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To: Uso Tasuki ; From: Kyro-vek Draguun


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
Message Direct, Dovanian:

*Current progress within the Kyzu System and Xuno -- [Promising]
*Current Stabilization within Urban Areas -- [Acceptable]
*Current Stabilization within Suburban Areas -- [Acceptable]
*Current Stabilization within Rural Areas -- [Sub-Par]
*Current Military Status -- [Work-In-Progress]
*Current Civilian Status -- [Work-In-Progress]
*Current Resource Extraction -- [Sub-Par]
-Solution(s): Mining Vehicles And/Or Drones Needed
*Current Production Rates -- [Sub-Par]
-Solution(s): More Personnel Training, Better Equipment, More Factories And Facilities
*Current Approval Rating For MOD Government -- [78%]
*Current Unrest Percentage -- [12%]
Additional Notes:

Requesting for more training personnel in order to speed up the educating process. This will lead to more advance facilities to function at full capacity. A total of 3,500 factories have been ordered for construction. Usage, development and production of personnel weapons and armor. A total of 100 Advanced Factories have been ordered for construction. Usage, development and production of vehicles and armaments. A total of 5 'Hyper-Advanced' Factories have been ordered for construction. Usage, development and production of spacecraft and armaments.

Message Sent By Kyro-vek Draguun, King of The Monarchy of Dovania, Vassal of Uso Tasuki.

P.S -- All progress reports will be given monthly, Have a good day Mrs. Tasuki.
To: Kyro


Great job with the reporting. If you need to get a morning stand-up or somesuch going just let me know and I'll be happy to block out some time for it.

First off: PUTERs. Lets get one into the hands of every man, woman, and child on the planet.

Secondly: We've got some mobile factory ships in production right now. As soon as they roll off the line we'll start sending them your way.

Message Direct, Dovanian:

Apologies, forgive me for the lateness in the news. We have recently lasered your face into Y0-1. Holding up all points in our agreement your highness.

Message Sent By Kyro-vek Draguun, King of The Monarchy of Dovania, Vassal of Uso Tasuki.
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