fuji Yuri of Geshrinari Shipyards,

First of all I have to tell you that I think that given name of yours is just stellar. Because of the nature of your reply I can’t help but ask you if you might be interested in the act your given name implies as a bit of foreplay if we are ever able to meet in person, which I can arrange with my own expenses. No need for a Tenba or Ookami being brought I’ll set up something with one of my new space yachts you’re letting me buy off your hands.

You know what, for the way you’re treating me so well I have no choice but to send over what you should consider a fruit basket of delicacies from across the sector and beyond. I have a few friends in high places that can get me very nice things and I would like to be sure you’ll become one of those friends as well.

The thing I am going to need the most from you for one of the space ports I will be buying is a way to get that space port into the area West of the Kikyo Sector, as deep into Westerly space as you can go for me. I can go pretty far with shipping payments, to compensate for the unexpected distance that you may find yourself going. Because of how far I can go, I expect to go deep with you.

On the subject of shipping, I am determined to not let you raise a finger for me. I would love to cover shipping costs as it’s not really in my style to let someone pick up my tab, but I, again, really appreciate what you’re doing for me and for the offer so I’ll go ahead and let you nab that small bill, which I’m sure will be of no big expense to you compared to the amount you are receiving from me already.

I would recommend using the Ookami as I largely operate outside of Yamataian space.

Coordinates are enclosed for the other three while I trust your discretion with the fourth one that will be going into Westerly space. Please put it as far coreward as possible and don’t worry about following up with a reply trying to discuss the coordinates further. I would rather trust you to put it West of the Kikyo Sector, even West of Uso’s 188604. 1000 LY from Yamatai would make me happy beyond reason but I can’t expect too much from someone I’ve only just met. Again, we can change that. We can always get closer and I want you to know that above all else.

Beyond that, beyond your wildest dreams is where I want to go. Again, don’t worry about asking more or if your location is alright, I trust your judgement. Do me a big favor and just let me know where you put it, alright?

The transfer of the funds will commence upon delivery of this message. I hope to continue a more personal relationship with you in the future, Yuri. Oh, Yuri, what it would be like to meet a woman of your namesake.

A rose by any other name would not smell sweet at all compared to what it would be like next to yours, Yuri, my dear Yuri.

Locations will be:
  1. Space Port 1: A bit East of the space between Null and Void and Gold Coast in independent space.
  2. Space Port 2: I’ve heard some great things about the ex-Lorath space and would like to get close to there so plunk a station down near the ominous green nebula between some of the Nepleslian worlds but not in their space, you know? They’re great with me, Nepleslia and I are great friends, but I just want to see about creating my namesake’s renaissance in independent space.
  3. Space Port 3: I want one near the UX-4 system if you can manage that.
  4. Space Port 4: See above about deep Westerly Space. ~100k-400k LY from Yamatai.

Signed with admiration,
Locations of delivery utilize grid square numbers of the Kikyo Sector map and guesstimates for Space Port 4 are of the Kagami Galaxy and Western Sector Maps. When I refer to the West of the Kikyo Sector I am referring to coreward, such as towards Arm 07/The Kuexians. The locations can be found below:
  • Space Port 1: Grid Square 1021 (lower left)
  • Space Port 2: Grid Square 1824 (lower middle/right)
  • Space Port 3: Grid Square 1006 (middle near UX-4)
  • Space Port 4: Honestly I don’t know how far West Geshrinari Shipyard's delivery people are willing to go. If you can choose for me where that would be, it would be great. Aiming for past the Western Starmap to be honest.
  • Ships, etc delivery: Grid Square 1021 - Space port 1 location (East of Gold Coast and Null and Void in square 1021

Flower basket/package includes:
  • 10,000 KS Gift Cards usable at any Akemi’s
  • Crate of Lorath Wine
  • Set of expensive bath products
  • Hair care products
  • 2 Packages of Twelve Ghoroun Mints
  • Dozens of Khuyunii Sweetstones
  • 1 Signed and autographed picture of Akemi inside of the driver's seat of a hover sports car model.
  • 1 Rolled up 20 ft x 40 ft tapestry with the word, "Akemi's" in between burger buns as if the company's name was the meat and lettuce, cheese and tomato of the burger.
To Koga Akemi,

Thank you for your kind words and generous offers.

At present we have two Amatsu-Class Spaceports that are ready for immediate shipment. Kindly which location you would like them delivered to.

The other two stations will be available for delivery in 30 days.

Fuji Yuri,
Fuji Yuri Dearest,

I have enclosed the locations and dates as well as a signed and autographed manga of some excerpts of my life that was recently crafted. I signed the inside and made it out to you, Dear. I have people that watch out for these things getting resold at ludicrous amounts, so be forewarned to keep this in your personal possessions and not sell it to some fangirls. Yes, you may be surprised to know I have fangirls and guys. A whole plethora of people really enjoy me and it shows in a lot of ways. I can't wait to see how you show it, Yuri.

I'd like the station near UX-4 (Space Port 3 in Grid Square 1006) ad the ambiguously placed Western port both delivered right away. Thank you for that. The other two in their more Northerly sections of the Kikyo Sector can be delivered when you're ready.

Thank you, again and again,

Space Port 1: Grid Square 1021 (Delivery Status: 30 Days From Now)
Space Port 2: Grid Square 1824 (Delivery Status: 30 Days From Now)
Space Port 3: Grid Square 1006 (Delivery Status: Right Away)
Space Port 4: Western Map Area (Delivery Status: Right Away)

Thank you!

The Station for UX-4 is at the specified coordinates. The installation crew is currently bringing up the primary systems and will await arrive of your personnel to take possession.

The other station is en-route. Due to the distance and that the Amatsu-Class Spaceports fold system is limited, it should arrive on station in 347 days.

Fuji Yuri,

I'm kind of sad to realize that this will be the end of our continued conversation for some time. But, honestly, I'm not going to last a year in deep Westerly space with the defenses I bought. I'll have to come back to you, Yuri, and buy more some time. That is enough for me to look forward to and I hope it is for you, too.

I have had my personnel waiting in the UX-4 system and they are now en route to the Nigiyaka station near the system that you have installed (that is what I am calling it because it means busy and bustling)! The other one, well, I expected as much. I will have to contact Trinary Star Shipping as I have been working with them and the Western port left us all scratching our heads. We'll deal with that when the time comes. Maybe we can contract some of your accountants! Mine are in need of retirement!

Back to business, I have sent all the money I promised and I feel like this is wrapped up, thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and please accept my eternal gratitude.

Lovely thoughts,
Koga Akemi

PS- Would it be too much trouble actually to ship all of the ships and equipment to the UX-4 port rather than the one by Null and Void? I realized then the shipment of ships and supplied will be delayed a month before I am able to get them. This mistake is on my former accountant. I apologize for it, though.