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SYNC To: Tsuguka and Shiho


Inactive Member
Hey there guys, I first served on the Eucharis so I figured I'd look up the current roster just for the heck of it and you two caught my eye. You chicks are pretty hot. I love your chiseled, muscular, tough looking builds. Keep being beautiful. I sent you some stuff as an incentive. If you ever start feeling like bumping uglies you should consider recording it and sending it my way. I'd totes be willing to sell videos for you. I bet you could make some sweet cash easy simply by filming some intense workout videos. Course I'd rail either of you any day too. You should check out my restaurants if you ever take a trip to Nepleslia.

Best wishes and deep dicking desires,
Akemi Koga

With the message came a crate of gifts:
Forty 24 Packs of Speed!
Forty 24 Packs of Thrust!
Forty Bottle packs of Caalian Springs Soda
20 Mazerinii Mead Ale Bottle Packs
20 Mazerinii Mead Wines
80 pounds of Khuyunii Sweetstones
30 Packages of Twelve Ghoroun Mints
20 Large Bags of Cloudstinger Puffs
1 Hand Woven Tempri-sama Blanket sufficiently large for two beefy Neko
2 1000 KS Gift Cards usable at any Akemi's, one with Tsuguka's name and one with Shiho's

@Dumont @Primitive Polygon
To: Koga Akemi.
From: Ishii Shiho.

Gotta admit that I don't know what about half of this stuff means. While I appreciate the gifts, I'm going to report this to our ship's intel guy. I kinda doubt that the Eucharis' roster is public info, and random gifts feel sort of bribey and suspicious.


P.S. Sorry if SAINT puts the thumbscrews to you.
P.P.S. Unless you actually are up to something.
P.P.P.S. I prefer gifts in the form of lots and lots of money, for future reference. After halloween I still got candy coming out my ears.
To: Ishii Shiho.
From: Koga Akemi.

Ahahaha. Come on buddy, I'll be fine. I'm a former crew member. Anyway, what I meant was I run this part brothel part hostess club business that also serves great food and drinks and has tons of variety and exotic stuff. Sometimes it sells videos of customers going at it with the staff for promotional purposes. As a result of being well known in the adult entertainment industry I could help you make a good debut in it should you ever get up to some fun and film it. You and Toyoe could also probably make some good money just filming yourselves exercising in something skimpy with some good camera work and whatnot. I would love to engage in furious intercourse with you guys.

I'd throw some money your way but those gifts were already pretty generous so I'd like to get something first before I send anything else plus I figure you've already got a pretty good business opportunity. The blanket is valued at 2,500 KS. I really hope you guys use it together.

Would you guys mind telling me about yourselves? It'd be neato to have two more sexy virtual friends.
To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

Hello most lovely person. The two of us are often known to engage in intercourse team actions. The effectiveness of our team spirit is top priority and to promote such an ethos sounds like a most fortunate opportunity. If only more citizens were as active in similar appreciations! Can we arrange a meeting in person, so you can give us a better idea of the target market?


To: Ishii Shiho.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

They might be located in Nepleslian or frontier space, Santo-Hei.

How do you feel about playing a little recreational subterfuge?
After receiving permission from Uso to invite the two lovely ladies over Akemi wrote another message.

To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

Sure. I'm on a very low tech independent frontier planet that recently got a new government. Please don't go suggesting Yamatai conquer it.
I'm really interested in your team actions. Are they all one on one things or do you have techniques for when it's you two and one guy?

I'll make sure I get some really nice food and whatnot ready for you and I'll pay for your trip.
I hope you guys don't think I'm some random weirdo. I really am Koga Akemi, pop singer, business owner and former crew member of the Eucharis. I just wanna reach out to beautiful people and give them a good time that potentially results in everyone making some money in the process.
To: Koga Akemi
From: Ishii Shiho

Look, I still don't know what half the words you're sending me mean. I don't have a problem with you sending gifts or being a fan or whatever, but we're at war these days so we all have to be careful. I'll talk to Tsuguka and see what she's got to say, then get back to you.


To: Tsuguka Toyoe
From: Ishii Shiho

I have no problem with doing some extra work so long as it's not going to end up with too much danger. Wouldn't hurt to get out of the house or whatever.

To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

A frontier planet? How quaint! You should be shooting old timey bounty hunter entertainment films too! Maybe this could be our basis of inspiration!!!! : 3

I think we had a team action where one immobilizes the enemy, and then another attacks the exposed parts? I'm not really sure what you mean, sorry. Good thing you knew about our time off. Maybe you can demonstrate to us?! Shiho might enjoy this training experience.

Do you still look like your old files, or have you chosen a new body these days, Akemi-sensei?

Toyoe-Chan ; 333

To: Tsuguka Toyoe
From: Ishii Shiho

If you find the idea to be an unnecessary risk, that is agreeable, Shiho-Hei. I am only an acting squad leader, after all, and this is outside of the chain of command. But if you want real answers, instead of just another SAINT blackout, it could certainly be an adventurous use of our time off.

I already have more than 50,000KS saved, so we can acquire some untraceable equipment, too.
To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

Whoa. You calling me Akemi-sensei is incredibly arousing. I love it. I'd let you guys restrain me any day as I don't know if I could restrain myself at this rate. I have in fact become a guy. I found women so attractive I wanted to always have the equipment on hand to optimally experience them and make it easier to guess what team I'm on. I look an awful lot like my original form, mostly just bigger and more masculine. I'll send you a pic.

I'd totally train the heck outta you guys. Even though you've got rock hard figures you'd definitely be a soft team by the time I was done. Shiho is kinda strange. She doesn't seem to get anything sexual even when I spell it out. I gotta say that's pretty fuckin' adorable. I love your little 3 faces too.

I bet both of you would make good bounty hunter protagonists. You've definitely got a fearsome profile. It really is quite untamed out here. There are tons of bandits. Thankfully they aren't well armed compared to us space people. If you wanna invite anyone else from the Eucharis over go ahead. The more the merrier.

Attached to the message was a picture of the Neko wearing a black t-shirt and jeans and extending a hand straight forward making a peace sign while he rested the other on his hip. He was of course also sporting a big bright smile.
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To: Koga Akemi
From: Ishii Shiho

Tsuguka says it's fine, and wants to go meet you. I'll tag along I guess, but this had better be worth wasting my time on leave.


P.S. I don't like sweet stuff, the crab cracker things are okay though.

To: Tsuguka Toyoe
From: Ishii Shiho

If he is a spy, then it should probably be stomped out. I don't want to wind up in a cell for accepting gifts from enemy agents. Although I am curious: Do you even want to spend your time off with me? Don't need to drag me around and waste your savings on equipment if it's a bother.

To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

Well I hope they are okay with Nekovalkyrja hanging around over there, Akemi-Sensei. Sometimes the Yamatai Star Empire has to make some pretty difficult decisions to meet security needs. Your business looks interesting, through! Is that why you decided to leave?... No hard feelings!

Meeting at a neutral location first would be fine. We should be ready to meet you in just a few days.

-Toyoe-Kohai ୧( ॑ധ ॑)୨

To: Ishii Shiho
From: Tsuguka Toyoe

I would be lying if I said I really understood you, Shiho-Hei. But you are different from the others. Stoic. You think ahead.

We are both just infantry. Best thing we can expect in the future might well be our Heisho's recommendation to nameless organisation. Is it fair to go into such a thing without knowing the galaxy for ourselves? I wish somebody had given me the chance.

Maybe this is all just a ruse and he really is just some pervert, but I want to know how he knows us, at least. How does the outside world perceive manufactured soldiers like us? There are many things worthy of investigation.
To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

Neutral location? Sure, if you want I guess. Where I am is plenty advantageous to you guys in a way though. Like all you'd need to do is call Yamatai over and it'd make short work of whatever defenses the planet has.

I ended up leaving because Nepleslia is freer to me for better or worse and I felt like running a business with as few restrictions as possible. Like not in some shady or callous way. I just want to employ whoever I want and serve whatever my heart desires. Like I wanna be able to sell deep fried Elysian wings and food only ID-SOLs and Neko like us can survive eating. And if I want to I'd like to be able to employ any decent Mishuu. I hope mentioning that doesn't immediately turn you off everything. I just figure hey, there are Neko on the other side that were born to fight and weren't given a choice as to what they could do and I'm sure there are Mishhu that don't want to fight.

Neko are perfectly welcome where I am. You'll be seen as like some magic super being since the natives don't even have things like electricity and they're all baseline humans.

I'm glad you think my company is interesting. I bet you guys are interesting too since you've probably had some neato experience during your service. I made Akemi's because I wanted to see if I could emulate and outdo Neppies while at the same time creating a place I would actually really like going to. If you ever felt like it you could totally work for me. People only do what they wanna do and they can make a lot of money just by having good social skills.

If you'd like some whale or dolphin I can totally have 'em ready for you. You'd be out of Yamataian jurisdiction after all. You gotta tell me, what do you and Shiho like? Shiho told me she doesn't like sweet things but she enjoyed the crab crackers. And when I ask what you like I mean in general, not just food wise.

If you want a neutral location go ahead and throw suggestions my way.

-Akemi-Sensei ᕙ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) ᕗ

To: Ishii Shiho
From: Koga Akemi

Glad you liked the crackers. I'm sure there's something entertaining for you I could find. Maybe you'd like some old fashion handcrafted goods from the planet I'm currently on. Maybe there's something you'd enjoy hunting or you'd like sightseeing.
To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

Elysian wings? Surely they are vat grown and not... you know... illegal? Please tell me the truth Akemi-sensei! You don't look like a bad person. I'd hate to think you do bad things. It would make me distinctly sad. Morose, even. Crying and stuff. That is how the human people deal with bad things, and that is how I deal with bad things, because I am a human person. This is me painting you a picture of a neko who wants to like you, and does not want to be sad.

I like Aloe Vera juice. It's healthy. And green. Cycling is fun. And healthy for legs. Surfing might be fun, also. That's what people do on holiday, right? I've never been on holiday. Is it beach-y there? Or at least sandy? I'm guessing you are beyond Neppy space, but all of the planets up north aren't super neko friendly. Spacers are scary. I don't want to get hacked. Getting hacked would be scary. And being in nep space would be scary, because getting shot is painful, and pain is scary.

Maybe... Meeting on your planet would be the best option after all. Where is it? What is it even called?

-Toyoe Again
To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

Oh it's totally only vat grown unless people consent to selling bits of themselves or someone wants to donate their body to culinary science instead of the medical kind. I sell meat of all kinds of intelligent/sapient/whatever species. I've got nothing against Elysians. You can try Lorath too.

I'd hate to make you sad when you seem so nice. I'll totally include the coordinates to my place in this message. It's called 188604 for now. It's pretty far out there. It's got beaches galore and people can sail here so surely they can surf I guess. I hope you have a super fantastic holiday here. I'll get you tons of beach wear and stuff. It's crazy sandy here. In fact it's mostly sand. We're thinking of turning the planet into a giant resort world.

To be honest a scary Spacer is a coworker of mine but I think she'd simply want to avoid you, not bother you. I'd totally protect you from any spooky Spacers. I'd never stand by and let a super sexy babe like you get hacked.

Now that I think about it I definitely gotta invite your Elysian bud too. I bet she's a real angel. Unless you're not on good terms.
To: Koga Akemi
From: Ishii Shiho

Is there some sort of rumor that star army people enjoy hunting? I shoot stuff for a living, and don't really enjoy it. I live in a coffin sized sleeper capsule on a warship and have a tiny apartment I'm probably not going to see more than a couple days a year, no space or time for ornaments or anything. Sightseeing seems like it's all flashy lights, only ever been to the sakura festivals in Kyoto and it was just a bunch of flowers. Which were pretty I guess?

We got a war on with Kuvex. If you want gift ideas I'll appreciate you sending me something that'll help me survive a military campaign.

To: Ishii Shiho
From: Koga Akemi

Naw, no rumor. I just don't know what to suggest. As for sightseeing it can be whatever you want it to be. I could hook you guys up with airbikes or something for the trip so you could explore whatever you wanted really fast. There aren't a lot of bright lights here. It's mostly nature you'd be looking at. Most of the planet is unsettled. As for survival gear I did send Mehitabel a cool gun and lots of Triple Power Packs for your NSPs. The latter might come in handy I guess. I don't really know what I'd get you when you've got the whole Yamataian military arsenal at your disposal. Potentially. I figure for now I'll just get your Elysian bud neat guns because she got an award for marksmanship. If there's something you want tell me about it.

To: Toyoe Tsuguka
From: Koga Akemi

Now that I think about it I oughta send some stuff to help your buddy Shiho understand sexual things and give you guys ideas should you take me up on my video offer. At least you might be able to use it as funny reading material and something to tease each other with.

Another crate came with:
2 copies of every issue of Flashbang Entertainment's Naughty Nekos, Yummy Yamatai and Nasty Nepleslia series
100 Flashbang videos
12 Powered Chrome Eggs
Some Kaserine and Vigour
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To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

Taharial transferred out without really saying anything. I don't think her mother liked Nekovalkyrja. Oh well. Mehitabel is really nice and brave, but we barely know each other. Maybe Shiho can convince her. I don't know.

Just got the ledger from the stuff you were sending. People are gonna think I'm ecchi, so I might just hide it around the ship to be honest. As for videos, I don't even know the policy on a member of the YSS Eucharis engaging in, you know, profiteering smutty business? I just need a period of relaxation, Akemi-Sensei. And my friends, too. I'm guessing you know the situation with the war.

Look, maybe it's better we talk in person. I don't know this planet, but it's pretty far out. We should be there in a few days, after I've made some preparations.

-Toyoe-Chan as always

A disconnection. Tsuguka leant back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling. Just what was she getting herself into? The idea of it being 'training' and 'experience' was such a flimsy excuse that she wasn't sure she could count on Shiho to come along. But that was just it... Was Toyoe Tsuguka, Joto-Hei and four year veteran, really just doing this because she didn't want to feel like the star army controlled her entire life from the start?
To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

I get you. I get you. Don't wanna pester you. I'm just goofing around and enjoying sharing my wealth according to my interests. I think you'll find it very relaxing here. Very little hustle and bustle. I'm just glad you're coming here at all and you didn't ignore my messages or tell me off. You're a really good sport. I hope you have as enjoyable an experience as you can being a soldier. Over here we're actually going to fight off some Mishhu to protect people. Some might say I shouldn't tell you that but I figure if you came and poked around you'd find out anyway. Anyway, point is, there you go, your sensei is still fighting the good fight. Truth be told I didn't actually sign up for it but hey, why not? There are these super adorable creatures called the I'ee we're gonna save. What would be super cool is if I could get some magic Mishhu powers using what we found in the wreckage of their ships. Maybe I could be the first male Nightmare. Of course I fancy myself a dreamboat. I always thought their tiny tentacles as fur and clothing was super neat and sexy. Maybe your buds can be convinced to come along by mentioning there could be some interesting ancient ruins to explore. Like this place is super underdeveloped compared to Yamatai and Nepleslia. There could be some interesting old stuff to see.
To: Toyoe Tsuguka
CC: Ishii Shiho
From: Mehitabel Calidius

I've just been propositioned by a very strange ex-neko that claims you both are meeting him about some sort of pornographic film business? This all seems... Flattering, but in a very uncomfortable, bizarre fashion.

To: Koga Akemi.
From: Toyoe Tsuguka.

I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've tracked down personnel files, then. The I'ee have turned up on a few new reports lately, but I'd be lying if I said they were familiar. It's hard to get a sense of scale from the photos. I hope they aren't like, the size of a car... Nightmare Neko on the other hand, I've seen in person, but only in cold storage. I probably shouldn't say much more than that. They are creepy, but I agree the combat potential might make one excited.

Hope the NMX threat isn't too prevailing. I've only fought their leftovers and that was bad enough.

-Still Toyoe

To: Mehitabel Calidius
CC: Ishii Shiho
From: Toyoe Tsuguka

They said they might do that. It all started as a ploy to root out exactly what he wants, and if he is indeed a spy... But to be honest, it's all gotten a little out of hand.

Your skills as an accountant would be vastly appreciated on this mission, however, Calidus-Hei. I have the money to pay for an Origin Princess Yacht, but the plan of using it as a covert ops vehicle only makes sense if I can buy it under a false name and ID register. Do you have any advice in the matter?

I suppose it comes down to our Shosho's drive to get us involved with the Vekimen problem during our time off. I could understand if you and Shiho do not desire to take part in a completely different escapade, but defending the empire's interests, at the same time as investigating some recreational activities, seems like a more... Shall we say, human, use of our time? I've done a bit of research, and there are a considerable amount of resources pouring into this completely unknown planet. It's definitely worth some reconnaissance even from a practical standpoint. It's not like we will get much of a chance once the Kuvexians retaliate properly.

Engaging with organic component docking rituals is entirely optional. It's a standard function of the Nekovalkyrja so I can only assume the team-building utility was intentional.

Besides, I'm going to need to buy space just to put all these inaccurate breeding instruction manuals and sensory manipulation tools within. It might as well have an continuum distortion drive and some guns attached.

-Joto Hei Tsuguka
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To: Toyoe Tsuguka.
From: Koga Akemi.

Oh no, the I'ee are way smaller. They're like the size of a small Neko or smaller. They give amazingly satisfying hugs and they hug and cuddle all the time even when they've just met you. They're super soft and they like getting pet basically everywhere. The scary Spacer we've got is really nice to one. She lets him nuzzle the shit out of her.

As for the Mishhu. Psh. This is Akemi-sensei you're talking to. Dealing with them will be a cinch. Or at least that's what I should say since you're calling me that. It really makes my day having someone call me sensei. Way back in the day your senpai fought them on the ground during the Battle of Yamatai and he successfully defended Hanako against them as they rushed her. He also helped successfully take out a shipyard complex right in the heart of NMX territory by infiltrating it and made sure Tachihara Reika and Helen Klein weren't killed. I'm no stranger to getting shot at and up. I'd let Shiho take me to the mat and destroy me any day though. Same for you.

Oh, I also helped rescue another copy of Hanako.
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