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SACN To: Takeda Tachiko, Personal Communication


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
To: Takeda Tachiko
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
For Your Eyes Only

Tachiko, I know you have probably been overwhelmed with communications from your comrades and people excited to hear about your recovery. As the Taisho who you reported to those many years ago, I felt the need to reach out, to welcome you back home. As you know, the Empire is at war again with a new enemy that has caused a great deal of destruction and the need for experienced, well-trained soldiers is at an all-time high. You undoubtedly feel the call in your heart to serve again, as that personnel notified me when you requested orders.

I am currently located on Jiyuu, in the former Outer Colonies. Working to bring a renewed life to the Colonies and their people as we face this grave new threat while I work to rebuild the First Expeditionary Fleet.

My daughter, Motoyoshi Kaoru is currently leading a small team that will be instrumental in ensuring one of our nation's assets, particularly the YSS Akuro III, does not fall into Kuvexian hands. Due to your long absence from the Star Army, the fleet you served, I thought I would take a minute to offer you a place on her team as part of a special assignment. Let me know if this is something you will consider and we can take steps in that direction.

I hope this finds you well, and that no matter where you decide to seek an assignment that you enjoy your future. Welcome home.

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet | Star Army of Yamatai
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To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
From: Takeda Tachiko
For Your Eyes Only


I am ready to serve. I have completed necessary upgrades, but have not yet been rescheduled for reintegration training. However, I will do as Taisho asks without hesitation.

Additionally, I am pleased to inform Taisho that I have delivered all survey data from the Taiie system to Chujo Ketsurui upon recovery, including genetic catalog of Taiie IV. I apologize for my delay to get mission data out of harms way.

I await your further orders.

Eternally Vigilant, Forever Forwards,
Takeda Tachiko
Jลtล Hei, Star Army of Yamatai
Reactions: Wes
To: Takeda Tachiko
From: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
For Your Eyes Only


You succeeded in your mission, thirteen years later and you managed to get the data. Please bring a copy with you to Jiyuu. I would like to meet with you personally. You can undergo reintegration training at Fort Tokyo and stay here at Jiyuu-jo as my personal, honored guest. I will update your orders briefly.

Eternally Vigilant, Forever Forwards. We will always remember.

Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
Taisho, First Expeditionary Fleet | Star Army of Yamatai
To: Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko
From: Takeda Tachiko
For Your Eyes Only


I could never refuse such an honor. I will begin to clear medical so I can embark as soon as I receive orders. As my SACN access has been restored, I will ensure physical specimens and copies of all data are available.

We will always remember,
Takeda Tachiko
Jลtล Hei, Star Army of Yamatai
Reactions: Wes
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