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SACN To: Her Majesty Empress Himiko I Subject: First Contact with the Monarchy of Dovania


Convention Veteran
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
From: Ambassador Ranga Havard
To: Her Majesty Empress Himiko I
CC: Imperial Premier Ketsurui Yuumi, SAINT Director Nakaide Shida
Subject: First Contact with the Monarchy of Dovania

Your Majesty,

I am reporting to you on the progress of negotiations with the Monarchy of Dovania. After a brief contact with Princess Violet of the Monarchy of Dovania, I was able to arrange what I believed to be a informal meeting between myself and some of their diplomatic corps to arrange a formal first contact. Unfortunately, the information I was provided with was inaccurate as to the nature of the meeting. I attended the meeting on a Independent Space Station with just myself and two bodyguards attending to maintain a low profile.

I was greeted by over a thousand members of their millitary and assorted members of their goverment as well as sixty powered armor and four tanks. We have very little intelligence on the Monarchy at this time and I expected that they had a similarly small amount of intelligence on us. After Greeting High King Kyro-vek Draguun of the Monarchy of Dovania, they revealed that they have what they described as nearly three billion greviances against us. I red though them and they were surprisingly well informed. I don't know how they got the information about us without us also learning more about them. This may be a matter for SAINT to look into.

I was forced with the resources available to demonstrate that Yamatai was not going to be a pushover and was able to use a mass precision teleport to take the documents and return them. I don't know if we got everything, but we disassembled several tracking warheads of type 41 minimissles and used the payload to cover the inside of their cargo bays with tiny Quantum and Radio tracking devices set to be inactive until they receive a signal from SAINT using the return of the boxes as cover.

After that, I was able to sit down and discuss with King Draguun several important matters of state. I proposed exchange of envoys, a nonagression treaty, and a trade treaty. They will be sending one of their people, Azazel, to act as their envoy to Yamatai. I have dispatched Issus Sanssinia, one of our envoys, to them. We were able to negotiate a non-aggression treaty with them, which I consider to be an accomplishment given how anti-Yamatai they seemed to me. We were not able to come to terms regarding a trade agreement, although we may be able to develop that with time.

There seems to be some sort of strong anti-Yamatai and xeno-phobic feelings among the Dovanian population. We must investigate the source for theese feelings, especialy given our extremely limited formal and informal contact with them to our knowledge. It is also clear that we need to investigate the territory that they have claimed and determine how much space they actually exert control over. While their ships seem to mostly be designs purchased from the New Dusk Collective, I don't feel that they were showing us all of the military assets that they have in play. We will want to acquire that information.

In concusion, the Monarchy of Dovania appear to be a paranoid xenophobic culture who know entirely too much about Yamatai and may pose a threat to our interests in the region. While we have arranged for basic diplomatic protocols, much work remains to be done in softening them to trade and other agreements that will stabilize their role in the region.

Thank you,
Ranga Havard
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Yamatai Star Empire

Attachment: Full volumetric recording of the meeting
Attachment: Scans of all participating warships and the meeting room from the YSS Impreturbable and Mindy suit scans from inside some of their ships
Attachment: 2.8 billion grievances

OOC: @Wes, @raz, (Please also tag anyone else I missed who needs to be on this.)
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Her Imperial Majesty Empress Himiko I of Yamatai

You are to assign a fleet to investigate and, if necessary in your judgement, make plans to eliminate this Monarchy of Dovania before they become a problem for our Empire.

Currently there is a non-aggression treaty in place; therefore, you must not attack at this time.
To: Her Imperial Majesty Empress Himiko I of Yamatai
From: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
CC: Taisho Hokusai Akiyo, Taisho Nakaide Shida

I am at your command, Empress, and will enforce your will. I am assigning SAINT and the Star Army Third Fleet to perform this mission.
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Taisho Nakaide Shida


SAINT has deployed several scout flotillas to ascertain the threat presented by the Monarchy of Dovania, as well as conducted initial debriefings of Star Army personnel detailed to the Yamataian government's diplomatic mission that made initial contact with the Monarchy. Our scout ships have yet to enter their territory, as our analysis has determined the Dovanians could see such moves as a direct attack against their nation and, although I am confident in SAINT's ability to remain hidden, one should never underestimate the lengths the opponents of the glorious Star Empire will strive toward in order to draw Yamataian forces into an unnecessary conflict. Therefore, our current information is limited to observable surveillance and SIGINT information obtained in the course of our duty.

You are, of course, privy to all current SAINT reports via PANTHEON. Key points from our initial analysis on the Monarchy of Dovania are as follows:

1. The Monarchy is based on a planet they call "Xuno" in a star system named "Kyzu," which lies approximately 160 light years to the galactic west of Planet Yamatai, relatively close to the Second Expeditionary Fleet's area of operations. They have also established a colony on a second planet in the system.

2. The Monarchy does not possess technology on par with the Star Army of Yamatai, lacking Aether and mass cloning capability on par with the Yamatai Star Empire. However, the Monarchy does possess faster-than-light drives and the capacity to transport a not-insignificant ground force between worlds.

3. As was stated in the meeting between Dovanian leaders and the Yamataian Department of Diplomacy, the Monarchy has had contact with the Kikyo Sector corporation known as Psychopomp LLC. Additionally, the Monarchy is in contact with the Kikyo Sector organization known as the New Dusk Conclave.

3.1. The Monarchy has active commerce concerns with the New Dusk Conclave and maintains at least one interstellar trade route with the organization.

4. The Monarchy has an inherent, sharp, and universal distrust for anything that isn't part of their nation.

5. The Monarchy lacks the tangible resources and military capability to stand against the Star Army of Yamatai in a direct confrontation, but should be approached with caution due to their xenophobic tendencies.

Please relay the initial reports to Empress Himiko at your earliest convenience. I will be sure to keep her abreast of the situation as protocol dictates, and she may contact me directly if there is anything she believes she should know. If Star Army Command has any specific intelligence requests or orders regarding the Monarchy of Dovania, SAINT is, as always, at your command.

Authorized by: TAISHO NAKAIDE SHIDA, Director of Star Army Intelligence
32日4月YE41, 0005 Yamatai Time
Executive Intelligence Directorate, SAINT
To: Taisho Ketsurui Yui
From: Taisho Hokusai Akiyo, Third Fleet

The Third is currently reforming following operations to retake Essia. Nonetheless, my crews stand ready to take action at a moment's notice, and will incorporate a possible strike against this Monarchy of Dovania as part of their refit schedule.

In service,
Commander, Third Fleet