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Laz Public Network [To SSS] Thank you and Curriculum Building


Inactive Member
To: Shuji Saiki Kouan
Scientific Studies Service

First, I would like to thank you deeply for your donation of dried Oak toward the efforts for the city being constructed. While it is possible to establish a institutional building cheaply with salvaged or synthesized materials, things such as that which you have given will contribute an important feel of home and normalcy to these young people – something which we military personnel sometimes overlook because we are used to doing without. While some would consider it decorative, I consider it an important touch of class with which the city can better accomplish its goal of providing an enriching environment for its young inhabitants to grow up in. I can’t thank you enough not only for your generosity and thought, but also for the taste which you’ve shown in your chosen medium of contribution.

As I am sure you are well aware, a massive part of the responsibility I hold in defining this city is the establishment of a school and curriculum which are sufficient to give these students what they need to turn their lives around and excel. I’m not merely content copying the requirements from the Department of Education. Those requirements should be the bare minimum, not the target, and these students will need more opportunities to allow them to try to turn around what has been lost to them. I am a person who started with nothing and attained success through military service as well as studies of math and the sciences, and want to allow these children the same opportunities. Except in select cases such as military participation or other specifics, I also plan to add upper secondary school to the compulsory curriculum.

Because of this, I was hoping for your aid once again. I would like the assistance of the SSS to help develop a curriculum, or at least advise on various aspects of the one I am hoping for. I am aiming for ambitious but fully attainable goals for these students, including but not limited to the following:

- Study of finance and saving starting in elementary school, in conjunction with the awarding of allowances
- Continuing study of finance including loans and budgeting starting in lower secondary school/junior high school
- Early study of psychology so the students may be better equipped to help themselves and each other through their specific and unique troubles
- A more elaborate study of our political and economic system as a whole, aligned with participation in student council programs
- Bilingual (Yamataian and Trade) students upon the completion of lower secondary school/junior high school, optionally trilingual through electives
- A stronger-than-state-required curriculum of math and science throughout
- Basic classes geared toward trades available as early as upper secondary school/high school
- A half-day program for attending higher levels of institutions for the academically gifted
- Elective studies of foreign history, culture, and language

I must also come up with a standardized curriculum for the ages of zero to five, the most critical developmental years of a young mind, where none currently exists. While I am working my best to do so, I feel that advisement and assistance from an established academic institution would be the best possible option for me to pursue. I want this to be known in the minds of the students and the people as an “Academy City”, rather than just an “Orphanage City”, and that requires academic excellence above and beyond that required. I would also be interested an SSS campus of some form being located within the city, perhaps even working with the local high schools. I aim to provide University-level education within the city as well if at all possible.

I thank you for your time in reading this communication and everything you’ve done already for this cause.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
Seventh Fleet
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa

We of the SSS were all to glad to donate that lumber to such a worthy cause, and on a personal note. I prefer having some wood in my living spaces.

As to your project, we can dedicate some of our personnel to help. I would suggest that an SSS Satellite Campus be set up where they can operate out of. The facility could also be used for those students who have completed Kōtōgakkō, and are interested in attending classes at the Gakuin Academy for vocational training.

We could also investigate setting up an Intern program for some of the students who would get to travel on or Tansaku-Class Science vessels, work with the crew while still taking classes remotely.

Do you have a local representative on Kyoto who I can have my people work with? At present the two of us are on opposite ends of the Empire so having some people locally coordinating would be better.

Saiki Kouan,
Shuji, Scientific studies Service
To: Shuji Saiki Kouan
Scientific Studies Service

I can send a trusted assistant and adviser back to Kyoto to help deal with the matter, the same person who helped raise the funds and materials for the initial construction. Her name is Hotaru Grapefruit, and i trust her greatly.

An internship program would be very nice, and I plan to have a spaceport at the city, though some details will surely have to be worked out. I thank you greatly for your further aid.

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
Seventh Fleet
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa

Excellent, I will have my Director of Operations for the Academy Teisei Fudo work on a more fleshed out proposal and have it ready to present when she arrives.

Saiki Kouan
Shuji, Scientific Studies Service
To: Shuji Saiki Kouan
Scientific Studies Service

Thank you very much. I also hope to open the city to kids who aren't orphans, but have family who are on deployment for the Empire and lack people to otherwise care for them. This would include children of active off-world SAoY and SSS, among others government organizations.

With this in mind, you may find your services being extended to the children of your own forces as well as our military. Do you have any special considerations in regard to such a scenario?

Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Densetsu
Seventh Fleet
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