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SACN To: Kage Yaichiro - Personal Communication


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Personal Communication - SACN

To: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

It has been a while. Probably too long, such is the way of a life of duty.

I am on the Heion, currently headed to Gemini to take my new position, I've been given the task of rebuilding the First Expeditionary Fleet from scratch. It is a daunting task, but it is a challenge I hope to rise to the occasion for, the Empire needs it, I need it - my career needs it. I couldn't help but wonder where you've ended up, with all the shuffling of competent commanders and needed ships.

How are you? How is your assignment going?

I was thinking if you get some leave time in the near future, it would be nice to see you.

Best Wishes, Your friend,

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet | Star Army of Yamatai
Personal Communication - SACN

To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Taisho
From: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa

It's indeed been a while. About eight years, I believe. Indeed, duty pulls people apart but also has a way of bringing them back together.

I had been moved to the Sakura II as her commanding officer after leaving the 7th. After the extra-judicial murder of a close friend and comrade living at my home in Tokyo in spite of your pardon, I took a post as Commandant of the Jiyuu Fleet Depot for a couple of years out of grief and disillusionment. I have always been a bit odd in that it wasn't a fine career or power alone that brought me pleasure, sometimes to the point of critique from others. However, duty called again. I oversaw the refit of the Sakura II into the prototype for the 2E revision of the class and was able to help defend Scrapyard and the Cosmos Star Fortress assets during the Kuvexian invasion last year. So I find myself once again in the captain's seat, my friend's murder eventually avenged by time.

The Sakura II and my squadron have technically been reassigned to the First Standard Fleet in what is probably a temporary measure, since the First Expeditionary Fleet is not combat ready. In practice, we're pretty much operating business as usual aside form the wearing of different fleet patches.

I also have come to own the Tokyo we built save for a select few exceptions, thanks to the generosity of the Empire and its trust that I could restore it, and have built it anew with much better survivability in mind. Others own the addition that was added to the city later. The company I operate there manages the city's infrastructure and has provisions for production of technology and some starships, though I've offered to loan the shipyards to your predecessor at no cost to help accelerate the restoration of 1XF and 6SF.

I have received no reply, strangely, so the Sunflower Corporation's shipyards (formerly KFY-Jiyuu Shipyards) remain empty.

As for how I am personally doing, I am doing well enough. There are ups and downs as usual, but I have a fine crew and fine ships. I'm no more restless than usual, which is good. It would be nice to meet you should I get some time off, though it is also possible to use the Virtual Collective Experience in the interim.

I'm glad to see you getting back to it. Few have the same skill in fleet rebuilding that you have, and you've shown effective leadership in good times and bad. They couldn't have chosen better for the task, and I'm sure you'll do well.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
Personal Communication - SACN

To: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

Good Morning,

Eight years is too long. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner. Your path has not been easy, but your loyalty to Yamatai and to the Star Army is unmatched. Anyone should be grateful to have Taisa Kage Yaichiro at their call. I find myself thinking that you are brave, having returned to Jiyuu for any period of time. It is just a step I have not been able to make yet. We poured so much of ourselves into Tokyo, it a shame people like Kiyoko couldn't see that. The past though, is just that, the past, and maybe someday I will see the great city we built again. For now, though, I'm headed to Gemini Star Fortress, I have to admit, I've never been there. I don't know what to expect.

As for the lack of response to your query for Sunflower Corporation, it may come in useful to me. I can't make any promises yet, I'm just getting started on what will be a long and tedious process to rebuild the First Expeditionary Fleet into a useful, working, efficient and strong arm of the Empire's might.

I will gladly join you in a VCE, when time allows for it. It warms my heart that you answered, there at times I wonder if you're the only person who understands. Just let me know how your schedule works out, I will make mine available to you once I get settled on Gemini.

I've been going over available ship classes, it seems I will have my work cut out for me when I get deeper into the self-supporting framework the 1XF will need if it is to be sent to distant reaches.

I will let you get back to your duties and crew. Reply back when you have time.

Best Wishes, Your friend,

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet | Star Army of Yamatai
Personal Communication - SACN
To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Taisho
From: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa

Regarding the VCE, the Plumeria 2E has it in each of its beds to allow for simulations (single or multiple) as well as incremental Soul Transfer maintenance infrastructure. I have nightly opportunity for such a meeting on my end, unless we're under silent running or otherwise under immediate alert. I suppose the question would be what your schedule looks like for those. As far as time off, we will have to see what the future holds. We're soon to commence a mission.

As far as being brave for returning to Jiyuu, it was more about going somewhere which had been comfortable in the past in a time of trouble. I have had a habit of doing that in the past. Had I been truly brave, I would have ignored certain warnings and endeavored to push back against a certain organization's leadership for their trespass. A regret only time and a recognition of their other sins by their masters has managed to resolve. I'm just fortunate that I managed to be of use there, and that the Empire trusted me to be so. The leadership with the exclusion of yourself and a few others may have betrayed the empire, but the people remaining were deceived into thinking the Empire did not care about them. Those remaining in Old Tokyo had suffered enough and it was long past time to show their belief to be untrue.

We've been through a lot, so it's hard to know exactly which thing you refer to that I understand. What I can say, though, is that you are not alone.

As you consider how to improve supply lines and their security, please look into the FM-16 Tactical Manual for Blink Tactics. It's something that helps maintain STL superiority and deny easy entrance/egress by the enemy at the edge of a star system with the use of gunships like the Plumeria. I'm working on a Chiaki-based Gunship which is cheaper, so we may be better able to secure long supply lines employing such tactics and assets.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
Reactions: Wes
Personal Communication - SACN

To: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

Attached Files: SAINT footage of Motoyoshi Tio, Records, and Receipts of Misato's Civilian Booking to Jiyuu.

A nightly invitation to bed. How could I say no?

I will see what my schedule allows. I will check into the manual as well, your advice in the past regarding these things has been very sound. I am in the works of suggesting an Expeditionary Fleet Supply Chain Program to Logistics and Taisho Yui to help implement new technologies and improve them. It seems like the Kuexians are able to keep us engaged longer than previous enemies which definitely impacts our supply chains and ability to fabricate materials. I will send you some of my initial recommendations and suggestions once I get the program approved by Command.

I have some visitors, I called your brother Blues and former Chujo Hanabusa Miho here to Gemini to meet with me. SAINT has sent me some interesting information regarding my son, Tio and his sister, Kiyoko. I will send you a copy of what is permitted in your clearances. I am still working on full approvals for Blues, and deciding on what direction to take his services to be it officially to the Star Army or if it will be private through my Clan. I will be seeking input from Yui again on this as that my initial idea would take too much time for him to go through the process. To make a long story short, once you review the information, we are going to finally bring an end to this blemish on the Motoyoshi, and hopefully stop Kiyoko who seems to want to sell the Akuro III to the Kuvexians.

Yaichiro, when I suggested that you understand. I mean, you understand me, you understand this grief I have carried with me all of these years. I hope you understand, like the symbol I have designed for this new fleet, that I am a phoenix and I shall rise from the ashes. I will make things right again. I will restore my clan and my name.

I miss you, I look forward to our VCE session.


Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet | Star Army of Yamatai
Personal Communication - SACN
To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Taisho
From: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa

Resource Documents for Tokyo, Inventory, etc.

Upon review of this information, I offer my full support. If they want to use our city for this, then our city will bite them back. If you want monitoring equipment set up ahead of time, you'll have full access to the older part of the city with the exception of the old MFY assets. I don't control those. I also manage the newer city's infrastructure.

Also, a thought occurs. If she wants to sell the Akuro III, then she may want it refurbished and repaired. The ship would be at a point in its service life where it is in need of such. Theft of old equipment or access to infrastructure might be something they'd attempt to get the ship ready for sale, under cover of my reconstruction of the city. You might find a logistics trail leading to the vessel itself. Just in case she has the gall to hide anything within my own projects, I'm attaching every piece of documentation and record made since I received Tokyo and started its reconstruction. Feel free to have the Gemini's computer system look for anything of note, as it is more advanced than what I have here. I don't have access to any records of MFY/PHI, though Atarashi Tokyo's underground infrastructure has been upgraded by Sunflower Corporation and the records for that are also included. You can also attach my name to any requests you send to my old assignment at Jiyuu Fleet Depot on this matter to try and speed things up, though I doubt a Taisho will find it necessary.

I would also highly recommend checking in on a long-abandoned orbital facility that is in orbit around Jiyuu VI. I'd long wanted to investigate it but the opportunity never arose. A Stellar Link Siphon had to be destroyed in a classified operation years ago due to its re-purposing by Black Coats into a cloaked seige/subjugation platform. I would not be surprised if this site were similarly altered into a base of operations. They need to hide the ship somewhere.

I'm glad Blues may enter your care. Please don't be too hard on him for not reporting himself between his escape and now. He has gone through more than any soldier or officer could imagine at Kiyoko's hands and needed time to recover as well as to find himself. Those two years were the first ones he ever had which were his own. If he agrees, though, you'll find in him a strong ally and a mutual need to be reborn. I indeed understand what you have gone through, and he remembers enough to understand as well.

Also, while I intended no further connotations when making that telepresence offer, I won't remove your apparent interpretation from play as an option.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
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Personal Communication - SACN

To: Kage Yaichiro, Taisa
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko

I have words for you, words that have stirred within my being a great storm. A tempest desire to live, to be as the phoenix of this fleet I've been tasked to resurrect; these words, these feelings are what drove me from the ashes in which I was reduced and are the flames upon which my life is now blazing. Yaichiro, you have my heart. I am in love with you and have been since so long ago.

I command thousands of soldiers or more, I am but a fist of the Empire being driven into the heart of enemy territory and yet I live, I breathe for the moments of sudden shore leave or schedules crossed when you're buried within me so deep I can feel you in the very heart of my essence. For lightyears at night when I sleep I feel like my heart wanders across the expanses to you, in search of your safe harbor and powerful grip.

I wanted to save these discussions for when I see you, but that time cannot come soon enough to leash this pounding in my Neko heart. There are truths though that I wish to gently deliver to your ears, things I have done in secret in the name of this love and only you can hear them. Only you can relieve the weight on me.

These missions, this duty, I hate how far we're driven apart sometimes. I love serving, fighting for the Empire. I wish we could find a way, find a path to do it next to each other again. The First is nearly operational, who knows where our missions will take us next. I hope they transfer the Sakura II back to her fleet and you to me.

I hope to see you soon. I am on leave in Tokyo.

Signed with Love,
Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Commander, First Expeditionary Fleet - Star Army of Yamatai
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From: Kage Taichiro, Taisa
To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko, Taisho

I have never been good with words of the heart. All I am was abandoned and discarded by my makers as useless upon my birth, and since then I've had only the Army. Any time I suspected myself to harbor feelings with the appearance of love, I refused to act overtly not merely because of my own inexperience, but because I learned one simple truth from the failings of those with whom I served. A woman of power in the Empire is only to be desired if she comes right out and explicitly says she wishes to be desired in no uncertain terms. Anything else serves as a violation of the trust and faith she places into the soldiers beneath her. While I can hardly expect everyone else to abide by this, I've never been able to bring myself to reject this fact.

Not that I know how to respond to a statement like this once it's given. My heart is awkward and clumsy and my mouth follows suit.

In time, I realized that what remained of my 'ambition for one's self' had died. Career, power, influence, wealth, they were either placed upon me unexpectedly or collected for the sake of some other greater purpose. Authority or command was always eventually returned, both to rest my soul between endeavors and in recognition that I lacked the ambition to lead or the capacity to bear that load on my shoulders alone. In matters of love and in true leadership, I am hopeless unless properly guided or wielded by another I can trust. Larger purposes like 'the public trust' or 'the well-being of the Empire' are obvious, but the day to day ones...the burden you bear is not one I am confident I could shoulder alone. No one should have to.

What could I say to your feelings? How do I respond to something I have trouble comprehending when I've cast aside my own ambitions without hurting your heart with some ignorant comment that may not even be intended in spirit to be the way it may be heard? I desire to be loyal. I desire to be kind. Even should I feel the same way if the confusion is torn away, I'm so fearful of being unwittingly cruel that I've scarcely dared open my mouth for twelve straight years on the matter.

What I can say, with clarity, is that I will find some way to be there be it short or long. I don't understand why you've not called upon the Sakura to rejoin her fleet as you clearly desire. The ship has been yours to lead since you were assigned the fleet with the delay a mere formality, and I have merely been waiting for you to make the transfer in your own good time. I don't see why Yui-Taisho would refuse such a thing if you asked.

Awkwardly hoping I haven't said something foolish or cruel,
Kage Yaichiro
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