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To: Saiga Psychogenetics From: Koga Akemi


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
πŸŽ–οΈ Game Master
I was wondering what it is you make exactly because I've been to Tatiana and, well, you know why I bring that system up because you have a few satellite offices there and I happened to check out by pure accident some stuff you have laying around and were testing out. More specifically, I like your mech and revolver quite a lot. How much would bulk of both be?

Talking to you guys so far has been pretty nice and I really appreciate the fact that you're taking the time to talk to me about this kind of stuff. Thanks for that, really. Please enjoy this complimentary fruit basket that two Geshrin women dressed as princesses of Yamatai are hand delivering. Both of them have given me a list of what they would be happy to do for you and I'm passing that along to you. They're some of the most open women, too. Enjoy yourselves before you decide to reply.

Thanks for everything,
Koga Akemi
Reactions: raz
To: Koga Akemi
From: Suzuki Tokage, General Inquiries Representative @ Saiga Psychogenetics Research Laboratories

Mr. Akemi,

Thank you for your interest in supporting our company. Additionally, both Saiga Psychogenetics and the Saiga Clan trust you enjoyed your stay on Tatiana and hope you look forward to coming again sometime.

The Model 38 Special Duty Revolver is made by Sitanin Zbrojovka Unlimited in Nepleslia and individually priced at 1,100 KS for the imported factory package. For bulk orders over 250, I have been given corporate approval to reduce the cost-per-unit to just 750 KS. This price will include one cartridge charging station per 50 weapons. Condensed plasma cartridges for the commercial market are produced exclusively by SiZi for use with the M38 and may be purchased at any fine ammunition retailer in the sector.

Your second request to purchase our mecha is both unexpected and amusing. There is no doubt you saw the Saiga House Guard's contingent of Hatamoto mecha walkers during your visit to Tatiana and are speaking of those in your purchase query. Each Hatamoto is hand-crafted by a team of engineers specifically for the samurai who wears it β€” or tailored to accommodate an honored ancestor's surviving heir β€” so we are unable to provide them in bulk.

However, I have personally contacted the Saiga Clan's armorsmiths on Yamatai, and can fulfill an order of two units-per-month at 100,000 KS each. Saiga Psychogenetics hopes you will accept this deficiency in our ability to fulfill your order.

If all of this is acceptable to you, simply reply to this message with your order's final specifics for an invoice.

Kindest Regards,
Suzuki Tokage

PS: The women you sent are very pure. Though a Nekovalkyrja, your uncharacteristic consideration of such fine points did not go unnoticed by my superiors. Our offices have accepted the pair graciously, thank you.
I'm really glad to hear this Suzuki Tokage, I really am. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you again in the future if you make your mech flight capable or if you just want to chat.

Here is the total for twelve mech and 250 guns:
  • 1,387,500 KS
I will add a bit to make it an even 1,400,000 KS

Has it been nice talking to you! You seem like such a nice person that I want to send you a pre-release of a single off of an album I have in the works tentatively titled, "Live A Loved Life!" I am thinking of starting a charity of my own and I may just begin making sales off of KOgama, my musical group with ex-SARA anchor Ogama Mio! Listen and tell me if you think this is a hit!

I'll forward you information on the people I'm going to be have wearing these guys and if you want they, too, can be fitted. I will of course want one fitted for myself, if possible, which will be an experience for your Saiga Clan's armorsmiths. Maybe you can join in the fun? I'm always looking for more people to experience a good time and with me.

Regardless, I thank you,
Koga Akemi
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