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SYNC To Second Chance Salvage: VDTF Puchase.

Edto Xar'Sivaree

Lizard Freak!
Inactive Member
To: Second Chance Salvage.
From: Vekimen Defensive Task Force, Logistics Division.

Greetings, Second Chance Salvage. Over the time we have been in the system, we have received quite a few useful items from your various giveaways. We appreciate your generosity, and we would like to do actual business with you. It may seem unorthodox, our request, but we would like to by out your public list of product, both sorted and unsorted. We are willing to handle the pickup of the what we buy.

Does 30,000,000KS sound fair too you?

To: Vekimen Defensive Task Force, Logistics Division
From: Second Chance Salvage

Alright, we can do that. Note: restricted tech that cannot legally be sold to anyone other than the YSE government will be excluded. Where do you want it delivered?

Without knowing what can and cannot legally be sold, we would think it better to remove such product from your public list. Can you please inform us of what is legally capable of being sold to us so that we may adjust prices?
To: Vekimen Defensive Task Force, Logistics Division
From: Second Chance Salvage

Restricted Technologies include Nekovalkyrja, HSCS, TDD, RDD, WARMS and like devices, Aether Weaponry, Transposition Cannons, Scalar Weapons, ST/SS Tech, Technology involved in the creation of Zesuaium, Yarvex, Xiulurium, Interdictor Devices, and items that were exclusively the property Star Army of Yamatai, like the shuttle.
From: VDTF

After a look over the list, we have not found any Nekovalkyrja, HSCS, TSS, RDD, WARMS, or any other restricted Drives or advanced scanners. We also have not found any restricted weapons as per named ((Positron and Gravitron beam canons are wildcards currently)), nor anything in the creation of any restricted materials. Nothing regarding Soul Transfers was found ((Hemosynthetic Tanks and blood are wildcards)), nor any ships that appear to be exclusive Yamatai Property.

Possible wildcards include:
  • Positron Canons
  • Gravitron Canons
  • Hymosynthetic Tanks
  • Hemosynthetic Blood
To: Vekimen Defensive Task Force, Logistics Division
From: Second Chance Salvage

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