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To M.E.C.H.A. agent from Thorn Ironhart


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I'd like to update my hull registry number for mission tracking purposes, and thank the company for their placement work in my last two contracts.

My apologies for the rather impromptu and short term nature of my placement with Section Six and Saber Spec Ops, though my trip to Asteria for placement with the Magisters went very well.

That said, the new hull number is 2274-8DS7D, being now an internationally recognized hull number. Also, I would like to request a representative of the company come to HX-14 to appraise a possible global salvage operation that will likely be in progress by the time you get there.

As my oldest and dearest client, thank you for your update. As a continued and loyal associate and friend, I would be glad to meet as some time in the near future to discuss the renewal of your three year contract you have with me, to be merged into my recently started company. Although we at M.E.C.H.A. do not participate in salvage operations, i know somebody who does. He will likely get in touch with you at some point next year, as his schedule can be very busy this time of year. Good luck on our newest venture!

Sophie Sorano
CEO and sole owner of M.E.C.H.A.
Thank you, Sofia. If you're talking about Jimmy Sorano, he recently gave me a very reasonable quote for a hyperspace fold drive.

If working closely with M.E.C.H.A. and SDV is to continue, I would have to renew my escrow contract, and update my beneficiaries in the process. Feel free to contact my sister, Rose Ironhart to confirm her takeover of the Section Six contract and get her to sign the paperwork.

She has already made a proud addition to the Ironhart Research staff, and will continue her work on 188604. I would also like to ask that any legal right to my ship's design be released at royalty, with fifty percent going to you as recompense for the unusual international legalese that I often find myself putting you through.

I should also update my signature... I'll have it updated in our next series of communications.

With love and well wishes,
Thorn Ironhart
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