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SYNC To Tamahagane Corporation, Subj. VCE Compatibility


Inactive Member
To: Tamahagane Corporation
From: Kage Yaichiro
Subject: VCE Compatibility

Hello. I seek to develop a set of bunk beds with the ability to use Virtual Reality functionality, ones which I hope will become the standard bunk bed in Star Army vessels. I've also found that the bunk bed I've designed is so versatile and portable that I want to also make it available for civilian use. I attempted this before VCE existed with a far less portable and more niche offering, but the market was not yet standardized nor mature and the corporation responsible for making the beds became defunct. Since then, the market has standardized around your protocols, and I seek to learn what is needed for a third party to be "VCE Compatible". I do not explicitly need someone to wear a HALO or use SPINE, given that the heads and bodies of the users will be laying down on the bed.

My options in such a manner are as follows:

1. Coordinate with you to determine a proper standard for the beds to interface with VCE as well as other Army-specific functions.

2. Purchase your systems wholesale and insert them into the beds, unmodified, to allow compatibility via a passthrough. This would be legal as long as the systems were properly purchased and unmodified, meaning that you did not lose any revenue.

3. Stick to my guns and push my own competing pre-VCE era "BedNET" protocol.

The first option is ideal since it is more cooperative. The second, while legally workable, could be taken as intrusive unless I obtain your permission...but requires almost no action on your part if permission is granted aside from determining a wholesale price for your components. The third seems impractical, though I will likely include legacy support for those who had adopted my design early on.

Having a licensee assist in the construction of the bed is also an option which is on the table, but I hesitate to give away production or sale rights for something which I hope to see on military starships as well. It is also possible that there would be increased call for this item during attacks or natural disasters, which a single producer may not be able to meet.

It is possible that a medical gurney based on this bed design would also exist, so your biosystem filter may be useful for treating victims of shock or even directing a body's involuntary systems to prevent bleed out and start the healing process to a degree. Does research of this potential capability already exist, or has it not been explored.

VCE Training is also appealing as a legacy learning option for non-digital soldiers and officers...

I thank you for your time, and await your response.

(OOC: The bed isn't submitted just yet, Yai's still in the design phase. The response here will actually change the form the submission takes when submitted.)
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To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Maeda Ryota


The Virtual Collective Experience system is modular and was designed to handle various interface methods. As long as your UX interface conforms to our safety standards. There should be no problem in getting your system listed as VCE Compatible.

Attached to this message are the specifications to ensure the safety of the user. I look forward to hearing from you regarding your effort to create a suitable interface. That we can test and confirm that it passes our standards

Maeda Ryota
To: Maeda Ryota
From: Kage Yaichiro

Thank you very much! I can get to work with this, and am glad I'm not stepping on any toes over there.
To: Maeda Ryota
From: Kage Yaichiro

I have completed the concept of the Type 40 Bunk Bed. I am sending the data to you and also shipping a prototype for testing.

BunkBedType40.dat attached
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