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SACN To Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui-sama: Regarding 3rd XF


Inactive Member
Encryption Level 63, Inter-Fleet Communication

To: Mistress Taisho Ketsurui Yui-sama

Greetings, Yui-sama. I am contacting you because I am concerned about the state of the 3rd XF, which was dealt a harsh blow at Valaad.

I have seen too many fleets vanish, and my own came alarmingly close to doing so, so the the 3rd XF situation concerns me deeply. We have only recently lost the 2nd SF, and I do not want to see another fleet vanish if it can be avoided, especially one through which so many allied governments deal with us.

Perhaps it is not my place to show such interest in other fleets, but I've been concerned enough to transfer some of the 5th's own ships to the 3rd XF, and plan to do more. Still, their manifest is straight out of YE 25, and the 5th XF's production capacity is limited...we cannot even make Zesuaium any longer. In short, we can only assist them so much.

If it is possible, I would like to speak with you on this matter, as I will be in orbit around Yamatai on the YSS Akuro III until first thing tomorrow morning, Kyoto time.

I feel I cannot stand idly by as our sister fleet bleeds to death, though it is not officially my responsibility. It is yours, however, and I humbly invite your involvement. If you wish to contact the 3rd XF first, you may certainly do so, but they have accepted our assistance thus far, and seem to be in dire need from the reports I have recieved.

If you are for some reason unable or unwilling, I and the 5th XF will do what we can to assist them on our own unless ordered otherwise.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet
Taisho Saito,

I have already dispatched extra ships to the 3rd XF and can send more if requested. Such requests, however, should really come from the 3rd XF's Taisho.


Taisho Yui
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