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SYNC To: Kage Yaichiro, From: Ashton Acres, CEO of Ken-TEC


Inactive Member
To: Kage Yaichiro, Jiyuu Fleet Depot
From: Ken-TEC, Ashton Acres
Subject: Clean-Up Negotiations

***Video File Recognized. Now Playing...***

The feed buzzed alive, showcasing the workfloor that could only be a Nepleslian facility. Organic and heavily mechanized Nepleslians, all working on an assembly to create bodywork for very obvious torso of power armor. The massive shape of the chest and backpack was definitely signature to a budding product with the sector, albeit it had mostly been popular in-use among the working class of Nepleslia so far.

The camera panned around and up, onto the big smiling face of Ashton Acres. He had a shirt on for once... even if there was grime for likely working with oiled parts smearing it and parts of his face. The factory ceiling above shifted and moved with his motion, heading through a door and away from most of the noise so that his voice kicked up nice and clear above the softer noise of electronics being fine-tuned with electric instruments.

"Apologies for the noise, I wanted to show off our new line! We got it working after bugging some friendly Freespacers who roam Nepleslian space. It's not as good as having them or getting some specially-designed Junker construction bay, but on Kennewes, you make do with whatever isn't half-sunk into the marsh!"

His eyes looked out and over the camera, likely looking at someone else, but thankfully all he did was shake his head and returned his gaze downward.

"I've been monitoring the state of affairs over there on Jiyuu... three, I think? Apologies, I'm not Yamataian! I grew up on Kennewes, learned on Kennewes... well, I've always been here! So you know, I just-"

An explosion off-screen illuminated the entire room, Ashton looking up without even a bit of alarm. Scrap flew through the background, the big man taking a few moments as shouting and namecalling all took-place. But thankfully, with a sharp whistle, Ashton reined the noise in and the sound of fire extinguishers popping off filled in the new noise before his attention focused back in.

"Point is, I know that you're in need of assistance. While you have access to machines such as the CAMIE, my company can offer you something better. Our Warlocks are environment-defensive suits of power armor, built for the working men of Nepleslia. And as you might know, a lot of our industrialization and contact with the Freespacers gives us a hefty degree of experience with handling radioactive situations. Aside from being able to dedicate some crew out your way to help with the work, we can also make a deal through the use of these suits."

The screen lit up as the video's interlacing with overlays popped up, showcasing video footage of the Warlock walking through a room full of junk. And, of course, all the junk lifting straight up and the suit walking around and manipulating them piece by piece. It even moved through the air without any sort of propulsion necessary.

"Our gravity technology is second to none, thanks to my dear friend and gravity specialist Yori Kataoka. She currently is out exploring some frontier expansion options and handling the field testing of other technology, but I digress. The pair of us have created a suit smaller than the CAMIE but capable of manipulating gravity around it up to twenty meters away, while also having its own gravity manipulation capabilities. Imagine if Minkans were able to both influence the gravity around them while also moving and propelling themselves with their own gravitational field."

The camera was sat down as Ashton at last came to a stop, the view shifting down to reveal a chair as the massive man sit down. Lots of extinguisher material covered two or three tables in the background, a few people working to clean the mess up from the prior explosion.

"We currently lack a suite of tools, however, so most equipment would have to be made on the spot or brought from other machinery. This makes the suit currently not quite able to live up to the potential of the sheer work force a CAMIE might bring... but these suits are extremely adept at precise movement and, in high number, could be used to extremely lighten loads. The electro-magnetization capacity within the suit also means that they could use magnetic force and manipulate things that way. Each one of them also has an electric welder through the usage of their extra power generated."

"These suits can all be bought for the price of 4,000 KS. And this is before any sort of agreement between us can be made."

The statistical information and a price estimate blurred onto the screen beside Ashton's face at this point.

"I am willing to negotiate, based under your initial and follow-up news coverage, to reach an agreement that helps both of us. My current requests are as follows."

The list zooms in on one section, highlighting the meat of the lengthy legal spiel.
  1. Rights to PR Coverage: Any announcements will highlight the efforts of either Ken-TEC or those utilizing Ken-TEC equipment in the clean-up.
  2. ETS Permission: The permission to Educate, Train, and Sell to any worker who wishes to secure a Warlock within the operation, regardless of employment within or outside of the company.
  3. On-Site Production: The establishment of a temporary facility within the clean-up to allow on-site production of Ken-TEC equipment. This facility, barring contact and permission from Yamataian officials, will be subject to deconstruction within the following three months of the working procedures coming to a halt.
  4. Kennewes Education Investment: Following the ending of on-site work, work will be done to open up dialogue between both Kennewes University and yourself to put together a memorial scholarship to commemorate the success of the work. The qualifications and the degree of this scholarship are yours to pick as you see fit.
"I look forward to your response. Negotiation is something I enjoy learning, now that I'm responsible for making business decisions. I will gladly hear out suggestions on things we could exchange, such as changing one of these out for a more reasonable exchange for you!"

*** Ending Video. ***

@Toshiro @Wes - I'm including you, Wes, because Toshiro brought it to my attention that something could happen where Kennewes could potentially get to expand (given that they're not in any sort of bad standing and are helping out the planet). Apologies if it's too early to even bother ya with this sort of stuff =3=/
To:Ken-TEC, Ashton Acres
From: Kage Yaichiro, Jiyuu Fleet Depot
Subject: Clean-Up Negotiations

Firstly, I'd like to thank you for your interest. Kennewes and Jiyuu III do have a common history of strife and rebuild, and this is confirmation to me that both have the same sort of people -- die-hards who want to rebuild rather than simply leave forever for greener pastures. You'll find that mentality around here. While I have some money from inventions and salvage transactions back when those were more common, it's not nearly as much or as stable an income as some who outright own companies. While I hope to change that, my current stable income is from my military salary. My wealth is more in land and production capability, so I prefer to arrange some sort of deal in that regard. I can go through your requirements each in turn. Please note that the Yamataian government is invited to oversee the entirety of the process for purposes of safety and abidance to law.

Regarding Item 1, Rights to PR coverage. I don't control the media outlets or what footage they use, so I can't make this promise. I can allow media outlets from Nepleslia as well the as YINN to enter, and I would make no effort to show preference to what gets put on the media broadcasts. If Ken-TEC units happen to be employed in the footage, that is fine. However, the core focus of any footage should be the Jiyuuian people and the rebuild anyway. If you want to make your own footage and use it in a commercial or something, that's well within your rights...but people may see such a thing as cashing in on good deeds and question your motives.

Regarding Item 2, Education, Train, Sell. This is fine. Education and Training would be needed from you anyway for this project, and if you can sell the Warlock to the person in question for them to make a living afterward, so much the better. It should be noted, however, that they shouldn't have to pay full price for a unit that's been used through this program, especially if they are already having a hard time making ends meet. Such a unit would likely have been paid for in full or in part by the rest of our agreement. As such, I would require that such a unit be priced appropriately given the situation and be serviced and safe for use immediately before its resale. It should also be in no way be irradiated when sold. If new ones are available as well as used, the person should be permitted to explicitly choose which they prefer to buy.

Regarding Item 3, On-Site production. This too is fine, barring any disagreement from Yamataian or Nepleslian authorities. The Fabrication Chamber (sans any military-grade aether-based mattersynthesis components) can also be employed at this temporary facility to help with the synthesis of parts during this timeframe. It may be possible to establish a more permanent site as well, provided Ken-TEC stays for the complete reconstruction, for the purpose of serving as a further form of payment and making a company that can give the locals an additional option of employment.

Regarding Item 4, Kennewes Education Investment. I'm not as hardcore wealthy as some corporation owners, but I believe that this can be done. However, there are other options which could be employed if our governments cooperate. I helped create an 'academy city' of sorts for orphans of the Battle of Yamatai, which has a robust education and internship program which exceeds the requirements set forth by the government. It is my intention to make the Tokyo school system compatible with this program. If our governments are not opposed, we could work to make its university curriculum also compatible with KU's curriculum and be open to each others' internship networks. I am aware that there are a large number of Jiyuuians who have left for Nepleslian territory. Should they elect to come back home, it would be to their benefit to be able to transfer to Kennewes University and from there be able to transfer or attend in a Tokyo college which honors their credits. I welcome your input on this idea, as it's far from a complete one.

It is also possible to, instead of being paid in money or an on site facility, assist in the salvaging to find and keep items instead. Remains of the deceased, items illegal to own by civilians, items that are radioactive, or items that have a clear owner are barred from ownership.

Please let me know your thoughts on the matter, and thank you for contacting me. I hope your new line turns out well! I also look forward to seeing if your statement about the Warlocks' gravity manipulation is accurate -- I'm the designer of the current generation of graviton beam projector arrays on SAoY starships, and look forward to reviewing their performance.
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