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To Taisho Yui: HX Systems/5th XF Interaction


Inactive Member
To: Mistres Taisho Ketsurui Yui
CC: Empress Motoyoshi Katsuko

As we expand our territories, sometimes our borders between our own respective areas of space meet. The planets charted and claimed by Hanako-Taisa border the western-most territory of the 5th XF, so I wonder if there are any special wishes as to how interaction should be handled.

I offer access of Hotaru and Himitsu to ships of other fleets for restocking and repair, of course.

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito
Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

Taisho Motoyoshi Saito,

1. The HX series Star Systems are currently not claimed by the YSE or used by the Star Army.


Taisho Yui,
Commander, Star Army of Yamatai
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