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SYNC To VDTF: Asset Protection

Immortal Cyan

The Cyan Neko
To: Vekimen Defensive Task Force
From: Esmeralda Sinclair, Psychopomp Operative and Representative


I am contacting you on behalf of Psychopomp LLC and one of our created assets. On account of recent events involving a liquidation operation conducted by this asset, we have a specific request. Psychopomp LLC is seeking to isolate this asset from violent retaliation. To that end, I am requesting a discreet military asylum for the protection of this asset and his escorts.

With Regards,

Esmeralda Sinclair

To: Esmeralda Sinclair, Psychopomp Operative and Representative.
From: Khelena Het'Laderen, Sraralumee of the Vekimen and Supreme Commander of the VDTF.

A video of Khelena is attatched.

"Psychopomp again, hmm?" She asked, clearly sitting on a starship given the familiar background, looking a little annoyed. "So you want asylum for one of your people and their little crew of friends? This sounds quite a bit like a favor, a big one at that. It would certainly put a lot of strain on me if I had this asset within my holding. You would have to pay me a great deal for such a request," She explained, tapping her muzzle idly. "Though... There is something I can do. I have a Vekimen in another factions space, gallivanting about with a group of Mercenaries. I will provide you with his contact information, and nothing else. They are good enough that you won't get caught if your asset has any intelligence worth noting. Do call again in the future if you have any business transactions you would like to discuss. Talking business with you is far more entertaining."

The video cuts off, and in the main body of the message there is the contact information mentioned. No name or otherwise is provided.

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